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Приказивање постова са ознаком Nuxe. Прикажи све постове

уторак, 30. децембар 2014.

Moja 2014. godina

Godina koja je prošla biće jedna od onih nekoliko koje ću uvek pamtiti. Toliko mnogo lošeg i toliko mnogo dobrog je sadržala da i da počnem da pričam, to bi se proteglo u nedogleg. Zato neću početi. Osim što ću poželeti vama a i sebi da mi 2015. bude ispunjena elanom da radim na sebi i svemu što moj život obuhvata i da mi optimizma nikada ne fali. A u ovom malom postu u kom neću daviti sa ličnim životom, srećom, nesrećom, preispitivanjima, i sumnjama, radostima, uspesima i promašajima, pričaću naravno o kozmetici. Svi smo ovde zbog toga ionako. Dakle šta je to obeležilo moju 2014. godinu:

The year that has passed will be one of the few that I will always remember. So much bad and so much good has happened and if I start talking about it, it would last to long. So I won't start. I only want to wish all of you and myself a year 2015. filled with enthusiasm to work on myself and everything that my life includes and never to lack optimism. And in this small post in which I will not talk about my personal life, happiness, unhappiness, doubts, joy, successes and failures, I'll talk about cosmetics. We are all here for that anyway. So what has marked my 2014:

- Aura

Za mene apsolutni brend godine. Protekle godine izbacili su toliko mnogo novih proizvoda, pudera, korektora, tečnih i običnih ruževa, četkice itd. I tolko su im proizvodi dobri da im još jednom čestitam. Ja imam tu sreću da sa njima sarađujem i dobila sam dosta stvari na recenziju. Sa tolikom srećom sam isprobavala sve nijanse novih ruževa i toliko sam se oduševila formulama. Od kad su izašli Aura tečni mat ruževi i obični mat ruževi (recenzija za nekoliko dana) ja ništa drugo i ne koristim.

For me, the absolute brand of the year. During the last year they launched so many new products, foundations, concealers, liquid and ordinary lipstick, brushes etc. And their products are so good that once again I congratulate them. I have been fortunate to collaborate with them and get a lot of things for a review. I was very happy to try out all of the new shades of lipsticks and so thrilled with their formulas. Since Aura launched their liquid and ordinary matte lipsticks (review in a few days) I barely use anything else.

- Amnogenesis

Još jedna saradnja zbog koje mi je mnogo drago. Imala sam veliku sreću da probam neke njihove proizvode, i tako sam naletela i na predobru kremu za lice koja mi je ubedljivo najbolja koju sam probala u 2014. godini - Therapeutic Facial Repair. A misija za 2015. godinu je da konačno probam kremu sa moje WL - okoloočnu Counter Clockwise.

Another collaboration that made me really happy. I had the great fortune to try some of their products, and so I tried a great face cream that became by far the best I've tasted in 2014. - Therapeutic Facial Repair. A mission for 2015. is to finally try the eye cream from my WL - Counter Clockwise.

- Garnier Olia

Ofarbala sam se ponovo u naranđasto i našla farbu koja mi odgovara. Ova boja zna da bude problematična ali Garnier Olia 7.40 pokazala se dorasla zadatku.

I dyed my hair in orange again and found a hair colour that suits me. This shade can be a problem but Garnier Olia 7.40 proved to be up to the task.

- Nuxe i Real Techniques

Dva brenda koja sam sa tolikim odusevljenjem isčekivala....a onda...nisam ništa od njih kupila. Al dobro nemam beskonačno para (hah da sam bar u rangu imam dovoljno para), tako da će te kupovine morati da sačekaju 2015.

Two brands that I have waited for with so much enthusiasm .... and then ... I haven't bought any of their products. But I don't have infinite amount o money (hah if I just had at least enough money for a normal life), so these purchases will have to wait year 2015.

- Insight 

Šampon kojim sam kosu prala više od pola 2014. godine (da toliko mi je trajalo jedno najveće pakovanje). A pritom je i veoma dobar (šampon za oštećenu kosu). Ova kupovina biće svakako ponovljena, bolje uštede nema.

The shampoo that I used to wash my hair over half of the year 2014. (that is how much the biggest packaging lasted). And the shampoo is also very good (shampoo for damaged hair). This purchase will certainly be repeated, there is no better savings.

- Vichy

Preparativa koju sam najviše koristila. Takođe ovaj brend je u toku 2014. godine izbacio i puder koji mi je pred kraj bočice i koji je daleko najbolji puder i po nijansi i po teksturi koji sam do sad koristila. Odgovara mi u svakom pogledu - Vichy Teint Ideal Fluid.

Cosmetics that was used the most. Also, during the 2014. this brand launched a new powder and foundation line. My foundation bottle is almost at the end and it was by far the best foundation for me when it comes to the shades and texture. It suits me in every way - Vichy Teint Ideal Fluid.

- Siberian Health 

Brend prirodne kozmetike koji je u Srbiji od 2014. godine. Ne smem sad da pričam detalje ali...nekoliko proizvoda koje trnutno isprobavam su me oduševili. Recenzije uskoro.

Brand of natural cosmetics which came to Serbia in 2014. I cannot talk specifics but ... a few  of the products that I'm currently trying out delighted me. Reviews coming soon.

- Avon 

Kao i uvek Avon baza za senke se koristila neprekidno i ako ikada prestanu da je prave zapaliću im kancelarije. A u 2014. godini otkrila sam jednako dobar proizvod koji takođe uvrštavam u stalnu postavku - spej za brzo sušenje laka za nokte.

As always Avon eyeshadow base is something I have constantly used and if they ever stop making it I'll burn down their offices. And in 2014, I discovered an equally good product that is also gong to become a permanent part of my life - fast drying nail polish spray.

Bitno je da nije bilo mnogo velikih promašaja i da ne znam šta bih navela kao neku vrlo lošu stvar koju sam probala. Slike kineske palete sa 120 senki pokradene su mi više puta i na kraju sam bila primorana da i na njih stavim logo. To mi je sve bilo ipak nekako zanimljivo.

It is important that there weren't a lot of big misses and I do not know which product to mention as a very bad thing I have tried. My pictures of Chinese eyeshadow palette with 120 shades were stolen several times and in the end I was forced to put my logo on them. That was still a bit interesting to me in some way.

To bi bila moja 2014. godina. Mnogo isprobanih proizvoda, mnogo recenzija, prezentacija i druženja sa blogokoleginicama. Sve u svemu ... bar što se bloga tiče 2014. godina mi se čini kao dobra godina. Broj pratilaca je rastao, a komentari na blog su i dalje vrlo pozitivni. Hvala vam svima koji me pratite, bez vas ovo i ne bi imalo mnogo smisla.

That would be my year 2014. There were many new products, many reviews, presentations and events with other beauty bloggers. All in all ... at least as far as my blog is concerned 2014. seems like a good year. Number of followers grew, and comments on the blog are still very positive. Big thanks to all of you who follow me, without you this wouldn't make much sense.