Приказивање постова са ознаком Macadamia. Прикажи све постове
Приказивање постова са ознаком Macadamia. Прикажи све постове

уторак, 12. август 2014.

Kanta Vol. 11

Vreme je za još jedno bacanje potrošenog u smeće. Evo i mojih poslednjih utisaka.

It's time for another throwing away of the consumed products. Here are my final opinions.

- Batiste Šampon za suvo pranje kose - obožavam Batiste. I ovaj kao i rozi koji sam ranije probala su odlični i super odmaste kosu bez belog traga. Cena ovog pakovanja od 200ml je 600 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Balea mango mleko za kosu - detaljnije u ovom postu. Mnogo mi se svidelo, omekša kosu bez mašćenja. Pakovanje od 200 ml košta samo 255 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment - odlično ulje koje dodajem u masku ili balzam za dodatnu negu i mekoću kose. Detaljnije ovde. Ova mala bočica od 10ml košta 340 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Avon Advance Techniques Moroccan Argan Oil Leave-In Treatment - odlicna stvar za obnovu i negu krajeva. Mnogo mi se svidelo a detaljnije sam pisala u ovom postu. Pakovanje od 30ml košta 680 dinara ali je često snižena cena. Ocena 5/5.

- Batiste dry shampoo - I love Batiste. I like this one as much as I loved the pink one that I had previously. They are great and they degrease hair without white traces. The price of this packaging of 200ml is 600 RSD. Score 4/5. 
- Balea mango hair milk - details in this post. I really liked it. It softens hair without making it greasy. Packaging of 200ml costs only 255 RSD. Score 5/5. 
- Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment - excellent oil which I add to the mask or conditioner for extra care and softness of hair. Details here. This little bottle of 10ml costs 340 RSD. Score 5/5. 
- Avon Advance Techniques Moroccan Argan Oil Leave-In Treatment - an excellent thing for the repair and nourishing hair ends. I really liked it and details can be found in this post. Packaging of 30ml costs 680 RSD but it often has a reduced price. Score 5/5.

- Freeman piling za telo od nara - mnogo lep piling savršenog mirisa. Detaljnije u ovom postu. Pakovanje od 150ml košta  593.25 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Mains krema za ruke - jedna užasna krema koja ama baš ništa ne radi za kožu osim što stvara masni film na rukama. Ni malo mi se nije svidela. Pakovanje od 50ml košta oko 800 dinara. Ocena 1/5.
- Garnier NEO Invisible Dry Cream - mnogo mi se svideo. Lepo štiti od znojenja i neprijatnih mirisa. A lepo i hidrira i omekša kožu. Jedan od omiljeni antiperspirant proizvoda koje sam probala. Ne ostavlja bele tragove na odeći. Detaljnije ovde. Pakovanje od 40ml košta 369 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Avon Foot Works Silicon Sock Cream krema za stopala - prosečna krema koja lepo hidrira, ali nije me oduševila. Pakovanje od 75ml košta 470 dinara. Ocena 3/5.
- Economic parfem 21 imitacija parfema Opium - na prvi miris vrlo sličan, no naravno na koži razvija se drugačije. Ipak ovaj parfem sam obožavala i odmah sam kupila novu bočicu. Dugo se zadržava na koži. Pakovanje od 20ml košta oko 200 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Freeman body scrub pomegranate - nice body scrub with perfect scent. More details in this post. Packaging of 150ml cost 593.25 RSD. Score 4/5. 
- La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Mains Hand Cream - a dreadful cream that does absolutely nothing except creating a greasy film on your hands. I did not like it one bit. Packaging of 50ml costs around 800 RSD. Score 1/5.
- Garnier NEO Invisible Dry Cream - I liked it a lot. Nicely protects against perspiration and odor. Also nicely moisturizes and softens the skin. One of the favorite antiperspirant products I've tried. Leaves no white marks on clothing. Details here. Packaging of 40ml costs 369 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Avon Foot Works Silicon Sock Cream Foot Cream - the average cream that moisturizes nicely, but I was not impressed. Packaging of 75ml costs 470 RSD. Score 3/5. 
- Economic perfume 21, imitation of perfume Opium - at first fragrances are very similar, but of course it develops differently on the skin. Yet I liked this perfume and now I bought a new bottle. It stays on the skin a long time. Packaging of 20ml costs around 200 RSD. Score 5/5.

- Eveline Celebrities braon ajlajner - obožavam ovaj ajlajner. Savršeno lako iscrtava i najtanje linije samo jednim potezom. Braon nijansa mi se posebno sviđa. Detaljnije ovde. Pakovanje ima 4ml i košta 349 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Golden Rose City Style maskara - malo suvlja maskara ali daje predivne rasčešljane prirodne trepavice. Jako sam je volela. Pakovanje ima 9ml i košta samo 200 dinra. Detaljnije u ovom postu. Ocena 5/5.
- Avon Solutions Truly Radiant gel za okoloočno područje - nikako mi se nije svideo jer mi je izazivao suze i peckanje, što mi se do sad nikada nije desilo. Odustala sam od korišćenja. Tuba sadrži 15ml i košta 729 dinara. Ocena 2/5.

I to je to! Da li ste probali neki od ovih proizvoda i kakvi su bili vaši utisci?

