1. Boys out the door. Girls up, dressed and fed. Check!
2. Into the car for the library, early so we get a ticket. Check!
3. Check out enough books at the library so I have to use two cards. Check!
4. Keep babies occupied and happy while Abby enjoys her last independent story-time. Check!
5. Play with Marble Works in the toy room, oh how the babies love it. Check!
6. Lunch and dishwasher unloaded. Check!
7. Cancel Emma's photo appointment for tomorrow (she fell twice while visiting teaching yesterday and scraped up her face) and make a new one in two weeks. Check!
8. Dinner preparations started for green chile enchiladas. Check!
9. Color ties, or ask Abby to, for primary father's day singing activity. Check!
10. Start to prepare Sunday's singing lesson. Check!
11. Finish May Ensign. Check!
Other plans I haven't said "check!" yet to:
Ride in the car to pick up Allen from school, teach two piano lessons, have dinner followed by scriptures and dessert, get all kids in bed, finish up visual and lessons for primary for the month of June, start packing for next week's trip, start the June Ensign and read another chapter of President Monson's biography.
My Social Life
2 days ago