Приказивање постова са ознаком Essence. Прикажи све постове
Приказивање постова са ознаком Essence. Прикажи све постове

субота, 7. октобар 2017.

Essence Coast 'n' Chill - Eyeshadow & Eyebrow Palette

Mnogo volim Essence limitirane kolekcije. Uvek ima nešto zabavno i novo, a često se pojavi i proizvod koji je veoma dobar i koristan. U septembru i oktobru aktelna je Coast 'n' Chill jesenja kolekcija, koja sadrži jednu veoma zanimljivu paletu kojoj nisam mogla da odolim. U pitanju je braon paleta za oči i obrve koja podseća na rumenilo. Paleta košta 559 dinara i ima 12,32 g.

I love the Essence limited collections a lot. There is always something fun and new, and often a very good and useful product appears. In September and October, the Coast 'n' Chill autumn collection is featured. It contains a very interesting palette that I could not resist. It is a brown palette for eyes and eyebrows that resembles a blush. The palette costs 559 RSDs and has 12.32 g.

Ova paleta je prosto prelepa. Boje u njoj se prelivaju od tamnije do vrlo svetle braon. Po meni sve nijanse su neutralnog i malo hladnijeg podtona. Odlične su za obrve različitih prirodnih boja. Paletu takođe koristim i za oči, posebno za definisanje pregiba i spoljašnjeg ugla oka.

This pallet is simply beautiful. The colours in it flow from darker to very bright brown. In my opinion, all the nuances have neutral and slightly cooler undertone. They are excellent for eyebrows of different natural colours. I also use the palette for my eyes, especially for defining the crease and the outer corners of the eye.

Proizvod se malkice kruni prilikom kupljenja četkicom, ali to je zaista minimalno. Senke se odlično blendaju i trajne su. Na očima naravno koristim bazu za senke, i sa njom senke ne mrdaju ceo dan. Takođe, senke su postojane i na obrvama, kod kojih ne postoji baza ili neki sličan proizvod koji senke čini trajnijima. 

The product crumbles a bit when picked up by a brush, but this is really minimal. It blends perfectly and it is very durable. On my eyes, of course, I use the eyeshadow base, and with it product does not move all day. The product is also durable on the eyebrows, where there is no base or similar product that makes the product more permanent.

Zbog prilično neutralnog podtona deluje mi da bi ove boje odgovarale većini devojaka, što se obrva tiče. U slučaju nanošenja na oči, situacija nije toliko pipava, pa će ove boje voleti svi koji vole neutralne mat senke. Paletu od srca preporučujem, a ako vam se sviđa imate još ceo oktobar da je nabavite.

Due to a rather neutral undertone, it seems to me that these colours will fit most girls, when it comes to eyebrows. In case of eyes, the situation is not so taut, so these colours will be loved by all those who like neutral matte shades. I truly recommend this palette, and if you like it, you have the entire October to get it.

Informacije i ocene
Cena559 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, DM
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa
Ukupna ocena5/5
- solidna pigmentacija
- trajnost
- odlične nijanse
- cena i pakovanje
- blago se kruni               

Information and scores
559 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM
Would I buy it againYes
Overall Score5/5
- good pigmentation
- durability
- great shades
- price and packaging
- slight crumbling      

петак, 6. јануар 2017.

The Best of 2016.

Uh, prethodna godina moram priznati nije na mene ostavila neki veliki utisak kada je kozmetika u pitanju. Ipak, neki od proizvoda koje ću pomenuti su me toliko oduševili, da ne želim da ikada ostanem bez njih (klik na nazive proizvoda za cele recenzije).

Uh, I have to admit that previous year hasn't left a great impression on me, when it comes to cosmetics. However, some of the products that I will mention have made me so thrilled that I do not want to ever be without them (click on the product names for full reviews).

Na samom početku moram da istaknem ubedljivo najbolji proizvod koji se pojavio u prošloj godini i moju omiljenu BB kremu ikada! Savršeno smiruje bubuljice, matira i izjednačava ten, a lice izgleda prirodno i lepo.

Firstly, I must point out by far the best product that appeared in the last year and my favorite BB cream ever! Perfectly soothes acne, mattifies, evens out the complexion, and the face looks natural and beautiful.

Konačno sam našla dezodorans koji zaista može da suzbije znojenje čak i meni! Da, sadrži aluminijum (tj. manje više to mu je i jedini sastojak hahaha) i ne bih ga nikada koristila na svakodnevnom nivou, ali u danima kada mi je bitno da nemam mokre kolutove ispod pazuha, konačno imam rešenje! Bitno je da napomenem, da mi nije nikada napravio probleme i začepio pore.