- Eveline Celebrities brown eyeliner - I love this eyeliner. It makes it perfectly easy to draw even the thinnest lines with a single stroke. I particularly like this brown shade. More details here. Packaging of 4 ml costs 349 RSD. Score 5/5. 
- Golden Rose City Style Mascara - a little drier mascara but it makes beautiful natural looking lashes that are not stuck together. I loved it. Packaging has 9ml and costs only 200 RSD. More details in this post. Score 5/5. 
- Avon Solutions Truly Radiant Body okoloočno area - I didn't like it because it was causing tears and burning sensation, which has never happened to me before. I dropped from using it. Tube contains 15ml and costs 729 RSD. Score 2/5. 

And that's it! Have you tried any of these products and what were your impressions?

петак, 2. мај 2014.

My Little Beauty Helpers

Rešila sam da napišem jedan grupni post o nekim stvarčicama koje svakodnevno koristim i koje mnogo volim. Ovo je dakle priča o nekim malim pomoćnicima u svakodnevnoj beauty rutini.

1. Macadamia NoTangle četka
Ovo je jedna od onih četki koje ne čupaju kosu i kad je ova četka u pitanju to je potpuno tačno. Fenomenalno i jako lako rasčešljava kosu bez ikakvog čupanja i oštećivanja dlake. Od kad je imam ne mogu da zamislim da se češljam običnom četkom. Ima i lepu dršku, mada je oblik drške malo bolji za dešnjake.

I decided to write a post about some stuff I use every day and that I love very much. Therefore, this is a story about some little helpers in my everyday beauty routine. 

1. Macadamia NoNangle brush 
This is one of those brushes that don't pull your hair and when it comes to this brush that's absolutely true. It's awesome and easily detangles hair without pulling and damaging the hair. Since I bought it I cannot imagine combing with a regular brush again. It has a nice handle, although the shape of the handle a little better for right-handed people.

Četka košta 750 dinara u Alexandar Cosmetics-u.

Brush cost 750 RSD in Alexandar Cosmetics.

2. Sephora Blemish Extractor
Odlična stvar za vađenje mitisera ili za bubuljice. Ima dva kraja jedan sa širom površinom kojom pritiskate oko mitisera  i koja bi trebalo prva da se koristi, i drugu užu. Ovo je dobra stvar jer na ovaj način koža oko mesta koje se cedi trpi manji pritisak i brže će se smiriti. Naravno najbolji rezultati dobijaju se ako naparite lice i otvorite pore ili nakon pilinga.

2. Sephora Blemish Extractor
A great thing for the extraction of blackheads or pimples. There are two ends, one with the wider area which presses around a blackhead and that should be used first, and the narrower one. This is a good thing because in this way the skin around the blemish suffer less stress and heals faster. Of course, the best results are obtained if you open pores by steam or after peeling.

Cena ovog metalnog štapića je 820 dinara.

The price of this little metal rod is 820 RSD.

3. Sephora pinceta
Ova pinceta razlikuje se od većine koju sam imala priliku da koristim iz nekoliko razloga. Pinceta na sebi ima malu sijalicu koja osvetljava kožu u pravcu vrha pincete, kako bi se i najmanje dlačice videle. Pinceta je plastična ali su joj vrhovi kojima se dlačica čupa metalni. Kada se pinceta pritisne metalni delovi se spoje ali se i uvuku i sami povuku i izvade dlačicu. U početku potrebno je malo navikavanja, ali vrlo brzo se ulazi u štos.

3. Sephora tweezers
These tweezers are different than most I've had the opportunity to use for a number of reasons. Tweezers have a little light that illuminates the skin towards the tip of the tweezers, so the smallest hairs can be seen. Tweezers are plastic but the end which pulls out hair is metal. When tweezers are pressed metal parts come together, but also pull in, so this pulls out hair. At first it takes a little getting used to, but you quickly get the hang of it.

Pinceta se može kupiti u Sephori po ceni od 1790 dinara.

Tweezers can be purchased at Sephora for the price of 1790 RSD.

4. Sephora četka za umivanje
I još jedna divna stvar koju sam kupila u Sephori - četka za umivanje. Kupila sam je odavno. Četka inače ima i poklopac ali on mi se odavno polomio. Mnogo volim da se umivam ovom četkom jer ona radi blag piling i mnogo bolje uklanja nečistoće, nego kada se umivam samo rukama. Bez nje ne mogu da zamislim svaki dan. Cena ove četke je 590 dinara.

4. Sephora face brush 
And another great thing that I bought at Sephora - face brush. I bought it a long time ago. Brush has a cap but mine is long broken. I love to wash my face using this brush because it does gentle exfoliation and is better to remove impurities than when I wash my face by hand only. I cannot imagine every day without it. The price of this brush is 590 RSD.

5. Octenisept vaginalni aplikator
Octenisept je antiseptik koji se može prskati svuda, dakle i po koži ali i na sluznice. Od kada sam ga prvi put kupila ne ostajem bez njega nikad. Međutim ono o čemu zapravo želim da pričam je plastični nastavak koji se montira na prskalicu i koji omogućava vaginalnu aplikaciju spreja. Na taj način mogu da spečim neke infekcije i pobijem gamad kada mi se učini da kreću da se množe. Odlična stvar za sprečavanje većih upala.

5. Octenisept vaginal applicator
Octenisept is an antiseptic which can be sprayed everywhere, on the skin and on the mucous membranes. From the time when I first purchased it, I have never stayed without it. But what I really want to talk about is the plastic that attaches to the nozzle and allows vaginal application of the spray. That way I can prevent an infection and kill all kinds of vermin that starts multiplying. A great thing to prevent major infections. 

