Приказивање постова са ознаком Bioten. Прикажи све постове
Приказивање постова са ознаком Bioten. Прикажи све постове

среда, 14. фебруар 2018.

Bioten Micellar Water - Normal / Combination Skin

Evo još jedne micelarne koju sam stigla da isprobam. Ovaj put pričamo o jeftinijoj micelarnoj vodi,  drogerijskog ranga, brenda Bioten. Bioten proizvodi dva tipa micelarnih, rozu za suvu kožu i zelenu za normalnu i kombinovanu kožu, koju vam ja danas predstavljam. Pakovanje je od 400ml i košta 450 dinara.

Here's another micellar water I've tried out. This time we're talking about a cheaper drugstore micellar water, from Bioten. Bioten produces two types of micellar waters, pink for dry skin and green for normal and combination skin, which I'll show you today. The packaging is 400ml and costs 450 RSD.

I ova micelarna, kao i ostali Bioten proizvodi, sadrži ulja i druge biljne sastojke. Tu su ulja ricinusa i badema, kao i ekstrakt dunja. Sadrži i glicerin, ureu i alantoin koji pomažu koži da bude meka i hidrirana. Sadrži parfem, ali miris nije prejak. Prilikom korišćenja micelarna zaista lako uklanja sve tipove šminke. Ne peče oči ni kožu, niti imam osećaj zatezanja i iritacije. Ne isušuje kožu. Iako uvek posle micelarne operem kožu, posle ove micelarne to stvarno moram da uradim, pošto imam osećaj da se malo lepi i osećam je na koži.

This micellar water, as other Bioten products, contains oils and other herbal ingredients. There are castor and almond oils, as well as quince extract. It also contains glycerine, urea and alantoin, which help the skin to be soft and hydrated. It contains perfume, but the scent is not too strong. It really easily removes all types of makeup. It does not burn my eyes and skin, nor do I have a feeling of tightening and irritation. It does not dry out the skin. Although I always wash my face after using any micellar water, after this one I just have to do that, because I have the feeling that it is a little sticky and I feel it on my skin.

Kada se sve sabere ovo je jedna dobra micelarna koju možete nabaviti po prilično niskoj ceni. Ima moju preporuku. U slučaju veoma suve i osetljive kože, možda je bolje da probate rozu micelarnu namenjenu ovom tipu kože. U svim ostalim slučajevima i ova zelena će vam biti dovoljna, kao i meni. Da li ste probali ovu micelarnu, i kakvi su bili vaši utisci?

Informacije i ocene
Cena450 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, DM
Da li bih je ponovo kupilaDa
Osećaj na licu4/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- dobro uklanja šminku
- prijatna na koži 

- nema iritacija i isušivanja
- malo se lepi

To sum up, this is a good micellar water, that you can get at a fairly low price. It has my recommendation. In case of very dry and sensitive skin, it may be better to try out the pink micellar water, made for this skin type. In all other cases, the green one will be enough for you, as it was for me. Have you tried this micellar water, and what were your impressions?

Information and scores
450 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM
Would I buy it againYes
Makeup removal5/5
Feeling on the skin4/5
Overall Score5/5
- easy makeup removal
- pleasant on the skin

- no irritation and drying out
- feels a bit sticky

петак, 21. јул 2017.

Kanta Vol. 29

Ekspres post! Utisci o proizvodima koje sam potrošila, linkovi ka celim recenzijama i bacanje potrošenog u kantu. Krenućemo od proizvoda za kosu:

Express post! What I think about some of the spent products, links to full reviews, and throwing stuff away. Let's start with hair products:

- L'Oreal Elseve Extraordinary Oil  - Creme - odlična krema za negu kose nakon pranja. Lepo mi je omekšavala i negovala kosu. Ne otežava i ne masti kosu. Pakovanjeod 150ml košta 349 RSD. Ocena 5/5.
- Allin šampon protiv peruti, svraba i opadanja kose - šampon sa prirodnim biljnim sastojcima, lagan i blag. Dok sam ga koristila kosa je manje opadala. Bočica od 200ml košta 435 RSD, a najbolje je koristiti ga u kombinaciji sa čuvenim Allin losionom. Ocena 5/5.
- L'Oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay šampon i balzam - zanimljivi proizvodi za kosu koji sadre glinu. Usporavaju mašćenje kose, lepo je čiste i omekšavaju. Vrlo sam bila zadovoljna njima. Šampon se može naći u pakovanju od 250 ml (363 dinara) i 400 ml (475 dinara). Balzam je u pakovanju od 200ml (363 RSD). Ocena 4/5.