I finally found a deodorant that can really suppress sweating even in my case! Yes, it contains aluminum (ie. it is more or less the only ingredient hahaha) and I would never use it on everyday basis, but in the days when it is important not to have wet circles under armpits, I finally have a solution! It is important to emphasize that it has never made any problems or clogged my pores.

Odlično ulje koje obožavam da koristim u okviru noćne nege. Tako lepo hidrira i lako se upija. Savršeno.

Excellent oil, which I love to use as part of my night care. So nicely moisturizes and is easily absorbed. Perfect.

A tek koliko volim ovo ulje za za kosu i telo! Savršeno miriše. Divno svetluca i hidrira. Uživancija.

Oh and how much I love this hair and body oil! Perfect scent. It has wonderful shimmer and hydrates. So enjoyable to use.

Losion koji mi je pomogao da moja mučena suva kosa brže raste i da bude zdravija. Ko ima živaca da spava uveče sa kosom koja miriše na beli luk, neka ga proba. Preporučujem korišćenje leti, kada kosu možete lakše da perete ujutru.

Lotion that helped my tortured dry hair to grow faster and be healthier. If you think you can sleep with hair that smells like garlic, give it a try. I recommend using it during the summer, when it's easier to wash your hair in the morning.

Znam da svi pričaju o ovim sunđerčićima, ali dok nisam probala i osetila mekoću kože nakon umivanja ovim sunđerom, zaista nisam verovala da su tako dobri.

I know that everyone is talking about these sponges, but until I have tried it and felt the softness of the skin after using it, I really didn't believe they are that great.

Ne želim ikada više da živim bez menstrualne čašice. Ovo je i dalje otkriće mog života. A ovu kraću čašicu koju sam probala prošle godine volim još više, pošto mi više odgovara.

I do not ever want to live without a menstrual cup. This is still the discovery of my life. A shorter version I started using last year, and I love it even more, since it fits me better.

Na šminku prelazim sa omiljenim puderom u prošloj godini. Lagan, lepo prekriva, ne oksidira, i matira. Mada, kao i kod drugih pudera (zaključila sam nedavno) mat izgled duže traje ako ne koristim nikakav kameni puder preko.

I'll start favorite makeup products with the best foundation of the last year. Light, nice coverage, doesn't oxidize, and mattifies. Although, as with other foundations (as I recently discovered) matte finish lasts longer if I don't use any loose powder over it.

Odlična baza za senke, koju sam beskrajno zavolela. Lako blendanje, savršena trajnost senki, nema nakupljanja u pregibu, jači intenzitet boja.

Great eye shadow base, which I love endlessly. Easy blending, perfect durability of eye shadows, no accumulation in the crease, stronger colour intensity.

Možda i omiljeni komad šminke u prošloj godini. Posezala sam za ovom paletom skoro svaki dan. Dobra je za oči, a preko leta i kao bronzer za svetlucavo preplanuli izgled. Samo pažljivo zbog dobre pigmentacije.

Perhaps my favorite piece of makeup in the past year. I have used it almost every day. It is good for the eyes, and during the summer as a bronzer for a shimmering tan. Only be careful because of its good pigmentation.

Ubedljivo omiljen ruž u prošloj godini, iako sam ga dobila tek pre malo više od dva meseca.

By far my favorite lipstick of the last year, although I got it a little over two months ago.

Omiljeni tečni mat ruževi u prošloj godini, iako im formula nije u potpunosti savršena. Ipak toliko su divni po boji, da im opraštam. Mada generalno formula nije loša, i vrlo su prijatni.

Favourite liquid matte lipsticks in the last year, although their formula is not completely perfect. Yet they are so beautiful in colour, that I have to forgive them. Although generally they don't have such a bad formula, and they are very pleasant.

Odlično rumenilo, sa savršenom formulom. Vrlo pigmentovano, a lako se blenda. Takođe mi i boja odlično odgovara. Vrlo pozitivno otkriće!

Excellent blush with perfect formula. Very pigmented, but easy to blend. Also, the colour fits me so well. Very positive discovery!

Kao i svake godine proglasiću brend godine, u zavisnosti od utisaka vezanih za jedan ili više proizvoda koje sam koristila. Po meni brend 2016. godine mora biti Vichy, i to ne samo zbog savršene Normaderm BB kreme, već i zbog proizvoda za zaštitu od sunca, kao i okoloočnog Liftactiv Serum 10 Eyes & Lashes, koji sam takođe probala u prošloj godini i koji je fenomenalan! Takođe, srećna sam što u prošloj godini nije bilo previše velikih promašaja i razočaranja, te u negativnom kontekstu ipak ovaj put neću nabrojati ni jedan proizvod. Da li ste probali neki od mojih favorita za prošlu godinu i kakvi su bili vaši utisci? Koji su bili vaši favoriti u protekloj godini?