Pre aplikacije potrebno je jednom prsnuti spej kako bi on izašao kroz rupice na aplikatoru i razmazati sprej po aplikatoru. Na taj način su i unutrašnjost i spoljašnjost dezinfikovane. Nakon aplikacije operem ga pod mlazom vode i prsnem još jednom da bih ponovo dezinfikovala aplikator. Takođe bitno je da se čuva na mestu gde tečnost sa aplikatora može da ispari kako se bakterije ne bi razmnožavale na njemu. Kupuje se u bolje opremljenim apotekama, ali moram da priznam da sam ga ja jedva našla. Platila sam ga 884 dinara. Sam sprej u ovoj manjoj bočici je oko 350 dinara.

Prior to the application you need a press the nozzle ones, so the spray goes through the holes in the applicator and then I spread it over the applicator. In this way, the interior and exterior are disinfected. After application I wash it under water and press once again to disinfect the applicator again. Also it is important to keep it in a place where liquid from the applicator can evaporate so the bacteria cannot multiply on it. It can be purchased in better-equipped pharmacies, but I have to admit that I could hardly found it anywhere. I paid 884 RSD for it. The spray in this smaller bottle is around 350 RSD.

6. Papirići za matiranje
Kao osoba sa mešovitom kožom ja ne mogu da živim bez papirića za matiranje. Ovaj put slikala sam Essence papiriće (269 dinara) koji imaju odlično pakovanje na izvlačenje. Mada često kupujem i Aura papiriće jer su najjeftiniji. Skuplje varijante su Sephora, Inglot, a mislim da i Flormar sada ima papiriće, mada ne znam po kojoj ceni. Naravno tu je i Nyx koji ima nekoliko varijanti ovih papirića. U svakom slučaju odlična stvar za uklanjanje viška sebuma u toku dana.

6. Blotting papers 
As a person with mixed skin I cannot live without blotting papers. This time I took pictures of Essence oil control papers (269 RSD) that have a great packaging. Although I often buy Aura papers because they are the cheapest. The more expensive versions are Sephora, Inglot, and I think Flormar now has them, but I don't know at what price. Of course there are also several different Nyx blotting papers. In any case, a good thing for the removal of excess sebum produced during the day.

I to su bili neki pomoćnici koji su samnom svaki dan. Da li vi koristite nešto od ovoga? Imate li još neke pomoćnike bez kojih ne možete, a koje možete da mi preporučite?

And those were some of the helpers which are with me every day. Do you use any of these? Any other thing that you can't live without and that you can recommend?

петак, 21. фебруар 2014.

New In - baš se nakupilo :)

U poslednje vreme se baš mnogo noviteta nakupilo. Mnogo sam i dobijala sa raznih strana. Kupila sam i neke stvari sa Wish List-e. Kako kod New In postova važi prosto pravilo - the more, the merrier, ovo će svakako biti jedan od mojih dražih postova sa novitetima. 

Prvo, danas mi je stigao paket iz Hrvatske, koji sam dobila na blogu Little Happy Heaven:
- Payot Intensive radiance mask - moj prvi Payot proizvod pa se jako radujem isprobavanju.
- Kiko lak 302 - taman sam napisala post o moja jedina dva Kiko laka, a onda se moja kolekcija proširila. :)

Kupila sam i nekoliko stvarčica u Flormaru:
- Flormar Deluxe Cashmere Lipstick Stylo DC23 - obožavam ovu liniju ruževa, a ova nijansa mi je bila na WL i morala sam da je kupim.
- Flormar olovke za oči 102 siva i 107 braon

Recently, I have accumulated quite a lot of new stuff. A lot of that I received from various sides. I also bought some stuff from my Wish List. New In posts have a simple rule - the more, the merrier, so this will definitely be one of my dearest New In posts. 

First, today I received a package from Croatia, which I got on the Little Happy Heaven blog: 
- Payot Intensive radiance mask - my first Payot product, so I look forward to trying it out. 
- Kiko nail polish 302 - I just wrote a post about my only two Kiko nail polishes, and now my collection got bigger. :) 

I bought a few things from Flormar:
- Flormar Deluxe Cashmere Lipstick Stylo DC23 - I love this line of lipsticks, and this shade was on my WL and I had to buy it. 
- Flormar eyeliner 102 gray and 107 brown.

Zatim iz Slovenije mi je stigao divan poklončić sa bloga Taya - My Little Beauty World:
- Essence Colour & Go lak za nokte nijansa 159 The green & the grunge.
- Essence Kiss Care Love balzam za usne u nijansi 01 Fruit Crush.
- Essence All About Matt! kompaktni fiksirajući puder - konačno je našao put do mene, tako sam jako želela da ga probam.
- Essence Ice Cream Shimmer Pearls - jakooo zanimljiv proizvod.
- Essence olovka za obrve.
- Essence Blush stick u nijansi 030 Miss Peachy - lepo i mirišljavo.
- Catrice Absolute Eye Colour mono senka u nijansi 570 Plum Up The Jam - kao da je znala da obožavam ovakve boje. Moja mala Catrice kolekcija se povećala.

