Showing posts with label USAgent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USAgent. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Simple Question About Captain America

Doug: Is Captain America a person, or an ideal? As we come to comics in the modern age, the guise of Captain America has been worn (in "reality" as well as through retcons) by Steve Rogers, Isaiah Bradley, William Nasland, Jeff Mace, William Burnside, Roscoe Simons, John Walker, James Buchanan Barnes, and Sam Wilson.

EDIT: File this under "great minds think alike". Late last night (7/28/15) we received an email from frequent commenter Tom. Tom had a couple of suggestions for post ideas. I almost laughed out loud when I saw his second one. I'd written today's post around three days ago, and then opened this:

Tom: Idea #2 is a little late. I meant to send it for the 4th of July but you can use it on any patriotic occasion. It would be titled "The Many identities of Captain America/Steve Rogers." We all love Cap, right? So discuss Bucky as Cap, Falc as Cap, the fake Caps,etc. but also Steve as Cap, Steve as Nomad, Steve as The Captain (is that who he was? I dunno). So, when you think about it, there were a lot of takes on America's superhero. So...which stories/incarnations did you like...not like?

So there you have it. Not exactly what I've posited at the top, but it certainly should enhance the rest of today's conversation. Thanks, Tom!

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