Приказивање постова са ознаком Insight. Прикажи све постове
Приказивање постова са ознаком Insight. Прикажи све постове

понедељак, 19. октобар 2015.

Kanta vol. 19

Zanimljivo mi je to da mi se generalno dešava da dugo ne potrošim ni jedan proizvod, a onda da potrošim baš mnogo od jednom. I naravno nedavno mi se to ponovo desilo. Evo 10 proizvoda koji ovaj put idu u kantu.

- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Shampoo - odličan šampon koji mi traje po godinu dana. A košta samo 590 dinara za 1l. Ne čini kosu suvom i zamršenom iako ne sadrži silikone. Recenzija je ovde. Moja ocena je 5/5.
- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Conditioner - potpuno solidan regenerator koji prilično olakšava češljanje. Nije nešto mnogo obnovio kosu, ali to i ne očekujem od regeneratora.  Košta 620 dinara i isto ima 1l pa takođe traje beskrajno dugo. U njemu sam pisala u istom postu kao i o šamponu (ovde). Ocena 5/5.
- Syoss Oleo Intense Micro Spray Treatment - proizvod koji bi trebalo da štiti kosu, neguje je i obnavlja. Prska se nakon pranja na vlažnu kosu. Potpuno je tečan i lako se razmazuje po kosi, mada moram priznati da nisam primetila neko revolucionarno poboljšanje stanja moje kose. Bočica sadrži 100ml i košta oko 300 dinara mislim. Blago je olakšavao rasćešljavanje. Moja ocena je 3/5. Probala sam i boklje leave in proizvode.

It is interesting to me that I usually don't spend products for a long time and than I somehow finish a lot of them at one. This of course happened to me again. Here are 10 products that are going to trash this time.

- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Shampoo - a great shampoo that lasted me a year. And it costs only 590 RSD for 1l. Doesn't make the hair dry, or hard to comb even though it does not contain silicones. Review is here. My score is 5/5.
- Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Conditioner - completely nice conditioner that makes combing easier. It's didn't really renew my hair, but I don't expect that from a conditioner. It costs 620 RSD and also has 1l so it lasts very long. I wrote about is in the same post as the shampoo (here). Score 5/5.
- Syoss Oleo Intense Micro Spray Treatment - a product that is supposed to protect the hair, nourishes and regenerates. It should be sprayed after washing on damp hair. It makes hair smooth and it is easy to spread on the hair, although I must admit that I didn't notice any revolutionary improvement in the condition of my hair. Bottle contains 100ml and costs around 300RSD I think. It makes combing a bit easier. My score is 3/5. I tried better leave in products.

- Velnea Anti-cellulite Body Gel - jedan od gorih anticelulit gelova koje sam koristila. Nije zategao kožu, a očekivano je veoma malo i sredio celulit. A ne sviđa mi se ni masažer i kako su rešili zatvaranje tubice. Sadrži 200ml i košta 499 dinara. Evo ga i detaljniji post. Ocena 2/5.
- La Roche-Posay Lipicar Baume AP+ - mleko za telo za suvu i osetljivu kožu. Mazala sam se ovim gustim mlekom celog leta, dok sam se izlagala suncu. Odlično neguje, hidrira i ne dozvoljava isušivanje kože. Iako je malo gušće prelako se razmazuje i odmah upija. Obavezno ga probajte ako imate suvu, osetljivu i iziritiranu kožu. Tuba ima 200ml i košta 1746 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Velnea Anti-cellulite Body Gel - one of the worst anti-cellulite gels I have used. It did not tighten the skin and as expected it got rid of cellulite just a tiny bit. And I also don't like the massager and how they solved the issue of closing the tube. It contains 200ml and costs 499RSD. Here is a more detailed post. Score 2/5.
- La Roche-Posay Lipicar Baume AP + - body milk for dry and sensitive skin. I applied this dense milk all summer, while I was sunbathing. Great nourishment, moisturizes and does not allow the skin to dry out. Even though it is a bit thicker it is too easy to spread and absorbs immediately. Be sure to try it if you have dry, sensitive and irritated skin. Tube has 200ml and costs 1746 RSD. Score 5/5.