Then from Slovenia another gift has arrived from Taya - My Little Beauty World blog: 
- Essence Colour & Go nail polish in shade 159 The green & the grunge
- Essence Kiss Care Love lip balm in shade 01 Fruit Crush
- Essence All About Matt! compact fixing powder - it has finally found its way to me, because I really wanted to try it. 
- Essence Ice Cream Shimmer Pearls - very interesting product. 
- Essence eyebrow pencil.
- Essence Blush Stick in shade 030 Miss Peachy - beautiful and fragrant.
- Catrice Absolute Eye Colour mono eyeshadow in shade 570 Plum Up The Jam - as if she knew I love these colours. My little Catrice collection has increased.

Avon sam proglasila brendom 2013. godine, ali kako sam krenula čini mi se da će to definitivno biti slučaj i sa 2014. godinom. Kupila sam baš svašta od Avona, a na blogu Addicted To Them dobila sam i parfem:
- Avon Pur Blanca parfem - nežan cvetni i divan za proleće koje nam dolazi.
- Avon Super Shock Max maskara.
- Avon Solutions Truly Radiant gel za okoloočnu regiju.
- Avon Ultra Color Absolute ruž u nijansi Warm Honey - jedva sam se odlučila od silnih nijansi,
- Avon baza za senke - jedan od retkih proizvoda koji kupujem više puta za redom.
- Avon Foot Works Silicone Sock Cream.
- Avon Planet Spa Revitalising Retreat Peel Off maska sa kineskim ženšenom - moja prva peel off maska.
- Avon Planet Spa Heavenly Hydration ulje za lice - morala sam da ga kupim, tako luksuzno izgleda. Moje prvo ulje za lice. Mnogo ga volim!
- Avon Advance Techniques Maroccan Argan Oil Leave-in Tretmant - konačno sam ga kupila...kako samo miriše!

I declared Avon brand the year 2013, but as I started it seems to me that this will definitely be the case with the year 2014, too. I bought a lot from Avon, and I also got a perfume as a gift on the Addicted To Them blog: 
- Avon Pur Blanca Perfume - gentle, floral and delightful for spring which is coming. 
- Avon Super Shock Max mascara
- Avon Solutions Truly Radiant Eye Gel
- Avon Ultra Color Absolute lipstick in shade Warm Honey - it was so hard to decide which shade to buy from all of the available shades, 
- Avon eyeshadow base - one of the few products that I buy more times in a row. 
- Avon Foot Works Silicone Sock Cream.
- Avon Planet Spa Revitalising Retreat Peel Off Mask with Chinese Ginseng - my first peel off mask. 
- Avon Planet Spa Heavenly Hydration Factial Oil - I had to buy it, it looks so luxurious. My first facial oil. I love it! 
- Avon Advance Techniques Moroccan Argan Oil Leave-in Tretmant - I finally bought it...and it smells so good!

Morala sam da kupim i još nekoliko stvari koje su me potpuno oduševile kada sam ih videla:
- Garnier Perfect Blur - za sada mi se čini prilično dobro.
- Sleek Blush by three u nijansi Californ.i.a 370 - jedno od dva nova rumenila, gde u pakovanju imaju čak tri kremasta rumenila. Ovo su mi prva kremasta rumenila i već ih obožavam. Uskoro detalji. Ako želite da osvojite ovo rumenilo pogledajte ovaj post.
- Sleek ruž Barely There 776 - još jedna nude nijansa koja je izazvala veliku ljubav u meni.

A dobila sam i nešto što sam tako jako želela da probam:
- Vichy Taint Ideal fluid za normalnu i mešovitu kožu u nijansi 25 - koristila sam ga samo dva puta ali sam već veoma zadovoljna.

I also had to buy several other things that I was completely thrilled about when I saw them:
- Garnier Perfect Blur - so far it seems pretty good.
- Sleek Blush by three in shade Californ.i.a 370 - one of two new blushes, where the packaging contains three cream blush. These are my first cream blushes and I already love them. Details soon. If you want to win this blush check out this post
- Sleek lipstick Barely There 776 - another nude shade that I really love.

And I got something that I wanted to try  so badly
- Vichy Taint Ideal fluid for normal and mixed skin in shade 25 - I used it only twice but I'm very pleased with it o far.

Još jedna bitna stavka precrtana sa WL:
- Macadamia No Tangle četka - nikada se neću vratiti na obične četke!

Zatim i malo stvari za lice:
- Balea Nature noćna krema - krema sadrži 95% prirodnih sastojaka. Kupila sam je i sestri i obe je baš volimo.
- Mixa micelarna - konačno je i ona došla na red.

Another important item crossed from my WL: 
- Macadamia No Tangle Brush - I'll never go back to ordinary brushes! 

Then a little things for the face: 
- Bale Nature night cream - cream contains 95% natural ingredients. I also bought it to my sister and we both just love it.
- Mixa micellar solution - I finally bought it.

- Balea Badestick kokos - nemam kadu ali sam ga kupila da mi miriše u sobi. A kupiću i onaj sa limunovom travom, oba su predivna.
- Balea mleko za tuširanje - ono Niveino mi nije bilo zanimljivo ali Baleinom nisam mogla da odolim.

- Balea Badestick coconut - I don't have a bathtub, but I bought it to make my bedroom smell nice. And I'll also buy the one with lemon grass, both are beautiful. 
- Balea shower milk - I wasn't interested in Nivea's milk but this Balea's I couldn't resist.

I za kraj meni jako drag i poseban poklon koji sam dobila od devojke koja uvozi MeLuna menstrualne čašice u Srbiju:
- MeLuna čašica - poklonila mi je Sport varijantu, pošto sam kupila Classic, a želela sam i ovu da probam. Zanimaju li vas detaljne razlike između ove dve čašice? Razlika je u mekoći.

