Ovo je ubedljivo moj omiljeni New In kao što i sam naslov kaže. U poslednje vreme razne divote su došle do mene. Neke sam kupila, neke dobila za rođendan, a neke su rezultat divnih saradnji, promocija i prijateljstava. Razlog zašto volim ove novitete nije samo njihov kvantitet, već i način na koji su stigli do mene. Oni mi pokazuju da moj blog raste, da ono što pišem ima određen kvalitet koji su kompanije i čitaoci prepoznali. Takođe deo noviteta me podseća na divna prijateljstva koja su takođe rezultat mog blogovanja i koja su mi veoma draga. Neke devojke sam već upoznala uživo, ali neke su za sada u mom životu samo prisutne on-line, ali se iskreno nadam da će se to uskoro promeniti.
A sada da pređem na novitete:
This is by far my favorite New In post as the title says. Lately, many wonderful things have come my way. Some of them I bought, some I got for my birthday, and some are the result of wonderful cooperations, promotions and friendships. The reason why I love these novelties is not only their quantity, but also the manner in which they came to me. They show me that my blog is growing, that thing that I write have a certain quality and are recognized by companies and readers. Also part of these new things reminds me of wonderful friendships that are also the result of my blogging and that I'm very happy about. Some of the girls I've met in person, but some have been present in my life only on-line so far, but I sincerely hope that this will change
soon .
Now let's move on to new stuff:
- Golden Rose ruževi - za rođendan sam od moje divne kume dobila nijanse 57 i 86, a sebi sam kupila 124. Divno uklanjanje stvari sa moje WL!
- Proizvodi iz Hrvatske koji su do mene došli zahvaljujući Ani (
Me, Makeup and Eye blog) i za to joj hvala do neba! Donela mi je super bitu stavku sa WL, Revlon Color Stay za mešovitu i masnu kožu, nijansa 180 Sand Beige. Zatim Catrice 270 Matt-erial Girl ruž, Catrice Genius in the Bottle (840) lak za nokte i predivan Bipa kabuki.
- Golden Rose lipsticks - my maid of honor have boot me for my birthday shades 57 and 86, and I bought myself shade 124. Wonderful removal of stuff from my WL!
- Products from Croatia, which came to me thanks to Ana (Me Makeup and Eye blog) and I want to thank her as far as the sky goes! She brought me a great item from my WL, Revlon Color Stay for mixed and oily skin, shade 180 Sand Beige. Then Catrice 270 Matt-erial Girl lipstick, Catrice Genius in the Bottle (840) nail polish and beautiful Bipa kabuki brush.
- Revelique proizvodi koji su mi iz BiH stigli zahvaljujući Selmi (
Meteo Beauty blog). Proizvode je ona birala i ubola je od prvog do poslednjeg moj ukus. Hvala joj takođe do neba (i oblaka u obliku meduza ;))! Poslala mi je ove divote u saradnji sa Revelique, jer je uočila moje oduševljenje proizvodima o kojima je pisala na svom blogu.
- Revelique products that came from Bosnia thanks to Selma (Meteo Beauty blog). She chose
all of the products and they are all to my taste. I want to thank her as far as the sky goes, too (and as far as the jellyfish clouds go ;))! She sent me these wonderful things together with Revelique, as she noticed my enthusiasm about the products which she wrote about on her blog.
- Aura Divine Eyes senke - nove senke koje su do mene došle kroz divnu saradnju sa kompanijom
Aura. Veoma uskoro očekujte jedan post sa utiscima, swatch-evima i prepun slika.
- Aura Divine Eyes eyeshadows - new eyeshadows from Aura that came in my possession thanks to lovely collaboration with Aura. You should expect a post with impressions, swatches and full of photos, soon.
- L'Oreal 836 lak za nokte - opet nisam mogla da odolim i kupila sam još jedan njihov divan lak, blago precenjen sa cenom, ali šta da se radi.
- Golden Rose 327 lak za nokte - kupila mi sestra, jer vrlo dobro zna moju opsesiju za drečavim bojama.
- Nyx Matte Lipstick Bloody Mary MSL18 - poslednja poseta
Alexandar Cosmetics-u završila se kupovinom dve stavke sa WL. Ovaj ruž kao i...
- China Glaze White on White - opet križam WL.
A sad malo preparative:
- L'Oreal 836 nail polish - again I could not resist and I bought one of their glittery nail polishes, with a
slightly overestimated price, but what can you do.
- Golden Rose 327 nail polish - my sister bought this for me, as she knows well my obsession with flashy colors.
- Nyx Matte Lipstick Bloody Mary MSL18 - my last visit to Alexandar Cosmetics resulted in purchase of two items from my WL. This lipstick and ...
- China Glaze White on White - again I can cross this off my WL.
And now a little cosmetics:
- La Roche-Posay - Effaclar Mat krema koju sam kupila u okviru promocije Effaclar kutija koja je nedavno bila u opticaju, a tada sam dobila i ovu mini Effaclar umivalicu.
- La Roche-Posay - Cicaplast Mains i Levres, nove LRP kremice u njihovom asortimanu, a u mom posedu su zahvaljujući saradnji sa
- La Roche-Posay Anthelios 50+ ulje za sunčanje je rezultat iste saradnje.
- La Roche-Posay - Effaclar Mat cream that I bought during the promotion of Effaclar box that was recently on, and then I got this mini Effaclar foaming gel, too.
- La Roche-Posay - Cicaplast Mains and Levres, new LRP creams, and they are in my possession thanks to the cooperation with LUNA TBWA agency.
- La Roche-Posay Anthelios 50 + Oil is the result of the same collaboration.
- Vicy termalna voda, mini micelarna i Night Spa u okviru Vichy kutijice je rezultat iste saradnje, kao i...
- Vichy Idealia BB krema u nijansi Teinte Medium.
- Vicy thermal water, mini micellar solution and Night Spa that I got in Vichy box is also the result of this cooperation, as well as ...
- Vichy Idealia BB cream in shade Teinte Medium.
- Eucerin Volume Filler dnevna i nocna krema, dobijene na
promociji ove nove linije.
- Eucerin Volume Filler day and night cream that I got on the promotion of this new Eucerin line.
- Freeman Bare Foot losion sa pepermintom i sljivom.
- Freeman maska sa mineralima Mrtvog mora - oba proizvoda sam kupila preko
Kozmetika Teatar sajta, koji ima predivan izbog mirišljavih Freeman proizvoda.
I verovali ili ne stigosmo do kraja! Šta vam je zapalo za oko? Šta vas zanima? Šta ste vi koristili i kakvi su vam bili utisci?
- Freeman Bare Foot lotion with peppermint and plum.
- Freeman face mask with Dead Sea minerals - both products I've bought on the Kozmetika Teatar website, which has a wonderful range of
And believe it or not we came to the end! What has caught your eye? What are you interested about? What did you use and what were your impressions?