Zanimljivo mi je to da mi se generalno dešava da dugo ne potrošim ni jedan proizvod, a onda da potrošim baš mnogo od jednom. I naravno nedavno mi se to ponovo desilo. Evo 10 proizvoda koji ovaj put idu u kantu.
- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Shampoo - odličan šampon koji mi traje po godinu dana. A košta samo 590 dinara za 1l. Ne čini kosu suvom i zamršenom iako ne sadrži silikone. Recenzija je ovde. Moja ocena je 5/5.
- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Conditioner - potpuno solidan regenerator koji prilično olakšava češljanje. Nije nešto mnogo obnovio kosu, ali to i ne očekujem od regeneratora. Košta 620 dinara i isto ima 1l pa takođe traje beskrajno dugo. U njemu sam pisala u istom postu kao i o šamponu (ovde). Ocena 5/5.
- Syoss Oleo Intense Micro Spray Treatment - proizvod koji bi trebalo da štiti kosu, neguje je i obnavlja. Prska se nakon pranja na vlažnu kosu. Potpuno je tečan i lako se razmazuje po kosi, mada moram priznati da nisam primetila neko revolucionarno poboljšanje stanja moje kose. Bočica sadrži 100ml i košta oko 300 dinara mislim. Blago je olakšavao rasćešljavanje. Moja ocena je 3/5. Probala sam i boklje leave in proizvode.
It is interesting to me that I usually don't spend products for a long time and than I somehow finish a lot of them at one. This of course happened to me again. Here are 10 products that are going to trash this time.
- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Shampoo - a great shampoo that lasted me a year. And it costs only 590 RSD for 1l. Doesn't make the hair dry, or hard to comb even though it does not contain silicones. Review is here. My score is 5/5.
- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Conditioner - completely nice conditioner that makes combing easier. It's didn't really renew my hair, but I don't expect that from a conditioner. It costs 620 RSD and also has 1l so it lasts very long. I wrote about is in the same post as the shampoo (here). Score 5/5.
- Syoss Oleo Intense Micro Spray Treatment - a product that is supposed to protect the hair, nourishes and regenerates. It should be sprayed after washing on damp hair. It makes hair smooth and it is easy to spread on the hair, although I must admit that I didn't notice any revolutionary improvement in the condition of my hair. Bottle contains 100ml and costs around 300RSD I think. It makes combing a bit easier. My score is 3/5. I tried better leave in products.
It is interesting to me that I usually don't spend products for a long time and than I somehow finish a lot of them at one. This of course happened to me again. Here are 10 products that are going to trash this time.
- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Shampoo - a great shampoo that lasted me a year. And it costs only 590 RSD for 1l. Doesn't make the hair dry, or hard to comb even though it does not contain silicones. Review is here. My score is 5/5.
- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Conditioner - completely nice conditioner that makes combing easier. It's didn't really renew my hair, but I don't expect that from a conditioner. It costs 620 RSD and also has 1l so it lasts very long. I wrote about is in the same post as the shampoo (here). Score 5/5.
- Syoss Oleo Intense Micro Spray Treatment - a product that is supposed to protect the hair, nourishes and regenerates. It should be sprayed after washing on damp hair. It makes hair smooth and it is easy to spread on the hair, although I must admit that I didn't notice any revolutionary improvement in the condition of my hair. Bottle contains 100ml and costs around 300RSD I think. It makes combing a bit easier. My score is 3/5. I tried better leave in products.
- Velnea Anti-cellulite Body Gel - jedan od gorih anticelulit gelova koje sam koristila. Nije zategao kožu, a očekivano je veoma malo i sredio celulit. A ne sviđa mi se ni masažer i kako su rešili zatvaranje tubice. Sadrži 200ml i košta 499 dinara. Evo ga i detaljniji post. Ocena 2/5.
- La Roche-Posay Lipicar Baume AP+ - mleko za telo za suvu i osetljivu kožu. Mazala sam se ovim gustim mlekom celog leta, dok sam se izlagala suncu. Odlično neguje, hidrira i ne dozvoljava isušivanje kože. Iako je malo gušće prelako se razmazuje i odmah upija. Obavezno ga probajte ako imate suvu, osetljivu i iziritiranu kožu. Tuba ima 200ml i košta 1746 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Velnea Anti-cellulite Body Gel - one of the worst anti-cellulite gels I have used. It did not tighten the skin and as expected it got rid of cellulite just a tiny bit. And I also don't like the massager and how they solved the issue of closing the tube. It contains 200ml and costs 499RSD. Here is a more detailed post. Score 2/5.
- La Roche-Posay Lipicar Baume AP + - body milk for dry and sensitive skin. I applied this dense milk all summer, while I was sunbathing. Great nourishment, moisturizes and does not allow the skin to dry out. Even though it is a bit thicker it is too easy to spread and absorbs immediately. Be sure to try it if you have dry, sensitive and irritated skin. Tube has 200ml and costs 1746 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Velnea Anti-cellulite Body Gel - one of the worst anti-cellulite gels I have used. It did not tighten the skin and as expected it got rid of cellulite just a tiny bit. And I also don't like the massager and how they solved the issue of closing the tube. It contains 200ml and costs 499RSD. Here is a more detailed post. Score 2/5.
- La Roche-Posay Lipicar Baume AP + - body milk for dry and sensitive skin. I applied this dense milk all summer, while I was sunbathing. Great nourishment, moisturizes and does not allow the skin to dry out. Even though it is a bit thicker it is too easy to spread and absorbs immediately. Be sure to try it if you have dry, sensitive and irritated skin. Tube has 200ml and costs 1746 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Mixa Soothing BB Cream - nisam je potrošila ali sam je dobila jako davno, kada je Mixa tek došla u Srbiju. BB krema je dobra i ima srednje ka slabijem prekrivanje, ali je premasna za moju masnu kožu. Ona je zapravo vrlo retka i lagana, ali se ja sa njom veoma brzo zasijam, tako da sam je izbegavala i na kraju je nisam potrošila. Recenzija je napisana nekada davno ovde. Tubica ima 50ml i košta 749 dinara. Ocena je 4/5.
