Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Staying At Home

Our Camry is getting fixed today which means I have no car. We might try for a morning walk (and sweat it out!) or just stay indoors all day if people seem less motivated for it. Right now Allen and Abby are watching a video teaching Spanish to kids (I've told them that their grandparents in Utah will be learning Spanish for their mission), Jane and Emma are still sleeping, and I'm off to go wash my hair and later start on the August Ensign.

Yesterday, I finished President's Monson's biography (I can cross that off my year's goal list) and completed all of yesterday's check list! My Family Home Evening lesson was about trying to be like Jesus. We sang the song we learned in primary yesterday, read a scripture, answered different scenarios with the final question of "what would Jesus do?" and enjoyed Swedish fish for our treat while listening to scriptures.

Today while we spend time indoors I hope rotate some toys, mop the kitchen, wipe all the sticky chairs and have an afternoon movie party. Tonight I'm eager to watch ladies gymnastics while working on my build-a-pizza posters for primary.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Today's To-Do List

__ dentist appointment this morning. *CHECK!
__ grocery shopping (milk, cereal, bananas, and a treat for FHE) *CHECK!
__ get all the little people dressed
__ index one batch
__ story time at the library
__ piano for A & A
__ lunch followed by quiet time
__ reading, playing
__ pick up last prizes at a different library
__ gymnastics class (the final one)
__ Family Home Evening and dinner
__ straighten house
__ watch Olympics while working on primary singing stuff

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Family Dialogue

Ross: Yesterday I just ran a 35K which is just over 22 miles in 100 degrees. What did I get at the end? A honey jar that reads "Sweet! You finished!" Right now I'm home teaching. Soon I can say the same thing about that.

Andrea: Check out my primary blog to see what adventures we had in primary today.

Allen: I made a pet and cloth store (stuffed animals, boxes and washcloths) after I saw Abby's. It's pretty cool.

Abby: Yeah, I made my pet store first. I'm also pretty sneaky. I brought a few animal friends to church. Can I have a turn with the Jack 'n the Box toy? (she didn't get a turn in primary)

Jane: I like walking around in Mommy's shoes. Yesterday I saw Emma walking around in Daddy's running shoes and I was jealous. I'm glad I get a turn now.

Emma: Jane. Take off that nightgown. It's your turn to get your Sunday dress on like me.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Downtown Dallas Splash Pad

The kids had fun yesterday visiting Daddy at work, eating lunch together at the Food Court and, of course, playing in the spray park. The new park opened a few months ago and it was our first time to try it out. It is right across the street from the courthouse so it's a perfect activity to do after we say hi to all of Daddy's co-workers.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Christmas in July

  • Forgot to mention a few days ago... after hearing how my sister and her husband celebrated "Christmas in July" (July 25th) I pulled out my cookie press, my green food coloring and made Christmas tree cookies for dessert. They were a hit!
  • Also, on Wednesday, Vyasini had her final piano lesson. The last 10 minutes were review and a mini recital. She is moving away soon. I'll miss her.
  • This morning the kids and I are going downtown to visit Ross at work (it's been a year since the office staff has seen Jane and Emma), pick up some food at the Food Court (the tunnel mall area) nearby, and let the kids play in the spray fountains, which are part of a new park right across the street from the federal courthouse.
  • I have a piano lesson mid-afternoon. Allen and Abby will also do mini-lessons today and choose something to play for a Daddy recital sometime this weekend.
  • Tonight after a spaghetti dinner (we gotta have a carb-packed dinner for our runner!), we'll pop some popcorn and have an Olympic party as we watch the Opening Ceremony.
  • Tomorrow Ross is running a 35K (about 22 miles) south of Dallas. They start at about 6am, but with how hot it gets here, it's still going to get pretty toasty. While he's gone I'm going to take the kids over to Catherine's pool for some swimming.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

