Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve Marathon

Ross is at a race this morning. Jane woke up just as he was leaving so I fed her, changed her and put her back to put. Then I showered and am so quietly working on things at my desk, hoping the kids sleep and sleep and I can get a lot done.

Here are some pictures yesterday. Six Flags was packed full of people, more than we've ever seen.
Hanging out in the stroller.

Ross with Allen and Abby on the tea cups.

This ride is called "Boot Scootin'". The ride goes around while the individually boots go up and down. It looks kind of funny.

Allen and Ross waited in a LONG line for the Runaway Mine Train. I took Abby and the babies to Looney Tune land so Abby could go on some rides while we waited.

Before going home we drove to a few places to see some Christmas lights that we hadn't seen yet.
This house has giant toy soldiers made out of flower pots.
It also has a train set going around their yard.

Allen is standing on the sidewalk, watching the train set.
 Tonight we'll celebrate New Years with the kids about 5 or 6pm, setting the clocks back and having a party before they go to bed.

Friday, December 30, 2011

our last Six Flags day

Ross is home today. We decided to use our Six Flags season passes one more time this year before they expire. It's been nice using our passes from March until December. We've had a lot of fun and today we'll have one last time to circle the park as a family and let the kids pick rides to go on.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

more Christmas break

This morning after the kids played, had breakfast and got dressed, they put away their clean laundry. While I taught a piano lesson Allen and Abby watched a Veggie Tale show and Jane and Emma took a rest. After lunch we went for a bike ride/walk to a neighborhood park. Jane and Emma still aren't walking so I hate to see them crawl in dirt and tear up their clothes, but we weren't there for too long. Now babies are napping, Allen and Abby are watching a little more of their show and I'm taking a break. Later we'll play a game.

Other Tidbits:
  • Allen likes the piano and the new piano book I bought. Yesterday in one sitting he completed what kids normally do in 6-8 lessons. Of course, we've done piano before so some of it was review.  
  • Abby made her own playhouse (or tent) and even made a sign "no allowed".
  • Emma likes picking up the furry friend pals by the tail (one for each hand) and squeals when she hears their animal sounds. I noticed another molar on the other side coming in.
  • Jane has a cold again. At least she was well for two days straight. She likes riding in the front of the tandem stroller best and when she is done eating she waves (opens and closes her fist) and has done it the last few days. A few months ago near the end of mealtime I would sign "all done - bye" or "more" to the twins and Jane has finally caught on.
  • Both babies are wearing overalls and they look adorable. When Allen saw he said, "no fair. I want overalls too." 
  • Ross took our van to work today and got it cleaned during his lunch break. I'm excited to see it spotless.
  • Tonight I have plans to work on stuff for primary -- giant cupcakes, a giant candle, a few songs for January, a year plan of the songs we will be learning each month, and a name selecting system. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


  • Yesterday two things came home fixed: the van's tire (it had a slow leak due to a razor blade) and my laptop (which had a virus). Ross was in charge of handling both.
  • Yesterday afternoon I sat/lay on the floor and played with the kids and their toys. I also managed to make two one-hour phone calls. Jane and Emma love when they can climb on me and it's hard not to smile or laugh when they are both climbing and giggling at the same time.
  • Time to start working on primary music and stuff for the month of January. Other tasks for today include laundry, taking down the tree and more playing. Yesterday morning I went through two tubs and sorted out more clothes for the twins to wear. Jane and Emma "helped" me too. They are wearing 12-18 month stuff.
  • Abby likes her new art kit. Yesterday she made Allen a beard (white paper) for his chin and then an elf costume (colored red and green and taped it on his shirt.
  • Allen loves his remote control Mater. Last night Mommy and Daddy were trying to figure out how to steer it. It's batteries have sure worn down from multiple days of use. He sure loves it.
  • I noticed Emma has another tooth. That girl she loves climbing up the older kids' bunk bed ladder. I've had to remove her from a near-top step several times. The new rule is to keep that bedroom door closed. So we keep Allen and Abby's door closed for Emma's protection and the hallway bathroom door closed for Jane's protection.
  • Jane is starting to feel better and smile and play more. It sure has taken a while for her to get better from her ear infection.   

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

picture walk of Christmas activites

While Annette and Caleb and Hyrum were here we did lots of different activities ...
1. Made a trip to Bass Pro Shop and enjoyed Santa's Wonderland.
2. Christmas Village in Grapevine.
3. Christmas Eve party -- Nativity and new pajamas.
4. Christmas Morning
5. Model train exhibit at North Park Mall.

The remote control cars were fun.

Jane and I liked the merry-go-round

Annette held Emma for me.

Allen and Abby liked riding on the reindeer

We found a big shark.

It tried to swallow Ross.

The kids liked the big waterfall and the big tank of fish.

The train set was fun.

Cookie decorating!

Ross liked the stuffed walrus.
Bass Pro Shop was an interesting place to go on the afternoon on Christmas Eve.

We stopped in Grapevine to see their city's Christmas village.
The twins are in front of City Hall.

There were lots of "houses" of different characters.
It reminded me of the Ogden Christmas Village we went to every year when I was a kid.

Look! We're stars!

Annette, Hyrum and Caleb Shiley

This fountain was in the middle.

There was a misty rain so we didn't stay too long.
The perfect part was no one was there on Christmas Eve. It was about 4pm.

Abby was the angel.

Allen was a shepherd.

Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus.
The perfect part was I had the costumes from the ward party and I still had my "Baby Jesus" wrapped in swaddling clothes and it worked out since Hyrum didn't want to participate.

Ross, Emma and Jane (not pictured) wore white and were the sheep.

I was the narrator.

Opening new pajamas from Grandma Schmidt.

We love new pajamas!


This was cute to see two babies right in front of all the presents on Christmas morning. They were very curious!

Abby loves the pink piggie Allen gave her.

Opening presents...
Allen looks so handsome in his suit.

I just opened some nylons and threw them in my basket.
We gave everyone a box/basket to keep their loot in. Sure made the clean-up easier.

Abby with her furry friend. All four kids got a different color. They make sounds and roll all over the floor. It's the perfect kind of pet for our house.

Allen loves the hat from Aunt Ashley and the necklaces he found in his stocking.
He looked like this all Christmas Day, except you can't see his Toy Story watch and Toy Story slippers.

Abby loved the nesting doll from Grandpa Tucker.

This is one of the babies' big toys. They also have a Playful Puppy they like.

Thanks for the hat Aunt Ashley.

Thanks, Aunt Ashley.

Kitchen Raid by three babies!

Trains at North Park.
It was cool to see different parts of the country.
This is D.C. They also had Texas, NY, San Fransisco.

I like my new coat!

Texas State Fair model.

Allen loved this activity the most. He can watch trains for hours.

Annette and I with the engineer.
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