Showing posts with label Comic books reviewed by the Bronze Age Babies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comic books reviewed by the Bronze Age Babies. Show all posts

Thursday, November 3, 2016

When It's Not "Continued Next Issue"...

The Bronze Age Babies blog is suspended indefinitely. We invite you to use the various navigation tools under the masthead and on the sidebar to find your way to over 2200 posts, almost 700 of which are reviews of comic books, films, books, etc.

Karen and Doug thank you for stopping by and welcome comments on any of our posts. We will be notified of your comment, so feel free to continue any conversations that grab your interest.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

It Was Yesterday Once More

The first Bronze Age Babies masthead, c. June 2009

Doug: Karen started it. She did. In 2007 I am almost positive I'd never read a blog. Oh, sure -- I knew what a blog was. But I don't think I'd ever read one. She twisted my arm, though, and along with a third partner we embarked on the "Two Girls, a Guy, and Some Comics" site. Around 18 months later we landed here in this little corner of the Internet, where it's been childhood and teenage memories every day since. Here's what we said on June 16, 2009:


You've come across a blog that we hope will be a lot of fun.

Your hosts are Doug, a high school social science teacher based in the Midwest, and Karen, a research scientist based in the Southwest. We're about the same age, and despite our lack of geographic proximity, had some similar interests and experiences growing up throughout the 1970's-1980's. Lyndon Johnson was president when we were born, and Ronald Reagan was about to leave the White House (make whatever joke you feel is necessary right here!) when we were wrapping up college.

You'll see discussions of all things pop-culture. One week we might take a look at a film of the era (like Planet of the Apes or Logan's Run), another week it might be a review of a comic book story (Amazing Spider-Man #'s 121-122 -- the deaths of Gwen Stacy and of the original Green Goblin).

We'll tell you what music we were listening to at a given period of our childhood, and what toys we were playing with.

So stop by from time-to-time, and be sure to leave a comment or reminiscence of your own.
Doug and Karen

Doug: That was the only post we published that June. In July, we ran five.

Doug: In the succeeding 7 1/2 years we've published almost 2300 posts, 679 of which were reviews; we've also sent out almost 13,000 tweets. There have been 3.7 million pageviews on our blog (Holy cow!). And some of you have been alongside us almost every step (and occasional misstep) of the way. Today, for the foreseeable future, the Bronze Age Babies goes into hibernation.

Karen: This isn't an easy decision for either Doug or me. The BAB, as we've come to call it, has been a consistent part of our lives, and we truly value the community that has been created here. It's become much greater than anything we could have imagined or hoped for back in 2009, and we want to thank you all for contributing to it. Reading your comments and engaging with you, getting to know everyone -well, it's just been terrific. But a lot has changed over the years, and we're both at a point now where we have too many other demands on our time to continue the BAB with the care it deserves.

Karen: Personally, I want to say thank you for listening, as I've discussed all the geeky things I love, and for making me feel welcome. As a woman, and a girl growing up loving comics, monsters, and science fiction, this has not always been the case. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for treating me like "one of the guys" and either nodding along with me, or telling me when you thought I was full of BS, but always doing it in the spirit of good-humor and respect! It means a lot to me. I hope as I manage to come out from under what is currently an oppressive work load, I'll have more time to roam the various comics blogs and I'll see some of you out there. 

Doug: Karen said "to continue the BAB with the care it deserves". To some extent this blog has become like a child; certainly a member of the family. It's been in need of more care than we've been able to give it on our own, so we certainly don't want to leave this space today without a grateful nod to all those who've contributed as guest writers and guest reviewers over the past couple years. And even before that it was so helpful to us when our friends and readers left us recommendations in the Suggestion Box or during one of our requests for creativity. That was more valuable than you could imagine. But to Redartz and Martinex1 -- you guys were willing to come aboard as "staff writers" (you know Karen and I felt like big shots when we expanded this operation!) and truly take days of posting off our plates. Your presence as regular contributors added new life to the BAB, taking us into conversations that were uniquely your own. We have all been better for it. Thanks so much. And one more shout-out to Dr. Oyola for the professional-looking mastheads we've used over the past three years or so. He did good work, didn't he? Above and below are samples of what I used to cobble together with PowerPoint.

Doug: So what's ahead for me? I am going to read some comics without the mindset of writing about them and scanning from them, that's what I am going to do: just read. I had placed the graphic novel March on the sidebar as an upcoming review topic. I finished reading the third and final volume the morning of October 22nd. While you won't see any extensive thoughts from me here, I will just say "read it" -- in these turbulent political times, every American should; indeed, there is meaning for every human being regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin. I tweeted to Representative John Lewis (D-GA), the author of March, and told him that he is an American hero. I got a response, and I treasure that.

Doug:  But I am going to miss the conversations about comics. You all have been my "regulars" at the comic shop on a Wednesday new-arrival day. The community we sought when we began is a real thing in my life now -- you should know that you've left over 36,000 comments on this blog. That will be missed -- those days when some among you came back again and again to keep a conversation rolling... those were special times. You have come here over the years not to show off your knowledge or to argue; the opportunity for reflection of a shared experience will become a void for me, I know. So I will need to create a presence of my own on other blogs that do something similar to what we have done here -- perhaps among our Super Blog Team Up partners. And down the line? I've for years fancied a blog dedicated to comic books with art by John Buscema. Maybe someday...

