Приказивање постова са ознаком Lancome. Прикажи све постове
Приказивање постова са ознаком Lancome. Прикажи све постове

недеља, 11. мај 2014.

Kanta Vol. 9

Od prošlog posta sa potrošenim proizvodima prošlo je dosta. Konačno se nakupilo dovoljno proizvoda da mogu da ih slikam i pobacam. Sreća, sreća radost! Prelazim odmah na stvar:

- L'Oreal Ideal Soft mleko za skidanje šminke - baš mi se svidelo. Nežno i lako je skidalo svu šminku sa lica. Detaljnije pogledajte u ovom postu. Pakovanje od 200ml košta 499 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Freeman maska sa limunom i mentom - potpuno fenomenalna maska za masnokošce. Trajala mi je sto godina. Obožavam je. Detalje pogledajte u ovom postu. Tuba od 150ml košta 610.2 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

Since the last post with spent products a lot of time has passed. I finally accumulated enough products to be able to take some photos and through them away. Happiness, happiness, joy! I move right to the point: 

- L'Oreal Ideal Soft cleansing milk - I liked it. Gently and easily removes all the makeup from your face. Details can be found in this post. Packaging of 200ml costs 499 RSD. Score 4/5. 
- Freeman mask with lemon and mint - totally awesome mask for oily skin. It lasted me a hundred years. I love it. For details, see this post. 150ml tube costs 610.2 RSD. Score 5/5.

- Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying piling za telo - fenomenalan malo jači piling za telo sa mineralima Mrtvog mora. Kupila sam ga zbog oduševljenja Marije (Head In The Clouds) i nisam se pokajala. Pakovanje od 200ml košta 780 dinara, mada je često snižen. Ocena 5/5.
- Balea mleko za pod tušem - vrlo dobro i hranljivo mleko sa odličnim sastavom. Nije dovoljno jako za osobe sa suvom kožom ali za sve ostale biće dovoljno i učiniće kožu mekom i nahranjenom. Pakovanje od 400ml košta 365 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Multiaktiv svetlucavo mleko za telo - dobro hidrira, možda nije baš za suvu kožu. Lagano i brzo se upija. Sadrži veoma driskretan šimer, koji kožu čini da blago svetluca. Odlično mleko za leto. Pakovanje je od 200ml. Cenu ne znam trenutno ali nije skupo. Ocena 4/5.

- Avon Planet Spa Perfectly Purifying Body Scrub - a phenomenal stronger body scrub with Dead Sea minerals. I bought it because of the enthusiasm of Marija (Head In The Clouds), and I didn't regret it. Packaging of 200ml costs 780 RSD, although the price is often reduced. Score 5/5. 
- Balea in shower body milk - very good and nourishing milk with excellent ingredients. It won't be enough for people with dry skin, but for everyone else it will be enough and will make your skin soft and nourished. Packaging of 400ml costs 365 RSD. Score 4/5. 
- Multiaktiv shimmering body milk - hydrates well, maybe not enough for dry skin. Gently and quickly absorbed. Contains very discrete shimmer, which makes the skin shimmer slightly. Great body milk for summer. Packaging contains 200ml. I don't know the current price, but it's not expensive. Score 4/5.

- Freeman Pssssst! šampon za suvo pranje kose - jedan od boljih šampona za suvo pranje kose koji sam probala. Pakovanje je malo i dobro za nošenje sa sobom. Detalje pogledajte ovde. Pakovanje ima 50g i košta 299.45 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Octenisept antiseptik - namerno sam ga stavila u ovaj post, da bih ponovo naglasila koliko obožavam ovaj sprej. Dezinfikuje sve od ogrebotina do bubuljica, a pogodan je i za prskanje na sluzokožu, u usta ili za vaginalnu primenu. Postoji i veće pakovanje. Ovo manje pakovanje od 50ml košta oko 350 dinara. Ocena je naravno 5/5.
- Lancome Tresor parfem - ovaj parfem sam dobila i mnogo mi se svideo. Ima  cvjetno-orijentalni miris, a u sebi sadrži finu kombinaciju ruže, jorgovana, latica cvijeta kajsije, heliotropa i irisa. Srednje ozbiljan. Nekako pogodan za sve uzraste, a i godišnja doba. Ova bočica od 30ml košta 6990 dinara. Moja ocena je 4/5.

- Freeman Pssssst! dry shampoo - one of the best dry shampoos I've ever tasted. The packaging is small and is good to carry with you. For details, see this post. Packaging has 50g and costs 299.45 RSD. Score 5/5. 
- Octenisept antiseptic - I deliberately put it in this post, so I can re-emphasize how much I love this spray. Disinfects everything from scratches to pimples, and it is also suitable for spraying on the mucous membranes in the mouth or vaginal application. There is also a larger packaging. This smaller packaging of 50ml cost about 350 RSD. Score is of course 5/5. 
- Lancome Tresor perfume - perfume that I got as a present and enjoyed a lot. It has a floral-oriental fragrance, and contains a fine combination of rose, lilac, peach flower petals, heliotrope and iris. The scent is medium serious. Somehow, suitable for all ages and seasons. This bottle of 30ml costs 6990 RSD. My score is 4/5.

I za kraj dva proizvoda za oči:
- Alverde okoloočna krema sa vidcom i aloe verom - solidna okoloočna krema, lepo hidrira i neguje, mada me nije baš oduševila. Detalje pročitajte u ovom postu. Tuba sadrži 15ml i košta 539 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Flormar Perfect Coverage korektor - solidan korektor koji dobro prekriva i ne uvlači se u borice oko oka. Na kraju kada se već malo prosušio lepio se za suvlje delove kože. Detalje pročitajte ovde. Sadrži 5ml i košta 509 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

In the end, the two products for the eyes:
- Alverde Eye Cream with eyebright and aloe vera - pretty good eye cream that moisturizes and nourishes well, although I wasn't exactly thrilled with it. Read the details in this post. Tube contains 15ml and costs 539 RSD. Score 4/5. 
- Flormar Perfect Coverage Concealer - nice concealer that covers well and doesn't accumulate in fine lines around the eye. At the end when it got a little dry it started sticking a bit to the drier parts of the skin. Read the details here. Contains 5ml and costs 509 RSD. Score 5/5.

I to bi bilo to u ovoj turi. A sad idem da sve pobacam! Da li ste vi probali neki od ovih proizvoda i kakvi su bili vaši utisci?

And that's all this time. Now I can through all of this away! Have you tried some of these products and what were your impressions?