Visualizzazione post con etichetta The Kinks. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta The Kinks. Mostra tutti i post

giovedì 27 febbraio 2025

The Kinks - 1982-02-27 - Tokyo, JP (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)

One More For The Road (liberated boot)

original source: FM broadcast?

01. Opening
02. Around The Dial
03. The Hard Way
04. Where Have All The Good Times Gone-Tired Of Waiting For You
05. Come On Now
06. Destroyer
07. Yo-Yo 
08. Tokyo
09. Lola
10. Low Budget
11. Superman (incl. Shakin' All Over)
12. Celluloid Heroes

01. Till The End Of The Day
02. Bernadette
03. All Day And All Of The Night
04. Give The People What They Want
05. Pressure
06. Stop Your Sobbing-David Watts
07. You Really Got Me

Officially released songs not included here:

Noise (Extended Remix)(b-side of Come Dancing 12" single)

Ray Davies - Return To Waterloo soundtrack
Return To Waterloo
Going Solo
Missing Persons
Sold Me Out
Lonely Hearts
Not Far Away
Voices In The Dark

giovedì 20 febbraio 2025

The Kinks - 1976-02-20 - New Orleans, LA (AUD/FLAC)

(Audience FLAC)

Kinks - Mc Alister Auditorium, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA - February 20, 1976 Schoolboys Live

Unknown Stereo Audience -> Trade CD -> PC
Quality: Pretty darn good for a 70's audience. Clear, great mix, little bit of echo (see sample below)

I have been a Kinks Kultist for many decades now, and I was always ticked off that there was a great quality soundboard Soap Opera show, but no Schoolboys In Disgrace show, which I consider not only a far better album then Soap Opera, but one of the best albums they ever put out. (By far the best of the RCA period)

Sometime a while ago I found a guy with a million Kinks boot who had this, and so I traded with him (back in the days of trading CD-R's via the Post Office). Usually I don't get into audience shows, nor do I put up shows I didn't record myself, but this seems to be really rare. And after decades of looking I have found only one other Schoolboy show ever (and it was terrible quality).

The quality of this is quite good. Certainly really good for those who are use to audience shows, but even perfectly acceptable to me who usually only listens to high quality soundboard/FM shows.

Date and venue have been verified from Doug Hinman's excellent Kinks book. Obviously this is not the whole show, they opened with a 45 minute Kinks set, then an intermission before coming back for the Schoolboys set (according to Hinman's book). But this is the whole Schoolboy set, which is what is most important!

This was the last show of the 2nd leg of the US Schoolboys show, and therefor the last US Schoolboys show. There were a UK and European legs after this. They really didn't play the Schoolboy show in full too much. The whole tour consisted of (actually shows, not counting studio and TV appearances):

US Tour leg 1: 17 shows East Coast (11/21/75-12/18/75)
US Tour leg 2: 13 shows West Coast, TX and one LA (1/30/75-2/20/75)
UK Tour: 7 shows (2/27/75-3/10/75)
European Tour: 4 shows, 2 Sweden, 1 Denmark, 1 W. Germany (3/26/75-3/31/75)

01 - Schooldays
02 - Flash's Schooldays
03 - Story Of Preservation
04 - Jack The Idiot Dunce
05 - Education
06 - The First Time We Fall In Love
07 - I'm In Disgrace
08 - Headmaster
09 - The First Time We Fall In Love (Reprise)
10 - The Hard Way
11 - The Last Assembly
12 - No More Looking Back
13 - Finale

My rant on comments: Please do NOT thank me in the comments (unless you really want to). Please only leave a comment if you have something particular to add (about the show itself, the artists, the venue; a funny story; a correction, question or observation; story about being at the show, meeting the artists etc…) I find it annoying to go through a whole page of ‘thank you’ just to get some interesting info on the show. I do not understand why some people are so self-important and insecure that they demand everyone thank them for uploading a show. The fact that you download the show is implied thanks! (These are the same people, back in the tape trading days, would only trade you a show if you have equal material that they wanted)

mercoledì 19 febbraio 2025

The Kinks - 1977-02-19 - San Francisco, CA (pre-FM/FLAC)

(pre-FM FLAC)

The Kinks live Winterland, San Francisco 1977.02.19
PRE-FM Recording - KSAN Master Reel (except tracks 1, 21 & 22 from FM broadcast)

The album, Sleepwalker, went Top 40 and the group hit the road to promote it. Armed with strong new material and renewed radio interest in their catalogue, the 1977 tour would attract large numbers of fans and be remembered as one of their greatest.