Karen: I can echo Doug and say I will miss the conversations. Already, as I write this days before you all read it, I feel a great swell of emotion, knowing that I will no longer get up each morning and (because of the time difference) see your comments in my inbox. And even if I was too busy to participate in a discussion, I still was happy to know that the BAB was providing a few minutes of fun for you all. I know that you'll find new places to go - perhaps even hosted by a few stalwarts we know??  - but being able to help create this space is something I'm proud of. If I ever manage to get some spare time again, I might wind up blogging, but it might be about more free-ranging topics. I may have said all I have to say about comics. I mean, it's been 7+ years!

Karen: Before I lock up my desk and turn off the light, I want to give props to my partner. He has worked so hard on this blog, really taking on the role of publisher, and adding so much extra, like the Twitter feed, to create something special. I may have started us blogging, but Doug has been the driving force behind BAB for years. On top of that, he's just a flat-out good person, as I'm sure you've all gathered. There's no way we could have gone so long, done so many reviews together, without his hard work and good will. So cheers partner.

Doug: Stop it… you’re making me misty. Karen has also been a rock, even in those times when life threw her a few curveballs. She has stretched me as a writer (shoot, partnering with an author whose thoughts run in Back Issue? Give me a break…), and as I’ve said many times, I have read so many comics because of the BAB. I always appreciated the days when her posts ran, as her passion for topics on which I am not well-versed shined loud and clear. We've made a great team. And who knows? Maybe we aren’t finished talking comics. We have agreed to reach out to each other whenever we find a Bronze Age nugget worth discussing. But when that happens, those conversations will occur via email.

Doug: And to this day, believe it or not, the Bronze Age Babies have never spoken to each other.

Thanks for reading!

EPILOGUE: As Karen alluded above, our readers will have an alternative space to check out. Beginning tomorrow, November 3, 2016, Martinex1 and Redartz will be hosting a new blog. Please patronize them and leave them a comment at their new address, Back in the Bronze Age... You won't be disappointed, as we've already seen previews of several of their ideas. It is going to be fun!

Monday, June 16, 2014

How's That for Half a Decade?

Karen: Five years? Has it really been that long? Wow. I can remember very clearly when we started the BAB -everything else is a blur...But seriously, I know both Doug and I feel a sense of achievement making it this far, and most of that feeling comes from you guys, the BAB community, without whose interaction it just wouldn't be the same. I mean, without you guys, it'd just be me and Doug talking to each other, or ourselves, and while that could be fun for a little while, it's not five years worth of hoots and hollers, so hats off to you all, for making this the place that we hoped it would be when we started five years ago.

Doug: Funny story -- way back before we were on our first blog, when the discussion was taking place concerning what we wanted to do about expanding our thoughts on various Silver and Bronze Age comic books, Karen suggested we start a blog. Guess who was skeptical just about up to the date of that first publication? Yup -- me. I think I've warmed to the idea since! And as we've said many times, it's been a labor of love. I want to express again how great this venue has been for me in terms of really getting me back into comics reading. I had been going through the motions in the late 90s-early 00s, buying books that just stacked up, languishing atop the longboxes in my basement comic room. But since I've been a part of two blogging teams, my readership of books I loved (and some I never knew) has taken it's rightful place in my spare time. So I'm thankful to have this forum every day to come and meet some friends for some cordial conversations.

Doug: Looking back over the past year, there are some innovations and milestones worth mentioning. First off, forming a presence on Twitter has brought us new readers and commenters, as well as a wonderful opportunity. Through use of @bronzeagebabies, we have been fortunate to meet several other wonderful bloggers, and those new associations and friendships gained us a part of the second and third renditions of the Super Blog Team-Up. Speaking for Karen (if I may), we were so proud of our first post in this series, when we took a tour through the convoluted history of the Vision and the Original Human Torch. I will again laud Karen for her research in kicking off that post so that we could both then run with it. And it was our presence on Twitter that got us close enough to Kurt Busiek to be able to email him a couple of questions. Those of you who read the post enjoyed his lengthy explanation of his thought process in explaining some of the ways he "undid" the damage wrought by John Byrne in the pages of Avengers West Coast. As to our more recent offering in the SBTU on the Frightful Four, the deadline approached during a somewhat trying time for each of us. Again, if I can speak for Karen, I don't feel that either of us was satisfied with our output on that post. Perhaps it was due to the personal life factors, perhaps it was due to our chest-puffing over the Vision post... but I would never say that we put our best efforts into the FF post. I think I can say publicly, because I don't know why it wouldn't happen, that our pal Osvaldo Oyola will be bringing The Middle Spaces to the ranks of the SBTU on our next go-round in the early autumn.

Doug: As to the milestones, you may recall that we recently published our 1500th post; today's offering is #1544 for those scoring at home. Also for you numbers geeks, either today or tomorrow someone will make the 23,000th comment on the BAB. I guess that more than anything brings a sense of satisfaction to us that we've done what we set out to do -- seriously... 23K comments? Please hear my applause directed at you, the reader. You've done what we wanted you to do when we started five years ago -- to partner with us in a venture that would electronically create the feeling we may have gotten in years gone by, standing at the spinner rack or newsstand the day new comics came out. One more number: tomorrow I'll review Detective Comics #363 from the recently-released Tales of the Batman: Carmine Infantino hardcover. It will be the 489th review by the Bronze Age Babies.

