Visualizzazione post con etichetta Tesla. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Tesla. Mostra tutti i post

sabato 31 agosto 2024

Tesla - 1987-08-31 - Sheffield, UK (AUD/FLAC)

(Audience FLAC)

Band name: Tesla
Date: August 31, 1987
Venue: City Hall
Location: Sheffield, England, United Kingdom
Tour name: Mechanical Resonance

Media: 1 CDs
Recording type: Audience
Taper: Damien Guasp
Recording Equipment: Sony WM-D6C>Sony ECM-929LT
Lineage: 1st Generation Analog (Maxell XLII)>Sony TC-WE475>PC>AUDACITY>WAV (16bit)>TLH>FLAC (8)
Transfer/Mastering: October 2014
Audio format: FLAC
Total running time: 45:42
Audio quality: 4+
Artwork: No

Jeff Keith - Vocals
Frank Hannon - Lead and Acoustic Guitars
Tommy Skeoch - Lead Guitars
Brian Wheat - Bass Guitar
Troy Luccketta - Drums

01 - Cumin' Atcha Live
02 - 2 Late 4 Love
03 - Gettin' Better
04 - Cover Queen
05 - Changes
06 - Little Suzi
07 - EZ Come EZ Go
08 - Rock Me To The Top
09 - Modern Day Cowboy

Show comments:
Def Leppard/Tesla.
Great opening set from the No. Cal rockers. The band was on fire during this period as they were new comers.

This comes courtesy of my long time friend and taping/trading buddy Damien. Early on when I started this master taper series I was trying to track him down and with the help of fellow taper and friend Mark B. I was able to finally get back in touch with him so an extra special shout out to Mark for that. Damien has so many great shows and it will be a real treat to share those here with everyone to enjoy. His taping started in 1984 and ran heavy until the late 90's early 2000's so as you can imagine there's an awful lot. Most of his shows are some of the best quality boots to come out of Europe during that time. Thanks to him and his approval to post his shows everyone will hear some great shows. Let's Rock!!

mercoledì 17 luglio 2024

Tesla - 2015-07-17 - Clarkston, MI (DVDfull pro-shot)

(DVDfull pro-shot)

Show or Bootleg Title:
Yahoo! Live In Concert (July 17th, 2015)

Show Venue:
DTE ENergy Music Theatre - Clarkston, MI

DVD - Pro Shot

Video Quality/Production Info:
HD Webcast

Audio/Video Specs:
ID : 224 (0xE0)
Format : MPEG Video
Format version : Version 2
Format profile : Main@Main
Format settings, BVOP : Yes
Format settings, Matrix : Custom
Format settings, GOP : M=3, N=18
Bit rate : 9 656 Kbps
Width : 704 pixels
Height : 480 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 1.738
Frame rate : 29.970 fps
Standard : NTSC
Color space : YUV
Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
Bit depth : 8 bits
Scan type : Progressive
Bits/(Pixel*Frame) : 0.953
Time code source : Group of pictures header
Color primaries : BT.601 NTSC
Transfer characteristics : BT.601
Matrix coefficients : BT.601

ID : 189 (0xBD)-128 (0x80)
Format : AC-3
Format/Info : Audio Coding 3
Mode extension : CM (complete main)
Format settings, Endianness : Big
Muxing mode : DVD-Video
Bit rate mode : Constant
Bit rate : 192 Kbps
Channel count : 2 channels
Channel positions : Front: L R
Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz
Bit depth : 16 bits


Set List/Chapters:
01 Intro
02 Edison's Medicine
03 Gettin' Better
04 Hang Tough
05 Heaven's Trial (No Way Out)
06 Signs
07 Love Song
08 Little Suzi
09 Modern Day Cowboy

So Divine (Music Video)

Download Festival 2014 (Donington Castle Park June 13th, 2014 - Donington, England)
So Divine

domenica 2 giugno 2024

Tesla - 1989-06-02 - Middletown, NY (DVDfull aud-shot)

(DVDfull aud-shot)

Orange County Fairgrounds
Middletown, NY
June 2, 1989
CBG Classic Master Video Series Vol. 62

Contrast Clause: All previous versions of this show were at least from a VHS copy of of a VHS master copy of the show off the 8mm master. This version is directly from the master 8mm tape via a firewire as described in the video linage below.

video: (CBG) Ricoh R-600 (same specs as Sony CCD-V5) 8mm camcorder (w/ 2X teleconverter lens) master 8mm analog tape; NTSC, 4:3 PAR, 29.97 fps; transferred to harddrive via a firewire using a Sony TRV-330 8mm digital camera w/ Time Base Correction; video capture, editing, and 2-pass VBR encoding done with Sony Vegas Pro 13 at 8.2K max, 8K avg, 1K min; authored to DVD in Sony DVD Architect Pro 6.

audio: recorded w/ Aiwa-CM30A mic through the Ricoh R-600's external mic in jack; captured with the video from the master 8mm analog tape; audio tweaking done using Sony Vegas Pro 13's 10-band EQ plug-in; LPCM 1536 bit.