No Dinner

  • Last night Emma would not eat dinner. Guess who woke up at 5am this morning? And then again at 6am? Normally she may sleep until 9am but now she is wandering around our room in Ross's running shoes and pulling things out of my bedroom drawer.
  • Catherine came over last night and we finished up the 3rd season of Chuck. My cross-stitch project is coming along. I'll keep working on that (and future primary stuff) as soon as the Olympics start.
  • This morning I'm taking all the kids with me to a visiting teaching appointment. My companion has three kids she is bringing and the sister we visit has two. That makes 9 kids for a fun indoor playdate while the Mommies visit.
  • The kids and I will Skype my family today. My sister Amy finds out the gender of her baby and will be delivering colored cupcakes which will reveal the answer once you peel back the tin foil wrapper.
  • Laundry. Ironing. Folding. Putting away. Good thing I have lots of little helpers here.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Visit from Elder Oaks, 5 Years Ago

As a kid we went to the Salt Lake Days of '47 Parade every year. I loved it and yesterday I looked at my watch a few times thinking of my parents, my siblings and their spouses at the parade. When I called my mom later in the day to hear how the parade was she shared a cool story.

Her and my dad were making their way down from the car with all their chairs and parade gear and ran into Elder and Sister Oaks who were out for a morning walk. It was before 7am. The Oaks offered to help my parents carry stuff, but they declined. My mom said she spoke with the couple for over 3 blocks. Not only did they speak genealogy (they are 3rd cousins), but they talked a little bit about the University of Chicago Law School (he attended for his 50th reunion and spoke to the Dallin H. Oaks Law Society aka Mormon law students and after the event I gave him a tiny graduation cap I made as a souvenir, which my mom brought up in their conversation) and she spoke about us and what Ross was doing career-wise since he understands the law world. They said goodbyes at their apartment and later she spotted them in the crowd dressed up a bit more. She admitted that after talking with the Oaks and later seeing L. Tom Perry and his wife from a distance, walking near the Beehive House, the parade didn't seem as cool to her.

I posted some pictures below. I did not blog 5 years ago, but I thought it would be fun to do a flashback and include two pictures from the LDS group, the first one with spouses, second one with just law students. 

May 2007
University of Chicago Law School
I'm the pregnant one in purple on the front row.
Our baby Abby joined us 2 weeks later.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Happy Pioneer Day!

My bonnets are a tad too big, but the girls are still darling! And, yes, Emma is sitting in the toy box.

Big Carts

Do you know those BIG carts at the grocery store or Walmart? The ones that you can haul about 4 kids in. They might have a "car" to drive or an extra seat with special buckles. I usually strategically park so I can Well. I could not find a working one today at Walmart. I found one with a broken seat and another with cut-off buckles. Which means I had to put the babies in the double stroller, keep Allen and Abby with me, wait in the return line, load in all our groceries (including 3 gallons of milk -- I could hear the bottom fabric of our stroller sagging) and all my primary supplies (including three pieces of posterboard), wait in the check-out line (while missing a call) and still make it out with happy kids. Luckily, I have crackers in my purse that Abby distributed during our shopping trip and I'm glad that the posterboard still looks great. Holding posterboard while pushing a fully loaded double stroller is another talent I can add to my Mommy list.

Monday, July 23, 2012


We figured out Skype last night. It was awesome. Ross and I talked to my parents and Amy and Jake.

Today's plans are errands, dinner prep, two piano lessons, donation pick-up, gymnastics class, Family Home Evening by Abby and walking with Catherine when the kids are in bed.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Church was good today. Everyone did fairly well in Sacrament Meeting, I led the primary kids in two pioneer songs, and later I had fun in primary teaching about the pioneers and doing a new song. It's always fun after church for Ross and our kids to come into primary while I clean up my visuals, put things in the closet and pack up my bag. Jane and Emma both showed me their sticker papers from nursery. Allen is learning "I Feel My Savior's Love" (from the Friend magazine) and played it on the piano and Abby likes to pluck the keys too and play "Mary Had a Little Lamb."

It's quiet time. Ross is starting to get cold so he is taking a nap. Allen is reading and Abby is painting at the table. Jane and Emma are resting.

Tonight for dinner we are having tamales, a salad, rice, beans and Catherine is bringing the dessert.