Karen: Now I know some of you might have wondered what's been going on here lately, as I've been less active in these parts. It was even brought to my attention that a few thought there might have been problems brewing here between Doug and I . Nothing could be further from the truth! As we're moving forward I feel like I owe you all an explanation. Back in September, my Dad was diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer. As you can imagine, this was devastating news. Over the last nine months my life was pretty much consumed with this situation. Then last month, Dad passed away after fighting so hard. Throughout it all, Doug has been just outstanding in his support for me. I could not have asked for a better blog-partner, or friend. It took an enormous load off of my mind knowing that I did not have to worry about the blog during this time. I'm very thankful to him for everything he's done, and continues to do, here. However, going forward, I have started to think about my priorities, and I realize I do want to spend some more time with my husband and loved ones, and I need to achieve some goals I've had for myself for some time. This being said, something has to give, and for now, that means fewer partner reviews on the blog. They just take an  incredible amount of time for me. But that doesn't mean we won't still do some! Things are just changing a bit, and I hope you understand why.

Doug: I've of course been very supportive of Karen, and she of me. Not wanting to wreck a good thing, I nonetheless questioned the direction of the BAB with her fading into a less-regular role. I told her (in one of our editorial meetings -- do you know how hard it is to buy/bring the donuts to a meeting when the person you are meeting with is over 1500 miles away?) that I thought we had two "spirits" of the BAB: our partner reviews, and the great community of readers who rally around this space daily. I even offered an opinion that we close this down and immediately re-open on another blog where we'd operate a bit more as individuals -- I was thinking of our readers and your expectations of us and of this blog. I think in the end her advice is very sound -- we need to keep the BAB going, as our readers have adapted to every new idea we've thrown your way through the years (even the clunkers here and there). So when you come by tomorrow, we'll both be here -- as David Byrne said, "Same as it ever was, same as it ever was, same as it ever was". But a seven days a week schedule? That's probably not to be seen for awhile, unless one of us throws something together quickly on a weekend.

Doug: And speaking of the beginning of the 6th year (sheesh!), here's what you can expect -- my solo reviews of the first four issues of Frank Miller's turn on Daredevil, as well as a George Perez Wonder Woman, and then in August to celebrate the release of the Guardians of the Galaxy film, we're going to get back into that partner review saddle and bring the BAB treatment to the first four Guardians (the real Guardians, no less) issues of Marvel Presents. And, Karen did note to me Saturday that it is a shame that our Giant-Size July feature will go on hiatus this year, so for old time's sake we're going to squeeze in a partner review of Fantastic Four Annual #5. So, the more things change, the more they stay the same, huh? Oh, and to Edo Bosnar? You know how you're always singing the praises of DC's Blue Ribbon Digest? I have a new discussion-based category coming your way this week, with that title. Just wait -- it'll be fun!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Comic Books and Things Reviewed by the Bronze Age Babies

Below is a list of every book, comic book and/or graphic novel reviewed thus far on the Bronze Age Babies.  If using this list, please advise us if a link is broken and we'll try to get it fixed right away.  This list will be updated regularly.