There is no better example of that tour, than their now legendary stop at Winterland in San Francisco. This performance covers all the bases, from the raw simplicity of "You Really Got Me" and "All Day And All Of The Night" to the deep introspective beauty of Waterloo Sunset." Healthy doses of the recent material from "Schoolboys In Disgrace" and "Sleepwalker" are met with approval and the band rocks harder than ever.

Those who love the band's comeback era will find no better live example of that material than this performance. It is also surprising just how brightly some of the bands early 1970s material actually shines. "Celluloid Heroes" is a perfect example of this. Older fans will be delighted to find "A Well Respected Man," sing-a-long renditions of "Sunny Afternoon" and "Lola" and a full tilt "Victoria" to end the night.

01 - You Really Got Me (Intro)
02 - One Of The Survivors
03 - Sleepwalker
04 - Rush Hour Blues
05 - You Make It All Worthwhile/Ordinary People/Everybody's A Star
06 – Lola(singalong)/Banana Boat Song
07 - A Well Respected Man
08 - Sunny Afternoon
09 - Waterloo Sunset
10 - Celluloid Heroes
11 - Schooldays
12 - Schooldays(reprise)/The Hard Way
13 - Education
14 - Brother
15 - Stormy Sky
16 - Life Goes On
17 - Full Moon
18 - Lola
19 - Alcohol
20 - You Really Got Me/All Day All Of the Night
21 - Life On the Road
22 - Victoria

Total Time = 112:45

The Kinks - 1977-02-19 - San Francisco, CA (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)

VENUE: Winterland

SOURCE: PREFM (3 tracks taken from FM broadcast source for completeness)

KSAN master reel>2 channel mix down tape>?>FLAC>WAV>Cool Edit Pro v2.1>FLAC 6

Probable FM Radio Broadcast -> CD .wav -> .shn >WAV>Cool Edit Pro v2.1>FLAC 6

01. You Really Got Me (intro.) *
02. One Of the Survivors
03. Sleepwalker
04. Rush Hour Blues
05. You Make It All Worthwhile/Ordinary People/Everybody's A Star (Starmaker)
06. Lola (singalong)/Banana Boat Song
07. A Well Respected Man
08. Sunny Afternoon
09. Waterloo Sunset
10. Celluloid Heroes
11. Schooldays
12. Schooldays (reprise, instr.) The Hard Way
13. Education

01. Brother
02. Stormy Skys
03. Life Goes On
04. Full Moon
05. Lola
06. Alcohol
07. You Really Got Me/ All Day and All Of the Night
08. Life on the Road *
09. Victoria *

* = taken from FM broadcast

TOTAL RUNTIME: 1hr 52mins 36secs

Notes by the uploader/trader:
The description of the source of this recording says it was taken from a stereo mixdown tape off the radio station master reel. If this is so, the tape used for the mixdown must have been either low quality/taped over multiple times, or the mixdown was badly eq'd, and/or the tape was badly stored before the transfer to digital took place. It is a PREFM source and it does retains the qualities of a nicely spaced stereo mix. but the overall sound is quitestill b boomy and muddy sounding. Thankfully, I was able to get rid of some of this muddiness while maintaining the qualitiy of the original recording. The quality of the original mix is a little hidden in the source recording. Even after attenuating the frequencies causing trouble, the recording is still bass heavy. Apart from readjusting the frequency spectrum of every track, quite a bit of level adjustment was made to bring up the level of a very quiet recording. The level from track to track on the source recording seems to fluctuate from time to time so I tried to match track levels as much as possible. Finally, some slight compression was used to bring out some of the drowned out elements in the mix and maintain a more balanced overall sound. Conclusively, the recording is now clear, crisper, louder and more balanced. There are some clips and pops throughout the recording that I didnt really pay much attention to. They don't hinder listening enjoyment significantly in my opinion. Here is my gift to the legions of the Kink Kingdom.

martedì 18 febbraio 2025

The Kinks - 1977-02-18 - Santa Monica, CA (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)

The Kinks 
Civic Auditorium 
Santa Monica 
Kbfh/Wxcd Cd 94.7 Chicago Fm Broadcast Krw_Co Dat Master
Aired April-27-1998

WXCD Chicago Fm Broadcast To Dat Master To Wav To Audio Cleaning Lab For Track Marks And Editing Of Ads To Wav Krw Transfer To Tlh Flac Level 8 No Eq Or Other Tampering