- L'Oreal Elseve Extraordinary Oil - Creme - great after wash hair care cream. It softened and nourished my hair. It does not make it oily. Packaging of 150ml costs 349 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Allin anti-dandruff, itching and hair loss shampoo - shampoo with natural plant ingredients, light and mild. While I was using it, my hair was falling off less. The bottle of 200ml costs 435 RSD, and it is best to use it in combination with the famous Allin lotion. Score 5/5.
- L'Oreal Elseve Extraordinary Clay Shampoo and Conditioner - Interesting products for hair that contain clay. They slow down sebum production, and make hair clean and soft. I was very pleased with them. The shampoo can be found in a 250 ml (363) and 400 ml (475) packaging. The conditioner in 200ml (363 RSD). Score 4/5.

Proizvodi za telo:
- Nivea Body Souffle Smooth Sensation - odlično miriše i dobro neguje kožu. Pogodno čak i za suvu kožu. Pakovanje sadrži 300 ml i košta oko 400 RSD. Ocena 4/5.
Bioten Cellufight! Cryo-Scult Gel - gel malo zategne kožu, ali celulit nije uklonio. Pakovanje od 200ml košta 449 RSD. Ocena 3/5.

Body Products:
- Nivea Body Souffle Smooth Sensation - perfect scent and nourishing. Suitable even for dry skin. The package contains 300 ml and it costs around 400 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Bioten Cellufight! Cryo-Scult Gel - gel tightens the skin, but cellulite has not been removed. The 200ml package costs 449 RSD. Score 3/5.

Proizvodi za lice:
- Olival zlatno ulje smilja - brzo se upija i ne ostavlja masan trag na koži. Dobar prirodan sastav, ali pakovanje ne volim zbog čudne pipete. Sadrži 15ml i košta 1059 RSD. Ocena 5/5.
Nivea Moisturizing Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream - vrlo lepo hidrira, nije teška i masna. Dobra nega za borbu protiv prvih bora. Sadrži 15ml i košta 639 RSD. Ocena 5/5.
- Aura Lift It Up maskara - maskara za prirodne trepavice bez dodatnog volumena. Samo ih ofarba i malo produži. Ja srećim upravo takve trepavice najviše i volim. Ima 8ml i košta 605 RSD. Ocena 5/5.
Noreva Exfoliac Daily Purifying Foaming Gel - najbolji gel za umivanje za problematičnu kožu koji sam do sad probala. Na žalost cena mu je malo jača, te 250ml košta 2190 RSD. Ocena 5/5.

Face Products:
- Olival Golden Immortelle Oil - it is quickly absorbed and leaves no trace of the skin. Good natural composition, but I do not like the packaging because of a strange pipette. It contains 15ml and costs 1059 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Nivea Moisturizing Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream - hydrates very well, it's not heavy and greasy. Good cream to fight the first wrinkles. Contains 15ml and costs 639 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Aura Lift It Up Mascara - mascara for natural lashes without additional volume. Only paints them and lengthens them a bit. Fortunately, that is exactly what I like. It has 8ml and costs 605 RSD. Scoreg 5/5.
- Noreva Exfoliac Daily Purifying Foaming Gel - the best cleansing gel for problematic skin I've tried so far. Unfortunately, the price is a little bigger, so 250ml packaging costs 2190 RSD. Score 5/5.

To bi bilo to! Da li ste vi probali neki od ovih proizvoda i, naravno, kakvo je vaše mišljenje o tim proizvodima?

That would be it! Have you tried any of these products and, of course, what is your opinion about them?

уторак, 27. јун 2017.

Bioten Cellufight! Cryo-Scult Gel

Večite muke sa celulitom su prisutne kod većine devojaka. Jeste, celulit je prirodan...i svi smo svesni toga, ali ga i dalje ne volimo i nadamo se da će nam neki proizvod pomoći. Čim dođe leto postovi sa anticelulit kremama su najčitanijina mom blogu. Već duže vreme isprobavam Bioten Cellufight! Cryo-Scult Gel i vreme je da o njemu kažem par reči. Gel dolazi u pakovanju od 200ml i košta 449 dinara.

Cellulite problems are something most girls have. Of course, cellulite is natural and we all now it, but we still don't like it and we hope that some product can help us. As soon as summer comes, posts with anti-cellulite creams are the most popular on my blog. I've been trying out Bioten Cellufight! Crio-Scult Gel for some time and I will now tell you more about what I think of it. Gel comes in a packaging of 200ml and costs 449 RSD.