- Eucerin Dermo Purifier Aktiv Konzentrat - veoma dobra vodenasta formula za problematičnu kožu. Može da se nanosi i na celo lice ali ja sam ga mahom nanosila ciljano. Nije efikasan i jak koliko npr. LRP Effaclar Duo + ali je vrlo blizu. S druge strane Effaclar zna da osuši i iziritira kožu pa se baš i ne maže na celo lice, a Eucerin je ipak nekako laganiji. Bar se meni čini. Recenzija je svakako ovde ako nekoga zanimaju detalji. Bočica ima 30ml i košta 1380 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Nivea Q10 Serum Aktiv Perlen - Fenomenalan serum u vidu kuglica od koenzima Q10. Mnogo je prijao mojoj koži i ona je odlično izgledala dok sam ga koristila. Nije masan i koristi se kao dodana nega, mada kod masnokožaca po meni može i umesto dnevne kreme. Recenzija je ovde. Ima 40ml i košta 1449 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Mixa Soothing BB Cream - I haven't spent it but I got it a very long time ago, when Mixa first came to Serbia. BB cream is good and has a medium to low coverage, but it is too greasy for my oily skin. It is actually a very rare and light, but I get shiny to fast with it, so I avoided it and at the end I have never spent it. Review was written long ago here. Tube has 50ml and costs 749 RSD. Score is 4/5.
- Eucerin Dermo Purifier Aktiv Konzentrat - very good watery formula for problematic skin. It can be applied on the entire face, but I used it mostly in problematic regions. It is not efficient and strong as e.g. LRP Effaclar Duo + but it is very close. On the other hand Effaclar can dry out and irritate the skin and you should not spread it on the entire face, and Eucerin is a bit lighter. At least it seems to me that way. Review is here if you're interested in details. The bottle has 30ml and costs 1380 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Nivea Q10 Serum Aktiv Perlen - excellent serum in the form of coenzyme Q10 pearls. It felt good on my skin and I looked great while I was using it. It is not greasy and should be used as an additional care, although for oily skin it can be used instead of a day cream. Review is here. It has 40ml and costs 1449 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Mixa Soothing BB Cream - I haven't spent it but I got it a very long time ago, when Mixa first came to Serbia. BB cream is good and has a medium to low coverage, but it is too greasy for my oily skin. It is actually a very rare and light, but I get shiny to fast with it, so I avoided it and at the end I have never spent it. Review was written long ago here. Tube has 50ml and costs 749 RSD. Score is 4/5.
- Eucerin Dermo Purifier Aktiv Konzentrat - very good watery formula for problematic skin. It can be applied on the entire face, but I used it mostly in problematic regions. It is not efficient and strong as e.g. LRP Effaclar Duo + but it is very close. On the other hand Effaclar can dry out and irritate the skin and you should not spread it on the entire face, and Eucerin is a bit lighter. At least it seems to me that way. Review is here if you're interested in details. The bottle has 30ml and costs 1380 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Nivea Q10 Serum Aktiv Perlen - excellent serum in the form of coenzyme Q10 pearls. It felt good on my skin and I looked great while I was using it. It is not greasy and should be used as an additional care, although for oily skin it can be used instead of a day cream. Review is here. It has 40ml and costs 1449 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Avon Super Extend Extreme Mascara - dobra maskara sa srednje gustom formulom kakvu ja najviše volim. Produžava i razdvaja trepavice. Ne daje neki wow efekat, već prilično blag i prirodan izgled. Jedini manjak je što se nisam složila sa četkicom iako je mala, pa sam se često umazivala pri nanošenju. Ima 7ml i košta 810 dinara. Recenzija je ovde, a ocena 4/5.
- Aura Shine Killer - jedna od najboljih stvari za matiranje lica. Kada se nanese lice je meko pod prstima, baršunasto i pore i borice su nekako zaglađeni. A naravno matira satima. Recenziju sam napisala davno. Sadrži 5g proizvoda i košta 627 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Avon Super Extend Extreme Mascara - good mascara with medium dense formula which I love the most. Extends and separates lashes. It doesn't not give a wow effect, but quite gentle and natural look. The downside is that I did not agree with the brush to well although it is small, so I often smeared it all over my self during application. It has 7ml and costs 810 RSD. Review is here and score is 4/5.
- Aura Shine Killer - one of the best things to mattify the face. When applied skin is soft under my fingers, velvety and pores and fine lines are somehow smoothed out. And ofcourse it mattifies well. Review was written a long time ago. It contains 5g of products and costs 627 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Avon Super Extend Extreme Mascara - good mascara with medium dense formula which I love the most. Extends and separates lashes. It doesn't not give a wow effect, but quite gentle and natural look. The downside is that I did not agree with the brush to well although it is small, so I often smeared it all over my self during application. It has 7ml and costs 810 RSD. Review is here and score is 4/5.
- Aura Shine Killer - one of the best things to mattify the face. When applied skin is soft under my fingers, velvety and pores and fine lines are somehow smoothed out. And ofcourse it mattifies well. Review was written a long time ago. It contains 5g of products and costs 627 RSD. Score 4/5.
I to bi bilo to u ovoj turi. Volite li vi neki od ovih proizvoda?
And that should be it for this time. Do you love some of these products?