- Mixa Soothing BB Cream - nisam je potrošila ali sam je dobila jako davno, kada je Mixa tek došla u Srbiju. BB krema je dobra i ima srednje ka slabijem prekrivanje, ali je premasna za moju masnu kožu. Ona je zapravo vrlo retka i lagana, ali se ja sa njom veoma brzo zasijam, tako da sam je izbegavala i na kraju je nisam potrošila. Recenzija je napisana nekada davno ovde. Tubica ima 50ml i košta 749 dinara. Ocena je 4/5.
- Eucerin Dermo Purifier Aktiv Konzentrat - veoma dobra vodenasta formula za problematičnu kožu. Može da se nanosi i na celo lice ali ja sam ga mahom nanosila ciljano. Nije efikasan i jak koliko npr. LRP Effaclar Duo + ali je vrlo blizu. S druge strane Effaclar zna da osuši i iziritira kožu pa se baš i ne maže na celo lice, a Eucerin je ipak nekako laganiji. Bar se meni čini. Recenzija je svakako ovde ako nekoga zanimaju detalji. Bočica ima 30ml i košta 1380 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Nivea Q10 Serum Aktiv Perlen - Fenomenalan serum u vidu kuglica od koenzima Q10. Mnogo je prijao mojoj koži i ona je odlično izgledala dok sam ga koristila. Nije masan i koristi se kao dodana nega, mada kod masnokožaca po meni može i umesto dnevne kreme. Recenzija je ovde. Ima 40ml i košta 1449 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Mixa Soothing BB Cream - I haven't spent it but I got it a very long time ago, when Mixa first came to Serbia. BB cream is good and has a medium to low coverage, but it is too greasy for my oily skin. It is actually a very rare and light, but I get shiny to fast with it, so I avoided it and at the end I have never spent it. Review was written long ago here. Tube has 50ml and costs 749 RSD. Score is 4/5.
- Eucerin Dermo Purifier Aktiv Konzentrat - very good watery formula for problematic skin. It can be applied on the entire face, but I used it mostly in problematic regions. It is not efficient and strong as e.g. LRP Effaclar Duo + but it is very close. On the other hand Effaclar can dry out and irritate the skin and you should not spread it on the entire face, and Eucerin is a bit lighter. At least it seems to me that way. Review is here if you're interested in details. The bottle has 30ml and costs 1380 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Nivea Q10 Serum Aktiv Perlen - excellent serum in the form of coenzyme Q10 pearls. It felt good on my skin and I looked great while I was using it. It is not greasy and should be used as an additional care, although for oily skin it can be used instead of a day cream. Review is here. It has 40ml and costs 1449 RSD. Score 5/5.

Avon Super Extend Extreme Mascara - dobra maskara sa srednje gustom formulom kakvu ja najviše volim. Produžava i razdvaja trepavice. Ne daje neki wow efekat, već prilično blag i prirodan izgled. Jedini manjak je što se nisam složila sa četkicom iako je mala, pa sam se često umazivala pri nanošenju. Ima 7ml i košta 810 dinara. Recenzija je ovde, a ocena 4/5.
- Aura Shine Killer - jedna od najboljih stvari za matiranje lica. Kada se nanese lice je meko pod prstima, baršunasto i pore i borice su nekako zaglađeni. A naravno matira satima. Recenziju sam napisala davno. Sadrži 5g proizvoda i košta 627 dinara. Ocena 4/5.

- Avon Super Extend Extreme Mascara - good mascara with medium dense formula which I love the most. Extends and separates lashes. It doesn't not give a wow effect, but quite gentle and natural look. The downside is that I did not agree with the brush to well although it is small, so I often smeared it all over my self during application. It has 7ml and costs 810 RSD. Review is here and score is 4/5.
- Aura Shine Killer - one of the best things to mattify the face. When applied skin is soft under my fingers, velvety and pores and fine lines are somehow smoothed out. And ofcourse it mattifies well. Review was written a long time ago. It contains 5g of products and costs 627 RSD. Score 4/5.

I to bi bilo to u ovoj turi. Volite li vi neki od ovih proizvoda?

And that should be it for this time. Do you love some of these products?

субота, 2. мај 2015.

Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Shampoo & Conditioner

Nastavljam seriju postova o proizvodima za kosu. Proizvodi koje vam danas pokazujem su već dugo samnom. Ne znam kako nisu ranije stigli na red da i o njima pišem pošto ih mnogo volim, ali nema veze. Reč je o Insight šamponu i balzamu namenjenim oštećenoj kosi. Insight je brend iz Italije koji proizvodi kozmetiku za kosu sa odličnim sastavom i po povoljnim cenama.