Dave Davies guitar vocals
Ray Davies vocals guitar
Mick Avory drums
John Gosling piano organ
Andy Pyle bass
Pamela Travis backing vocals
Claire Hamill backing vocals
Mike Cotton Sound horn section

01 Kbfh Intro
02 Instrumental Intro/One Of The Survivors
03 Sleepwalker
04 Life Goes On
05 Full Moon
06 Waterloo Sunset
07 Well Respected Man
08 Sunny Afternoon
09 Celluloid Heroes
10 Alcohol
11 You Really Got Me
12 All Day And All Of The Night
13 Lola

martedì 31 dicembre 2024

The Kinks - 1980-12-31 - New York City, NY (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)


performance quality: B+ to A-, pretty good

recording quality: close to an A,


1st gen. nice crispy 1st gen. FM broadcast


cdr>EAC>wav to 16-bit>TLH>flac

CD1 (44:47)

01: radio announcer introduction :54
02: you really got me 1:22
03: the hard way 2:48
04: where have all the good times gone > I'm so tired 3:50
05: catch me now, I'm fallin' 4:34
06: bird dog (Everly Brothers) 3:00
07: NYC blues 2:28
08: Lola 5:48
09: dead end street 2:20
10: till the end of the day 2:58
11: low budget 6:20
12: band introductions 1:32
13: imagination's real 3:45
14: nothing more to lose 3:08

CD2 (51:39)
15: I'm not like everybody else > come on now 5:46
16: you really got me 6:15
17: give the people what they want 5:00
18: a gallon of gas 6:17
19: celluloid heroes 8:25
20: all day and all night 5:55
21: announcer > stop your sobbin' > David Watts > pressure 4:23
22: radio announcer :49
23: superman 6:11
24: announcer closing comments 2:37

nothing is official, excellent sound with all the banter inbetween including the veiled references to john lennon's death.

martedì 24 dicembre 2024

The Kinks - 1977-12-24 - London, UK (SBD/FLAC)

(Soundboard FLAC)

Rainbow Theatre

SBD > silver bootleg > EAC > WAV > FLAC

01 - sleepwalker
02 - life on the road
03 - waterloo sunset
04 - all day and all of the night
05 - slum kids
06 - celluloid heroes
07 - get back in line
08 - hard way
09 - lola
10 - alcohol
11 - skin and bone
12 - you really got me
13 - juke box music

The Kinks - 1977-12-24 - London, UK (DVDfull pro-shot)

(DVDfull pro-shot)

The Kinks Rainbow Theatre, London, UK December 24th 1977
Old Grey Whistle Test Live BBC TV Broadcast/VH1-C Rebroadcast
DVD Master From The Krw_co Collection


video attributes from gspot

VIDEO/TV SYSTEM: ntsc 29.97 fps
VIDOE BITRATE: 8264 kbps
SYS BITRATE: 10080 kb/s vbr
AUDIO BITRATE: 256 kbps 48000hz stereo
TOTAL TIME 55 min 29 sec

Ray Davies vocals guitar 
Dave Davies guitar vocals 
Mick Avory drums 
Andy Pyle bass
John Gosling piano organ 
Ray Cooper percussion 
Pamela Travis backing vocals 
Claire Hamill backing vocals 
Mike Cotton Sound horn section

01 - OGWT Intro
02 - Jukebox Music (cuts in)
03 - Sleepwalker
04 - Life On The Road
05 - Dedicated Follower Of Fashion
06 - Death Of A Clown
07 - Sunny Afternoon
08 - Waterloo Sunset
09 - All Day And All Of The Night
10 - Celluloid Heroes
11 - Get Back In Line
12 - Lola
13 - Alcohol
14 - Skin and Bones
15 - Father Christmas 
16 - You Really Got Me (cuts off)

sabato 21 dicembre 2024

The Kinks - 1994-12-21 - Stuttgart, DE (SBD/FLAC)

(Soundboard FLAC)

01. A Well Respected Man
02. Sunny Afternoon
03. Do It Again (tease)
04. Kinks intro > Countdown
05. Till The End Of The Day
06. All Day And All Of The Night
07. Low Budget
08. Celluloid Heroes
09. Apeman
10. Scattered
11. Death Of A Clown
12. Phobia
13. Dead End Street

