Visualizzazione post con etichetta The Stone Roses. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta The Stone Roses. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì 13 dicembre 2024

The Stone Roses - 1995-12-13 - Leeds, UK (pre-FM/FLAC)

(pre-FM FLAC)

Leeds Town & Country Club 


01 - I Wanna Be Adored 
02 - She Bangs The Drums 
03 - Waterfall 
04 - Ten Storey Love Song 
05 - Daybreak 
06 - Breaking Into Heaven 
07 - Your Star Will Shine 
08 - Tightrope 
09 - Love Spreads 
10 - Good Times 
11 - Made Of Stone 
12 - Driving South 
13 - I Am The Resurrection 

These are the original notes that came with the download, all I've done is parcel it up again courtesy of Trader's Little Helper and add a checksum. Saw a request for it and, at the risk of enduring a bum-numbingly slow upload rate, here it is. Thanks and all credit of course to the original taper, seeder and the estimable thir13en. Or were they one and the same? Oh I dunno, it's late. Anyway, it's a brilliant gig and it sounds astonishingly good.

This was a cool show from the Second Coming. And as the Threepeat seems to be doomed more and more, it might be the last of the decent live shows from them. 

Covering the 95 songs as well as the 90-91 era, a real nice mix that needed some work. It was thin, and the mid-range dominated causing a heavy guitar experience, which has been evened out in the remaster. 

mercoledì 17 luglio 2024

The Stone Roses - 2012-07-17 - Milan, IT (AUD/FLAC)

(Audience FLAC)

Samsung Galaxy City Sound 2012
Ippodromo del Galoppo di San Siro

Source: AUD (see location below) > Church Audio CA-14 Cardioids > Church Audio battery box > Edirol R-09 (24-bit/48.0 kHz, LINE-IN, rec. level 25/30) > SDHC Panasonic RP-SDM04G
location: 20 m from the stage, 15 m right, hat-mounted mic
transfer: SDHC Panasonic RP-SDM04G > HD (via USB) > Audacity 2.0.0 (cut/amplified[+7.0dB(L)/+11.0dB(R)]/faded-in/faded-out) > CD Wave 1.98 (track splitting) > r8brain 1.9 (44.1 kHz resampling/very high quality 16-bit dithering) > TLH (sector boundaries alignment/level 8 compression) > FLAC
generation: master (no optical media extraction)
taper: Giuseppe Pastorelli [G.P.] (doublec)

01 [04:30] I Wanna Be Adored
02 [02:56] Mersey Paradise
03 [03:42] (Song For My) Sugar Spun Sister
04 [03:37] Sally Cinnamon
05 [04:23] Ten Storey Love Song
06 [05:44] Where Angels Play
07 [04:08] Shoot You Down
08 [13:19] Fools Gold
09 [04:43] Waterfall
10 [05:22] Don't Stop
11 [06:18] Love Spreads
12 [04:42] Made Of Stone
13 [05:29] This Is The One
14 [03:35] She Bangs The Drums
15 [12:13] I Am The Resurrection

Total running time [1:24:49]
WAV 16-bit 856 MB
FLAC 16-bit 523 MB

Tape story:
The venue is at the main Milan horse track (thoroughbred horse racing) near San Siro stadium.
I have located myself in front of the right stack, about 20 m from the stage.
Many people were around me and, unfortunately, some of them used Stone Roses' Reunion Tour music as a background for their conversation.
Anyway the sound is good-to-very good, with only occasional screaming and clapping always in time with music.

What about the show?
It was my first The Stone Roses concert and I enjoyed a lot, but I was disappointed with its short duration.
"Something's Burning", for example, even if still listed in available setlist was definitely not played.
The gig was part of the first edition of a new Milan summer festival (City Sound) held at the Ippodromo del Galoppo.
The setlist is mainly based on the first album and related stuff. Only 2 songs from Second Coming.
"Fools Gold" itself is worth the ticket price.

Technical notes:
- The total running time of the recording was 1:28:10; I have cut the first 2:40 mins (The Supremes' Stoned Love used as intro music) and the last useless 40 secs reducing the master to 1:24:49
- I have amplified the whole recording (+7.0 dB on the left channel, +11.0 dB on the right channel), faded-in and faded-out the first and last 10 secs
- If you burn to audio CD, you will need 2 CDs (CD1: 01-08; CD2: 09-15)

mercoledì 12 giugno 2024

The Stone Roses - 2012-06-12 - Amsterdam, NL (AUD/FLAC)

(Audience FLAC)

Heineken Music Hall

"The drummer's a cunt!"

Type: Audience master, recorded 10 metres back from the left-side, ceiling-mounted PA stack.