As every year, I will announce the brand of the year, depending on my impressions related to one or more products that I have used. For me the brand in 2016. must be Vichy, not only because of the perfect Normaderm BB cream, but also because of their sun protection products, as well as Liftactiv Serum 10 Eyes & Lashes, which I also tried last year and it was phenomenal! Also, I am happy that in the last year there were no big failures and disappointments, so I won't mention any products in a negative context this time. Have you tried some of my favorites of the last year and what were your impressions? Which are your favorites for the last year?

понедељак, 3. октобар 2016.

Omiljeno ovog leta

Neko vreme nisam pisala postove ovog tipa, ali nisam želela da ih pišem na silu ako nije bilo dovoljno proizvoda koje sam u nekom periodu baš volela. Ovog leta sam ipak naletela na odlične proizvode, tako da moram da vam ih i pokažem.

For a while I did not write posts of this type, but I didn't want to force myself, if there weren't enough products that I loved during some time. This summer, however, I found great products, so I have to show them to you.

Od šminke tu je nekoliko proizvoda koje obožavam:
- Essence The Glow Must Go On Bronzing & Highlighting Palette - predivna i funkcionalna paleta. Sadrži tri senke koje mogu da se koriste i na očima i kao bronzer, mada vrlo pažljivo zbog pigmentacije i šimera. Takođe tu su i dve mat senke. Hajlajter je takođe odličan. Omiljeni do sad.
- Inglot senke 15 i 16 i Nyx mini senka ES59 Hot Pink - omiljena kombinacija ovog leta. Žuta, narandžasta i roze u raznim kombinacijama. Njihove nijanse se savršeno slažu, a i kvalitet senki je odličan.
- Glossip No Transfer Liquid Liptint 07 Grapes - Najbolji tečni ruž ikada. Uskoro očekujte i celu recenziju. Najpostojaniji, sa najprijatnijom formulom od svih koje sam do sad probala.
- Avon Mega Effects vodootporna maskara - Vodootporne maskare su leti u mom slučaju nezaobilazne. Ova daje vrlo blag i prirodan izgled, i veoma je postojana.

Here a few makeup products that I love:
- Essence The Glow Must Go On Bronzing & Highlighting Palette - beautiful and functional palette. It contains three eye shadows that can be used on the eyes or as a bronzer, although very carefully because of the pigmentation and shimmer. Also, there are two matte eye shadows. Highlighter is also great. Favorite so far.
- Inglot eye shadows 15 and 16 and Nyx mini eye shadow ES59 Hot Pink - a favorite combination of this summer. Yellow, orange and pink in various combinations. Their shades perfectly match and their quality is excellent.
- Glossip No Transfer Liquid Liptint 07 Grapes - The best liquid lipstick ever. You can expect a full review soon. Most durable and pleasant formula than I've ever used.
- Avon Mega Effects Waterproof Mascara - Waterproof mascaras are unavoidable during the summer, in my case. This one gives a very soft and natural look, and is very durable.

Što se tiče proizvoda za lice, zaista obožavam sve proizvode koje ću sada nabrojati:
- Eucerin Sun Fluid SPF50+ - Divna lagana i nemasna formula sa veoma visokim faktorom zaštite.
- Nive Care univerzalna krema - Uskoro stiže i recenzija ove kreme. Divna nova laganija univerzalna krema za lice i telo. Za ruke i stopala je dobra kao svakodnevna nega, a ja ipak naviše volim da je koristim kao noćnu kremu za lice. Nije preteška, a koža je ujutru premekana.
- Nive Refreshing Cleansing Milk Normal to Mixed Skin - Obožavam da skidam šminku ovim mlekom. Iako nisam ljubitelj mleka za lice ovo je potpuno promenilo moje mišljenje. Tako divno miriše i nežno je, a odlično skida šminku. 
- Vichy Normaderm BB Clear - Moja omiljena BB krema svih vremena. Nije masna, prekrivanje je srednje, a još i smanjuje bubuljice. Ne treba mi ništa više od toga.

As far as face products are concerned, I really love all the products that will now mention:
- Eucerin Sun Fluid SPF50 + - Beautiful light and non-greasy formula with a very high sun protection factor.
- Nive Care Universal Cream - A full review of this cream is coming soon. Beautiful new lighter universal cream for the face and body. It is good for daily care of hands and feet, but I still love using it as a face night cream the most. It is not too heavy, and the skin is so soft in the morning.
- Nive Refreshing Cleansing Milk Normal to Mixed Skin - I love removing my makeup using this milk. Although I am not a fan of face milks, this one completely changed my opinion. It has such a beautiful scent and is gentle, but in the same time great in removing make-up.
- Vichy Normaderm BB Clear - My favorite BB cream of all time. Non-greasy, coverage is medium, and it even reduces pimples. I do not need anything more than that.

