Showing posts with label grumble. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grumble. Show all posts

Friday, February 1, 2013


Welcome to Digressuary!

Digressuary 1 Submission: My New Superpower

So know how the weather's been full of suckage lately? I've had THREE days this week I had to walk a different route to work, two for fear of drowning (okay, so maybe it is more a fear of having wet socks all day) and one for the very near miss of falling on my hiney... Well on ALL THREE stuff was falling from the sky.

Now I don't melt. And snowfall means it's NOT cold enough for a bundled, walking person to actually FREEZE. And you know... I USED to think it was only a very high maintenance person indeed who grumbled about rain or snow. I used to LIKE THEM. But I've taken up a habit and they interfere.

And there is the constant fear of this, which I've experienced
NORMALLY I walk to work and read at the same time. SOMETIMES I walk along editing instead. Do you know what books and manuscripts are made out of? PAPER. Do you know what PAPER hates? GETTING WET! You know what INK hates? Being forced to bleed in tragic blue lines so they no longer hold their original meaning. So I no longer care for stuff falling from the sky. Not rain. Not snow. Not bird poo (were y'all around when the bird pooed on my MS? True story). Not even leaves, but mostly because they are an indicator Winter is coming and I HATE THE STARKS FOR THAT!

You can maybe see why books don't like water
So my latest editing project, WHAT ALES ME, a nearly cozy mystery centered around microbrewing and Portland, is in 'first edit'. First edit for me is 'the read' in preparation for 'big edit' but I can't seem to stop myself doing small edits on the way. First edit is something I can do as I walk (unlike big edit which requires a lot more writing and must therefore be done naked *cough*).

And I've been FRUSTRATED! I want to edit. I need to edit. And wet stuff is falling from the sky! BLUERG! Or is it BLEURG!? I get those two confused.

I'd like rain again if this would happen
But you know... two days in a row, as I walked in my grumbly non-editingness, my BRAIN engaged and I filled PLOT HOLES!!!! GAH! And by GAH I mean w00t w00t!

That is huge. Know why? Because I LOVE my character list, setting, set up... but the murder itself was missing a little UMPH. And I umphed it! TWICE!

*cough *

Seriously, though... I need to remember to just WALK now and then. At least if I have holes to fill.

How about you? Any writing superpowers? Any OTHER superpowers?