I'm gonna continue a series of posts about hair products. Products that I'm writing about today are with me for a long time. I do not know why didn't I write about them sooner, because I love them a lot. They are Insight shampoo and conditioner for damaged hair. Insight is a brand from Italy, which produces hair care with excellent composition and at affordable prices.

Insight ima linije proizvoda za kosu za sve moguće tipove i potrebe različitih vrsta kose, a ja sam odabrala liniju za oštećenu kosu. Kosa mi nije mnogo oštećena ali zbog farbanja nije baš u najboljem stanju pa želim da je negujem najbolje što mogu. Ova linija sadrži ekstrakt organskih pšeničnih klica, puter maslina, ulje argana, ulje pirinčanih mekinja i fitokomplekse. Takođe što je jako bitno njihovi proizvodi ne sadrže SLS, mineralna ulja, parabene, silikone, veštačke boje i mirise koji mogu biti alergeni.

Insight has a line of hair products for all possible hair types and needs, but I chose the line for damaged hair. My hair is not damaged a lot, but because I colour it, it is not in the best shape possible, so I want to nourish it the best that I can. This line contains extracts of organic wheat germs, olive butter, argan oil, rice bran oil and phytocomplexes. Also it is very important that their products do not contain SLS, mineral oils, parabens, silicones, artificial colours and fragrances that can be allergens.

Insight proizvodi su po meni odličan izbor baš zbog svog sastava, ali ono što je takođe veoma bitno je i da su jeftini. Ja sam kupila najveće pakovanje šampona i balzama od po 1000ml. Cena šampona je 590 dinara, a balzama 620 dinara. Cene su zaista smešne za ovu količinu, a proizvodi će vam garantovano trajati između pola godine do godinu dana.

Insight products are a great choice for me because of their composition, but what is also very important is that they are cheap. I bought the largest packagings of shampoo and conditioner which have 1000ml. Price of the shampoo is 590 RSD and of conditioner 620 RSD. The prices are really ridiculous for this large amount, and the products will last you between six months to a year, guaranteed.

Dizajn pakovanja je po meni odličan. Boce su plastične ali bojom i izgledom podsećaju na stare apotekarske bočice. Boce imaju pumpice koje su kvalitetne i dobro doziraju proizvod. Za jedno šamponiranje ja koristim 3 stiska pumpice pošto imam dugu kosu. Kod balzama koji je gušći prilikom stiska pumpice malo manja količina izađe, tako da moram više puta da pritiskam.

The packaging design is great in my opinion. The bottles are plastic, but their colour and appearance is reminiscent of the old pharmacy bottles. The bottles have a pump that are high quality and good for dosing. I use 3 pumps for one shampooing because I have long hair. Conditioner is denser so you get less product with one pump press, so you'll need to press it a few more times for one use.

1. Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Conditioner

Od balzama ja zahtevam da mi kosu omekša i olakša rasčešljavanje kako se kosa ne bi dodatno uništavala. Takođe očekujem i blagu negu, ali ništa spektakularno. Za jače efekte koristim maske za kosu ili kokosovo ulje. Ovaj balzam jako lepo omekša kosu i odlično ispunjava sve uslove za dobar balzam. Čak mi se čini i da lepo hrani kosu i neguje je. Evo ga ceo sastav:

What I look for in a conditioner is that it makes my hair soft and combing easy, so my hair isn't destroyed any further. I also expect a mild care, but nothing spectacular. For a stronger effect, I use hair masks or coconut oil. This conditioner softens the hair very nicely and meets all the requirements for a good conditioner. It even seems to me that in nourishes the hair well. Here it is the whole composition:

Miris balzama je prijatan, ali kako je vrlo blag u kosi ne ostavlja nikakav poseban miris, pa ako volite da vam kosa bude mirišljava nakon pranja, to od ovog proizvoda nećete dobiti. Srednje je gustine i bele boje.

The smell of conditioner is pleasant, but since it is very mild it doesn't stay in the hair, so if you like your hair smelling nicely this product won't give this to you. It is medium density and white.