And finally a very dear and special gift that I received from a girl who imports MeLuna menstrual cups in Serbia:
- MeLuna menstrual cup - she gave me the Sport version, since I bought the Classic one, and I wanted to try this one, too. Are you interested in detailed differences between the two cups? The difference is in softness.

Malo više noviteta sam nabrojala ali verujem da ste izdržali do kraja. Šta vas specijalno zanima? O čemu biste da čitate? Da li ste vi probali nešto od ovoga i kakvi su bili vaši utisci?

I mentioned a little more new stuff but I believe that you have endured to the end. What got you interested?What do you want to read about next? Did you try any of these and what were your impressions?

четвртак, 19. септембар 2013.

Kanta Vol. 4

Evo došla je na red još jedna kanta. Ovaj put u kanti je samo preparativa i to uglavnom preparativa koja mi se jako svidela. Uglavnom. :P

Here comes another trash post. This time there is only cosmetics going to the trash, and this cosmetics I mostly liked a lot. Mostly. : P

Evo šta sam potrošila:

- Mixa Baby gel za kosu i telo - O njemu sam već pisala ovde. Prelepo miriše i jako je nežan. Za kosu kod odraslih je malo slab, ali će vam biti dobar ako perete kosu svaki dan. Dolazi u bočici od 250ml i košta 299 dinara. Moja ocena 5/5.

- Derma Plus antibakterijski intimni sapun - Moj omiljeni sapun ovog tipa od svih koje sam ikada probala. Već sam kupila novu bočicu. Mnogo je bolji i bolje ubija bakterije od običnih sapuna ovog tipa. Na kutiji piše da može da se rastvori u vodi i koristi kao kupka, ili regularno. Odličan je, a pakovanje ima i pumpicu. Pakovanje sadrži 250ml i košta 535 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Balea regenerator kokos i cvet tijare - Inače ne pišem o proizvodima ovog tipa osim ako su jako zanimljivi, ali neki su tražili moje utiske o ovom regeneratoru. Miris mu je malo veštači kokosast i sladak ali nije ružan. Dobro mi omekša kosu i omogućava rasčeljavanje. Od regeneratora i ne očekujem ništa više, tako da sam zadovoljna. Pakovanje sadrži 300ml i košta 169 dinara. Ocena 4/5.

- Aktivni kiseonik - I naravno jedan aktivni kiseonik, ovaj put proizvođač je AkvaBent. Pakovanje sadrži 200g i košta oko 400 dinara. Svi znamo da obožavam aktivni kiseonik o kom sam pisala još ranije ovde. Naravno moja ocena je 5/5.

Here's what I spent:

- Mixa Baby gel for hair and body - I have already written about it here. It has a beautiful scent and is very gentle. For hair in adults it is perhaps a little weak, but it will be good enough if you wash your hair every day. It comes in a bottle of 250ml and costs 299 RSD. My score for this product is 5/5.

- Derma Plus intimate antibacterial soap - My favorite soap of this kind of all I have ever tried. I've already bought a new bottle. It is much better and kills bacteria more effectively than regular soaps of this kind. The box says that it can be dissolved in water and than used as an intimate wash, or the regular way. It is excellent and has a bottle with a pump. Packaging contains 250ml and costs 535 RSD. Awarded 5/5.

- Balea Conditioner with Coconut and Tiare Flower - I do not usually write about this type of products unless they are very interesting, but I've been asked by some of my impressions of this conditioner. It smells a little fake coconuty and sweet but still the scent is not bad. It softens the hair well and allows for easier combing. I don't expect anything more from a conditioner, so I'm satisfied with it. Packaging contains 300ml and costs 169 RSD. Score 4/5.

- Active oxygen - And of course one active oxygen. This time the manufacturer is AkvaBent. Packaging contains 200g and costs around 400 RSD. We all know that I love active oxygen which I wrote about earlier here. Of course my score is 5/5.

- Macadamia Healing Oil Spray i Healing Oil Treatment - Oba proizvoda su baš dobra, a o njima sam pisala ovde. Ovo su najmanja pakovanja od 10ml (ulje) i 60ml (sprej). Sprej košta 906 dinara, a ulje 340 dinara. Moja ocena je 5/5.

- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo krema - Obožavam je. Skroz mi je sredila lice, a i leđa ili gde god bubuljice požele da izađu. Detaljnije o ovoj divnoj kremi pročitajte ovde, ako već niste. Pakovanje sadrži 40ml i košta 1495 dinara. Ocena je naravno 5/5.

- Avon Perceive parfem - I o njemu sam već pisala ovde. Jako lep prolećni miris, koji sam baš volela. Ova bočica od 30ml košta 499 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Dahlia Hydra Perfect okoloočna krema - Jako mi se svidela. Jeftina je dobro hidrira i zateže okoloočno područje. Detaljnije o njoj pročitajte ovde. Pakovanje sadrži 15ml i košta 569 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Eucerin micelarna - E nju baš ne volim mnogo. Loše skida šminku, baš se mučila sa otpornom šminkom. Njenu borbu sa Biodermom možete da pogledate ovde. Naravno iz borbe je izašla kao gubitnik. Pakovanje od 200ml košta oko 800 dinara. Ocena 3/5.

