We have FINALLY reached the last week of Digressuary: Thank Digression for THAT! GAH! So I thought I would share with you an observation I've made...
My Dog is prejudiced. Seriously.
Some dogs can be finicky, I get that. But Joel can be downright peevish. There are people he does and doesn't like... And dogs he does and doesn't like. And when he doesn't like someone, he is sort of a butt.
Now the people aren't so hard to figure out. He is a small dog... short more than lean... in fact only short... short and thickish... (so who can blame him for feeling like much of the world has it out for him, eh?) And so he likes people who are small... child-sized... toddlers are best... and he likes people who are patient enough to let HIM warm up FIRST.
Dogs, on the other hand, were sort of a mystery... some (few) dogs he's friendly with, most he ignores, and a couple he is REALLY SNOTTY to... and last night on my walk I figured it out. My dog hates spaniels. He's racist. I'm so embarrassed.
My husband and I have never talked poorly of spaniels in our home. I mean admittedly, we've never HAD one, but we are FRIENDS with some. We don't snub them.
So I started thinking... see, Joel is part Corgi... and the QUEEN has Corgis... I wonder if he's feeling a royal superiority thing... if what he actually is is CLASSIST. I mean spaniels are dogs of commoners, yes? To test this, I will have to introduce him the the King Charles Spaniel around the corner, as if it's a classist thing, that particular breed ought to get a pass.
Whatever the case, I am thinking it is time to take up some sensitivity training with Joel. If he doesn't shape up soon, I might even have to tell him he's adopted.
He's pouting about being photographed in his safe place... I haven't scolded him yet... |