Check out this website to see which political candidate is most like you.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Five Guys

  • Last night Ross and I got a burger at Five Guys, went to the temple, enjoyed a shake and visited with Catherine. The kids had corn dogs for dinner. Everyone must have been really hungry because each person ate two.
  • This morning Ross mowed the lawn while the kids and I played inside in the toy room. Then we had a "bed party" as Abby calls it, everyone up on Mom and Dad's bed, being silly, bouncing and throwing a football. Emma's got a good little arm.
  • I just finished mopping the kitchen floor. The twins are resting and now I might do a little reading. Ross took Allen and Abby with him to get the car's oil changed.
  • Tonight we are using a Groupon for a pizza dinner. Catherine is going to join us for dinner and stay with the kids while Ross and I go see Batman. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Swimming Lessons With Mark

Allen and Abby completed one session of swimming with Mark Owen, a 15-year old in our ward congregation. Mark teaches swimming lessons in his backyard pool and the kids really like him. He is patient and funny. And I really like how both kids get more one-on-one with a teacher for 30 minutes than being in a larger group.

Jane and Emma were very patient during these 8 classes. They were good to hang out in the stroller and read books, munch or play with the spray bottle mist fans. I would read a little bit of my book (Indian in the Cupboard), keep them entertained or talk to Leslie, Mark's mom. This is the second year of lessons. We'll probably do it again next summer.
This is my view from the bench.
Allen and Abby are warming up and pushing off the wall, swimming towards Mark and blowing bubbles.

Allen took his turn with the kickboard.
He is supposed to be practicing how to move his head when he swims.
He is just about to "look at the fish" (underwater)

Now Allen is "listening" to the fish.

Abby is doing "pizza pulls" with her arms and flutter kicking all the way down the pool.

See? They are just so good to hang out and not fuss that they aren't swimming.

This black suit with the little skirt was one of Abby's favorites to wear.

Allen loves his goggles.
To be funny sometimes he sent them off into the pool on a kickboard.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Stay Cool

We stay indoors most of the day. It's the best way to "stay cool" this summer. And while we are inside, we have lots of fun playing together, especially when all four kids are involved.
I caught her sitting on the couch in a room all by herself.

I also saw her reading.
I love how her ponytail is sticking straight up.

This is my view of our "toy room" from the kitchen.
I am working on dinner and the kids are playing together with Legos, except Emma who left the scene with a bear friend.

After I put this dress on Jane she really wanted me to put on these white shoes that she found in her room.
Notice pictures before she is wearing pink sandals, until she saw the white ones, which have a mini heel.
She seems to understand that with a dress you need dressier shoes.

See those heels on the back?
Jane is so dainty.
After she left the room she picked up a purse and a phone.

Jane wore a dress that day too.
I found her in her bedroom playing with the kitchen and play food.
She is trying out the plastic peas.
Abby is reading to the babies while I do Aerobics on the TV.
It was cute to see all my girls together.
I think Allen was reading nearby on the Foof.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Past few days we have...

Eaten some yummy meals: BBQ Chicken Salad, Caramelized Chicken Bake and rice, Hot Dog Casserole.

Enjoyed a nice day in church followed by snuggles with Daddy. The kids missed him on Friday and Saturday while he was interviewing in Sacramento. Luckily he brought presents home for everyone.

Been exercising: Gone to swimming lessons every morning and a gymnastics class on Monday evening for the kids. Aerobics for Mommy with four other little viewers.

Thought about moving and looked at California school district ratings.

Taken kids to see a puppet show at the library yesterday and will go to a craft activity today.

Sat in a primary presidency meeting last night regarding the primary program.

Kept the house in order.

Been staying inside to keep cool and playing with toys, reading, doing mini piano lessons, "school" time and singing time. Rocketship is the babies' favorite one followed by Twinkle, Twinkle. They are getting good at the twinkle actions.

Purchased tickets to see Batman this Saturday.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

2.. 3.. 2.. 3.. 2

See that pattern?

That's how many years we've stayed in an area. Seriously.