Gel sadrži guaranu, koja pospešuje mikrocirkulaciju i morske alge, koje pomažu izbacivanje viška vode. Takođe sadrži i vitamin E koji hrani i čini kožu glatkom. Sadrži i ekstrak bele rade koji izbacuje toksine i čisti kožu. Tu su i ekstrakt gorkog đumbira, kao i kofein Proizvođač obećava smanjenje obima regija na koju se nanosi nakon četiri nedelje korišćenja, kao i glatku i zategnutu kožu. Gel je vodenkast i beličaste boje. Ima svež i citrusast miris, a prilikom nanošenja rashlađuje.

The gel contains guarana that promotes micro-circulation and seaweed to help remove excess water. It also contains vitamin E that nourishes and makes the skin smooth. There is also daisy extract, that expels toxins and cleanses the skin. Also, bitter ginger extract, as well as caffeine. The manufacturer promises slimming effect after four weeks of use, as well as smooth and tight skin. Gel is a watery and whitish colour. It has a fresh and citrusy scent and cools when applied.

Gel koristim već duže vreme i nanosim ga na bedra i zadnji deo nogu. Kao prvo moram da naglasim da se obim, naravno, nije smanjio. Nisam to doduše ni očekivala, bez obzira šta proizvođač tvrdi. Celulita takođe nema manje. Koža jeste malo zategnutija i lepša. Ipak ovo nije dovoljno da celulit deluje manje vidljiv. Vrlo standardno ovaj anticelulit gel ne radi nista posebno. Malo će zategnuti kožu, ali dalje od toga ništa... Dakle, ovaj gel, kao i skoro sve ostale, kupujete na svoju odgovornost.

I have been using this gel for a long time. I apply it on the thighs and the back of my legs. First of all, I must emphasize that the volume of the region didn't decreased. I did not expect that to happen anyway, no matter what the manufacturer claims. Cellulite is also not reduced. The skin is a little tighter and more beautiful. Still, this is not enough to make cellulite less visible. As it mostly happens, this anti-cellulite gel does nothing special. It will slightly tighten the skin, but nothing more than that... So this product, like almost every other gel, you buy at your own risk.

Informacije i ocene
Cena449 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, DM
Da li bih ga ponovo kupilaNe
Ukupna ocena3/5
- Cena
- Lagana tekstura
- Hladi
- Ne smanjuje obim
- Ne uklanja celulit

Information and scores
Price449 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM
Would I buy it againNo
Total Score3/5
- Price
- Light texture
- Cooling
- No slimming effect
- No cellulite reduction

четвртак, 4. мај 2017.

Kanta Vol. 28

Na redu je još jedan post sa potrošenim proizvodima i moji utisci nakon potrošenih celih pakovanja. Ovaj put imam malo više proizvoda, tako da se odmah bacam na posao.

Next up is another post with spent products and my impressions after spending the whole packagings. This time I have a bit more products, so let's start right away.

- Nivea Refreshing Cleansing Milk Normal to Mixed Skin - vrlo lepo uklanja šminku, jako mi se svidelo. Ocena 4/5.
- Nivea Care Krema za lice i telo - odična univerzalna krema. Divno hidrira. Koristila sam je kao noćnu kremu za lice. Ocena 5/5.
- Balea Intensiv Fuss Creme - dobra bogata krema za stopala, koja lepo omekšava kožu. Ocena 4/5.

- Nivea Refreshing Cleansing Milk Normal to Mixed Skin - nicely removes makeup. I really liked it. Score 4/5.
- Nivea Care Face & Body Cream - a great universal cream. Hydrates wonderfully. I used it as a face night cream. Score 5/5.
- Balea Intensiv Fuss Creme - good rich foot cream that softens the skin beautifully. Score 4/5.

- Freeman Blackberry Gel Facial Cleanser - jako dobra umivalica, o kojoj ću uskoro da pišem detlajnije. Ocena 4/5.
- Freeman Facial Sleeping Mask Honeydew & Chamomile - maska koja podseća na kremu i koju sam koristila kao noćnu kremu za lice. Odlično hidrira i omekšava kožu. Ocena 5/5.

- Freeman Blackberry Gel Facial Cleanser - very good facial cleanser, about which I will write in more detail soon. Score 4/5.
- Freeman Sleeping Facial Mask Honeydew & Chamomile - a mask that resembles a cream, which I used as face night cream. Moisturizes excellently and softens the skin. Score 5/5.