Od kozmetike za telo izdvojila sam nekoliko favorita:
- Vichy Ideal Soleil SPF30 - Ludačka formula. Gelasta, vodena, retka. Hladi i upija se u sekundi. Možda se zato malo brže troši jer ne može da se razmaže mnogo, koža je samo proguta. Štiti odlično.
- Olival čarobno zlatno ulje - Nedavno sam pisala o ovom predivnom proizvodu. Savršeno miriše, dobro neguje i lepo izgleda na preplanuloj koži.
- Olival Sun Tane Tanning Dry Oil - Ulje za brže tamnjenje bez zaštitnog faktora. Volela sam da ga mažem u popodnevnim časovima kada sunce nije jako i baš sam uživala da ga koristim.
- Bioten Skinergy mleko za telo - Mleko koje me je oduševilo kada sam ga prvi put pomirisala. Takođe i lepo neguje. Nije baš za suvu kožu, ali za normalnu je savršeno. Brzo se upija. Teško se oduševljavam mlekom za telo, ali ovo me je baš iznenadilo.

Bio je ovo prilično kratak post, ali morala sam da sa vama podelim oduševljenje oko ovih proizvoda. Kod svih o kojima sam pisala imate i link ka recenzijama. O nekima ću uskoro pisati. Da li ste probali neki od ovih proizvoda?

From body products I will single out these few favorites:
- Vichy Ideal Soleil SPF30 - Crazy formula. Gel-like, watery, rare. It cools and is absorbed in seconds. Maybe that's why you'll spend it a little more quickly, because it cannot be smeared on a large area since skin just swallows it. Protection is excellent.
- Olival magical golden oil - Recently, I wrote about this wonderful product. Perfect scent, nourishes well and looks good on tanned skin.
- Olival Sun Tane Tanning Dry Oil - Oil for faster tanning without protective factor. I loved using it in the afternoon when the sun is not very strong.
- Bioten Skinergy body milk - Milk that has impressed me when I first smelled it. Also nourishes nicely. It won't be good only for dry skin, but for normal it is perfect. It is quickly absorbed. It's hard to be delighted by a body milk, but this one really surprised me.

This was a fairly short post, but I had to share with you my excitement about these products. All products I wrote about have a link to their review. About some of them I will write soon. Have you tried any of these products?

понедељак, 27. јун 2016.

Essence Blogger' Beauty Secrets - The Glow Must Go On Bronzing & Highlighting Palette

Essence ima fenomenalan koncept limitiranih kolekcija šminke koje se vrlo često smenjuju. Uvek mi je zabavno da gledam šta je novo stiglo u prodavnice. Po nekim drogerijama u skorije vreme se pojavila jedna odlična kolekcija - Bloggers' Beauty Secrets. U njoj ima četiri palete i četiri laka za nokte. Sve palete su vrlo različite. Jedna je namenjena obrvama i očima, kod jedne je glavno rumenilo ali ima i senke i balzam, jedna ima nekoliko senki, ajlajner i sjaj, a poslednja je namenjena preplanulom tenu i ima nekoliko senki, bronzer i hajlajter.

Essence has a phenomenal concept of limited collections of makeup which often change. It's always fun to watch what's new in stores. Some drug stores recently got a great collection - Bloggers' Beauty Secrets. It contains four palettes and four nail polishes. All pallets are very different. One is intended for eyebrows and eyes, in one there is a blush but also eyeshadows and a lip balm, one has a few eyeshadows, eyeliner and gloss, and the last one is intended for complexion and has several eyeshadows, bronzer and highlighter.

Iako mi je moram priznati bilo teško da se odlučim jedna paleta se za mene ipak izdvojila na prvi pogled, a reč je o The Glow Must Go On Bronzing & Highlighting Palette. Cena ove kao i ostalih paleta je 679 dinara. Za početak oduševljena sam i pakovanjem jer su sve palete od sjajnog kartona i zatvaraju se na magnet. Takođe unutra se nalazi i ogledalo i četkica (mada sama četkica nije od neke prevelike koristi, ali u slučaju nužde može se iskoristiti). Moja paleta sadrži 14.5g.

Although I have to admit it was difficult to decide which one is the best, one of them did separate at first glance and that is The Glow Must Go On Bronzing & Highlighting Palette. The price of this and other palettes is 679 RSD. To begin with I am thrilled with the packaging since all pallets are mare of shiny cardboard and close with a magnet. Also there is a mirror and a brush inside (although brush itself is not of much use, but in case of emergency it can be used). My palette contains 14.5g.

