(Audience FLAC)
Newport Music Hall
taper: bumina
equipment: Zoom H2, homemade 9V battery box, MCSM-4 mics
Lineage: MCSM-4 > custom 9V battery box > Zoom H2 @ 96/24 > SD Card > PC > Soundforge 10 (normalized, 16/44 conversion) > CD Wave > TLH > FLAC 8
01 - Hit Me Like A Man
02 - Since You're Gone
03 - Zombie
04 - Miss Nothing
05 - Just Tonight
06 - Goin` Down
07 - Cold Blooded
08 - Aerial (System of A Down)
09 - My Medicine
10 - Make Me Wanna Die
11 - Factory Girl
12 - encore
13 - Nothing Left To Lose
Notes by the taper
If I had to give this recording a name, it'd be "Check Your Fucking Cables Dummy". I am so used to using the plug in power on my recorder that I fed my battery box into it instead of the line input. The bad thing is my mic in jack is very finicky and anytime the jack moves, it pops and clicks horribly which unfortunately made it into the recording A LOT. I must stress that this is prevelant throughout most of the songs and it ruins it, but a source is a source and when everything was just so, it worked great. The band was very tight musically and Taylor was in top slinky form. However, she needs to develop her stage presence. She comes off as being very naive sometimes and her banter loses some steam when every other word out of her mouth is "fuck". Don't get me wrong, I love her singing and the songs, but she leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to talking to her crowds. For a band that has been around for 3 years, she still felt the need to introduce almost every song which makes you feel like she just feels the need to talk. All I can hope is that with age will come stage maturity. However, in person, she's very grateful and incredibly sweet and funny. I met her and the rest of the band after the show and they were very nice people to talk to. All in all, a great show with a semi-poor recording due to my dumb-ass attack.