2. Insight Damaged Hair Restructurizing Shampoo

Šampon odlično peni iako ne sadrži SLS što je za mene jako bitna osobina šampona. Blag je i nežan, pa ne isušuje ni kosu ni kožu glave a zaista dobro opere kosu. Ja kosu šamponiram dva puta. Evo da i sastav:

Shampoo makes a nice foam even though it doesn't contain SLS, which is a very important feature of a shampoo in my opinion. It is mild and does'n dry out hair or scalp, and it cleanses very well. I shampoo my hair twice each time I wash it. Here's the composition:

Šampon nema skoro nikakav miris i providan je. Srednje je gustine i nije previše redak. Definitivno ispunjava sve što od šampona tražim, a prethodna boca trajala mi je preko 8 meseci. Odmah sam ga kupila ponovo kada je prva boca potrošena. Za jedno pola godine kada potrošim i ovu probaću neku drugu Insight liniju proizvoda.

The shampoo has almost no scent and it is transparent. Medium density and not too rare. It definitely fulfills everything I ask in a shampoo, and the previous bottle lasted me over 8 months. I bought it again right away, when the first bottle was consumed. For half a year when I spend this one I'll try another Insight product line.

Ja sam prezadovoljna ovim proizvodima i moram da probam i masku iz ove linije. Kakvi su vaši utisci o Insight proizvodima? Da li je neko probao neku drugu liniju Insight proizvoda?

Informacije i ocene
Cenašampon: 590 RSDbalzam: 620 RSD
(za 1000ml)
Gde kupitiAlexanar Cosmetics
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa!
Nega i čišćenje5/5
Izgled kose5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- Cena- Dobro pakovanje
- Šampon je blag i dobro čisti
- Šampon dobro peni
- Balzam dobro omekšava
- Olakšano rasčešljavanje
- Odličan sastav
- Ne isušuju kosu i kožu glave
- Blag i skoro nepostojeći miris,  
  pa ako volite mirišljavu kosu 
  to će ovde izostati

I am more than satisfied with these products and I have to try hair mask from this line. What are your impressions of Insight products? Has anyone tried another line of Insight products?

Information and scores
Priceshampoo: 590 RSD
conditioner: 620 RSD
(for 1000ml)
Where to buyAlexandar Cosmetics
Would I buy it againYes
Hair care and cleansing5/5
Look of the hair5/5
Overall Score5/5
- Price
- Good packaging
- Shampoo is mild and cleanses well
- Shampoo makes nice foam
- Conditioner makes hair soft
- Easy combing
- Great ingredients
- Don't dry out hair and scalp
- Mild and almost non-existent scent,
  so if you like nice smelling hair
  with these products you'll stay


уторак, 30. децембар 2014.

Moja 2014. godina

Godina koja je prošla biće jedna od onih nekoliko koje ću uvek pamtiti. Toliko mnogo lošeg i toliko mnogo dobrog je sadržala da i da počnem da pričam, to bi se proteglo u nedogleg. Zato neću početi. Osim što ću poželeti vama a i sebi da mi 2015. bude ispunjena elanom da radim na sebi i svemu što moj život obuhvata i da mi optimizma nikada ne fali. A u ovom malom postu u kom neću daviti sa ličnim životom, srećom, nesrećom, preispitivanjima, i sumnjama, radostima, uspesima i promašajima, pričaću naravno o kozmetici. Svi smo ovde zbog toga ionako. Dakle šta je to obeležilo moju 2014. godinu:

The year that has passed will be one of the few that I will always remember. So much bad and so much good has happened and if I start talking about it, it would last to long. So I won't start. I only want to wish all of you and myself a year 2015. filled with enthusiasm to work on myself and everything that my life includes and never to lack optimism. And in this small post in which I will not talk about my personal life, happiness, unhappiness, doubts, joy, successes and failures, I'll talk about cosmetics. We are all here for that anyway. So what has marked my 2014:

- Aura

Za mene apsolutni brend godine. Protekle godine izbacili su toliko mnogo novih proizvoda, pudera, korektora, tečnih i običnih ruževa, četkice itd. I tolko su im proizvodi dobri da im još jednom čestitam. Ja imam tu sreću da sa njima sarađujem i dobila sam dosta stvari na recenziju. Sa tolikom srećom sam isprobavala sve nijanse novih ruževa i toliko sam se oduševila formulama. Od kad su izašli Aura tečni mat ruževi i obični mat ruževi (recenzija za nekoliko dana) ja ništa drugo i ne koristim.