Video editing and DVD authoring by Silver Stallion.

full show - running time 51 mins

Frank Hannon – guitar
Brian Wheat – bass
Jeff Keith – lead vocals
Troy Luccketta – drums
Tommy Skeoch – guitar

1. intro
2. Rock Me To The Top
3. Lady Luck
4. Cumin' Atcha Live
5. Gettin' Better
6. Heaven's Trail (No Way Out)
7. Little Suzi
8. Love Song
9. EZ Come EZ Go
10. Hang Tough
11. Modern Day Cowboy

The end of "Rock Me To The Top" and the beginning of "Lady Luck" are missing (CBG moved from the cheap seats to a spot in front of the stage).

My intention was to post this last week on Monday but I got an impromptu job trip for the week. Then I was going to post both this and the headliner last night to make up for missing last week and my neighbors house caught on fire. Not what I expected to happen at all. The weird thing was I was listening to Roger Waters Deja Vu a half hour before the fire happened. When I was 9 years old, two friends and I went underneath a one room school portable and made a little fire to hang out. We put it out as planned. It was a Saturday. On Monday morning we went to school and the portable was a heap of black rubble. We all swore never to mention it or we would be going to prison. That's what we thought at 9 years old. That happened in early December. Then on Christmas morning, another friend and I were riding our new bikes when we saw smoke coming from the other block. We raced over with our mouths making siren noises and rode between the homes to the other block. The garage was pouring out flames. I went to the front door and opened it as it was unlocked. I started yelling to get out of the house that it was on fire. They all stumbled out and said they were taking sleeping pills from a Christmas party the night before (they were probably doing drugs but I didn't know about that kind of thing at 9 years old). We saved the whole family from dying of smoke inhalation. We hit the lottery though as kids, because they owned Marchiano's pizza and they gave us two boys lifetime pizza and sodas there. Oh yea! In the December school bulletin, it said, 'Our hats off to me for saving the Marchiano family in a Christmas Day blaze by noisemaking to wake them up...', the second paragraphs said, 'Still no clues to who burnt down the one room school portable...'.

So yesterday, after listening to Deja Vu, I decided at that moment to go out and get some food. Shut off the stereo and walked outside. I smelled something like burning plastic and thought that didn't smell right. So I looked at my home and noticed nothing and then to my neighbors home to the left of me. Nothing. Then I looked back towards my house and could see something like smoke over my tall tree in my front yard. I walked around the trees and my neighbors garage and bonus room above it were engulfed in flames. I ran to their front door, went to open it and it was locked. I banged on the door and my neighbors came and opened it. They were sitting in front of the TV. They had no idea of what was going on. Ugh. I got them out of the house and everyone lived. Deja Vu to almost 40 years ago when it first happened this way. Weird. I guess I have made up for burning that portable down twice now! That is why I am posting the shows today. Onto the release....

I only have one request, that you don't take these files and post them on other torrent sites. I have many shows to upload. I will upload, let them get seeded by others and after a majority have downloaded the files completely, remove my files so I can seed something new. I prefer to manage my own shows on DIME and The Traders Den. I will upload to other sites when I wish to for select shows. Thanks for honoring my wishes in advance.

This is “CBG Classic Master Video Series Vol. 62”.

In 1987, I was still only audio taping when Def Leppard came through the northeast on their Hysteria world tour. I knew Def Leppard but I didn’t know much about the warm up band they had supporting them. They had their first album Mechanical Resonance out by then and their song Modern Day Cowboy was being played on the radio a lot. I really liked that song, so I planned on recording them as well. Turns out, I liked a lot of the songs they played on first listen at the show. I went out and bought the album after that concert.

A couple years later in 1989, they were the support act for Poison’s first headlining tour for Open Up and Say…Ahh! They were playing our local fairgrounds in Middletown, NY. I had never filmed there, but the NYBG had filmed there before. He would have his partner get the camera in because he was a large guy and could put that huge Sony V5 down his pants and keep it concealed. I could have never done that with that large camcorder and the security at the Orange County Fairgrounds would search you fairly well. Filming and standing the whole time was not the NYBGs favorite thing to do. That was something I liked to do and it was more of the element I liked to film in. Standing in a crowd where I could blend in. Standing and holding the camcorder to my face. I also wanted to film this show and the warm-up band too. So the NYBG and Tom helped me get my camcorder in and do the show.

