Приказивање постова са ознаком Serical. Прикажи све постове
Приказивање постова са ознаком Serical. Прикажи све постове

субота, 4. јун 2016.

Kanta Vol. 23

Ovaj post sa potrošenim proizvodima sam dugo čekala i to zbog jednog proizvoda koji koristim već više od godinu dana, Velika pakovanja proizvoda su svakako veoma isplativa, ali zato mi ti proizvodi toliko dosade da na kraju krenem da pri svakom korišćenju sipam sve više kako bi se konačno potrošili.

I was waiting for this post for a long time because of one the product that I have spent, I have been using for over a year. Large packagings are certainly very cost-effective, but I get bored of them with time, so in the end I always use more product with each use, just to spend them faster. 

Za početak tu su nekoliko proizvoda za kosu:
- Batiste XXL Volume Dry Shampoo - jednako dobro odmašćuje kosu kao i ostali, a pored toga daje kosi i volumen. To praktično znači da se malo ponaša kao lak za kosu i kosu ulepi. Generalno nisam ljubitelj volumena dobijenog na ovaj način, pa ipak neću kupovati ovaj Batiste šampon ponovo, već se vraćam na obične bez efekta volumena. Cena mu je oko 600 dinara a moja ocena je 3/5.
- Stillpro Argan Balzam - dobar balzam koji omekšava kosu, neguje je i lepo miriše. Volela sam ga i zbog velikog pakovanja i dobre cene od 449 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Serical Cream al Latte maska za kosu - ogromna (1 kg) i prejeftina maska za kosu od 400 dinara. Super omekšava i neguje kosu. Miriše na mleko i traje beskonačno. Konačno potrošena maska a moja ocena je 5/5.

First there are several hair products:
- Batiste XXL Volume Dry Shampoo - equally good like the others, but in addition to removing oil it also gives hair volume. This practically means that it behaves a little like hair spray and makes hair sticky. Generally I'm not a fan of the volume obtained in this way, so I will not buy this Batiste shampoo again, but instead I will go back to regular ones without volume effect. Price is about 600 RSD and my score is 3/5.
- Stillpro Argan Conditioner - a good conditioner that softens the hair, nourishes it and smells nice. I also loved it because of the large packaging and good price of 449 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Serical Cream al Latte Hair Mask - huge (1 kg) and very cheap hair mask for 400 RSD. Nicely softens and nourishes the hair. It smells like milk and lasts indefinitely. I finally spent the entire thing and my score is 5/5.

Malo šminke:
- Rimmel Stay Matte puder - odlično matira i ne kruni se. Nema nikakvo prekrivanje pa nijansa i nije toliko bitna, mada sve koje kod nas imaju da se kupe su prilično svetle. Cena pudera je  650 RSd, a moja ocena 4/5.
- Aura Velvet Matte puder - sušta suprotnost od prethodnog pudera. Ima srednje prekrivanje i mnogo se kruni. Matira solidno mada to traje samo nekoliko sati. Formula mu je loša i vrlo se lako polomio, a nekako mi nije bio dovoljno dobar da bih se potrudila da ga popravim, tako da leti u kantu. Cena pudera je 629 RSD, Moja ocena 3/5.
- Rimmel Wonderfull maskara - odlična maskara koja daje volumen, ali ne slepljuje trepavice. Dobra srednje gusta formula i dobra četkica. Cena maskare je 835 RSD, a moja ocena 4/5.

And a little makeup:
- Rimmel Stay Matte Pressed Powder - great mattification and no crumbling. It has no coverage, so the shade is not that important, but all shades that can be found here are quite light. Price is 650 RSD, and my score is 4/5.
- Aura Velvet Matte Pressed Powder - the exact opposite of the previous powder. It has a medium coverage and crumbles a lot. Matiffication is not bad, although it only lasts a few hours. Formula is bad and it is easily broke. It wasn't good enough for me to fix it, so I'm throwing it away. Price of the powders is 629 RSD and my score 3/5.
- Rimmel Wonderfull Mascara - a great volume mascara, that won't stick lashes together. Good medium-dense formula and a good brush. Price is 835 RSD and my score is 4/5.

I za kraj malo kozmetike:
- Avon Planet Spa Heavenly Hydraton ulje za lice - Ulje mahom na bazi susamovog i maslinovog ulja. Lepo hidrira, mada po sastavu nije ništa posebno i nema potpuno prirodan sastav. Cena ulja je 630 RSD, a moja ocena 5/5.
- Eucerin Sun Gel-Creme Oil Control SPH 50+ - najbolja krema za lice sa SPF-om. Ni malo ne masti lice, a odlično štiti. Retka i lagana formula. Cena kreme je 1565 dinara, a moja ocena 5/5.
- Gerovital H3 Derma+ fluid za skidanje šminke - mleko koje vrlo dobro i lako skida svu šminku. Ne peče kada upadne u oči. Cena mleka je 1200 RSD, a moja ocena 4/5.
- Balea krema za smanjivanje zadebljanja na stopalima - jeftina a prilično efikasna krema. Lako omekšava i drži pod kontrolom kožu stopala, sprečavajući i usporavajući formiranje suvih i zadebljalih delova kože. Cena kreme je samo 245 RSD a moja ocena 4/5.

