Showing posts with label Books are HAWT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books are HAWT. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Wildest Fantasy

Let’s see if I can even get it out there without getting censored right off the internet, right?

*fans self*

So Michael Oufitt posted something yesterday… and it really got me hot and bothered. And he wasn't even dancing like I like. He was... well...

Maybe this will give you a clue…


And to give you another clue… I have no brothers (or sisters, except the 'of the heart' variety). This is not a sick incestual porn fantasy… No, this is every writer’s DREAM… Having a fandom SO ADORING, so engrossed, so enamored… that they are making PREDICTIONS with other fans about where your story is going to go!

I think (at least for books) fantasy is best able to do this (though on TV a good mystery that runs all season will do it--or say... the Walking Dead, but back to books...). The world building gives the reader a sense of being an insider in some other world… And the fantasy READERSHIP is patient. They like long books and a REALLY long story. So there is time to develop a relationship with the world... and SEVERAL occasions of waiting and anticipating...

The first fandom I got totally engrossed in was the Harry Potter series and the seven books: over a million words, all told. Part of the dive into fandom, of course, is the anticipation… rereading as successive books are pending… talking to others who love them… And seriously… that prediction thing. That even got me to writing seriously for the first time... finishing stories… getting my predictions out there for the world in story form.

I’ve had a few other series I’ve really liked (Sword of Truth, Hunger Games) but none of them quite got me again until Game of Thrones. This series has all that juicy stuff to suck people in, and because the book and HBO series are both going, it ALSO has a lot of people TALKING about it.

That’s what I REALLY WANT… people talking about my books every which way I turn.
Yes. Erm... and pardon the language *blushes*

Thursday, July 19, 2012

You Thought YOU Loved Books...

Is this to die for, or what? I mean we ALL have had fantasies of a library like Belle finds when she visits Beast—high ceilings and books all the way up, but what an elegant twist!

This is a little more intimate, I suppose... probably a lot more realistic...

Or if you want to sleep on them...

Or bathe in them...

Or perhaps you'd like to live in a city that loves them. I understand this is St. Louis? (anybody know for sure?)

I don't have any idea where this one is...  Anybody?  Bueller?

Or as a home for your OTHER favorite thing.... I confess to falling full on in LOVE with this.

But if you are really and TRULY committed to books...

I happen to ADORE this...

I love the whimsy and how impressively TALL that stack is... you know I've thought about getting a tattoo per book that I publish, and I have to confess how appealing this idea is as my 'tattoo of what?' answer. Though the trouble is it is more a Gestault pic, than a book at a time pic... To get the tattoo done piecemeal, I don't think it would look quite this great.

Something like this would work better:

There is even room on the spines for titles--see how they are SORTA 3-D, but not so much that you can't put the next one in there... but then there is only room on a person's back for a limited number... Perhaps if they were lined up sideways... Like on a real shelf... I would LOVE the problem of facing... 'oh, have to go around to my belly' if I published enough books... I ALSO love the idea of maybe a nuance to it... color in the bestsellers or something...

What do you think?  How much do YOU love books?