I started filming on the bleachers in the back for Tesla because I thought I would get popped being so close on the floor filming like the NYBG did it. Especially in the daylight. This was in June when the days were the longest and it was daylight up to 9pm. They would set the stage up in the infield of a race track (it was also Orange County Raceway) and it would face the grandstand on one side. There was a little infield within the oval race track where the GA crowd would stand. After a song or two, the NYBG convinced me to come down to the floor from the bleachers and that he made a wood chip mound for me to stand on. You see, they would fill the infield with woodchips for the crowd to stand on in front of the stage. So, NYBG would go there, and use his foot to scoop up a mound of wood chips to stand on. That way you could be a little higher than everyone else standing on the flat floor. He contested that the Security would not care if I was filming in the GA crowd like that and not come out and get me. That worked mostly and definitely to date with him.

So now I am down on the floor and we made a wood chip mound and I was able to stand up on it and I would be about a foot taller than the crowd of people around me. There would always be a few tall guys and you would get guys putting their chicks on their shoulders, but they couldn’t keep that up for the whole show. So, there you would be on a wood chip mound for the show sticking out of the crowd like a sore thumb and have a huge camcorder to your face filming. I thought for sure I would be popped but I wasn’t. It was daylight for the beginning of Tesla's set too. I was able to film the whole band up close and in their face from the floor. Other than Kiss at the Ritz in 1988 and Paul Stanley at Toad’s Place in 1989, both bars, I had never filmed like this close before in a normal concert setup. Especially in a summer shed or arena. So this was fun to do. I didn’t even need to use the 2x lens on my camcorder to get added closeness. I could have but it was nice to be able to zoom back and get the whole stage view with no ring from the lens. Being that close, you wanted to be able to zoom back as much as you could to get the full stage view too. I was right up front. After the Kiss, Paul Stanley and Tesla shows, I started to get my Modern Day Cowboy BALLS to do this sort of thing. Get Ballsy and shoot the show up close to the band. It wasn’t like now where you can whip out your iPhone and film against the stage back in 1989. It had to be done on a camcorder, a large one. And you had to have balls to do it. In an arena doing that you would have been tackled by those goon security guys and who knows what would have happened. This show that didn't happen.

At the 4:52 mark and again at the 6:18 mark in the show, I was able to zoom in on Kiss Konvention Marrrrrrvvvvvv, the dude behind the barricade who would take all of your money for Kiss Houston Love Gun proshots that he milked everyone's money for through the 80's and 90's. Enjoy Tesla rocking out the fairgrounds in Middletown! CBG5150 Posted to TTD 2017-07-03.

giovedì 2 maggio 2024

Frontiers Rock Festival - 2014-05-01/02/03 - Milan, IT (DVDfull aud-shot DL) DAY 2

(DVDfull aud-shot DL) 

Artists: Night Ranger, Winger, W.E.T., John Waite, Snakecharmer, 
Pretty Maids, Stryper, Tesla 
Location: Live Club, Trezzo - Milano, Italy 2014-05-01, 2014-05-02, 2014-05-03

Video (vlc codec info) 
Codec: MPEG-1/2 Video (mpgv) 
Resolution: 720x576 
Frame rate: 25 
Decoded type: Planar 4:2:0 YUV 

Audio (vlc codec info) 
Codec: DVD LPCM Audio (lpcm) 
Channels: Stereo 
Sampling rate: 48000 Hz 
Bits per sample: 16 

01. Night Ranger - Touch of Madness 
02. Night Ranger - Sing Me Away 
03. Winger - Down Incognito 
04. Winger - Rat Race [Brand New Song] 
05. W.E.T. - Walk Away 
06. W.E.T. - Learn to Live Again 
07. John Waite - When I See You Smile (Bad English cover) 
08. John Waite - Saturday Night 
09. John Waite - Missing You 
10. Snakecharmer - Guilty as Charged 
11. Snakecharmer - Here I Go Again (Whitesnake cover) 
12. Pretty Maids - Mother Of All Lies 
13. Pretty Maids - I See Ghosts 
14. Stryper - Soldiers Under Command 
15. Stryper - To Hell with the Devil 
16. Tesla - I Wanna Live 
17. Tesla - Modern Day Cowboy 
18. Tesla - Cumin' Atcha Live 

19. Frontiers Rock Festival Vol. 3 Sneak Preview 

Total running time: 96 minutes 

Recorded with Sony TG7 
Editing/rendering with Sony Movie Studio 
Authoring/DVD creation with DVD Architect 

SOURCE: Audience 

Menu: Yes (including track listing) 

This is Volume 2 of the Frontiers Rock Festival 2014 trilogy. Apart from the bands that have already appeared in Volume 1 (Night Ranger, Winger, Pretty Maids & Stryper) we also have W.E.T. (the Work of Art, Eclipse and Talisman collaboration with Soto on lead vocals), Snakecharmer (ex Whitesnake members Micky Moody and Neil Murray along with Heartland's singer Chris Ousey), John Waite (the singer of the Babys, Bad English & successful solo artist) and Tesla the American sensation that stormed the rock scene back in the 80s/90s. If you've snatched Volume 1, then you know what to expect. It's all good, audio, video, atmosphere, the setlist, the performances, once again: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!