Doug: Everyone who's been around here for some time knows that Karen and I are huge fans of TwoMorrows' Publications
Back Issue! magazine, and of course that Karen's been published between those covers on multiple occasions. While I'd been waiting anxiously for this month's Avengers extravaganza to arrive on my doorstep (which it did, yesterday), I've been looking at, and neglecting, last month's issue about licensed comics. There are extensive retrospectives on DC's and Marvel's licensing of the Burroughs stable of characters and Indiana Jones in comics, but the major part of the magazine is an article on 25 years of
Star Wars at Dark Horse Comics. Which brings me to today's point -- Do you have characters you love in one medium, but there's just never been any resonation in other mediums?
For example, I really dig
Star Wars, but I've not ventured into any of the novels or comics, and while I intended to watch Cartoon Network's
Clone Wars I never have. Similarly, I've read a few Marvel novels -- notably in the Bronze Age -- but don't seek those out. However, if I could have afforded it back in the day, I'd have eaten up the
Planet of the Apes B&W magazine! But, I've not been interested in the vast amount of
POTA comics that have stocked the shelves over the past 20 years.
Where are your limits for your favorite characters, films, or television shows? Are there things you really like in one format but don't care for in others? Or conversely, are there pop culture icons that you can't get enough of, regardless of the format? Thanks!