Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Justice. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2013

What to Get Your Favorite BABer This Holiday Season...

Doug:  With the holidays nearly upon us, we thought we'd take a minute to give a few thoughts to what we'd like to find in our stockings or under the tree come the end of December.  And in this mythical drawing of names and exchanging of gifts that we'll pretend today, be sure to comment on your "needs" this year!

Doug:  On my radar for several months, but no trigger pulled by me yet, is the Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD trade paperback by Steranko & Co.  I'll confess -- I don't own any original copies and have only one reproduction of Steranko's SHIELD work.  When I first saw this advertised on several months ago, I wanted it immediately.  This will make it on to some list that goes out -- bank on it.

Doug: As I've mentioned briefly in passing a time or two over the past few months, I am interested in selling my comic books.  With that in mind, there are several mini-series that I'd like to replace with compendiums.  The Alex Ross/Jim Krueger/Doug Braithwaite series Justice is now collected in one trade paperback; it formerly had been released in three smaller volumes.  Of course, if I had a gift giver with a bottomless well, I'd ask for the Absolute Edition -- not happening, so I'll settle.

Doug:  Lastly, I think I'll put it out there that an Amazon gift card would be nice.  For my birthday my wife got me a Kindle Fire HD (the 8.9" screen).  I've never purchased any movies for it, but would like to have The Avengers, maybe Logan's Run, on it.  And now, let me re-introduce you to your co-host, newly blogging after her well-deserved vacation!

Karen: I'll just mention that I would love to get the two volumes of Inhumans Masterworks. Although I have most of the Amazing Adventures issues, I have only a couple of issues of the short-lived 70s series. I'd also be thrilled to find Star Trek: The Art of Juan Ortiz under the Christmas tree. Ortiz has created posters for each episode of the original Trek series and many of these are striking works of graphic design. One last plug: I really adore the artwork of painter Eric Joyner, who specializes in scenes of robots and donuts -yes, together. I already know I will have a calendar of his fantastic work for next year, because I ordered it as a gift for myself!

Doug:  OK, I had never seen that art before -- but I love it!  Robots and donuts -- who said everything was better with gorillas?!

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