E pa da počnemo sa mojom Bronzing & Highlighting Palette i njenim sadržajem:
- Cinnamon Eyeshadow - svetlija narandžasta mat senka, blago ciglaste boje i bez ikakvih drečavih tonova. Savršena za pregib kapka i ublažavanje prelaza ka obrvama.
- Sandalwood Eyeshadow - tamnija braon mat senka, topla i sa crvenim i narandžastim tonovima u sebi. Odlično se slaže sa ostalim senkama i divno uokviruje oči i naglašava spoljni ugao oka.

Well, let's start with my Bronzing & Highlighting Palette and its content:
- Cinnamon Eyeshadow - bright orange matte eyeshadow, with a bit of brick red and without any flashy tones. Perfect for crease and softening the transition to the eyebrows.
- Sandalwood Eyeshadow - dark brown matte eyeshadow, warm and with red and orange tones in it. It goes well with other eyeshadows and beautifully frames the eyes and highlights the outer corner of the eye.

- Honey Glow Highlighter - savršen hajlajter koji se naravno može koristiti i kao senka zbog odlične pigmentacije. Osnova mu je bela ali u sebi sadrži mnogo zlatnog šimera. Šimer vuče na žuto i nekako se stapa sa tenom i savršeno presijava. Ovo je možda i majlepši hajlajter na mojoj koži od svih koje sam probala.

- Honey Glow Highlighter - the perfect highlighter, which can of course be used as an eyeshadow because of its excellent pigmentation. The base is white and it contains a lot of golden shimmer. Shimmer has yellow colour and somehow blends with my complexion and perfectly shines. This may be the most beautiful highlighter on my skin of all that I've tried.

- Glowing Bronzer - glavni deo palete. Sastoji se od tri šimeraste braon nijanse koje su odlično uklopljene. Vrlo se razlikuju pa kada se koriste odvojeno imate tri veoma razlišite senke, a kada se koriste zajedno stapaju se u savršenu nijansu za oči ili lice. Ja sve tri nijanse koristim i za lice i za oči, pošto su nijanse takve da se apsolutno mogu koristiti na oba načina. Takođe im je i pigmentacija odlična pa se lako koriste kao senke, ali zato kada ih koristite kao bronzer morate imati laku ruku i pažljivo raditi.

- Glowing Bronzer - the main part of the palette. It consists of three shimmery brown shades that are perfectly combined. Very different, so when used separately you have three very unique eye shadows, and when used together they blend into a perfect shade for your eyes or face. I use all three shades for the face and eyes, as the shades are such that they can absolutely be used in both ways. They are also perfect in pigmentation, so they can easily be used as eye shadows, but because of the same reason if they are used as a bronzer, you must have easy hand and work carefully.

Najtamnija nijansa je neutralnog podtona, a boja joj je između boje mesa i braonkaste, srednja je topla i vuče malo na bakarnu, dok je najsvetlija nijansa hladna i blago vuče na roze. Sve tri nijanse su odlične samostalno ili u kombinacijama i na očima i na licu.

The darkest shade has neutral undertones, and colour somewhere between flesh and brown. Medium shade is warm and pulls a little on copper, while the lightest shade is cold and slightly pinkish. All three shades are great alone or in combination, on the eyes and the face.

Malo je reći da sam zaljubljena u ovu paletu. Sve senke se ne krune ni malo, vrlo su pigmentovane, meke i lako se nanose. Na licu su trajne i prelepo izgledaju. Takođe konačno imamo potpuno samostalnu malu paletu koja sadrži dobar odabir i mat i šimerastih nijansi. Prosto sve što sam od palete ikada tražila ova to ima. A takođe je i vrlo jeftina.

It seems to weak to say that I am in love with this palette. All eye shadows do not crumble, they are very pigmented, soft and easy to apply. On the face they are durable and look beautiful. Also, here we finally have a fully independent small palette that contains a good selection and matte and shimmery shades. It just has everything I ask of one palette. And it is also very cheap.

Nedavno sam kupila ovu paletu, ali sam namerno požurila sa recenzijom dok je ova limitirana kolekcija još u prodaji. Morala sam da vam skrenem pažnju da odete i pogledate ove palete, jer su zasta predivne.

I bought this palette recently, but I deliberately rushed to review it, while this limited collection can still be found in stores. I had to draw your attention, so you can go and look at these palettes in stores, as they are really beautiful.

Da li ste primetili ovu kolekciju u prodavnicama? Šta mislite o njoj? Da li ste nešto iz ove kolekcije već probali?

