Doug: You may have noticed that the calendar has turned to October, and that certainly means more "creature features" on the telly, ghouls and goblins decorating the neighbors' yards, cooler temperatures, and just a general turn to autumn. I'd like to focus on the "scary" part of Halloween, but in a broader context: what is it that scares you? Of course many of us would say an illness or injury to a family member, and I wouldn't downplay that.

But what I'm looking for are maybe some of those irrational fears and phobias -- some that maybe, just maybe, for which you have a perfectly acceptable rationale. I'll start.
I don't know that I'm "scared" necessarily, but I do not like to have to deal with dead animals. This is true of natural deaths and mice that I've vanquished. Yuck. Just don't like it. I am usually armed with a very long shovel when having to do clean up in the yard, and I hold that baby way at the end of the handle.

Of course, then there's the issue of putting the deceased in a trash bag and... man, I have goosebumps just thinking about this -- touching said garbage bag to tie it up. Ugh... Worst one was finding a dead rabbit at the back of the yard. Been there for awhile, as he'd gone stiff. Second worst was a bird that had strangled itself with twine it was hoping to use in nest building. It was swinging in the breeze as if on the gallows. I had to take some scissors and just snip the line, and it dropped right into the bag. Still, those beady eyes...
I will admit to being scared of rollercoasters. I'm not sure I even like them from afar. My tolerance for cresting and falling is about 15-20 feet, and no more. I also don't really care to go upside down, so any loop-to-loop is out, as is the sort of Ferris wheel with the cars that can rotate. Uh uh. Not for this boy.
Lastly, I don't have acrophobia (fear of heights), but for whatever reason I don't like to be high up on a ladder. That's more to a fear of that sucker slipping and me with nothing to grab hold of. I imagine I'm quite a sight from behind, as I know my butt cheeks are about as tight as butt cheeks can get when I'm up cleaning out gutters or painting up high. No thanks to that, either.
So your turn. What gets your heart to pumping, maybe the brow to sweating a bit. Got anything?