Showing posts with label Mole Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mole Man. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Who's The Worst...Top Tier Villain?

Martinex1: There is an old adage that the villain makes the hero. If the bad guy is nuanced, complex, abundantly evil, scary, manipulative, and potentially stronger than the protagonist, the conflict becomes much more intense because the outcome is unknown and the hero is going to have to be on his "A" game.


Sometimes, I dismiss a comic book story simply because of the nemesis. When the mastermind of mayhem doesn't look like he could manage to swipe a stick of chewing gum, I question the headliner's abilities. Seeing Spider-Man fighting the local purse snatcher for a six issue arc would not convince me to keep buying the book. But somehow, some of the weakest, weirdest, and most off-beat villains make it into a hero's main gallery of rogues.  How that evolves I don't know. So I pose a simple question to you, who is the worst top tier villain? Who is portrayed as a world class threat, but you are pretty sure could be handled by the local chapter of the Cub Scouts?
I supply some examples here that I would classify as head scratchers.  How about you?

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