Informacije i ocene
Cena679 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, DM
Tipovi palete4
Da li bih ga ponovo kupilaDa!
Izgled na licu5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- divno pakovanje
- ne kruni se
- savršene nijanse
- kompletna paleta
- mat i šimer
- cena

Have you noticed this collection in stores? What do you think of it? Did you already have something from this collection and have you tried it?

Information and scores
Price679 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM
Palette types4
Would I buy it againYes!
Look on the face5/5
Overall Score5/5
- great packaging
- no crumbling
- perfect shades
- complete palette
- matte and shimmer
- price

петак, 24. јун 2016.

Letnji New In

Dugo nisam pisala ovakav post, posebno zato što sam slabo i kupovala pa nije bilo noviteta na gomili. Bacila sam se na pomno trošenje onoga što imam iako je to uvek nezahvalan posao, jer se uvek skupi mnogo novih stvari u međuvremenu. Odlučila sam da proberem par noviteta i da vam pokažem koje recenzije možete uskoro da očekujete i da mi naravno sugerišete ako neku želite što pre. 

It has been long time since I wrote this type of post, especially because I didn't by a lot so there weren't many new things in one place. I threw myself to carefully spending what I already have, although that's always a crappy job, because I always get many new thing in the meantime. I decided to chose a couple of new thing and show you which reviews you can expect soon and you can of course suggest if you want some of those as soon as possible.

Od šminke tu je nekoliko stvarčica:
- Golden Rose Longstay Gel Eyeliner (02 Deep Brown) - navukla me Marija (Head In The Clouds) i drago mi je da me je navukla! Uskoro recenzija.
- Kiko Eyebrow Marker & Kiko Eyebrow Fibers - dva proizvoda za stilizovanje obrva o kojima ćete čitati veoma uskoro.
- Essence The Glow Must Go On Bronzing & Highlighting Palette - o ovom malom čudu pišem možda i u sledećem postu. Dugo nisam bila ovoliko oduševljena!

From makeup we have a few new things:
- Golden Rose Longstay Gel Eyeliner (02 Deep Brown) - I bought it because of Marija (Head In The Clouds) and I'm glad that I was hooked! Review soon!
- Kiko Eyebrow Marker & Kiko Eyebrow Fibers - two products for styling eyebrows you will read about very soon.
- Essence The Glow Must Go On Bronzing & Highlighting Palette - you'll read about this little miracle maybe even in the next post. I haven't been impressed this much for a long time!

Od Nivea proizvoda moram da izdvojim:
- Nivea Care višenamenska krema - jedan lep novitet.
- Nivea Refreshin Cleansing Milk - obožavam i tačka!

From Nivea products I have to show you:
- Nivea Care Multipurpose Cream - a nice new product.
- Nivea Refreshin Cleansing Milk - i love this thing!

Od Eucerina takođe imam dosta noviteta ali izdvojiću samo četiri:
- Eucerin DermoPURIFYER dnevna i noćna krema - linija za problematičnu kožu o kojoj ću uskoro pisati, a biće i poklona.
- Eucerin Sun Fluid SPF50+ - lagana tekstura za lice uz visoku zaštitu.
- Eucerin Anti-Transpirant Intensive - zaboravila sam da ga ubacim na ovu sliku ali ga ima na grupnim fotografijama. Mnogo se znojim a ovaj dezodorans trebalo bi da sprečava znojenje u većoj meri od standardnih dezodoransa. Baš me zanima hoće li uspeti nešto što ni jedan dezodoran do sad nije uspeo, ali naravno bez zapušavanja pora.

From Eucerin I have a lot of new things but I will show you just four:
- Eucerin DermoPURIFYER day and night cream - line for problematic skin, which I'll write about soon, and there will be some gifts, too.
- Eucerin Sun Fluid SPF50 + - light texture for the face with a high level of protection.
- Eucerin Intensive Anti-Transpirant - I forgot to put it on this photo but you can see it on the group photos. I sweat a lot and this deodorant should prevent sweating to a greater extent than conventional deodorants. I wonder if it will be able to do something no deodorant so far could, but without clogging pores.

Poželela sam da se malo podsetim mirisa iz detinjstva. Moram priznati da me raduje svaki put kada ga mažem:
- Top Ten Carotene Sun krema za telo SPF20 i SPF 40.

I wanted to remind myself of  childhood scents. I have to admit I'm happy every time I'm applying it:
- Top Ten Carotene Sun body cream SPF20 and SPF 40.

Na kraju tu je još jedan brend koji mnogo volim - Vichy:
- Vichy Ideal Soleil Ultra-Melting Milk-Gel for Wet and Dry Skin SPF 30 - nova formula za najbolju zaštitu u svim uslovima. Videćemo kako će se pokazati.
- Vichy Ideal Soleil 3-in-1 Tinted Anti-Dark Spots Care SPF 50+ - još jedan novitet, ali za lice. Obojena krema sa visokim faktorom zaštite.  