- Lilly VZK Hyaluron Serum - solidan serum za dodatnu hidrataciju koji sam sa uživanjem koristila. Pritom nije ni skup. Ocena 4/5.
- Vichy Normaderm  BB Clear - ubedljivo omiljena BB krema za problematičnu kožu. Divna tekstura i boja, lepo izgleda na licu, i pomaže kod bubuljica. Ocena 5/5.
- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + - najbolja krema protiv bubuljica ikada. Ne menjam je. Ocena 5/5.
- Bioten Hyaluronic 3D Antiwrinkle Eye Cream - lepa krema za hidrataciju regije oka i sprečavanje prvih bora. Ocena 5/5.

- Lilly VZK Hyaluron Serum - good serum for extra hydration, which I have used with pleasure. It is also inexpensive. Score 4/5.
- Vichy Normaderm BB Clear - by far my favorite BB cream for problematic skin. Beautiful texture and shae. It look good on the face, and helps in treating acne. Score 5/5.
- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + - the best acne cream ever. I'm not changing it any time soon. Sore 5/5.
- Bioten Hyaluronic 3D Antiwrinkle Eye Cream - a beautiful moisturizing eye cream that also prevents formation of first wrinkles. Score 5/5.

- Kiko Eye Base - odlična baza za senke. Sa njom senke ne mrdaju ceo dan. Ocena 5/5.
- Kiko 30 Days Extension Daily Treatment Mascara - dobra maskara za prirodan izgled trepavica, koja uz to i neguje trepavice. Vrlo sam bila zadovoljna izgledom trepavica tokom korišćenja. Ocena 5/5.
Avon Calming Effects Mattifying Foundation - vrlo dobar matirajući puder sa srednjim prekrivanjem. Lepo izgleda na licu, ne klizi i stapa se sa kožom. Ocena 4/5.
- Garnier Perfect Blur - baza za lice koja popunjava pore i daje koži ujednačen izgled. Bila je dobra i lepo je radila, ali sam je retko koristila jer ne volim da stavljam previše stvari na lice i da gušim kožu. Ocena 4/5. 

- Kiko Eye Base - an excellent eye shadow base. With it, eye shadows don't move all day. Score 5/5.
- Kiko 30 Days Extension Daily Treatment Mascara - good mascara for a natural looking lashes, which also nourishes them. I am very pleased with the appearance of eyelashes when I use it. Score 5/5.
- Avon Calming Effects Mattifying Foundation - a very good mattifying foundation with medium coverage. It looks nice on the face, does not slip and blends well with the skin. Score 4/5.
- Garnier Perfect Blur - primer that fills pores and gives the skin a uniform appearance. It was good and worked well, but I hardly used because I don't like to put too much stuff on my face and suffocate the skin. Score 4/5.

A sada mogu da bacim i ovu turu praznih pakovanja. Kakva su vaša mišljenja o ovim proizvodima?

And now I can throw away all these empty packagings. What is your opinion on these products?

субота, 15. април 2017.

New In sa odmora

Uzela sam dve nedelje slobodno od svakodnevnog života i malo sam putovala. Naravno, to znači da sam kupila neke stvari kojih kod nas u zemlji nema. Usput se nabavilo još po nešto novo, pa ću vam to sada i pokazati. Ako vas nešto zanima pišite.

I took two weeks off from everyday life and I traveled. Of course, that means I bought some things that aren't available in our country. Along the way, I got some more new thing, so I will now show you all of them. If you are interested in something, please feel free to comment.

Konačno sam nabavila da probam dve maske poznatog korejskog brenda Tony Moly:
- I'm Real Tomato Mask Sheet Radiance,
- I'm Real Seaweeds Mask Sheet Skin Purifying.

I finally got to try two masks from famous Korean brand Tony Moly:
- I'm real Tomato Mask Sheet Radiance ,
- I'm Real Seaweeds Mask Sheet Skin Purifying.

Dobila sam i dva Noreva proizvoda za problematičnu kožu:
- Noreva Exfoliac Light Tinted Anti-Imperfections Care,
- Noreva Exfoliac Daily Purifying Foaming Gel.
Kupila sam i kremu za regiju oka:
- Nivea Moisturizing Anti-Wrinkle Eye Care.

I got two Noreva products for problematic skin:
- Noreva Exfoliac Light Tinted Anti-Imperfections Care,
- Noreva Exfoliac Daily Purifying Foaming Gel.
I also bought an eye cream:
- Nivea Moisturizing Anti-Wrinkle Eye Care.