And finally a bit of cosmetics:
- Avon Planet Spa Heavenly Hydraton Face Oil - Oil mainly based on sesame and olive oil. Nicely moisturizes, although its composition is nothing special and it doesn't have a completely natural composition. The price of this oil is 630 RSD and my score is 5/5.
- Eucerin Sun Gel-Creme Oil Control SPH 50+ - the best face cream with SPF. Won't make the face oily at all, and also provides great sun protection. Rare and light formula. Price is 1565 RSD, and my score 5/5.
- Gerovital H3 Derma+ makeup removal fluid - milk that can very well and easily remove any makeup. It does not burn when it gets in your eyes. The milk costs 1200 RSD, and my score is 4/5.
- Balea cream for reduction of thick skin on the feet - quite cheap and effective cream. Easily softens and keeps under control skin on the feet, preventing and slowing down the formation of dry and thickened skin areas. Price is only 245 RSD and my score is 4/5.

Da li ste koristili neki od ovih proizvoda i kakvi su bili vaši utisci?

Did you use some of these products and what were your impressions?

недеља, 19. април 2015.

Serical Hair Mask - Crema al Latte

Od kako sam krenula da se farbam u narandžasto kosa je počela polako da mi se suši i primetila sam da moram da promenim malo negu na koju sam navikla. Uspela sam da je jako lepo povratim u dobro stanje i uskoro planiram post sa svim proizvodima koje trenutno koristim kako bi moja farbana kosa bila zdrava i kako bi izbegla krzanje i suve krajeve. Ali za sad mislim da jedan proizvod koji je deo moje rutine zaslužuje i posebnu recenziju.

Since I started dyeing my hair orange it began to slowly dry and I noticed that I had to change a little the hair care I use. I managed  to nicely recover my hair and I plan to write a post with all of the hair product I currently use, so my dyed hair is healthy and to avoid breakage and dry ends. But for now I think that one product that is part of my routine deserves a special review.

Reč je o Serical maski za kosu, koja dolazi u ovom džinovskom pakovanju od 1kg i koja se po ceni od 400 dinara može kupiti u Alexandar Cosmetics-u. Serical maske su generalno veoma hvaljene i mnogo mi je drago da sa sam jednu od njih probala. Ovo je koliko se meni čini najhvaljenija maska - Crema al Latte.

I'm talking about Serical hair mask that comes in this giant package of 1kg and that can be bought at the price of 400 RSD in Alexandar Cosmetics. Serical masks are generally highly praised and I'm so glad that I tried one of them. I think this one might be the most praised one - Crema al Latte.

Pakovanje nije loše, najbitnije je da postoji folija ispod poklopca tako da maska sigurno nije otvarana pre nego što je dospela u vaše ruke. Miris je potpuno mlečan i prilično jak, a dugo se zadržava i u kosi. Nije loš, posebno ako volite taj tip mlečno pudingastih mirisa. Tekstura je prilično uobičajena za masku za kosu, bele je boje i srednje gusta.

The packaging is not bad, the most important thing is that there is a foil under the cap so that the mask is certainly not opened before it got into your hands. The smell is completely milky and quite strong and lingers in the hair for a ling time. Not bad especially if you like that type of milky pudding-like scents. The texture is quite common for hair masks, it has white colour and medium density.

Maska spada u proteinske, sadrži proteine mleka i ne sadrži silikone. Trebalo bi da se nanosi na kosu i na njoj drži 5 minuta pre ispiranja. Ja praktikujem da je koristim jednom nedeljno. Iako je često ne držim čak ni celih 5 minuta već posle nekog vremena primetila sam da mi je kosa sve manje i manje suva. Kako sam isekla i ispucale krajeve i oni mi više nisu bili suvi, lako ih održavam u solidnom stanju.

This is a protein mask, it contains milk proteins and doesn't contain silicones. It should be applied to the hair and held for 5 minutes before rinsing. I am using it once a week. Although I often don't  even keep it on whole 5 minutes, after a while I noticed that my hair is less and less dry. Since I cut my damaged ends and they were no longer dry, it was easy to maintain my hair in good condition.

Nako nanošenja maske kosa bude vrlo meka i lagana. Češljanje je lako kosa se ne mrsi. Takođe se kosa ne masti brže. Efekti su vrlo dobri, a po realno vrlo niskoj ceni, tako da mislim da je ovo maska koju vredi probati. Ja svakako planiram da probam još neku Serical masku.

After applying the mask hair is very soft and light. Combing the hair is easy. Also the hair doesn't get oily faster. The effects are very good and all that for a very low price, so I think this is a mask which is worth a try. I definitely plan to try some other Serical mask.

Da li ste probali neku od Serical maski i kakvi su bili vaši utisci? Da li vas zanima post o mojoj trenutnoj nezi kose?

Informacije i ocene
Cena400 RSD
Gde kupitiAlexandar Cosmetics, 
frizerski saloni, pijace
Da li bih je ponovo kupilaDa
Izgled kose5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- Cena
- Veliko pakovanje
- Dobro omekšava kosu
- Ne masti kosu
- Kosa je zdravija

Did you try some of Serical masks and what were your impressions? Are you interested in a post about my current hair care?

Information and scores
Price400 RSD
Where to buyAlexandar Cosmetics,
  hair dressers, marketplace
Types 5
Would I buy it againYes
Skin care5/5
Look of the skin5/5
Overall Score5/5
- Price
- Large packaging
- Nicely softens the hair
- Doesn't make hair oily
- Hair is healthier