Showing posts with label Hulk movie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hulk movie. Show all posts

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Ranking the Marvel Movies

Doug: In our discussion of the Ant-Man film a few days ago, the conversation turned to our rankings of the films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This weekend, let's go ahead and do that as a formal activity. Feel free to rank your favorites across the MCU, and tell us some favorite scenes or lines from those movies. And, if you're so inclined, why not repeat the drill but while adding in the non-MCU flicks such as the Spider-Man and X-Men films. Should be fun to see everyone's perceptions!

Doug: So in the post last Thursday, I commented as such --
My ranking of MCU films would be similar to William's, although I'm not certain but that I would have Winter Soldier at the top or at least tied with the first Avengers film. So, for controversy's sake:

1. Avengers
2. Winter Soldier
3. Iron Man
4. Avengers: Age of Ultron
5. Captain America
6. Ant-Man (?)

And then darned if Martinex1 didn't remind me of the Guardians of the Galaxy! Duh to me... So, in the spirit of commenting revisionism, here's how I'd probably revise my list (but ask me again in two hours and you might get something different) --

1. Avengers
2. Captain America: Winter Soldier
3. Iron Man
4. Avengers: Age of Ultron
5. Captain America: The First Avenger

6. Guardians of the Galaxy
7. Ant-Man
8. Iron Man 2
9. Thor
10. Thor: The Dark World

Now, if I wrap in my thoughts on the non-MCU films, the two Thor movies are going to get the heave ho. Here's how I'd see it now (again, could turn in a minute):

1. Avengers
2. Captain America: Winter Soldier
3. Iron Man
4. Avengers: Age of Ultron
5. Captain America: The First Avenger

6. Spider-Man 2
7. Guardians of the Galaxy
8. Ant-Man
9. X2: X-Men United
10. Iron Man 2

So where do you stand. Right now, that is...

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Who's the Best... Depiction of a Marvel Character in Film?

Doug: Best, favorite, "big kudo for a great performance"... -- you decide how you want to deal with this. And in a week, we'll look at this on the flipside. Save your disappointments for that coming "Who's the Worst...?"

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Marvel Movie Timeline

Karen: Marvel has released a timeline that shows when the major events of the Iron Man,
Incredible Hulk, Thor, and Captain America films take place relative to one another. Surprisingly, Iron Man 2, Incredible Hulk, and Thor all take place in the same week! Also amusing is the fact that everything in the timeline is either BIM (Before Iron Man) or AIM (After Iron Man) -the Golden Avenger certainly occupies center stage in this Marvel Universe. You can click on the graphic below, or go over to IGN's article to check it out.

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