- Afrodita Young & Pure pena za umivanje - Nije loša, ne isušuje kožu, ali joj smanji mašćenje i nepravilnosti. Trajala mi je baš dugo. Pakovanje sadrži 150 ml i platila sam je 633 dinara. Detaljnije pročitajte ovde. Ocena 4/5.

I to je to! Jeste li vi probali neki od ovih proizvoda i kakvi su vam utisci?

- Macadamia Healing Oil Spray and Healing Oil Treatment - Both products are very good, I wrote about them here. These are the smallest packagings of 10ml (oil) and 60ml (spray). Spray costs 906 RSD and oil is 340 RSD. My score is 5/5.

- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo - I love it. It completely helped my face to get rid of pimples, but also my back and any other part of my body that decided to have pimples. Read more about this wonderful cream here, if you haven't already. Packaging contains 40ml and costs 1495 RSD. Of course its score is 5/5.

- Avon Perceive perfume - I have written about it here. Very nice spring scent, which I really liked. This 30 ml bottle costs 499 RSD. Awarded 5/5.

- Dahlia Hydra Perfect Eye Cream - I really liked it. It's cheap, moisturizes well and tightens the skin around the eyes. Read more about it here. The packaging contains 15ml and costs 569 RSD. Awarded 5/5.

- Eucerin Micellar Solution - I didn't really like this product much. It doesn't remove makeup that well, and it struggled with more durable makeup. A comparison with Bioderma  is described in this post. Of course, Eucerin was the loser in this comparison. Packaging of 200 ml costs approximately 800 RSD. Score 3/5.

- Afrodita Young & Pure Cleansing Foam - Not bad. It doesn't dry out the skin, but it reduces the amount of sebum and irregularities. Lasted me a very long time. The packaging contains 150ml and I paid 633 RSD for it. Read more details here. Grade 4/5.

And that's it! Have you tried any of these products and what are your impressions?

недеља, 25. август 2013.

Kanta Vol. 3

Nakupilo se još proizvoda za bacanje. To je za mene uvek veseo momenat jer rasteretim police, a i uverim se da ne kupujem uzalud, nego da i trosim proizvode. Pre nego što sam krenula da skupljam potrošene ambalaže za ove postove bila sam uverena da mnogo sporije trošim proizvode. Mada i pored toga mi se police polako pune do krajnjih granica izdržljivosti. :D

I have finally accumulated more product to toss. That to me is always a cheerful moment since I unload my shelves, but also I see that I not only buy stuff but also use them. Before I started collecting empty packages of products for these posts, I was convinced that I used those products much slower. Bit still, my shelves are slowly filling to their limit. : D

- Intima Roberts Derma Zero sapun za intimnu negu - Ovo je sapun bez boja, alkohola, sapuna i parabena. Tek od nedavno ga viđam na policama prodavnica. Jedan od boljih sapuna koje sam probala. Imate moje tople preporuke. Sadrži 200ml i cena mu je oko 300 dinara, ne sećam se tačno. Ocena 5/5. 
- Garnier Essentials gel za umivanje - blag i lepo čisti. Meni je bio malo slab ali devojke sa normalnom kožom biće super. Sadrži 200ml i cena mu je oko 600 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Aktivni kiseonik - naravno nezaobilazni deo mog kupatila. Najviše ga koristim za dezinfekciju lica kad ne mogu da se suzdržim od ceđenja bubuljica. Dezinfikuje sve i one sutra nestanu. Čudo. Ovaj sadrži 200ml i platila sam ga oko 450 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Intima Roberts Derma Zero soap for intimate care - It doesn't contain colorants, alcohol, soap  and paraben. I have recently started seeing it on store shelves. One of the best intimate soap I've tried. It has my warm recommendations. It contains 200ml and the price is about 300 RSD, I don't remember exactly. Score 5/5.
- Garnier Essentials Cleansing Gel - gentle and cleans well. It was a little weak for my, but the girls with normal skin will like it. It contains 200ml and the price is around 600 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Active oxygen - an essential part of my bathroom, of course. Mostly I use it to disinfect my skin when I cannot help myself from touching pimples. It disinfect everything and they disappear tomorrow. A miracle. It contains 200ml, and I paid 450 RSD for it. Awarded 5/5.

- Macadamia maska za kosu - Najbolja koju sam do sad probala. U nju sam volela da dodam i Macadamia ulje. Pakovanje od 100ml košta 946 dinara. Ocena 4/5 samo zbog visoke cene.
- Avon Foot Works Berry Vanilla krema za stopala - Dobra krema koja veoma lepo miriše. Jako lepo hidrira stopala. Nije namenjena ispucalim i oštećenim stopalima, pa nije dovoljno jaka da popravi takvu kožu. Sadrži 75ml i košta oko 250 dinara. Ocena 4/5.

- Macadamia Hair Masque - The best I've tried so far. I also liked adding Macadamia oil in it. 100ml bottle costs 946 RSD. I give it 4/5 only because of the high price.
- Avon Foot Works Berry Vanilla Cream - very good cream that smells incredible. Nicely moisturizes feet. Not intended for very dry, coarse and damaged feet and isn't strong enough to fix this type of skin. It contains 75ml and costs about 250 RSD. Score 4/5.