  1. Action Comics 267 (Supergirl story)
  2. Action Comics 276 (Supergirl story)
  3. Action Comics 583
  4. Action Comics 591
  5. Adventure Comics 435-436 (Aquaman stories)
  6. Alien: The Illustrated Story (guest review by Edo Bosnar)
  7. All-New Collector's Edition C-55 (Superboy/Legion of Super-Heroes tabloid)
  8. All-Star Comics 58
  9. All-Star Comics 59
  10. All-Star Squadron 14-15 (guest review by M.S. Wilson, aka Mike W.)
  11. Amazing Adventures 01 (Black Widow)
  12. Amazing Adventures 01 (Inhumans)
  13. Amazing Adventures 02 (Inhumans)
  14. Amazing Adventures 07-08 (Inhumans stories)
  15. Amazing Adventures 11
  16. Amazing Adventures 16
  17. Amazing Adventures 18
  18. Amazing Spider-Man 096
  19. Amazing Spider-Man 097
  20. Amazing Spider-Man 098
  21. Amazing Spider-Man 100-101
  22. Amazing Spider-Man 102
  23. Amazing Spider-Man 110
  24. Amazing Spider-Man 111
  25. Amazing Spider-Man 119
  26. Amazing Spider-Man 120
  27. Amazing Spider-Man 121
  28. Amazing Spider-Man 122
  29. Amazing Spider-Man 123
  30. Amazing Spider-Man 124
  31. Amazing Spider-Man 125
  32. Amazing Spider-Man 126
  33. Amazing Spider-Man 129
  34. Amazing Spider-Man 134
  35. Amazing Spider-Man 135
  36. Amazing Spider-Man 136
  37. Amazing Spider-Man 137
  38. Amazing Spider-Man 139
  39. Amazing Spider-Man 140
  40. Amazing Spider-Man 161
  41. Amazing Spider-Man 162 
  42. Amazing Spider-Man 365 (Gwen Stacy story)
  43. Amazing Spider-Man: Parallel Lives graphic novel (guest review by Mike Wilson)
  44. Archie at Riverdale High 01 (guest review by Redartz) 
  45. Archie Comics 64
  46. Astonishing Tales 03
  47. Astonishing Tales 04
  48. Astonishing Tales 05
  49. Astonishing Tales 25
  50. Astonishing Tales 26
  51. Astonishing Tales 27
  52. Astonishing Tales 28
  53. Astonishing Tales 30
  54. Astonishing Tales 31
  55. Astonishing Tales 32
  56. Aurora Comicscene Model Kits - Amazing Spider-Man
  57. Avengers 01.5
  58. Avengers 019
  59. Avengers 028
  60. Avengers 056 
  61. Avengers 071 
  62. Avengers 083
  63. Avengers 089
  64. Avengers 090
  65. Avengers 091
  66. Avengers 092
  67. Avengers 093
  68. Avengers 094
  69. Avengers 095
  70. Avengers 096
  71. Avengers 097
  72. Avengers 116
  73. Avengers 117
  74. Avengers 118
  75. Avengers 119
  76. Avengers 120
  77. Avengers 121
  78. Avengers 122
  79. Avengers 125
  80. Avengers 139
  81. Avengers 140
  82. Avengers 141
  83. Avengers 142
  84. Avengers 143
  85. Avengers 144
  86. Avengers 147
  87. Avengers 148
  88. Avengers 149
  89. Avengers 152
  90. Avengers 158 (100-Word Review)
  91. Avengers 161
  92. Avengers 162
  93. Avengers 164
  94. Avengers 165
  95. Avengers 166
  96. Avengers 169
  97. Avengers 170
  98. Avengers 171
  99. Avengers 185
  100. Avengers 186
  101. Avengers 187
  102. Avengers 273-274
  103. Avengers 275
  104. Avengers 276  
  105. Avengers 277
  106. Avengers Annual 06
  107. Avengers Annual 07
  108. Avengers Annual 08
  109. Avengers Annual 14
  110. Batman 237
  111. Batman 242
  112. Batman 243
  113. Batman 244
  114. Batman 251
  115. Batman 321 (guest review by Thomas F.)
  116. Batman 353 (guest review by Thomas F.)
  117. Batman 404
  118. Batman 405
  119. Batman 406
  120. Batman 407
  121. Batman Annual 08 (guest review by Edo Bosnar)
  122. Batman Annual 09 (guest review by Edo Bosnar)
  123. The Batman Adventures: Mad Love
  124. Batman and Captain America
  125. Batman Newspaper Strip, March 20-June 3 1944
  126. Batman Special 01 (guest review by Edo Bosnar)
  127. Batman vs. the Incredible Hulk (guests review by Edo Bosnar, Mike Loughlin, and Humanbelly)
  128. Batman: War on Crime, part one
  129. Batman: War on Crime, part two 
  130. Batman: Year One (DVD)
  131. Battlestar Galactica: Saga of a Star World and The Memory Machine (tpbs)(guest review by Edo Bosnar)
  132. Big John Buscema: Comics and Drawings
  133. Bizarre Adventures 27 (magazine - Iceman story)
  134. Bizarre Adventures 27 (magazine - Nightcrawler story) 
  135. Bizarre Adventures 27 (magazine - Phoenix story)
  136. Black Goliath 1
  137. Blackmark (guest review by Edo Bosnar) 
  138. Brave and the Bold 079
  139. Brave and the Bold 081
  140. Brave and the Bold 102
  141. Brave and the Bold 104
  142. Brave and the Bold 105
  143. Brave and the Bold 108
  144. Brave and the Bold 110
  145. Brave and the Bold 111
  146. Brave and the Bold 115
  147. Brave and the Bold 120
  148. Brave and the Bold 136
  149. Brave and the Bold 143
  150. Brave and the Bold 197