01. Come Dancing
02. Father Christmas (tease)
03. Aggravation > New World > Aggravation
04. You Really Got Me
05. A Gallon Of Gas >
06. Welcome To Sleazy Town
07. Deutschland
08. Lola
09. Days
10. Twist And Shout 

* Almost all of the original FLACs had microgaps at the ends of the files; these gaps were manually removed via Nero's wave editor 

* Re-tracked show by combining in Nero, splitting with CD Wave

* There was a 3-second dip in the volume in "You Really Got Me" (from the 0:52 mark to the 0:55 mark); increased the volume of this section by 5 dB with Nero

* There was a small gap in "Celluloid Heroes" right before Ray says the word "street"--I reduced the gap as best I could so that it's not as noticeable

* There were 4 instances where a piece of the recording was repeated (similar to when a vinyl record "skips"...maybe it was a bad CD rip???).  I manually deleted the unneeded repititions in these 4 spots:

  1. "Do It Again": removed an extra "Do it again" at end of song
  2. "All Day And All Of The Night": removed an extra "relief" at end of song
  3. "Scattered": removed an extra closing note at end of song
  4. "Welcome To Sleazy Town": removed an extra cymbal at close of song  

venerdì 20 dicembre 2024

The Kinks - 1989-12-20 - Offenbach, DE (AUD/FLAC)

(Audience FLAC)


Position: 20 meters FOS 

Source: SONY WM-F2041 Recording Walkman > SONY Stereo clip-mic > ANA(m) (TDK SA 90) 

Transfer: Kenwood KX-W6060 > Audacity > HDD > WAV > Audacity (normalizing and tracking) > FLAC (via TLH (Level 7 and tested)) > TTD/Dime/Zomb (2009-05-14) 

Tracklist (84:50 min / 01:24:50 hrs): 

01 Intro 
02 Around The Dial 
03 Apeman 
04 Loony Balloon 
05 I´m Not Like Everybody Else 
06 Come Dancing 
07 Low Budget 
08 How Do I Get Close 
09 UK Jive 
10 It (side 1 ->) 
11 Guilty (<- side 2) 
12 Living On A Thin Line 
13 Dead End Street 
14 Welcome To Sleazy Town 
15 War Is Over 
16 Lola 
17 Days 
18 Aggravation > New World 
19 You Really Got Me

mercoledì 27 novembre 2024

The Kinks - 1969-11-27/29 - San Francisco, CA (SBD/FLAC)

(Soundboard FLAC)

The Kinks - Fillmore West, 1969 [SBD] 
Fillmore West 
San Francisco 
November 27-29, 1969 

01. Till The End of the Day 
02. Mindless Child of Motherhood 
03. Last of the Steam Powered Trains 
04. Your Looking Fine 
05. Mr. Churchill Says 
06. Big Sky 
07. You Really Got Me 
08. Love Me Till The Sun Shines 
09. Brainwashed 
10. Milk Cow Blues / See My Friends / Tired of Waiting For You / Brainwashed 
11. Louie Louie 
12. Victoria 
13. A Well Respected Man / Death of A Clown / Dandy

sabato 23 novembre 2024

The Kinks - 1984-11-23 - Frankfurt, DE (DVDfull pro-shot)

(DVDfull pro-shot)

PAL Format

The Kinks live in Frankfurt, Germany, 1984. This is a pro-shot video,
recorded for television broadcast. It is very good plus (vg+) quality.

01 - Around The Dial
02 - Definite Maybe (intro)
03 - State Of Confusion
04 - Where Have All The Good Times Gone
05 - The Hard Way
06 - Don't Forget To Dance
07 - Lola (false intro)
08 - Come Dancing
09 - Low Budget
10 - Do It Again
11 - Word Of Mouth
12 - Lola
13 - David Watts
14 - Dead End Street
15 - Living On A Thin Line
16 - Good Day
17 - All Day And All Of The Night
18 - Till The End Of The Day
19 - Celluloid Heroes
20 - You Really Got Me
21 - I Gotta Move

giovedì 21 novembre 2024

The Kinks - 1970-11-21 - Northridge, CA (AUD/FLAC)

(Audience FLAC)

Audience > ? > CDR > EAC > .wav > FLAC Frontend > FLAC > DVD+R


Pierce College

01) Introduction
02) Til The End Of The Day
03) Last Of The Steam Powered Trains
04) Brainwashed
05) See My Friends
06) You're Looking Fine
07) Strangers
08) Act Nice & Gentle
09) Waterloo Sunset
10) Lola
11) Big Sky
12) Arthur
13) Top Of The Pops
14) You Really Got Me >
15) All Day & All Of The Night
16) Milk Cow Blues >
17) One Night With You
18) Victoria

mercoledì 13 novembre 2024

The Kinks - 1970-11-13 - San Francisco, CA (SBD/FLAC)