For me, the absolute brand of the year. During the last year they launched so many new products, foundations, concealers, liquid and ordinary lipstick, brushes etc. And their products are so good that once again I congratulate them. I have been fortunate to collaborate with them and get a lot of things for a review. I was very happy to try out all of the new shades of lipsticks and so thrilled with their formulas. Since Aura launched their liquid and ordinary matte lipsticks (review in a few days) I barely use anything else.

- Amnogenesis

Još jedna saradnja zbog koje mi je mnogo drago. Imala sam veliku sreću da probam neke njihove proizvode, i tako sam naletela i na predobru kremu za lice koja mi je ubedljivo najbolja koju sam probala u 2014. godini - Therapeutic Facial Repair. A misija za 2015. godinu je da konačno probam kremu sa moje WL - okoloočnu Counter Clockwise.

Another collaboration that made me really happy. I had the great fortune to try some of their products, and so I tried a great face cream that became by far the best I've tasted in 2014. - Therapeutic Facial Repair. A mission for 2015. is to finally try the eye cream from my WL - Counter Clockwise.

- Garnier Olia

Ofarbala sam se ponovo u naranđasto i našla farbu koja mi odgovara. Ova boja zna da bude problematična ali Garnier Olia 7.40 pokazala se dorasla zadatku.

I dyed my hair in orange again and found a hair colour that suits me. This shade can be a problem but Garnier Olia 7.40 proved to be up to the task.

- Nuxe i Real Techniques

Dva brenda koja sam sa tolikim odusevljenjem isčekivala....a onda...nisam ništa od njih kupila. Al dobro nemam beskonačno para (hah da sam bar u rangu imam dovoljno para), tako da će te kupovine morati da sačekaju 2015.

Two brands that I have waited for with so much enthusiasm .... and then ... I haven't bought any of their products. But I don't have infinite amount o money (hah if I just had at least enough money for a normal life), so these purchases will have to wait year 2015.

- Insight 

Šampon kojim sam kosu prala više od pola 2014. godine (da toliko mi je trajalo jedno najveće pakovanje). A pritom je i veoma dobar (šampon za oštećenu kosu). Ova kupovina biće svakako ponovljena, bolje uštede nema.

The shampoo that I used to wash my hair over half of the year 2014. (that is how much the biggest packaging lasted). And the shampoo is also very good (shampoo for damaged hair). This purchase will certainly be repeated, there is no better savings.

- Vichy

Preparativa koju sam najviše koristila. Takođe ovaj brend je u toku 2014. godine izbacio i puder koji mi je pred kraj bočice i koji je daleko najbolji puder i po nijansi i po teksturi koji sam do sad koristila. Odgovara mi u svakom pogledu - Vichy Teint Ideal Fluid.

Cosmetics that was used the most. Also, during the 2014. this brand launched a new powder and foundation line. My foundation bottle is almost at the end and it was by far the best foundation for me when it comes to the shades and texture. It suits me in every way - Vichy Teint Ideal Fluid.

- Siberian Health 

Brend prirodne kozmetike koji je u Srbiji od 2014. godine. Ne smem sad da pričam detalje ali...nekoliko proizvoda koje trnutno isprobavam su me oduševili. Recenzije uskoro.

Brand of natural cosmetics which came to Serbia in 2014. I cannot talk specifics but ... a few  of the products that I'm currently trying out delighted me. Reviews coming soon.

- Avon 

Kao i uvek Avon baza za senke se koristila neprekidno i ako ikada prestanu da je prave zapaliću im kancelarije. A u 2014. godini otkrila sam jednako dobar proizvod koji takođe uvrštavam u stalnu postavku - spej za brzo sušenje laka za nokte.

As always Avon eyeshadow base is something I have constantly used and if they ever stop making it I'll burn down their offices. And in 2014, I discovered an equally good product that is also gong to become a permanent part of my life - fast drying nail polish spray.

Bitno je da nije bilo mnogo velikih promašaja i da ne znam šta bih navela kao neku vrlo lošu stvar koju sam probala. Slike kineske palete sa 120 senki pokradene su mi više puta i na kraju sam bila primorana da i na njih stavim logo. To mi je sve bilo ipak nekako zanimljivo.

