Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Court of Honor

I waved at Ross and Erik playing tennis while I was out on a walk. Abby finished her final therapy session, we laughed at the sign near the library!, and Allen MCed the Court of Honor. He wrote the script for the meeting, planned the skit, increased in ranks and earned three merit badges. He was pretty proud.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Last Free Swim Night

Early walk, drove Ross to work (because his car was still at work because he Uber-ed to the airport to fly out to Utah), playing catchup with laundry and groceries, and free swim night. We got there about 8pm. Kids had about 25 minutes to swim and they mostly had the pool to themselves.

We enjoyed a Mondo Mint treat after scriptures!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Church in Clearfield with Cousins

We went to Amy's ward in Clearfield. Then drove to California.

Cute cousins at church!

I love this view! Right from my parents' house.

We stopped at the Bonneville Salt Flats.

We had a picnic lunch.

We got home about 8:30, pacific time.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Ogden Temple & Erickson Reunion

On Saturday morning the grownups went to the Ogden Temple, packed things up and went to the Erickson Reunion at the Lions Park in Provo. We were there 3:45-9. Ross and I talked to almost everyone there. So much to see cousins. It's been a long time.

Friday, July 27, 2018

25K+ steps!

Friday I went on a 3+mile walk up to the new temple grounds, we to the Treehouse Museum 10-5, we had a pizza party and watched Cool Runnings and I picked up Ross at the airport at 10:30pm. Note, regarding the title: I was trying to really catch up on my steps for weekly fitbit challenge against other friends. I really caught up but it wasn't enough to win. :)

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