Finally here is another brand that I love very much - Vichy:
- Vichy Ideal Soleil Ultra-Melting Milk-Gel for Wet and Wry Skin SPF 30 - a new formula for the best protection in all conditions. We'll see how good it is.
- Vichy Ideal Soleil 3-in-1 Anti-Dark Spots Tinted Care SPF 50+ - another novelty, but for the face. A coloured cream with a high sun protection factor.

Da li ste probali neki od mojih noviteta? Imate li želje o čemu prvo da pišem?

Have you tried some of my new stuff? Do you have any suggestions what to write about first?

понедељак, 15. фебруар 2016.

Kanta Vol. 21

Koje proizvode više neću morati da gledam u kući? Da li sam zbog toga srećna ili ne? Hajde da vidimo!

What products will I no longer have to look at in my house? Am I happy about it or not? Let's see!

Eveline Slim Extreme 4D - Intensely Slimming + Firming Serum - Anticelulit serum koji je solidno zatezao kožu, ali kao i svi proizvodi sa ovom namenom, nije me baš oborio s nogu. (250ml, 764 RSD, Ocena 4/5)
- Lactacyd Intimate Wash with Antibacterials - Nije loš za održavanje higijene intimne regije, i pohvalno je što na njemu zapravo piše pH, koji je u kod njega 3.5. Sadrži mlečnu kiselinu, namenjen je osobama sa problematičnijom intimnom regijom i pomaže kod smanjenja nastanka bakterija. Ipak, nije mi se mnogo svideo, jer ne umiruje već naprotiv malo pecka, valjda zbog tih antibakterijskih svojstava. (250ml, 599 RSD, Ocena 3/5)

-  Eveline Slim Extreme 4D - Intensely Slimming + Firming Serum - Anti cellulite serum which tightens skin nicely, but like all products of this type it didn't really blew me off of my feet. (250 ml, 764 RSD, Score 4/5)
- Lactacyd Intimate Wash with Antibacterials - Not bad for the hygiene of intimate region, and it is commendable that it actually has pH written on it, which in this case is 3.5. It contains lactic acid, is intended for people with problematic intimate region and help reduce the formation of bacteria. Yet I did not like it a lot, because it didn't calm this region down, but on the contrary it tingled a little, probably because of these antibacterial properties. (250ml 599 RSD, Score 3/5)

- Balea Schrunden Schaum - pena za ispucala stopala sa ureom i ši puterom - Zanimljiv i dobar proizvod za ispucale pete. Lepo neguje i zabavna je za korišćenje. Krema za pete u formi pene. (100ml, 237 RSD, Ocena 5/5)
- Balea mleko za kosu kajsija i kokos - Odličan leave in proizvod koji neguje, omekšava kosu i štiti je od toplote fena. Baleino mleko za kosu mi je uvek bilo drago, a ovo novo je isto kao prethodno samo je dugi miris u pitanju. Recenzija starog dobrog Baleinog mleka za kosu sa mirisom manga i aleo verom je ovde. (200ml, oko 250 RSd, Ocena 5/5)

- Balea Schrunden Schaum - foam for cracked feet with urea and shea butter - Interesting and a good product for cracked heels. Nicely nourishes and fun to use. Cream for heels in the form of foam. (100ml, 237 RSD, Score 5/5)
- Balea Hair Milk Apricot and Coconut - An excellent leave-in product that nourishes, softens and protects hair from blow-dryer heat. Balea milk has always been something I liked, and this new one is the same as previously one, the only difference is the scent. Review of the good old Balea hair milk with the scent of mango and aleo vera is here. (200ml, around 250 RSD, Score 5/5)

Bioten Skin Moisture Cleansing Gel Creme Dry/Sensitive Skin - Jedna od najboljih umivalica koju sam do sad koristila. Nežno i dobro čisti, bez ikakvog isušivanja. Uklanja masnoću i sebum, a ne muči kožu i ne tera je da luči dodatne masnoće. (150ml, 275 RSD, Ocena 5/5)
Avon Anew Clinical Eye Lift Pro - Dual Eye System - Jedna od boljih krema za regiju oka koju sam koristila. Mnogi je hvale. Meni se posebno sviđa što se sastoji iz dva dela, jedan za regiju ispod oka, a drugi za kapak. Pruža dobru negu a lagana je. (20ml, 1380 RSD, Ocena 4/5)