Once we got married we lived in Provo, Utah and stayed for 2 years while I graduated and taught a year of Kindergarten, had a baby and Ross graduated. Next we moved to Chicago, Illinois for law school and lived there for 3 years. Abby was born there. After we moved to Vienna, Virginia and lived there for 2 years while Ross worked for a law firm in Washington D.C.. Now we live in the Dallas, Texas area, finishing up 3 years next fall, while Ross clerks for a federal district judge.



In fall of 2013 we will be moving to Sacramento, California. Ross has just accepted a clerkship working with Consuelo Maria Callahan, a federal judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. And, interesting enough, it will be a 2 year position, which completes a perfect pattern thus far of how our family has moved around the country.

And, we are talking literally around the country. This will complete our circle around the U.S., starting in Utah, moving to Midwest, then to the east coast, swinging around to the south and now the west coast. Wonder where we will go next?

Are we excited? You better believe it! Here goes another adventure and an excellent opportunity for Ross. We will live a little closer to my family, Ross has two uncles in the Sacramento area, and the kids are excited about living closer to Disneyland (7 hours away isn't real close in my opinion, but the kids are still excited). Plus, we have a full year ahead of us to plan, prepare, and enjoy Dallas until we say goodbye.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Missing: Two Front Teeth

Guess who lost a second front tooth this morning?
Now Allen has three holes waiting to be filled. Ross told him that if he keeps this up he'll look like a hockey player.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


  • Yesterday was 7-11, which means it's free Slurpee day. Ross called to tell me (I would not have remembered if he didn't) and after the kids designed their puzzles at the library craft activity we headed to 7-Eleven. I remember last July 11th, I carried in two car seats and Allen and Abby helped me carry out my Slurpee and get the door. This year I just popped the twins in the stroller, but they were old enough to want one too. Too bad they didn't have lids, but pina colada (aka the white kind that won't stain) is a blessing. We walked out with 5 pina colada little 7.11oz Slurpees. I ended up dumping the babies' into some sippy cups, which they liked better.
  • Swimming again this morning. The babies have done very well about not making a fuss in the stroller. Yesterday they ate their breakfast (toast and milk) the whole time during lesson. I put them in white onesies too so they can have a heyday with their spray mist fans, but they haven't used them the last two days. Too busy watching the kids swim.
  • It's laundry day. I'm about to go start the first of many loads.
  • Ross left early this morning for a doctor appointment. The kids were actually awake today. Allen gave the family prayer because it's his prayer day.
  • Abby is enjoying cinnamon roll flavored oatmeal and Allen is having toast. They were both talking about having hot chocolate and gingerbread cookies at again at Christmas time this year.
  • Jane and Emma are still sleeping and will for another hour or two. They are such good babies and they are so cute! Jane's big grin is a treat every time I see it and Emma's giggle is hilarious. Allen's jokes are very clever and Abby is always creating something new and impressive. I love my kids! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Mad Science

  • More swimming this morning and an afternoon library craft activity to go to. The kids, especially Allen liked the science show at the library yesterday. He might be a chemist someday. I forgot the twins' sandals so they hung out in the stroller instead of the playroom.
  • The kids earned extra chores yesterday and helped me put away a few piles of random things. They are both good at unloading the dishwasher too.
  • I mopped the kitchen floor last night. I hate to have a meal this morning and ruin the shine.
  • Right now Allen is reading a Goosebumps book, Abby is coloring, I finished another chapter of President Monson's biography and the babies are starting to talk to each other in their beds.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


  • Last night for Family Home Evening we all set goals of how to help someone this week. We were supposed to write it down on our papers. Jane and Emma have mastered the fact that things end up in the trash. Jane ended up throwing a few papers away. And then when you respond to her she has the biggest grin ever. She is such a cutie!
  • Emma still jabbers on and on, Catherine said it kind of sounded like "tickle, tickle". She knows right were her hair is if you ask her, which Allen does a lot of to make himself laugh, but I prefer the kids do not ask her when she has pizza sauce on her hands.
  • Thumbs up to Catherine. She brought pizza and salad for dinner last night.
  • Ross is busy this week, but for good reason.
  • The kids participated in both swimming (morning) and gymnastics (afternoon) yesterday. It was the first class for both of them. It must have been pretty stressful because both had meltdowns before dinner. It was stressful for me too (keeping toddler twins happy during both classes, which worked out fine), but you didn't see me making a fuss.
  • I'm hoping Allen and Abby got more rest last night. The night before they were up listening to "Mrs. Piggle Wiggle" chapters far too long. Ross calls her "Mrs. Poodle Noodle." If I ever write a children's book, that might be a fun title to use.