  151. Captain America 117
  152. Captain America 140
  153. Captain America 141
  154. Captain America 142
  155. Captain America 169
  156. Captain America 170
  157. Captain America 171
  158. Captain America 172
  159. Captain America 173 
  160. Captain America 174 
  161. Captain America 175 
  162. Captain America 176 
  163. Captain America 179  
  164. Captain America 193
  165. Captain America 250
  166. Captain America 253
  167. Captain America 254 
  168. Captain America (Vol. 3) 1-9, 11-13: Winter Soldier storyline 
  169. Captain America Comics 05 (Ringmaster story)
  170. Captain Marvel 04
  171. Captain Marvel 31
  172. Captain Marvel 32
  173. Captain Marvel 33 
  174. Champions 12 
  175. Champions 16
  176. Claws of the Cat 01
  177. Claws of the Cat 03-04
  178. Conan the Barbarian 03
  179. Conan the Barbarian 04
  180. Conan the Barbarian 05
  181. Conan the Barbarian 11
  182. Conan the Barbarian 24
  183. Conan the Barbarian 25 
  184. Cosmic Odyssey, Book One
  185. Cosmic Odyssey, Book Two 
  186. Cosmic Odyssey, Book Three 
  187. Cosmic Odyssey, Book Four 
  188. Creatures on the Loose 30 
  189. Creatures on the Loose 36
  190. Creatures on the Loose 37
  191. Daredevil 081
  192. Daredevil 116
  193. Daredevil 117
  194. Daredevil 131
  195. Daredevil 132
  196. Daredevil 158
  197. Daredevil 159 
  198. Daredevil 160
  199. Daredevil 161 
  200. Daredevil 163
  201. Daredevil Annual 1
  202. The Dark Knight 1 (The Dark Knight Returns)
  203. The Dark Knight 2 (The Dark Knight Triumphant)
  204. The Dark Knight 3 (Hunt the Dark Knight)
  205. The Dark Knight 4 (The Dark Knight Falls)
  206. Darklon the Mystic (guest review by Edo Bosnar) 
  207. DC Comics Presents 03 (100-Word Review by Edo Bosnar)
  208. DC Comics Presents 26 (New Teen Titans preview) 
  209. DC Comics Presents 27
  210. DC Comics Year-by-Year - A Visual Chronicle
  211. DC First Issue Special 13 (Return of the New Gods) 
  212. DC Special 29
  213. DC Super-Stars 10 (guest review by M.S. Wilson)
  214. DC Super-Stars 17 (Huntress story)
  215. Death of Captain Marvel, The (GN)
  216. Defenders 04
  217. Defenders 09
  218. Defenders 10
  219. Defenders 13
  220. Defenders 14
  221. Defenders 26
  222. Defenders 27
  223. Defenders 28
  224. Defenders 29
  225. Detective Comics 363
  226. Detective Comics 369
  227. Detective Comics 400
  228. Detective Comics 402
  229. Detective Comics 407
  230. Detective Comics 437-439 (Manhunter stories)(guest review by Edo Bosnar and M.S. Wilson)
  231. Detective Comics 440-443 (Manhunter stories)(guest review by Edo Bosnar and M.S. Wilson) 
  232. Detective Comics 473
  233. Detective Comics 475
  234. Detective Comics 476
  235. Detective Comics 492
  236. Detective Comics 500 (100-Word Review by Edo Bosnar)
  237. Detective Comics 569
  238. Detective Comics 570 
  239. Devil Dinosaur 01
  240. Donald Duck and the Golden Helmet (guest review by Edo Bosnar)
  241. Dracula (1931)
  242. Dynamite 05 (magazine)(guest review by M.S. Wilson) 
  243. Epic Illustrated 01 (magazine) (Silver Surfer story)
  244. Eternals 01
  245. Fantastic Four 012
  246. Fantastic Four 025
  247. Fantastic Four 026
  248. Fantastic Four 112
  249. Fantastic Four 116
  250. Fantastic Four 119
  251. Fantastic Four 120
  252. Fantastic Four 121
  253. Fantastic Four 122
  254. Fantastic Four 123
  255. Fantastic Four 155
  256. Fantastic Four 156
  257. Fantastic Four 157
  258. Fantastic Four 158
  259. Fantastic Four 159
  260. Fantastic Four 160
  261. Fantastic Four 161
  262. Fantastic Four 162
  263. Fantastic Four 163
  264. Fantastic Four 166
  265. Fantastic Four 167
  266. Fantastic Four 173
  267. Fantastic Four 174
  268. Fantastic Four 175
  269. Fantastic Four 176
  270. Fantastic Four 242
  271. Fantastic Four 243
  272. Fantastic Four 244
  273. Fantastic Four Annual 05
  274. Fantastic Four Annual 11
  275. Fantastic Four Annual 14
  276. Fantastic Four Annual 19
  277. Fantastic Four Roast 1
  278. Fiction Illustrated - Chandler: Red Tide (guest review by Edo Bosnar)
  279. The Flash 123 
  280. FOOM 01
  281. FOOM 02
  282. FOOM 03
  283. FOOM 04
  284. FOOM 05
  285. FOOM 06
  286. FOOM 07
  287. FOOM 08
  288. Frankenstein Meets the Wolfman (1943)
  289. Frankenstein Monster 06
  290. Frankenstein Monster 09
  291. Frankenstein Monster 12
  292. Frankenstein Underground
  293. Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns Gallery Edition
  294. Giant-Size Avengers 01
  295. Giant-Size Fantastic Four 04
  296. Giant-Size Super-Heroes 01
