This first Wheel bonus-round puzzle I did today was this...
I easily solved. Made laugh as I thought all all the swim lessons we've had and how we're going to the beach day day tomorrow. Definitely some sun exposure. ☺️
A few weeks ago after trek I solved this one:
I liked the pattern and the idea of something cold (ice maker) after days in the heat with full pioneer garb.☺️
I've been enjoying playing Wheel on my phone in between mom and house duties. I've also been listening to Toad the Wet Sprocket in preparation for a concert next week.
I've worked on potty training Jill. This afternoon since it's hot we'll hang out inside work on puzzles to Friday Flicks, go to the roller rink at 3, and then it's date night.
This morning while we were getting ready Ross, confirming tonight's plan, said "tacos, Temple, tonight... Look what you done to me!!" Yep, thinking in alliteration spices up life. ☺️