Monday, July 9, 2012


Today: Muffin Monday (and bananas for breakfast too), swimming lessons (new today), 2 piano students coming, 2 mini piano lessons with older two, gymnastics class (new today), Family Home Evening (Ross is teaching the lesson), and walking this evening with Catherine.

Yep! It's gonna be a busy one. Time to go apply sunscreen for swimmers.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sunday Dinner

  • Our home teachers just left. We had a good discussion on this month's lesson, "Always in the Middle".
  • Ross told the kids, as they were helping, that he likes making Koolaide for Sunday dinner because then it's more "special". We are also having Looney Lasagna, watermelon slices, green salad (Catherine is bringing -- we're glad she's coming, we haven't had her to dinner in several weeks), crescent rolls and brownies/ice cream for dessert.
  • I had a great time teaching in primary. We learned the 7th Article of Faith and sang one pioneer song. You can see more details here.
  • Allen and Abby have had fun playing demo songs on the keyboard and dancing along. The babies like joining in on the dancing, Emma spinning and Jane kicking her legs.
  • The babies like to hang out in our room.

    Emma really likes sitting on Daddy's lap.
    He continued to work on his computer with her, her fireman hat, comb and pen on his lap.
    Emma likes carrying things around.
Jane found Mommy's shoes.
She knows I put those on when I do aerobics.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Baseball, Buffet and Balloons

... or really sky lanterns. Think Tangled.

We had a lot of fun at the baseball game. We sat in the all-you-can-eat section and met some of the clerks/judges that work in Ross's building at the game. There were lots of things to eat -- hot dogs, chicken sandwiches, peanuts, popcorn, nachos, drinks -- and since you could come and go however much you pleased, it caused lots of movement from fellow baseball watchers throughout the game. But as we all know baseball is pretty slow. Allen went to the "bathroom" plenty of times really admitting that he was bored and wanted to walk around. Abby complained of boredom a few times (I would hand her a book, candy) and as it was getting dark she said she was tired and wanted to go to bed. Ross and I laughed -- how many kids beg to go to bed? My kids are really good sleepers.

Here is us at the game.
Our tickets were not together, but we managed to sit near each other a few rows up from our original seats.

Luckily where we sat was not in the sun.
It was plenty hot and humid outside so everyone was sweating anyway.

These sky lanterns have a story. My sister Amy had them at their wedding reception at the end but we missed it. I was bummed. Well, Ross ordered a box without my knowledge and the "mystery box" has been sitting in our closet for months. When I asked him about it, he said we could do them on a holiday at night. He thought last night after the game would work, so we pulled out the box and opened it. I was surprised. Ross is sweet, knowing it would make me happy. He was right. We lit three of them. They are more to do in the future.
These sky lanterns are like mini hot air balloons.
You light the bottom part and let it fill up with hot air for a minute or two.
Then it lifts right up.
And as it floats away you hope it doesn't get caught in your neighbor's tree.
When Catherine left she said she would look for the lanterns in the sky on her way home.

 I love these two pictures. They were taken on Thursday. Everyday when Ross gets home from work he asks the kids if they want to check the mailbox with him. Here are Jane and Emma helping him get the mail. Sometimes he'll hand them an ad or something to "give Mommy" and they will. It's really cute.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Puck Up Your Lips

