Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Paper flower decorations

I wore a white sweater and white shoes, for the letter W. We reviewed nursery rhymes, studied cubes and position in math, we had indoor recess, and I taught two piano lessons after school. Emma made those at young women. Jill went to primary. I went too the activity in case I was needed.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Water on W Week

The kids loved the dollhouse!! More boys played with it in my class than the girls, hahaha!

Kids listened better. I started my smiley face board. We had inside recess because of all the rain. We learned about the letter W and did lessons from both math books. More rain tomorrow.

After school I had a quick meeting with my coach. We stopped at Walmart for a return, then they library to return books and then scripture, dinner and Ross took Emma to her hardwood palace evaluation and I had two piano lessons and Allen took Abby to club volleyball. I played piano, watched a little bit of Alice and Anne with the girls before bedtime.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Future Guinea Pigs

I went to two ward conferences, 9-11am and 11:30-1:30pm, luckily in the same building. Our full stake relief Society presidency attended and taught them lessons. I taught ten minutes of having a relationship with the Savior and dealing with trials and receiving power through our covenants. I stayed after to help a ward secretary in her calling and showed her how to find the Handbook and her responsibilities listed in there. On the way home I drive a few extra blocks and drove on the haunted road filled with trash and debris. We had lots of rain this afternoon. Allen worked on scholarships. Abby found a drawing she made in 7th grade about her "pets" (and since we didn't have pets three years ago, she drew ones she wanted) and it looks JUST like our guinea pigs now! Ross did watermelon Kool aid, lasagna, green beans and toast for dinner. With my sore throat I had peppermint cocoa.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Urgent Care

I saw an Overhead Door trunk and thought of Catherine S. 

Rain cancelled softball practice and umpire certification.
Jill had an indoor game.
I put in an order at Walmart. 
I took Jane to urgent care and she had strep throat. I had to go to the pharmacy in-person twice because they don't know how to count to 21 -- they only gave me 12 pills.
A neighbor in my ward was getting rid of a dollhouse. I asked for it and already put it in my classroom :)

Friday, February 24, 2023

All Smiles

My co-teacher was snowed in and so a Mrs. T helped with the morning class. Ms Hunt worked on smiles for a new behavior incentive chart. Our morning fire drill was cancelled because of the rain and we had indoor lunch and recess with both TK classes in the same room. Crazy with 50 kids! We finished math ch 8, practiced the letter V with a writing page, book and read aloud. The kids went to PE and library. After school go out we had an Juntos group about the Gengis Kahn's cup, his thirst, his consistent bird and poisoned water. 

Our date was to Outback and we watched 3 eps of Andor.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Make It Happen

As I was walking to the staff room I stopped and found Emma's Make It Happen Patriot Pride card. It rained lots and we had indoor recess. We were supposed to do turtle races but will reschedule. I had an aide down the hall come observe a letter V (going on vacation) and lowercase writing lesson. A parent came in to help and helped with writing, cut out traced hands and read a story to the class. My aide helped kids water color their hands. My co-teacher left school early so she could make it home. She said she barely did before I-80 shut down from all the snow. 

Jane and Emma went on field trips today to the theater downtown. Ross took Emma to basketball at the church. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Hot Shots playoff game

The morning TK class did this cool hand trace, water color and writing project. My class saw a pile of them and wants to do them too.

Emma had a basketball playoff game at 4:30 so we went straight there from school. It was a CLOSE game the whole time. They lost by a few points. 18-15. Emma scored 8 for her team. She will be playing in an all star game next week.

Abby skipped Synergy practice because of her teeth. She spent the day resting and relaxing.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Abby's Wisdom teeth

Ross worked from home today and took Abby to her wisdom teeth surgery appointment. She was hilarious! Luckily they took a lot of photos and video. I made a compilation here -- https://youtu.be/eg4aDv01LFA

The kids at school made Mat Man. I was observed after snack. We formed a circle around the run, we sang the name game (Bumpity Yellow Bus) and then I modeled the expectations with the name card and the writing sheet. Things went really well with the observation. Beverly, my induction coach, said she loves the songs I do and wants to learn them and then when she comes back I do different ones :)

Jill went to softball practice and they donated her old small glove. She is using a bigger glove this season.

Monday, February 20, 2023

City Beach Day 3

 Feb 20

Sleeping in, breakfast, pool, volleyball tournament, driving home, softball practice, basketball game

YouTube video of volleyball clips -- https://youtu.be/GvV6vemnU10

Emma's team won. Next playoff game will be Wednesday.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

San Jose Mission

 Feb 19

Church in San Jose, Willow Glen Ward

Winchester House grounds

Bay State Park

San Jose Mission (2nd one today!)

We skipped volleyball games today. Her team knows she doesn't play on Sundays and they do a different playing line-up on Sundays.

Hi hotel!
Picture in the church lobby. Such a unique building. Very small ward!
They found a compliment wall.
This building is also the mission office for San Jose Mission,

The Winchester Mystery House was 11  minutes, 4 miles from church. We visited only the grounds and took photos because Jill has a report on his due in May. We visited it about 4 years ago, but she is much younger in all the photos. Since we were so close I thought we should get some recent photos.

We got back to the hotel and had warmed up pizza (we bought the night before) and played games and I ordered sport photos of the girls.

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