  297. Giant-Size Super-Villain Team-Up 01
  298. Giant-Size X-Men 01
  299. Green Lantern 76
  300. Green Lantern 77
  301. Green Lantern 78
  302. Green Lantern 79
  303. Green Lantern 87
  304. Harlan Ellison's Star Trek: The City on the Edge of Forever GN 
  305. Hero for Hire 01
  306. Hero For Hire 15
  307. House of Secrets 92 (Swamp Thing story)
  308. Immortal Iron Fist: The Complete Collection (tpb)
  309. Incredible Hulk 148
  310. Incredible Hulk 150
  311. Incredible Hulk 162
  312. Incredible Hulk 181 
  313. Incredible Hulk 196
  314. Incredible Hulk 212
  315. Incredible Hulk 213
  316. Incredible Hulk 340
  317. Incredible Hulk Annual 05
  318. Incredible Hulk Annual 07
  319. Invaders 12
  320. Invaders 35-37
  321. Iron Fist 01
  322. Iron Fist 15
  323. Iron Man 025
  324. Iron Man 044 (Ant-Man story)
  325. Iron Man 050
  326. Iron Man 055
  327. Iron Man 060-061
  328. Iron Man 126
  329. Iron Man 127
  330. Iron Man 128
  331. Iron Man 149
  332. Iron Man 150
  333. Iron Man Annual 03
  334. Iron Man Annual 04 (Midnight back-up)
  335. Jack Kirby's Thor Artist Edition
  336. Jim Starlin: A Life in Words and Pictures
  337. JLA: Earth 2 (graphic novel)
  338. John Buscema: Michelangelo of Comics
  339. Joker 04 
  340. Joker 09
  341. Journey Into Mystery Annual 01 (Hercules story) 
  342. Jungle Action 19
  343. Jungle Action 20
  344. Jungle Action 21
  345. Jungle Action 22
  346. Justice League of America 141
  347. Justice League of America 144
  348. Justice League of America 147
  349. Justice League of America 148
  350. Justice League of America 170
  351. Justice League of America 195-197 (guest review by M.S. Wilson, aka Mike W.)
  352. Justice League of America 207-209 (guest review by M.S. Wilson, aka Mike W.)
  353. Justice League of America 200 (100-Word Review by Edo Bosnar)
  354. Kamandi Archives, Volume One
  355. Kamandi Archives, Volume Two 
  356. Ka-Zar (1974) 03
  357. Kenner's Super Powers mini-comics (Batman/Martian Manhunter)(Hawkman/Darkseid)
  358. Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 3) 37
  359. Legion of Super-Heroes (Volume 3) 38
  360. Lee & Kirby: The Wonder Years (aka The Jack Kirby Collector #58)
  361. LCE C-49 (Adventure Comics 369)
  362. LCE C-49 (Adventure Comics 370)
  363. Machine Man 01
  364. Magneto: Testament GN
  365. Mail Order Mysteries
  366. Man of Steel 1
  367. Man of Steel 2
  368. Man of Steel 3
  369. Man of Steel 4
  370. Man of Steel 5
  371. Man of Steel 6
  372. Man-Thing 05-06
  373. Marvel Comics 1 (Human Torch story)
  374. Marvel Comics: The Untold Story, part one
  375. Marvel Comics: The Untold Story, part two
  376. Marvel-Con '76 program (guest review by Colin Bray) 
  377. Marvel-Con '76 program (follow-up guest post by Rob Anderson)
  378. Marvel Double Feature 02
  379. Marvel Fanfare 01-02
  380. Marvel Feature 01-03
  381. Marvel Feature 11
  382. Marvel Feature 12
  383. Marvel Feature (1975) 01 (1st story)
  384. Marvel Feature (1975) 02
  385. Marvel Heroes and Legends 1
  386. Marvel Premiere 14
  387. Marvel Premiere 15
  388. Marvel Premiere 26
  389. Marvel Premiere 28
  390. Marvel Premiere 47
  391. Marvel Premiere 48
  392. Marvel Presents 03
  393. Marvel Presents 04
  394. Marvel Presents 05 
  395. Marvel Presents 06
  396. Marvel Presents 07 
  397. Marvels 01
  398. Marvels 02
  399. Marvels 03 
  400. Marvels 04  
  401. Marvel Shadows & Light 3 (Hulk story)
  402. Marvel Spotlight 02
  403. Marvel Spotlight 04
  404. Marvel Spotlight 05
  405. Marvel Spotlight 30
  406. Marvel Spotlight 32
  407. Marvel Super-Heroes 18 
  408. Marvel Super-Heroes 43
  409. Marvel Tales 33
  410. Marvel Tales 46
  411. Marvel Team-Up 09
  412. Marvel Team-Up 10 
  413. Marvel Team-Up 11 
  414. Marvel Team-Up 20
  415. Marvel Team-Up 40
  416. Marvel Team-Up 41
  417. Marvel Team-Up 42
  418. Marvel Team-Up 43
  419. Marvel Team-Up 44
  420. Marvel Team-Up 59
  421. Marvel Team-Up 60
  422. Marvel Team-Up 63
  423. Marvel Team-Up 64
  424. Marvel Team-Up 69
  425. Marvel Team-Up 70
  426. Marvel Team-Up 79 (100-Word Review by Edo Bosnar)
  427. Marvel Two-In-One 02
  428. Marvel Two-In-One 04 
  429. Marvel Two-In-One 05 
  430. Marvel Two-In-One 20
  431. Marvel Two-In-One 24
  432. Marvel Two-In-One 42
  433. Marvel Two-In-One 43
  434. Marvel Two-In-One 51 (100-Word Review by Edo Bosnar)
  435. Marvel Two-In-One 53
  436. Marvel Two-In-One 54
  437. Marvel Two-In-One 55
  438. Marvel Two-In-One 56
  439. Marvel Two-In-One 57
