Doug: This post originally ran on June 28 2011, but I thought after almost two years it was worth revisiting. As you read Karen's original premise and the comments that followed, why don't you chime in with any updated thoughts, wish lists that have been met, and maybe reiterate what it is that you are still anxiously awaiting. Here's my partner --
Karen: As we've seen from posts and comments here at BAB, we all love a lot of old comics. Thankfully, a great many of the comic series that we adore have been reprinted in either hardback or TPB format. But there are still some books and stories from the bronze age that are waiting to see print.
Karen: While I'm very happy that Warlock, Captain Marvel, and Deathlok have all received the Masterworks treatment (and soon Iron Fist), how about Killraven? I know, he got his own Essentials. But Essentials are black and white, and I need color.
Karen: I'd love to have the "Who remembers Scorpio?" story from The Defenders all in one TPB. Likewise the Legion of Super-Heroes' "Earthwar Saga".
Karen: I'm sure there are some favorites you'd like to see in a nice trade or hardback -so start naming them!