On Wednesday Abby had her gaite study appointment at the Shriner's Hospital. It was at the Motion Analysis Lab. They were going to measure her bones and muscles, specifically in her leg to determine how to move forward if we decide to fix her crooked leg bone/foot. She had the large room to herself with two kinesiologists for two hours. They did all kinds of tests, including one with markers and then capture the movement on computer, like they do with computer animated movies. Then they used electric probes with cords (she wore a vest that make her look like a robot--she even had "shoes" they taped on) and it captured the wave of her muscle movement on the computer. After we left the lab Abby had xrays done. They will be use all data, meet together in a team and decide how to move forward. We follow up in six weeks.
Ross took her to the appointment at 8:30am. Once I got everyone to school Jill and I went downtown and then Ross went off to work. We got Abby back to school just before lunch.
As we were leaving the hospital Abby was telling me about a clown she saw in the lobby. I hadn't seen him. And then as we were going to the parking garage Jill was ahead of us and pushed the elevator door, which opened and I noticed she took a few steps back. There was a clown that got right off and was talking to her. Right to his face she said, "you're creepy!". He said, "no, I'm a happy clown" and gave both Abby and Jill his clown card. We headed up the elevator and when we got to the car Abby said, "did you notice he didn't deny he was creepy though." Hahaha. Nope. I thought it was a little creepy too.
We had back-to-back soccer practices that afternoon (since the twins' coach wanted to move it since Tues and Thurs regular times were over 100 degrees... Wed was only 99.)
Ross met us at the twins soccer practice and we visited. The girls team just stayed in the shade. After practice he took Allen home teaching.