  440. Marvel Two-In-One 58
  441. Marvel Two-In-One Annual 01
  442. Marvel Two-In-One Annual 02
  443. Marvel's Greatest Comics 33
  444. Marvel's Greatest Comics 46
  445. Masterworks Series of Great Comic Book Artists - Frank Frazetta Shining Knight 1-2 (guest review by Edo Bosnar)
  446. Mego 8" Super-Heroes - World's Greatest Toys!
  447. MetaMaus
  448. Millie the Model 176
  449. Monster of Frankenstein 01
  450. Monsters Unleashed 10 (magazine - Tigra feature)
  451. Ms. Marvel 01
  452. My Love 02
  453. Mythology: The DC Comics Art of Alex Ross (The Trust Batman/Superman story)
  454. New Teen Titans 02
  455. New Teen Titans - "The Judas Contract", part one (guest review by M.S. Wilson)
  456. New Teen Titans - "The Judas Contract", part two (guest review by M.S. Wilson) 
  457. Nick Fury and His Agents of SHIELD 05
  458. Nova 02
  459. The Origin of the Inhumans (tpb)
  460. Origins of Marvel Comics (guest review by Thomas F.)
  461. Our Army at War 240
  462. Planet of the Apes (magazine) 01
  463. The Point Man by Stephen Englehart (guest review by Edo Bosnar)
  464. Rawhide Kid 110
  465. The Return of Tarzan: (Gold Key) ERB's Tarzan 156 and (DC) Tarzan 219-223
  466. Rocket Raccoon (limited series) 01 (guest review by Mike Wilson)
  467. Rocket Raccoon (limited series) 02 (guest review by Mike Wilson)
  468. Rocket Raccoon (limited series) 03 (guest review by Mike Wilson)
  469. Rocket Raccoon (limited series) 04 (guest review by Mike Wilson)
  470. Rough Justice: The DC Comics Sketches of Alex Ross 
  471. Sal Buscema: Comics' Fast and Furious Artist
  472. Savage She-Hulk 01
  473. Savage Sword of Conan 014
  474. Savage Sword of Conan 024 (Tower of the Elephant story)
  475. Savage Sword of Conan 037
  476. Savage Tales 01 (magazine - Man-Thing feature)
  477. The Secret History of Wonder Woman (guest review by Colin Bray)
  478. Secret Origins (1986) 06 (Golden Age Batman story)
  479. Secret Society of Super-Villains 07
  480. Secret Society of Super-Villains 08
  481. Shazam! Power of Hope, part one
  482. Shazam! Power of Hope, part two
  483. Showcase 17
  484. Showcase 100 (100-Word Review by Edo Bosnar) 
  485. Shogun Warriors 19
  486. Silver Surfer (1968) 04
  487. Silver Surfer (1982) 01
  488. Silver Surfer: Judgment Day GN
  489. Special Marvel Edition 15
  490. Spectacular Spider-Man (1968) 2
  491. Spectacular Spider-Man (1976) 01
  492. Spider-Man: Blue limited series (guest review by Osvaldo Oyola) 
  493. Spider-Man/Human Torch 1-2 (guest review by Osvaldo Oyola and M.S. Wilson)
  494. Spider-Man/Human Torch 3-4 (guest review by Osvaldo Oyola and M.S. Wilson) 
  495. Spider-Man/Human Torch 5 (guest review by Osvaldo Oyola and M.S. Wilson)
  496. Spider-Man Newspaper Strips, Volume One
  497. Spider-Woman 01
  498. The Spirit 03 (Warren Magazine)(guest review by Redartz)
  499. Star Slammers (guest review by Edo Bosnar)
  500. Star Trek - Where No Man Has Gone Before (Season 1, episode 1)
  501. Star Trek - The Carbomite Maneuver (Season 1, episode 2)
  502. Star Trek - Mudd's Women (Season 1, episode 3)
  503. Star Trek - The Enemy Within (Season 1, episode 4)
  504. Star Trek - The Man Trap (Season 1, episode 5)
  505. Star Trek - The Naked Time (Season 1, episode 6)
  506. Star Trek - Charlie X (Season 1, episode 7)
  507. Star Trek - Balance of Terror (Season 1, episode 8)
  508. Star Trek - What Are Little Girls Made Of? (Season 1, episode 9)
  509. Star Trek - Dagger of the Mind (Season 1, episode 10)
  510. Star Trek - Miri (Season 1, episode 11)
  511. Star Trek - The Conscience of the King (Season 1, episode 12)
  512. Star Trek - The Galileo Seven (Season 1, episode 13)
  513. Star Trek - Court Martial (Season 1, episode 14)
  514. Star Trek - The Menagerie, Parts 1 and 2 (Season 1, episodes 15 and 16)
  515. Star Trek - Shore Leave (Season 1, episode 17) 
  516. Star Trek - The Squire of Gothos (Season 1, episode 18) 
  517. Star Trek - Arena (Season 1, episode 19)
  518. Star Trek - The Alternative Factor (Season 1, episode 20) 
  519. Star Trek - Tomorrow is Yesterday (Season 1, episode 21)
  520. Star Trek - The Return of the Archons (Season 1, episode 22) 
  521. Star Trek - Space Seed (Season 1, episode 23) 
  522. Star Trek - A Taste of Armageddon (Season 1, episode 24) 
  523. Star Trek - This Side of Paradise (Season 1, episode 25)  
  524. Star Trek - The Devil in the Dark (Season 1, episode 26)
  525. Star Trek - Errand of Mercy (Season 1, episode 27) 
  526. Star Trek - The City on the Edge of Forever (Season 1, episode 28) 