It is important that there weren't a lot of big misses and I do not know which product to mention as a very bad thing I have tried. My pictures of Chinese eyeshadow palette with 120 shades were stolen several times and in the end I was forced to put my logo on them. That was still a bit interesting to me in some way.

To bi bila moja 2014. godina. Mnogo isprobanih proizvoda, mnogo recenzija, prezentacija i druženja sa blogokoleginicama. Sve u svemu ... bar što se bloga tiče 2014. godina mi se čini kao dobra godina. Broj pratilaca je rastao, a komentari na blog su i dalje vrlo pozitivni. Hvala vam svima koji me pratite, bez vas ovo i ne bi imalo mnogo smisla.

That would be my year 2014. There were many new products, many reviews, presentations and events with other beauty bloggers. All in all ... at least as far as my blog is concerned 2014. seems like a good year. Number of followers grew, and comments on the blog are still very positive. Big thanks to all of you who follow me, without you this wouldn't make much sense.

среда, 17. децембар 2014.

Kanta Vol. 13

Došli smo i do baksuznog broja posta sa potrošenim proizvodima. Mada ja ne bih rekla da su ovi proizvodi bili baksuzni. U ovoj turi potrošila sam nekoliko odličnih proizvoda koje ću svakako opet koristiiti. Da počnemo...

We came to the unlucky number of consumed products post. Although I wouldn't say that these products were unlucky. In this round I spent a few great products that I will certainly buy again. Let's get started ...

- Balea krema za ruke sa papajom - ostala sam blago razočarana. Vrlo je slaba pa za ove hladnije dane nikako nije dobra. Lepo miriše ali vrlo slabo hrani kožu. Tuba sadrži 100ml i košta 169 dinara. Moja ocena je 3/5.
- Aminogenesis Really, Really Clean gel za umivanje - o njemu sam više pisala ovde. Odličan gel za umivanje. Dobro čisti i vrlo je nežan. A i traje sto godina. Pakovanje sadrži 177ml i košta 25 €. Ocena 4/5.
- Aminogenesis Cocoon hidrirajući losion za telo - o njemu nisam pisala ali svakako planiram. Odličan, lagane teksture i brzo upijajući, a hidrira mnogo. Deluje lagano, a dobar je i za najsuvlju kožu. Pakovanje od 236ml košta 30 €. Ocena 5/5.

- Balea hand cream with papaya - I was slightly disappointed. It is not good for these cooler days. It smells nice but very poorly nourishes the skin. Tube contains 100ml and costs 169 RSD. My score is 3/5.
- Aminogenesis Really, Really Clean Cleansing Gel - I wrote more about it here. Excellent washing gel. Cleans well and is very gentle. And it lasts such a long time. The packaging contains 177ml and costs 25 €. Score 4/5.
- Aminogenesis Cocoon Hydrating Body Lotion - I didn't write about it yet, but I certainly plan to. Excellent, light texture and fast absorbing, and moisturizes perfectly. It seems light, but it's good even for the driest skin. The packaging of 236ml costs 30 €. Grade 5/5.

- Syoss šampon za suvo pranje kose - dobar ali ne koliko i Batiste. Malo slabije odmasti kosu i malo više belog ostavlja u kosi, ali razlika je minimalna. Kome nisu dostupni Batiste šamponi trebalo bi da proba ovaj. Bočica sadrži 200ml i košta 565.81 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Insight šampon za oštećenu kosu - mnogo mi se svideo. Ne sadrži SLS, mineralna ulja, parabene ni silikone. Dobro peni što me je pozitivno iznenadilo. Lepo čisti kosu, a ne ostavlja je suvom i slamastom, što mi se često desi sa prirodnijim šamponima. Pakovanje je ogromno i pumpica je odlična. Ovo najveće pakovanje sadrži čak 1000ml i košta 590 dinara što je baš isplativo. Ocena 4/5.

- Syoss Dry Shampoo - good, but not as much as Batiste. A little less degreases hair and leaves a little more white powder, but the difference between them is minimal. If Batiste isn't available where you live, you should try this one. The bottle contains 200ml and costs 565.81 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Insight shampoo for damaged hair - I liked it a lot. It doesn't contain SLS, mineral oils, parabens and silicones. Makes a lot of foam and I was positively surprised by this. Nicely cleans the hair and doesn't leave it dry and strawy, which often happens to me with more natural shampoos. Packaging is huge and the pump is excellent. This largest packaging contains 1000ml and costs 590 RSD which is very afordable. Score 4/5.