Source: 2 x matched DPA 4060 mics -> DPA MMA6000 amplifier (100 Hz low-cut filter) -> Edirol R-09HR recorder (44.1 kHz/24 bit WAV)

Lineage: Audacity 2.0.0
* slightly equalised to accentuate the high end
* attentuated peaks of loud applause
* added fades
* split tracks
* converted to 16 bit
-> FLAC (compression level 8) [libFLAC 1.2.1 20070917]

Taper: Ian Macdonald (ianmacd)

01. [banter] [00:36]
02. I Wanna Be Adored [05:27]
03. Sally Cinnamon [04:44]
04. Mersey Paradise [03:05]
05. (Song For My) Sugar Spun Sister [03:54]
06. Where Angels Play [05:31]
07. Shoot You Down [04:27]
08. Fools Gold [12:49]
09. Tightrope [05:36]
10. Ten Storey Love Song [04:11]
11. Waterfall [04:37]
12. Don't Stop [05:50]
13. This Is The One [05:25]
14. She Bangs The Drums [03:44]
15. [banter] [00:22]
16. Made Of Stone [04:50]
17. Love Spreads [06:00]
18. [banter] [00:53]
19. [encore break] [03:32]
20. [banter] [00:55]

Total running time: 86:27

sabato 8 giugno 2024

The Stone Roses - 2013-06-08 - London, UK (IEM/AUD/FLAC)

(IEM Audience FLAC)

Finsbury Park

Source 1: 
Icom IC-R5 > Edirol R-09HR (44.1MHz 24 bit) Left Channel

Source 2: 
AT838 > SP-SPSB-10 > Edirol R-09 (44.1kHz 16 bit) Right Channel

Sources 1 and 2 converted to two channel mono and Source 2 converted to fake stereo using mda_stereo. Mixed and mastered in Adobe Audition CS6, Har Bal 2.3 and Izotope Ozone 5.0

01 - I Wanna Be Adored (PARTIAL IEM/AUD)
02 - Elephant Stone (IEM/AUD)
03 - Ten Storey Love Song (PARTIAL IEM/AUD)
04 - Standing Here (PARTIAL IEM/AUD)
05 - Going Down (AUD)
06 - Shoot You Down (AUD)
07 - Fools Gold (PARTIAL IEM/AUD)
08 - Something's Burning (AUD)
09 - Waterfall (PARTIAL IEM/AUD)
10 - Don't Stop (PARTIAL IEM/AUD)
11 - She Bangs the Drums (IEM/AUD)
12 - Love Spreads (PARTIAL IEM/AUD)
13 - This Is the One (AUD)
14 - Made of Stone (PARTIAL IEM/AUD)
15 - Breaking into Heaven (PARTIAL IEM/AUD)
16 - Elizabeth My Dear (IEM/AUD)
17 - I Am the Resurrection (IEM/AUD)

Songs marked IEM/AUD may be patched with AUD in short periods.

The IEM sounded fantastic, almost a straight soundboard. Unfortunately the wide use of mobile / cell phones and the fact I could not get close to the stage meant that the signal was awful. I used the IEM where I could but I estimate only about 30% of the IEM was good enough. AUD source recorded directly in front of one of the repeater towers and sounds as best as the environment would allow with chatter inbetween songs and during the quieter songs.

giovedì 16 marzo 2023

The Stone Roses - 1983-1989 - Ultimate Rarities (STU/FLAC)

(Studio FLAC)

01. I Wanna Be Adored
02. Heart On The Staves
03. Tell Me
04. This Is The One
05. Boy On The Pedestal
06. All Across The Sands
07. Hardest Thing In The World
08. Sun Still Shines
09. She Bangs The Drums
10. Waterfall
11. Hardest Thing In The World
12. Elephant Stone
13. Sun Still Shines
14. Going Down
15. Sugar Spun Sister
16. Waterfall
17. Shoot You Down
18. She Bangs The Drums
19. Waterfall
20. Made Of Stone
21. This Is The One
22. Elizabeth My Dear
23. (On A Beach In) Normandy
24. When The Wind Blows

1-3: Piccadilly Radio sessions 24/03/85

4: Strawberry Studios, Stockport, 1985, 3am (first ever take)
5-8: Rehersals, Chorlton, Manchester, 18/03/86
9-10: circa '86
11: Demo, Yacht Club studios, Bredbury, Manchester 1986
12-15: Chorlton, Manchester, 12/12/86
16-17: Demos, Manchester Late '87
18-21: Suite-16 Studios, Manchester May '88
22: Battery Studios, London Jan '89
23-24: Demos 1983. Pre-Roses band called The Waterfront who included Squire, Mani & Ian. Kaiser is singing as Ian didn't turn up.