Na moju veliku žalost kiše je sve više i to me podseća da leto polako prolazi. To me je inspirisalo da nalakiram nokte u tmurnim bojama u skladu sa vremenom. Glavna zvezda je Care Romeis 117 koji sam kupila još prošle godine. Mnogo mi se svideo jer je neke šućmuraste braon boje.
To my great regret it's raining more and more and reminding me that the summer is slowly coming to an end. It inspired me to polish my nails in dull colors in tune with the weather. The star of this manicure is Care Romeis 117 that I bought last year. I really liked it because of its mixed brownish colour.
Namazala sam jedan sloj ovog laka, zatim na vrhove nokta crni Aura 804 Black Sofa. Takođe sam njim uradila i crne tačkice. Linije nisu savršeno čiste i nokti su mi kratki, ali mi se krajnji rezultat ipak svideo. Na kraju sam namazala i Essence Gel Look nadlak.
I applied a layer of this nail polish and than for the tips of my nails I used black nail polish Aura 804 Black Sofa. I also used this nail polish for black dots. The lines are not perfectly clean and my nails are a bit short, but I still liked the end result. Finally I applied Essence Gel Look topcoat.
Iako volim boju ovog CR laka ovo je ubedljivo lak sa najgorom formulom ikad. Jako se lako krza i ako izdrži jedan dan srećna sam. Zato sam i namazala na vrhove Auru i preko nadlak. Takođe ima i prilično jak miris, delom na lak delom na alkohol. Ne secam se koliko sam ga platila, ali bio je manje od 200 dinara. Sumnjam da cu ponovo kupiti lak ovog brenda, mada nije mi žao sto sam ovaj kupila jer je boja lepa, a i bio je jako jeftin.
Although I love the color of this CR nail polish it has by far the worst formula ever. Very easy to chip, so if it lasts a whole day I'm happy. That's why I used Aura nail polish for the tips and also applied a layer of topcoat. It also has a very strong scent, partly like a nail polish and partly like alcohol. I don't remember the exact price, but it was less than 200 RSD. I doubt that I will buy a nail polish from this brand again, but I'm not sorry I bought this one, since I really like the colour and it was very cheap.
Kako vam se sviđa boja ovog laka? Imate li neki sličan? Ili neku braon preporuku?
How do you like the color of this nail polish? Do you have a similar one? Or a recommendation for a nice brown nail polish?