Posebno sam radosta što sam nabavila dve Makeup Revolution palete koje sam dugo želela:
- Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic Dreams,
- Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 3.

But, most of all I'm happy that I got two Makeup Revolution palettes that I have long wanted:
- Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic Dreams,
- Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 3.

I na kraju jedna anticelulit krema, ali i još jedna mnogo zanimljiva menstrualna čašica koju jedva čekam da isprobam:
- Bioten Cellufight! Crio-Sculpt Gel,
- Lily Cup Compact.

To bi bilo sve! Da li želite da o nečemu pišem ranije? Šta vas najviše zanima?

And last but not least, one anti-cellulite cream, and one very interesting menstrual cup I cannot wait to try:
- Bioten Cellufight! Crio-Sculpt Gel,
- Lily Cup Compact.

That's all! Do you want me to write about something soon? What are you mostly interested in?

субота, 18. март 2017.

Bioten Hyaluronic 3D - Antiwrinkle Eye Cream

Nakon potrošenog Bioten Genovate seruma za regiju oka, o kom sam nedavno pisala, prešla sam na isprobavanje Bioten Hyaluronic 3D okoloočne kreme. Ova krema zvanično je namenjena osobama od 35 do 45 godina. Namenjena je borbi protiv bora uz pomoć hijaluronske kiseline koju sadrži. Dolazi u tubici od 15ml i košta 363 dinara.

Once I have finished using Bioten Genovate Eye Serum, which I recently wrote about, I've started using Bioten Hyaluronic 3D Eye Cream. This cream is officially designed for people from 35 to 45 years old. It is an anti-wrinkle cream which uses hyaluronic acid in its composition. It comes in a 15ml tube and costs 363 RSD.

U kremi nalazi se filer hijaluronske kiseline koji deluje na površini kože i zaglađuje je. Krema sadrži i hijaluronsku kiselinu kratkog lanca, koja može da prodre i u dublje slojeve kože, popravljajući hidriranost kože i na taj način smanjujući bore i sprečavajući nastanak novih. Takođe sadrži i stimularote proizvodnje hijaluronske kiseline u koži. Pored hijaluronske kiseline u sastavu kreme su i ši puter i ulje argana.

The cream contains hyaluronic acid filler, which acts on the surface of the skin and smoothes it out. The cream contains short chain hyaluronic acid, which can penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, helping the hydration of the skin, thereby reducing wrinkles, and preventing the formation of new ones. It also contains hyaluronic acid production stimulator. In addition to the hyaluronic acid, the cream also contains shea butter and argan oil.

Po meni ova krema nije za starije osobe sa već izraženim borama, već upravo za mlađe kod kojih će hijaluronska kiselina pomoći odlaganje stvaranja prvih bora i produbljivanje tek nastalih. Zato mislim da je krema dobra da se koristi i pre 35 godine. Krema je lagana, nije masna i brzo se upija. Nema miris. Vrlo mi je lepo hidrirala kožu iako ne mogu da tvrdim da ima neke izražene moći smanjivanja bora i zaglađivanja kože. Takođe ne pomaže ni kod nadutosti. Nije izazvala nikakve negativne stvari. Ne pecka i od nje oči ne suze.

In my opinion,  this cream is not for older people with more severe wrinkles, but for younger ones since hyaluronic acid will help delay the creation of the first wrinkles and deepening of the new ones. So, I think that the cream is good to be used before you are 35. The cream is light, non-greasy and quickly absorbed. It has no smell. It nicely hydrated my skin, although I cannot claim that it has some great powers to reduce wrinkles and smooth the skin. It also does not help with under eye bags. It has no negative side effects, didn't cause any burning or tears.

Kremu bih preporučila osobama koje imaju oko 30 godina i imaju normalnu kožu u regiji oka. Krema je najbolja za osobe kojima je  potrebna lagana krema koja dobro hidrira, ali nije teška i koja može da odloži stvaranje prvih bora.

I would recommend this cream to people who are around 30 years old and have normal skin in the eye region. The cream is best for people who need a lightweight cream that moisturizes well and isn't heavy, and which can delay the creation of the first wrinkles.

Informacije i ocene
Cena363 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, DM
Da li bih je ponovo kupilaDa 
Osećaj na koži5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- cena
- higijensko pakovanje
- dobro hidrira
- elastična koža
- slabije ublažava bore
- nije umanjila nadutost   

Information and scores
363 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM
Would I buy it againYes
Feeling on the skin5/5
Overall Score5/5
- price
hygienic packaging              
- good hydration
- elastic skin
- lower wrinkle reduction
- didn't remove under eye bags

среда, 21. децембар 2016.