(Soundboard FLAC)

Fillmore West

soundboard/cd-r/eac/pc/wav/cool edit 2000//flac

Ray Davies: gtr, vocals
Dave Davies: gtr, vocals
Mick Avery: drums
Pete Quaif: bass

01. Opening (Mr. Wonderful)
02.Till The End Of The Day
03. Last of The Steam Powered Trains
04. Big Sky
05. Brainwashed
06. Strangers
07. A Long Way From Home
08. Harry Rag
09. Act Nice And Gentle
10. Sunny Afternoon (fade in)
11. Waterloo Sunset
12. Lola
13 Top Of The Pops (fade out)

Klassic Kinks, Klassic set, Klassic Venue. God Save The Kinks! Enjoy. Dearg Doom.

martedì 12 novembre 2024

The Kinks - 1972-11-12 - Boston, MA (AUD/FLAC)

(Audience FLAC)

Aquarius Theater


01 - Top Of The Pops
02 - 'Til The End Of The Day
03 - Waterloo Sunset
04 - A Well Respected Man
05 - Sunny Afternoon
06 - Muswell Hillbilly
07 - Apeman
08 - Lola
09 - Celluloid Heroes
10 - Here Comes Yet Another Day
11 - Brainwashed
12 - Arthur
13 - Mr. Wonderful
14 - Acute Schizophrenia Paranoia Blues
15 - The Banana Boat Song ->
16 - Alcohol
17 - Skin & Bones/Dry Bones/Skin & Bones
18 - You Really Got Me ->
19 - All Day & All Of The Night

20 - Good Golly Miss Molly

martedì 22 ottobre 2024

The Kinks - 1978-10-22 - Vienna, AT (SBD/FLAC)

(Soundboard FLAC)

The Kinks 
Vienna, Austria 
October 22, 1978

Source: Soundboard / Audience Mix Recording > unknown generation > DAT 
Transfer Lineage: Sony DAT DTC-ZE700 > Optical Cable > JVC XL-R2010 CD-RW 
Soundforge 9.0 [editing & tracking] > Wav > TLH [SB's aligned] Flac Level 6

** missing: You Really Got Me (theme music) 
01 Sleepwalker
02 Life On The Road (tape end/stop)
** missing: Lola
03 Misfits (tape end/stop)
** missing: A Well Respected Man 
04 Death Of Clown (fades in)
05 Sunny Afternoon
06 Dedicated Follower Of Fashion (tape end/stop)
07 Hayfever (end cut)
08 Celluloid Heroes (cuts in)
09 Trust Your Heart
10 Rock 'n' Roll Fantasy (end cut)
** missing: You Really Got Me 
11 Slum Kids (cuts in)
12 Alcohol (tape end/stop)
13 All Day And All Of The Night (fades out)
14 Live Life (fades in) (tape end/stop)
15 Little Queenie (cuts in)
** missing: Twist And Shout 

Total Time = 61:28 min

domenica 8 settembre 2024

The Kinks - 1985-09-08 - Lynn, MA (FM/FLAC)

(FM broadcast FLAC)

Manning Bowl
Lynn, Mass. USA
September 8, 1985
touring "word of mouth" album
audience recording

trade cassette (TDK-SA 90 min. cassette > played on Nak,. 300 into soundforge (wav) > flac (sb's aligned)

Ray Davies: guitar, keyboards, vocals
Dave Davies: guitar, backing vocals
Ian Gibbons: keyboards, backing vocals
Jim Rodford: bass, backing vocals
Bob Henrit: drums

01: do it again 4:18
02: state of confusion 4:46
03: the hard way 2:33
04: better things 3:21
05: don't forget to dance 5:38
06: Lola tease > blues 1:38
07: come dancing 4:27
08: return to Waterloo 4:23
09: catch me now I'm falling 3:53
10: missing persons 3:48
11: destroyer 5:35
12: (wish I could fly like) superman 7:58 (with batman tease)
13: guilty 4:36
14: a gallon of gas 6:53
15: Lola 5:51
16: all day and all night 4:55
17: gotta move 2:49
18: low budget 3:38
19: living on a thin line 4:15
20: you really got me 5:07

runtime: 90:31 (minutes/ seconds)