  527. Star Trek - Operation: Annihilate! (Season 1, episode 29)
  528. Star Trek Concordance
  529. Star Trek/Planet of the Apes - The Prime Directive tpb
  530. Star Trek Technical Manual 
  531. Star Trek - USS Enterprise Officer's Manual
  532. Star Wars 38 (100-Word Review by Edo Bosnar)
  533. Star Wars Screen Superstars magazine (1977)
  534. Strange Adventures 206
  535. Strange Tales 115 (Dr. Strange story)(guest review by Thomas F.) 
  536. Strange Tales 169
  537. Sub-Mariner 08
  538. Sub-Mariner 14 (100-Word Review)
  539. Sub-Mariner 67
  540. Super-Heroes Battle Super-Gorillas
  541. Super-Villain Team-Up 02
  542. Super-Villain Team-Up 05
  543. Super-Villain Team-Up 06
  544. Super-Villain Team-Up 07
  545. Super-Villain Team-Up 14
  546. Superboy 068
  547. Superboy 080 
  548. Superboy 167
  549. Superboy/Legion 197
  550. Superboy/Legion 208
  551. Superboy/Legion 216
  552. Superboy/Legion 219
  553. Superboy/Legion 226 
  554. Superboy/Legion 231
  555. Superboy/Legion 233
  556. Superboy/Legion 290
  557. Superboy/Legion 291
  558. Superboy/Legion 292
  559. Superboy/Legion 293
  560. Superboy/Legion 294
  561. Superman 233
  562. Superman 257
  563. Superman 267
  564. Superman 307
  565. Superman 308 
  566. Superman 309 
  567. Superman 400 (100-Word Review by Edo Bosnar)
  568. Superman 423 
  569. Superman (1986) 08 
  570. Superman: Peace on Earth, part one
  571. Superman: Peace on Earth, part two
  572. Superman vs. the Amazing Spider-Man
  573. Supernatural Thrillers 05
  574. Swamp Thing 01
  575. Tales of Asgard, part 1
  576. Tales of Asgard, part 2
  577. Tales of Asgard, part 3
  578. Tales of Asgard, part 4
  579. Tales of Asgard, part 5
  580. Tales of Asgard, Journey Into Mystery 102-103
  581. Tales of Asgard, Journey Into Mystery 104-105
  582. Tales of Asgard, Journey Into Mystery 112-113
  583. Tales of Asgard, Journey Into Mystery 115-116 
  584. Tales of Suspense 57 
  585. Tales of Suspense 58
  586. Tales of Suspense 66-68 (Captain America stories) 
  587. Tales to Astonish 100 
  588. Tarzan (DC) 207
  589. Tarzan (DC) 208
  590. Tarzan (DC) 209
  591. Tarzan (DC) 210
  592. Tarzan (DC) 212
  593. Teen Titans 04 
  594. Teen Titans 20-22
  595. Teen Titans 45
  596. Teen Titans 47
  597. Teen Titans 48
  598. Teen Titans 49
  599. Teen Titans Go! Appetite for Disruption (Season Two,Part One) DVD
  600. The Thin Black Line: Perspectives on Vince Colletta
  601. Thor 147
  602. Thor 148
  603. Thor 154-157 (100-Word Review)
  604. Thor 182
  605. Thor 183
  606. Thor 186
  607. Thor 205
  608. Thor 217
  609. Thor 218
  610. Thor 222
  611. Thor 223
  612. Thor 269
  613. Thor Annual 05
  614. Thor: The Truth of History (guest review by Edo Bosnar)
  615. Tomb of Dracula 01
  616. Tomb of Dracula 10
  617. Tomb of Dracula 18
  618. Tomb of Dracula 19
  619. The Torch limited series 1-8
  620. Untold Tales of Spider-Man Annual '96
  621. Vampire Tales (magazine) 01-03
  622. Vampire Tales 02 (magazine - Satana feature)
  623. Walt Disney's Comics and Stories 275
  624. Warlock 10 
  625. Warlock 11
  626. Weird Wonder Tales 19
  627. Werewolf by Night 15
  628. West Coast Avengers Limited Series 01 (guest review by M.S. Wilson)
  629. West Coast Avengers Limited Series 02 (guest review by M.S. Wilson) 
  630. West Coast Avengers Limited Series 03 (guest review by M.S. Wilson) 
  631. West Coast Avengers Limited Series 04 (guest review by M.S. Wilson)
  632. What If? 04
  633. What If? 06
  634. What If? 07
  635. What If? 09
  636. What If? 20
  637. What If? 31 (guest review by Thomas F.)
  638. Will Eisner's John Law - Detective (guest review by Edo Bosnar) 
  639. The Wolfman (1941)
  640. Wolverine short story, "The Hunter"
  641. Wonder Woman (1987) 09 
  642. World's Finest 215
  643. World's Finest 228
  644. X-Men 04
  645. X-Men 040
  646. X-Men 094
  647. X-Men 095
  648. X-Men 096
  649. X-Men 097
  650. X-Men 098
  651. X-Men 099
  652. X-Men 100
  653. X-Men 101
  654. X-Men 102
  655. X-Men 103
  656. X-Men 104
  657. X-Men 105
  658. X-Men 106
  659. X-Men 107
  660. X-Men 108
  661. X-Men 109
  662. X-Men 110
  663. X-Men 111
  664. X-Men 112
  665. X-Men 113
  666. X-Men 114
  667. X-Men 115
  668. X-Men 116
  669. X-Men 117
  670. X-Men 118
  671. X-Men 119
  672. X-Men 120
  673. X-Men 121
  674. X-Men 125
  675. X-Men 126 
  676. X-Men 127 
  677. X-Men 128 
  678. X-Men 141
  679. X-Men 142
  680. X-Men Annual 03
  681. Young Men 25
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