Bioten Skin Moisture Cleansing Gel Creme Dry/Sensitive Skin - One of the best cleansing gels I've used so far. Gently cleans, without drying the skin out. Removes oils and sebum, without bothering the skin and making it produce extra sebum. (150 ml, 275 RSD, Score 5/5)
Avon Anew Clinical Eye Lift Pro - Dual Eye System  - One of the best eye cream I've used. Many praise it. I especially like that it consists of two parts, one for the region below the eye, and the other for the eyelid. It provides good care and is light. (20ml, 1380 RSD, Score 4/5)

Prvi put u istoriji Kanta postova tu su i dva parfema. Meni parfem traje beskrajno dugo. Ovo su zapravo prva dva parfema koja sam sama koristila i cele potrošila. U stvari...sad se setih, bio je još jedan pre.
- Versace Versus Woman - Kiselkasta citrusna toaletna voda. Gornje note: zvezdasta jabuka, kumkvat, limun. Srednje note: cvet pomorandže, ruža, stefanotis. Donje note: pačuli, mošus, ambreta (mošusni hibiskus). Ja ovakve parfeme volim, ali ipak ovaj mi je bio nekako dosadan. Takođe na mojoj koži nije se zadržavao dugo. Ne bih ga nikada ponovo kupila. (100ml, 9890 RSD, Ocena 2/5)
- Avon Pur Blanca - Blaga i po meni nekako nedefinisana toaletna voda. Miriše sveže al inezanimljivo u svakom smislu. Takođe sa kože isparava prebrzo. Spada u vazdušasto cvetne mirise, koji sami po sebi znaju da mi budu dosadni. Glavne note: frezija, božur, ljubičasti heliotrope. Takođe tu su ylang-ylang i vodena nana pomešani sa ružom, i mošusom. (50ml, 1480 RSD, Ocena 1/5)

For the first time in the history of Trash posts here are two perfumes. Perfumes last indefinitely in my case. These are the first two fragrances which I used by myself and managed to spend whole, Actually...now I remembered, there was one before these.
- Versace Versus Woman - Sour citrusy scent. Top notes: star apple, kumquat, lemon. Middle notes: orange blossom, rose, stephanotis. Base notes: patchouli, musk, ambrette (musk hibiscus). I love this type of  perfumes, but this one was kind of boring. Also, on my skin it did not dwell long. I wouldn't buy it again. (100ml, 9890 RSD, Score2/5)
- Avon Pur Blanca - Mild and somehow undefined scent. It smells fresh but it's uninteresting in every sense. It belongs to airy flowery scents, which themselves are somehow boring. The main note in this one are: freesia, peony, purple heliotrope. There are also ylang-ylang and water mint mixed with rose and musk. (50ml, 1480 RSD, Score 1/5)

Takođe tu je i šminka. Ovaj put nisam ništa zapravo potrošila, ali sam rešila da bacim par komada kojima je istekao rok, a koje nisam dugo koristila, niti planiram da ih koristim.
- Essence Blush Stick 003 Miss Peachy - simpatično kremasto rumenilo, ali ne toliko postojano. Nije bilo loše, ali zapravo...ništa posebno. Mislim da ga više i nema u prodaji. (gramažu ne znam, cenu ne znam ali je svakako mala, Ocena 2/5)
- Aura Nano Lipstick 70 New York i 72 London - Simpatični mali ruževi, međutim nikada mi se ova linija Aurinih ruževa nije posebno sviđala. Nekako su im formule čudne, manje kvalitetne od velikih ruževa i mnogo su manje pigmentirani. Nijansa 70 je svetlo roza, sjajna i poluprovidna, dok je nijansa 72 divna boja mesa, srednje pigmentacije i vrlo lepa na usnama, ali je neprijatna, pecka i zateže. Nije mi jasno što, kad nije reč o mat karinu. (1.5g, 267 RSD, Ocena 3/5)

Also here is some makeup, too. This time I did not actually spent any of it, but I decided to throw away a couple of pieces that expired and which I haven't used for a long time, nor I plan to use any time soon.
- Essence Blush Stick 003 Miss Peachy - nice creamy blush, but not so durable. It was not bad, but really ... nothing special. I think it cannot be bought any more. (Grammage I do not know, I do not know the price also, but it is certainly low, Score 2/5)
Aura Nano Lipstick 70 New York i 72 London - Nice little lipsticks, but I never liked this line of Aura lipsticks. Somehow their formula is odd, they have less quality than big lipsticks and are much less pigmented. Shade 70 is bright pink, light and semitransparent, while the shade 72 is beautiful colour of meat, has medium pigmentation and it's very nice But it is uncomfortable, burns and tightens my lips. I do not understand why, since it is not a matte lipstick. (1.5g, 267 RSD, Score 3/5)

I to bi bilo to za ovaj post. Da li delite moje mišljenje za neki od ovih proizvoda?

And that would be it for this post. Do you share my opinion on some of these products?