(Audience FLAC)
Band name: Tesla
Date: August 31, 1987
Venue: City Hall
Location: Sheffield, England, United Kingdom
Tour name: Mechanical Resonance
Media: 1 CDs
Recording type: Audience
Taper: Damien Guasp
Recording Equipment: Sony WM-D6C>Sony ECM-929LT
Lineage: 1st Generation Analog (Maxell XLII)>Sony TC-WE475>PC>AUDACITY>WAV (16bit)>TLH>FLAC (8)
Transfer/Mastering: October 2014
Audio format: FLAC
Total running time: 45:42
Audio quality: 4+
Artwork: No
Jeff Keith - Vocals
Frank Hannon - Lead and Acoustic Guitars
Tommy Skeoch - Lead Guitars
Brian Wheat - Bass Guitar
Troy Luccketta - Drums
01 - Cumin' Atcha Live
02 - 2 Late 4 Love
03 - Gettin' Better
04 - Cover Queen
05 - Changes
06 - Little Suzi
07 - EZ Come EZ Go
08 - Rock Me To The Top
09 - Modern Day Cowboy
Show comments:
Def Leppard/Tesla.
Great opening set from the No. Cal rockers. The band was on fire during this period as they were new comers.
This comes courtesy of my long time friend and taping/trading buddy Damien. Early on when I started this master taper series I was trying to track him down and with the help of fellow taper and friend Mark B. I was able to finally get back in touch with him so an extra special shout out to Mark for that. Damien has so many great shows and it will be a real treat to share those here with everyone to enjoy. His taping started in 1984 and ran heavy until the late 90's early 2000's so as you can imagine there's an awful lot. Most of his shows are some of the best quality boots to come out of Europe during that time. Thanks to him and his approval to post his shows everyone will hear some great shows. Let's Rock!!