Bioten Genovate Antiageing & Regenerating Eye Serum

Evo i jedne lepe kreme za regiju oka. Zapravo reč je o Bioten Genovate serumu, koji ima anti-age i regenerativno dejstvo. Prevashodno je namenjen osobama od 35-45 godina, mada se meni čini da je ovo jedan lagan i prijatan serum koji mogu da koriste i malo mlađe devojke kako bi sprečile pojavu bora i hidrirale regiju oka. Iskreno, ja znam dosta devojaka koje već sa 30 imaju bore, što od šminke, što od zagađenog vazduha, stresa ili izlaganja suncu.

Here's another beautiful eye cream. Actually it is Bioten Genovate serum, which has anti-aging and regenerative effects. It is primarily intended for people from 35-45 years old, although it seems to me that this is a light and pleasant serum that can be used even by a little younger girls in order to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and hydrate the eye region. Honestly, I know a lot of girls, age around 30, who already have wrinkles, from make-up, polluted air, stress or exposure to the sun.

Aktivni sastojak u ovom serumu RESISTEM dobija se iz biljaka i ima nekoliko dejstava. On štiti kožu od prevremenog starenja, stimulacijom aktivnosti proteazoma, kompleksa proteina koji razgrađuju druge oštećene proteine. Takođe, održava i aktivnost mitihondrija, ćelijskih organela koje su odgovorne za proizvodnju energije, i na taj način produžava život ćelija. Na kraju ovaj sastojak štiti i matične ćelije, koje su odgovorne za regeneraciju kože.

The active ingredient in this serum is RESISTEM, obtained from plants, and has a number of effects. It protects the skin from premature aging by stimulating the activity of proteasomes, protein complexes that break down other damaged proteins. Also, it maintains the activity of mitochondria, cell organelles, which are responsible for energy production, and thereby extends the life of cells. Lastly, this ingredient protects stem cells, which are responsible for skin regeneration.

Serum po teksturi podseća na laganu kremu. Ima veoma blag miris, prijatan i po meni cvetni. Pakovanje je higijensko i serum se dozira preko pumpice. Za oba oka dovoljno je manje od jednog pritiska pumpice. Bočica sadrži 15ml, a cena seruma je 399 dinara. 

Serum texture is reminiscent of a light cream. It has a very mild scent, pleasant and in my opinion flowery. The packaging is hygienic and serum is dosed with a pump. Less than one press of the pump is enough for both eyes. The bottle contains 15ml, a the price of the serum is 399 RSD.

Serum bi trebalo da hidrira i zateže kožu, vraća joj elastičnost i jačinu, a nakon četiri nedelje korišćenja smanjuje i vidljivost bora. Što se mojih utisaka tiče, serum veoma lepo hidrira kožu i ona zaista deluje elastično i lepo. Nadutost ovaj serum nije uspeo da smanji. Bora nemam mnogo, pa ne mogu previše da o tome sudim, mada vidljivost postojećih bora svakako jeste manja pošto je koža elastična, hidrirana i generalno izgleda dobro.

Serum should hydrate and tighten the skin, restore its elasticity and strength, and after four weeks of use reduce the visibility of wrinkles. As far as my impressions go, serum hydrates the skin very well and it looks really nice and elastic. It failed to reduce puffiness. I do not have many wrinkles, so I can not too say too much about that, but the visibility of the existing wrinkles is certainly lower, since the skin is elastic, hydrated and generally looks good.

Po meni ovaj serum je dobar izbor za sve devojke koje žele da počnu sa laganim anti-age kremama, i kojima je potrebna normalna količina hidratacije u regiji oka. Deluje mi da serum ne bi bio dovoljan kod veoma dehidrirane kože, a isto tako ne bi mogao ni da pomogne kod starije kože sa puno bora. Meni se generalno svideo i verovatno ću ga u nekom trenutku ponovo kupiti. Da li ste ga probale i kakvi su vaši utisci?

Informacije i ocene
Cena399 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly, DM
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa 
Osećaj na koži5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- cena
- higijensko pakovanje
- dobro hidrira
- elastična koža
- slabije ublažava bore
- nije umanjio nadutost   

In my opinion this serum is a good choice for women who want to start with a light anti-aging creams, and need a normal amount of hydration in the eye region. It seems to me that the serum would not be enough for very dehydrated skin, but also could not help older skin with lots of wrinkles. I generally like it, and I'm probably going to buy it again at some point. Did you try it, and what are your impressions?