  • Jane has been lip puckering a lot lately and she will hold it in that position for a while. It's kind of funny. It reminds me of the Full House "Duckface" episode.
  • Looking back a few days ago it was really nice on the 4th to read. While the babies napped, and the older two watched a Veggie Tales video from the library, Ross and I were both reading on our bed. He finished his book, Shadows in Flight by Orson Scott Card, and I read some of mine (which I finished last night) before taking a little nap. Perfect way to spend an afternoon on a  holiday, right?
  • All four kids did great at the doctor's office yesterday and it was a good thing it was an "in-and-out" visit with just a blood draw. It was nice that they also called in a prescription for me (for an infection) and didn't make me have to see the doctor or anything.
  • The babies have been such good little sleepers this week. Yesterday they slept in until 11am (in fact, I missed my first lab appointment time because I didn't have the heart to wake up sleeping twins), then took a cat nap at 2:30pm and went to bed after 8pm.
  • Tonight Ross, Allen, Abby and I are going to a Rangers baseball game. Ross's work is meeting at the game and enjoying a buffet, like they did last year. Ross went alone last time. It's lucky for us they have a few extra tickets. I'm really excited to go! Thanks to Catherine Sawaya for watching the twins for us.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The 3 L's

Today: Laundry, Labwork and Lesson (piano).

Those are the three things I must do. Other things I would like to do include straightening the house (not sure why it gets so messy during a holiday?), reading more of Banana Split, ironing (which goes along with the laundry), mini piano lesson with the two older kids, and listening to the next Nancy Drew book on CD (we are on #4) with the kids while we work in the kitchen or do "schoolwork" at the table. If we use our time well, we'll get to it all today.

It was nice sleeping in a little this morning. All the kids slept longer and the twins are still asleep. I love it!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Fourth of July

We had a lot of holiday fun!

Free balloons and face painting.
Allen was excited to be a scary skeleton.

Abby wanted butterflies on her face.
She got a swan balloon.

The babies got balloons!
A tiger and snake.

Jane was SO excited to ride the little train.

Sitting in chairs and reading for fireworks.
\Jane and Emma slept in until noon today, napped at 4 and got up at 6:30pm so they were awake for the fireworks.
They loved them!
Jane would clap her hands, run forward and "dance" back to us. She kept moving around so we finally had to put her back in the stroller.
Near the end Emma was up out of her blue chair and moving around.

We watched the show over a little lake.

They gave out free 3-D glasses.
I took some pictures through the lens for a cool effect.

We really liked this parade. Ross set out chairs 30 minutes before, we got great seats in the shade, they passed out lots of free stuff and candy, and it was over in 15 minutes. Short, sweet and we had a great parking spot. I love small town parades!

Jane was waving at the float going by.

The babies liked their festive leis and pin wheels.
Jane is clapping her too.
After the parade we went home, gathered stuff for swimming and headed to the church for the ward pancake breakfast.
After the ward pancake breakfast we went swimming at Catherine Sawaya's pool.

After Catherine started the coals, Ross manned the grill.
This is the first time we've grilled outdoors since we've been married.
We are really interested in grills, but with frequent moving we've never bought one.
We had a yummy lunch (hot dogs, chips, drinks, fruit ka-bobs, and s'mores), thanks to Catherine.

Catherine and Jane

Mommy and Emma
We used the summer kids-bowl-free vouchers and took the family bowling.
They put up the bumpers, got out special kid balls and set up a bowling ramp for easy bowling.
Jane was the most excited about bowling.
Abby was offended with her shoes -- "these shoes are ugly! They don't match my outfit!"
Allen was pretty excited to. We had to tell him a few times to keep his voice down.

Jane is bowling and the other three are watching for the ball to spit out.

Final score -- Abby and Jane tied.
They each got a spare.

The worker at the bowling alley gave all the kids free balloons.
It was a good day to go. There was hardly anyone there.
I made the strawberry dessert with blueberries this time.
So now I've got the red, white and blue.
Festive treat and very yummy.
Ross and I enjoyed it while watching the Boston Pops and firework display on TV.
 And, if you made it to the bottom of this post. Good for you. Here is an extra silly treat, just because...
The babies got their silly detective glasses yesterday from the summer reading program.
It's so funny to see two babies wearing funny glasses.
They were having a snack while I was getting dinner prepped.

Jane's mustache looks more like a goatee on her.
Happy 4th of July!!
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