- Vichy Idealia Eyes - dobra okoloočna krema o kojoj sam pisala ovde. Nije za najsuvlju kožu. a meni je sasvim lepo odgovarala. Obojena je i daje lep sjaj koži koji čini da izgledate budnije. Tubica sadrži 15ml i košta 2633 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Vishy Normaderm Total Mat -  prilično  dobro matira ali mi je smetalo što ostavlja film na koži koji zna da se kruni u toku dana. Detaljnije sam pisala ovde. Tubica od 30ml košta 1700 dinara, a moja ocena je 4/5.
- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + - krema protiv nepravilnosti koju uvek iznova kupujem. Najbolja od svega što sam do sad probala. Detaljnije sam pisala ovde, mada o ovoj kremi svi verovatno već dosta znate. Tuba sadrži 40ml i košta 1392 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Garnier Essentials sredstvo za skidanje šminke - prilično mi se svidelo. Podseća me na micelarnu iako to nije. Lepo skida šminku (mada su neke micelarne malo bolje, ali ne sve) i ne otavlja lepljiv film na koži. Bočica sadrži 125ml i košta 489 dinara. Ocena 4/5.

- Vichy Idealia Eyes - good undereye cream which I wrote about here. Not for the driest skin, but for me it was quite nice. It is coloured and gives a nice glow to the skin which makes you look more awake. Tube containing 15ml and costs 2633 RSD. Grade 4/5.
- Vishy Normaderm Total Mat - mattifies pretty good but I didn't like that it leaves a film on the skin, which crumbles during the day. I've written more about it here. Tube contains 30ml and costs 1700 RSD, and my score is 4/5.
- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + - Anti irregularities cream that I buy over and over. Best of all that I've ever used. I've written more about it here, although you all probably already know a lot about it. Tube contains 40ml and costs 1392 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Garnier Essentials Makeup Remover - I quite liked it. It reminds me of a micellar water, though it is not. Nicely removes makeup (although some micellar waters are a little better, but not all of them) and does't leave a sticky film on the skin. The bottle contains 125ml and costs 489 RSD. Score 4/5.

I za kraj malo šminke:
- Avon Super Shock Max maskara - nije loša ali mi se nije baš ni mnogo svidela. Četkica joj je svakako prevelika za moje male oči i trepavice. Detaljnije ovde. Pakovanje sadrži 10ml a redovna cena (iako je u Avonu sve stalno sniženo) je 820 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Revlon Color Burst ruž u nijansi 070 Soft Nude - kupila sam ga odavno a i recenzirala takođe u ovom postu. Nije loš ali se malo lepio za suve delove. Baš sam ga malo koristila ali pošto mu je baš davno prošao rok rešila sam da je vreme da ga bacim. Ja sam ga platila 795 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Eveline Celebrities crni ajlajner - jedan od mojih omiljenih ajlajnera. Detaljnije u ovom postu iako sam tu pisala o braon varijanti. Pakovanje ima 4ml i košta 349 dinara. Četkica je odlična i precizna, a formula vrlo pigmentovana i trajna. Moja ocena 5/5.

I to bi bilo to! Da li ste vi probali neki od ovih proizvoda i naravno kakvi su bili vaši utisci?

And finally a little makeup:
- Avon Super Shock Max Mascara - not bad but I didn't really liked it a lot. Brush is definitely too big for my small eyes and eyelashes. More about it here. The package contains a 10ml and the regular price (although in Avon everything is constantly on some kind of discount) is 820 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Revlon Color Burst Lipstick in shade 070 Soft Nude - I bought it a long time ago and reviewed the also in this post. Not bad, but it enhances dry areas a little. I just used it a bit, but since it is long overdue I decided it was time to throw it away. I paid 795 RSD for it. Score 4/5.
- Eveline Celebrities black eyeliner - one of my favorite eyeliners. More in this post, though I wrote about the brown shade. Packaging has 4ml and costs 349 RSD. The brush is excellent and precise and the formula is highly pigmented and durable. My score 5/5.

And that was it! Have you tried any of these products and of course, what were your impressions?