- Lush Grease Lightning - Najgluplji proizvod ikada. ne radi ništa. Ko da mažem neki aloja gel ali bez nekog specijalnog učinka. Nisam primetila da mi nešto pomaže sa bubuljicama ili nešto slično. Sadrži 45g i košta 905 dinara. I da imam gde ne bih ga ponovo kupila. Ocena 1/5.
- Nivea Regenerating noćna krema - Dobra krema koja lepo hrani i neguje kožu u toku noći. Ja sam bila zadovoljna njom. Sadrži 50ml i košta 669 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Gilette Satin Care Floral Passion pena za brijanje - Jako dobra pena koja mi je trajala mesecima. Veoma je gusta i ako imate jače dlake biće vam super. Ja nemam tolik jake dlake pa ipak volim neke malo ređe pene kao što su Balea. Ova je baš jaka, mogu i muškarci za bradu da je koriste. Lepo miriše i sadrži 200ml. Cena 523 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Eveline Slim 3D koncentrovani anticelulit serum - Veoma dobar serum. Daje malo vidljivije rezultate od većine proizvoda koje sam do sad probala. Sadrži 245ml i košta 675 dinara. Ocena 4/5, jer bolju ocenu čuvam za proizvod koji će baš da se reši celulita (kad ga budu izmislili).

- Lush Grease Lightning - The dumbest product ever. It does nothing. As if I was using some aloe vera gel but without any special effects. I didn't notice that it helps with pimples or anything like that. It contains 45g and costs 905 RSD. Even if I had where to buy it again I wouldn't. Score 1/5.
- Nivea Regenerating Night Cream - A good cream that feeds and nourishes the skin during the night. I was happy with it. It contains 50ml and costs 669 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Gillette Satin Care Floral Passion Shaving Foam - Very good foam that lasted for months. It is very thick and if you have strong hair you'll be fine shaving with it. I don't have so strong hair so I prefer a bit thiner foams, like the one from Balea. This one is very strong, men can use it to shave their beards. It smells good and contains 200ml. Price is 523 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Eveline Slim 3D concentrated anti-cellulite serum - Very good serum. Gives one of the most visible results out of all the anti-cellulite  products that I've tried so far. It contains 245ml and costs 675 RSD. Score 4/5, because I keep a better score for a product that will reduce cellulite problem a lot (when they invent such a thing).

I za kraj malo šminke:
- Essence Get Big Lashes Volume Boost maskara - Najgora maskara koju sam ikada probala. Stalno stvara grudvice i koliko god da se trudim nikada je nisam lepo nanela. Kao da umočim trepavice u katran, pa šta bude bude. Još sam je i ponela na more i mislim da se tada pokvarila jer se jedan dan sva maskara iz bočice zalepila oko četkice i napravila jednu veliku gadnu loptu. Bila sam zgrožena. Posle se vratila u normalu, ali ne želim uopšte više da je vidim očima, a kamoli koristim, tako da ide u kantu. Sadrži 12ml i platila sam je 329 din. Ocena 1/5.
- Artdeco baza za senke - Da završim ovaj post pozitivno, potrošila sam moju omiljenu bazu. Fenomenalna je. Drži senke na mestu ceo dan, bez ikakvog nakupljanja u pregibu ili skidanja. Sada isprobavam drugu bazu i već sam zažalila. Moram da kupim novo pakovanje. Sadrži 5ml i košta 869 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

Jeste li probali neki od ovih proizvoda? Kakvi su vaši utisci?

And finally some makeup:
- Essence Get Big Lashes Volume Boost Mascara - worst mascara I've ever tried. Constantly creating lumps and no mater how much I try I've never applied it well. It look as if I dipped my lashes in tar, and hoped for the best. I brought to the sea with me and I think that the heat destroyed it since one day all of the mascara from the bottle stuck around the brush and made ​​a big nasty ball. I was so disgusted. After that it returned to normal, but I don't want to look at it any more, let alone use it, so I'm throwing it away. It contains 12ml and I paid 329 RSD for it. Score 1/5.
- Artdeco Eyeshadow Base - Let me finish this post in a positive note. I spent my favorite eyeshadow base. It is just phenomenal. Keeps your eyeshadow in place whole day, with no creasing or erasing. I'm trying a different base at the moment and I already regret it. I have to buy a new one. It contains 5ml and costs 869 RSD. Awarded 5/5.

Have you tried any of these products? What are your impressions?

недеља, 11. август 2013.

Proizvodi koje je obasjalo Sunce

Nije me bilo neko vreme, a razlog za to je što sam bila na moru! Bila sam na divnom Tasosu i baš sam se odmorila i uživala. A kao rekapitulacija mog malog odmora donosim vam post sa proizvodima koje sam nosila na plažu i koje sam kasnije mackala posle izlaganja suncu. 

Podelila sam ih u tri kategorije - kosa, lice i telo. Pa da krenemo!

I've been away for a while, and the reason for that is that I was on the seaside! I was on a wonderful island of Thassos and I really enjoyed my stay and had a bit of rest. And as a recap of my little holiday I bring you a post with the products that I took to the beach and I that I used after sun.

I split them into three categories - hair, face and body. So let's get going!


- Kosu sam od UV zraka štitila Sunny Hair Aqua Nutrition sprejem koji sam kupila još prošle godine a i dalje ga imam. Proizvodi ga Top Ten. Baš se sporo troši a prskam ga kao luda. Sadrži 200ml i proizvodi se u Srbiji. Formula je bez ulja i sadrži keratin. Piše da obezbeđuje 90% zaštite strukture kose i da je posebno dobar za farbanu kosu i kosu sa slabom pigmentacijom. Ne lepi kosu, nije mastan i lepo miriše. 