Mick Avory left the Kinks after the release of "word of mouth" in 1984. the rest of the lineup is the same as heard on the studio album. three songs from the previous album, "state of Confusion" are included in this concert, and a good collection from earlier ones. the kinks can be bluesy and sometimes a little rockabilly country (Muswell Hillbillies era) but they are best known for rock and roll and they play alot of that in this show. a couple of tracks are slightly cut as the taper edited a couple of times for encore breaks and the tape flip cuts in slightly, but most of the show is in the recording.

giovedì 5 settembre 2024

The Kinks - 1985-09-05 - Cuyahoga Falls, OH (SBD/FLAC)

(Soundboard FLAC)

The Kinks
Blossom Music Center
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
September 5, 1985
source: soundboard
transfer: markp

01 You Really Got Me (tease) > Do It Again
02 State Of Confusion
03 Better Things
04 The Hard Way
05 Don't Forget To Dance
06 Lola (tease) > Come Dancing
07 Return To Waterloo
08 Catch Me Now I'm Falling
09 Missing Persons
10 Destroyer

01 Superman > Shakin All Over > Superman
02 Brother
03 Guilty
04 Gallon Of Gas
05 O-h-i-o
06 Lola
07 All Day and All Of the Night
08 Gotta Move
09 Low Budget

mercoledì 4 settembre 2024

The Kinks - 1982-09-04 - Devore, CA (AUD/FLAC)

(Audience FLAC)

US Festival
Glen Helen Regional park
Devore, Calif
Sept 4th 1982 (2nd Day)

Mics: Sennheiser 2002 Binaural headset
Deck: Sony TCD5M Pro Cassette
Source: 1st Gen Cassette

Transfer: PB Pioneer CT-F1000>ASUS Xonar DG Sound Card>Audacity 2.0 @96k/24bit>Export to 44.1k/16bit Flac8>TLH SBEs Fixed>You

No processing
Quality (A) EX Sound
The sound system at the US Festival was so good, most tapes range EX or better.

Ray Davies
Dave Davies
Mick Avory
Jim Rodford
Ian Gibbons


01 Intro
02 Around the Dial
03 The Hard Way
04 Where Have All the Good Times Gone
05 Catch Me Now I'm Falling
06 Destroyer
07 Yo,Yo
08 Lola
09 Entertainment
10 Low Budget
11 Back to Front

12 Art Lover
13 Celluloid Heroes
14 Come On Now
15 A Gallon of Gas
16 Till the End of the Day
17 Bernadette
18 All Day and All of the Night
19 Pressure
20 You really got me

This show is a must have! The energy is off the scales!

Davies: "I'm on a low budget. What did you say?"
(He points the microphone at the crowd.)

Crowd: "LOW BUDGET !!"

Davies: (visibly impressed if not a little frightened)
"You don't have to shout."

sabato 10 agosto 2024

The Kinks - 1979-08-10 - Detroit, MI (SBD/FLAC)

(Soundboard FLAC)

sbd > TDK-D 90 min. master cassette > 1st generation (so I'm told) copy (TDK-SA 90 min. cassette) > played on Nak. 300 into soundforge (wav) > flac (sb's aligned) torrentially yours.

Ray Davies: guitar, keyboards, vocals
Dave Davies: guitar, backing vocals
Ian Gibbons: keyboards, backing vocals
Nick Newall: saxophone
Jim Rodford: bass, backing vocals
Mick Avory: drums

incomplete recording

sleepwalker (missing from recording)
01 - life on the road 7:13
02 - permanent wave 5:18
03 - Lola 6:50
04 - misfits 5:54
05 - low budget 8:11
06 - superman 8:15
07 - you really got me 3:56 (end spliced)
08 - a gallon of gas 8:06
09 - celluloid heroes 8:57
10 - all day and all night 3:53
11 - encore break 1:31
12 - pressure 2:48
13 - twist and shout (Beatles) 2:30
14 - encore break #2 1:31
15 - Victoria 4:09

runtime: 79:23

"one for the road" live album was recorded during several shows from 1979-1980 low budget tour, but none of it was recorded in Detroit show. this is apparently the whole show except for the opening song sleepwalker. this was first posted without sb's aligned and with the end of you really got me cut off. Someone else later posted a patched version, splicing the end of all day and all night onto the end of it. I decided to try doing the same, to reduce a little "extra" lineage of the circulating version. so here it is, this time without any of the encore breaks edited out.