Information and scores
399 RSD
Where to buyLilly, DM
Would I buy it againYes
Feeling on the skin5/5
Overall Score5/5
- price
hygienic packaging              
- good hydration
- elastic skin
- lower wrinkle reduction
- didn't remove under eye bags

недеља, 30. октобар 2016.

Jesenji New In

Više noviteta u mojoj kući na jednoj gomili, poziv su za novi New In post. Nije ih bilo neko vreme, pa taman da malo razbijem monotoniju recenzija na blogu. 

A fer new stuff in my house just scream for a New In post. I did not write them for some time, so it's tome to take a break from the monotony of review post on this blog.

Za početak Nivea mi je poslala da isprobam par njihovih noviteta:
- Nivea Hairmilk šampon i balzam,
- Nivea maramice za skidanje šminke sa micelarnom vodom.

We'll start with Nivea, who sent me a couple of their new products to try:
- Nive Hairmilk shampoo and conditioner,
- Nivea Micellar Wipes.

Tu su i Eucerin noviteti:
- Eucerin micelarna u velikom pakovanju od 400ml,
- Eucerin roll on dezodorans bez aluminijuma.

We also have some of the new Eucerin products:
- Eucerin Micellar Water in large 400ml packaging,
- Eucerin Roll On Deodorant without aluminum.

Za kosu i oči tu su:
- Allin losin za brži rast kose,
- Allin šampon protiv peruti, svraba i opadanja kose,
- Bioten Genovate okoloočni serum (zaboravih da ga stavim na sliku).

For hair and eyes we have:
- Allin Lotion for faster hair growth,
-Allin Shampoo against dandruff, itching and hair loss,
- Bioten Genovate Eye Serum (I forgot to put in the photo).

Od šminke tu su:
- Glossip Extreme Volume ruževi nijanse 2, 5, 12,
- Golden Rose mini ruževi u nude nijansama,
- Nyx HD baza za senke.

In case of makeup we have:
- Glossip Extreme Volume Lipsticks shades 2, 5, 12,
- Golden Rose Mini Lipsticks in nude shades,
- Nyx HD Eye Shadow Base.

Da li vas posebno zanima recenzija nekih od proizvoda koje sam nabrojala? U svakom slučaju recenzija možete uskoro očekivati.

Are some of the products more interesting for me to write about? In any case you can expect reviews soon.

понедељак, 3. октобар 2016.

Omiljeno ovog leta

Neko vreme nisam pisala postove ovog tipa, ali nisam želela da ih pišem na silu ako nije bilo dovoljno proizvoda koje sam u nekom periodu baš volela. Ovog leta sam ipak naletela na odlične proizvode, tako da moram da vam ih i pokažem.

For a while I did not write posts of this type, but I didn't want to force myself, if there weren't enough products that I loved during some time. This summer, however, I found great products, so I have to show them to you.

Od šminke tu je nekoliko proizvoda koje obožavam:
- Essence The Glow Must Go On Bronzing & Highlighting Palette - predivna i funkcionalna paleta. Sadrži tri senke koje mogu da se koriste i na očima i kao bronzer, mada vrlo pažljivo zbog pigmentacije i šimera. Takođe tu su i dve mat senke. Hajlajter je takođe odličan. Omiljeni do sad.
- Inglot senke 15 i 16 i Nyx mini senka ES59 Hot Pink - omiljena kombinacija ovog leta. Žuta, narandžasta i roze u raznim kombinacijama. Njihove nijanse se savršeno slažu, a i kvalitet senki je odličan.
- Glossip No Transfer Liquid Liptint 07 Grapes - Najbolji tečni ruž ikada. Uskoro očekujte i celu recenziju. Najpostojaniji, sa najprijatnijom formulom od svih koje sam do sad probala.
- Avon Mega Effects vodootporna maskara - Vodootporne maskare su leti u mom slučaju nezaobilazne. Ova daje vrlo blag i prirodan izgled, i veoma je postojana.

Here a few makeup products that I love:
- Essence The Glow Must Go On Bronzing & Highlighting Palette - beautiful and functional palette. It contains three eye shadows that can be used on the eyes or as a bronzer, although very carefully because of the pigmentation and shimmer. Also, there are two matte eye shadows. Highlighter is also great. Favorite so far.
- Inglot eye shadows 15 and 16 and Nyx mini eye shadow ES59 Hot Pink - a favorite combination of this summer. Yellow, orange and pink in various combinations. Their shades perfectly match and their quality is excellent.
- Glossip No Transfer Liquid Liptint 07 Grapes - The best liquid lipstick ever. You can expect a full review soon. Most durable and pleasant formula than I've ever used.
- Avon Mega Effects Waterproof Mascara - Waterproof mascaras are unavoidable during the summer, in my case. This one gives a very soft and natural look, and is very durable.