- Nakon sunca i pranja kose nanosila sam Macadamia Healing Oil u spreju (recenzija). Imam ovu bočicu od 60ml već duže vreme, a na moru sam ga nanosila svaki dan i ostalo mi je još mnogo ulja.

Moram da priznam da mi je ova kombinacija baš lepo negovala kosu. Nisam primetila da mi kosa ni malo isušenija ili ispucala. Čak mislim da sam je malo i nahranila od silnog Macadamia ulja. :)


- I protected my hair from the UV rays with Sunny Hair Aqua Nutrition spray that I bought last year and still have it. The producer is Top Ten. It lasts for ever and I really used it like crazy. It contains 200ml and is produced in Serbia. The formula is oil-free and contains keratin. They say that it provides 90% protection of the hair structure and is especially good for color-treated hair and hair with little pigmentation. Doesn't make hair sticky, it's not greasy and it smells good.

- After sun and washing my hair I applied Macadamia Healing Oil Spray (review). I have this bottle of 60ml for a long time and while at sea I applied it every day and I still have a lot of it left.

I have to admit that this combination did a very good job of protecting my hair. I noticed that my hair is not dry or damaged. I even think I healed it a bit because of  large amount of Macadamia oil I used. :)


- Lice sam na plaži štitila LRP Anthelios 50+ obojenim fluidom (recenzija). Dobro se pokazao, nisam pocrvenela ni u jednom trenutku. Brzo se upija i lako maže, a potrebna je mala količina. I njega mi je ostalo jako puno, a bočica ima samo 50ml.

- Usne sam štitila sa Sun Dance stikom koji ima SPF50. Takođe super proizvod. Odlično štiti usne. Nema nikakav miris ni ukus.


- I protected my face with LRP Anthelios 50 + tinted extreme fluid (review). It did well, I didn't burn at any time. It is absorbed quickly, easily smeared, and requires a small amount. I have a lot of it left still and the bottle contains only 50ml.

- I protect my lips with Sun Dance stick that has SPF50. Also a great product. Excellently protects the lips. It has no scent or taste.


- Na plaži sam kao zaštitu koristila Top Ten kremicu u spreju sa maslinovim uljem i SPF50. Ovoje još jedan Made in Serbia proizvod. Ima 180ml i koristili smo ga muž i ja i skoro ga potrošili. Odličan je proizvod. Ima blag i prijatan miris. Pumpica radi dobro, lako se razmazuje i upija. Nije masan. Ja najviše volim ovakve kreme, one guste me jako mrzi da razmazujem dok se ne upiju i prestanem da budem bela. Nisam pocrvenela, a baš sam puno pocrnela. Moj muž kog je malo mrzelo da se maže je u nekom trenutku pocrveneo malo pošto sam morala da ga jurim da ga mažem.

- Nakon tuširanja kožu sam negovala Mixa losionom za normalnu i suvu kožu (recenzija). Namerno sam ponela ovo mleko da bi dobro nahranilo kožu koju mi sunce isuši. Mleko je retko, mazivo, lako se nanosi i brzo upija. Odlično neguje i koža mi uopšte nije bila suva zbog sunčanja. Naravno potrošila sam samo mali deo ogromnog pakovanja od 400ml.

- Sunce je sve gore i ovo je prva godina da mi je u jednom trenutku izašla blaga alergija od sunca u vidu sitnih bubuljica po negde. Muž je osetljiviji i nije se baš mnogo mazao pa je bio mnogo gori. U tom slučaju ili slučaju crvenila nanosila sam Pantenol emulziju. Odlično je smirivala crvenilo, u rekordnom roku. Emulzija ima pumpicu i izgleda kao mleko za telo. Lako se razmazuje i brzo upija. Sadži 200ml a proizvođač je ponovo iz Srbije - Crystal Derma.


- On the beach I used Top Ten spray cream with olive oil and SPF50. This is another product made ​​in Serbia. There is 180ml and my husband  and I nearly spent it. It is an excellent product. It has a mild and pleasant fragrance. Pump works well, it is easy to smear and absorb. Not greasy. I prefer these creams, since I hate massaging regular thick creams into skin until they stop being white. I didn't burn, and got a lot of tan. My husband who was a little bit lazy to apply protection enough did burn a bit at some point, because I had to chase him to apply the cream.

- After showering, I applied Mixa skin lotion for normal to dry skin (review). I purposely brought this body milk to fead the skin since it will be dry because of the sun. Milk is rare, not grease, easy to apply and quickly absorbed. It provides great nourishment and my skin was not at all dry after sun. Of course I have spent only a small part of the huge packaging of 400ml.

- The sun is getting worse and this is the first year I got a mild allergy because of the sun in the form of small pimples here and there. My husband is more sensitive and has not exactly protected himself enough, so he was much worse. In that case, or if case of redness I applied Panthenol emulsion. It calms the redness in record time. The emulsion has a pump and looks like a body milk. It is easy to apply and quickly absorbed. Contains a 200ml and manufacturer is again from Serbia - Crystal Derma.


I za kraj mogu samo da vas pitam šta ste vi koristili ovog leta i da li ste probali neki od ovih proizvoda? Ja sam veoma zadovoljna kako je prošlo ovo leto i ostavljam vas uz ovu sliku prelepog Tasosa.

In the end, I can only ask what you used this summer and if you have tried some of these product? I am very pleased with how this summer passed and I leave you with this beautiful picture of Thassos.