Što se tiče proizvoda za lice, zaista obožavam sve proizvode koje ću sada nabrojati:
- Eucerin Sun Fluid SPF50+ - Divna lagana i nemasna formula sa veoma visokim faktorom zaštite.
- Nive Care univerzalna krema - Uskoro stiže i recenzija ove kreme. Divna nova laganija univerzalna krema za lice i telo. Za ruke i stopala je dobra kao svakodnevna nega, a ja ipak naviše volim da je koristim kao noćnu kremu za lice. Nije preteška, a koža je ujutru premekana.
- Nive Refreshing Cleansing Milk Normal to Mixed Skin - Obožavam da skidam šminku ovim mlekom. Iako nisam ljubitelj mleka za lice ovo je potpuno promenilo moje mišljenje. Tako divno miriše i nežno je, a odlično skida šminku. 
- Vichy Normaderm BB Clear - Moja omiljena BB krema svih vremena. Nije masna, prekrivanje je srednje, a još i smanjuje bubuljice. Ne treba mi ništa više od toga.

As far as face products are concerned, I really love all the products that will now mention:
- Eucerin Sun Fluid SPF50 + - Beautiful light and non-greasy formula with a very high sun protection factor.
- Nive Care Universal Cream - A full review of this cream is coming soon. Beautiful new lighter universal cream for the face and body. It is good for daily care of hands and feet, but I still love using it as a face night cream the most. It is not too heavy, and the skin is so soft in the morning.
- Nive Refreshing Cleansing Milk Normal to Mixed Skin - I love removing my makeup using this milk. Although I am not a fan of face milks, this one completely changed my opinion. It has such a beautiful scent and is gentle, but in the same time great in removing make-up.
- Vichy Normaderm BB Clear - My favorite BB cream of all time. Non-greasy, coverage is medium, and it even reduces pimples. I do not need anything more than that.

Od kozmetike za telo izdvojila sam nekoliko favorita:
- Vichy Ideal Soleil SPF30 - Ludačka formula. Gelasta, vodena, retka. Hladi i upija se u sekundi. Možda se zato malo brže troši jer ne može da se razmaže mnogo, koža je samo proguta. Štiti odlično.
- Olival čarobno zlatno ulje - Nedavno sam pisala o ovom predivnom proizvodu. Savršeno miriše, dobro neguje i lepo izgleda na preplanuloj koži.
- Olival Sun Tane Tanning Dry Oil - Ulje za brže tamnjenje bez zaštitnog faktora. Volela sam da ga mažem u popodnevnim časovima kada sunce nije jako i baš sam uživala da ga koristim.
- Bioten Skinergy mleko za telo - Mleko koje me je oduševilo kada sam ga prvi put pomirisala. Takođe i lepo neguje. Nije baš za suvu kožu, ali za normalnu je savršeno. Brzo se upija. Teško se oduševljavam mlekom za telo, ali ovo me je baš iznenadilo.

Bio je ovo prilično kratak post, ali morala sam da sa vama podelim oduševljenje oko ovih proizvoda. Kod svih o kojima sam pisala imate i link ka recenzijama. O nekima ću uskoro pisati. Da li ste probali neki od ovih proizvoda?

From body products I will single out these few favorites:
- Vichy Ideal Soleil SPF30 - Crazy formula. Gel-like, watery, rare. It cools and is absorbed in seconds. Maybe that's why you'll spend it a little more quickly, because it cannot be smeared on a large area since skin just swallows it. Protection is excellent.
- Olival magical golden oil - Recently, I wrote about this wonderful product. Perfect scent, nourishes well and looks good on tanned skin.
- Olival Sun Tane Tanning Dry Oil - Oil for faster tanning without protective factor. I loved using it in the afternoon when the sun is not very strong.
- Bioten Skinergy body milk - Milk that has impressed me when I first smelled it. Also nourishes nicely. It won't be good only for dry skin, but for normal it is perfect. It is quickly absorbed. It's hard to be delighted by a body milk, but this one really surprised me.

This was a fairly short post, but I had to share with you my excitement about these products. All products I wrote about have a link to their review. About some of them I will write soon. Have you tried any of these products?