Приказивање постова са ознаком Bio-Oil. Прикажи све постове
Приказивање постова са ознаком Bio-Oil. Прикажи све постове

субота, 16. септембар 2017.

Kanta Vol. 30

Poslednja tura potrošenih proizvoda za ovo leto je tu. Tu su proizvodi za kosu, sunčanje i protiv celulita, kao i standardni proizvodi za negu lica.

The last batch of spent products for this summer is here. There are hair, sun protection and anti-cellulite products, as well as standard face care products.

- Schwarzkopf got2be Fresh it Up suvi šampon - Dobar suvi šampon, možda samo za nijansu gori od mog omiljenog Bateste. Ali su zato isti po ceni. Košta 619 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Garnier Fructis Sos Repair šampon i maska za kosu - Zapravo vrlo dobra linija proizvoda, koja je već posle nekoliko korišćenja omekšala moju kosu i učinila je manje suvom. Šampon košta 379 dinara (veće pakovanje), a maska 459 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Garnier Fructis Grow Strong Serum - Serum sa jakim mirisom jabuka. Ojačava koren kose i sprečava opadanje. Nakon jednog pakovanja deluje mi da radi i da nije loš. Vredi isprobati. Cena mu je  575 dinara. Ocena 4/5.

- Schwarzkopf got2be Fresh it Up Dry Shampoo - A good dry shampoo, maybe just a bit worse than my favorite Bateste. But they are the same price. It costs 619 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Garnier Fructis Sos Repair shampoo and hair mask - In fact, a very good product line, which has softened my hair after just several uses and made it less dry. The shampoo costs 379 RSD (larger packaging), and the mask is 459 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Garnier Fructis Grow Strong Serum - Serum with strong apple scent. It strengthens the root of the hair and prevents it from falling. After one bottle, it seems to me that it works and that it's not bad. It's worth a try. The price is 575 RSD. Score 4/5.

- Top Ten Carotene Sun SPF 20 + SPF 40 - Dobro štiti od sunca i ima vrlo lepu formulu, ali je pakovanje nepraktično. Cena 592 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Eucerin pH5 dezodorans bez aluminijuma - Odličan dezodorans. Nema miris, ali i pored toga u potpunosti sprečava pojavu neprijatnih mirisa i ne dozvoljava razmnožavanje bakterija. Košta 973 dinara. Ocena 4/5.

- Top Ten Carotene Sun SPF 20 + SPF 40 - Good sun protection and very nice formula, but the packaging is impractical. Price is 592 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Eucerin pH5 deodorant without aluminum - Great deodorant. It has no smell, but it also completely prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors and does not allow the reproduction of bacteria. It costs 973 RSD. Score 4/5.

- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + - Najbolja krema protiv nepravilnosti. Ponavljam to već dugo, ali tako je. Košta 1392 dinara, a ocena je 5/5.
- Nyx HD baza za senke - Dobra baza senke. Sve senke ne mrdaju ceo dan. Košta 739 dinara, a ocena je  5/5.
- Aura Correct Me! tečni korektor - Solidan korektor, koji sam koristila za podočnjake i u ovu svrhu se dobro pokazao. Cena 429 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo + - Best anti-imperfections cream. I've been repeating this for a long time, but it's true. It costs 1392 RSD, and the score is 5/5.
- Nyx HD eyeshadow base - Good eyeshadow base. None of the eyeshadows move all day. It costs 739 RSD, and the score is 5/5.
- Aura Correct Me! Liquid Concealer - A solid concealer, which I have used under my eyes and it has done this job well. Price is 429 RSD. Score 5/5.

To bi bilo to! Kakvo je vaše mišljenje o ovim proizvodima?

That would be it! What is your opinion on these products?

субота, 11. март 2017.

Bio-Oil ulje protiv ožiljaka i strija

Ako se zanimate za kozmetiku skoro je nemoguće da niste čuli za Bio-Oil ulje protiv ožiljaka, strija, neujednačenog tena, dehidrirane kože i tragova starenja. Ovo ulje je od pre nekoliko meseci dostupno i u Srbiji. Pakovano je u bočicu od 60ml i košta 1417 dinara. 

If you are interested in cosmetics is almost impossible that you haven't heard about Bio-Oil - oil for scars, stretch marks, uneven complexion, dehydrated skin and traces of aging. This oil has been available in Serbia the last few months. It is packed in a bottle of 60 ml and costs 1417 RSD.

Kao prvo treba naglasiti da ovo ulje nije potpuno prirodno što pokazuje prvi sastojak Paraffinum Liquidum. Sadrži i oblik retinola, koji bi trebalo da izbeli flekice i ujednači ten. Ali tu su zatim i mnogobrojna biljna ulja - suncokretovo, ulje cveta rimske kamilice, lavande, ruzmarina, nevena i soje. Sadrži parfem i miriše na cimet, što ja obožavam. Ne sadrži parabene.

Firstly it should be noted that this oil is not completely natural which is obvious when you see the first ingredient Paraffinum Liquidum. It also contains a form of retinol, which is supposed to whiten dark spots and unify the complexion. But there are also many natural oils - sunflower oil, Roman chamomile flower oil, lavender, rosemary, calendula and soy oil. It contains fragrances and smells like cinnamon, which I adore. It doesn't contain parabens.

Proizvođač tvrdi da je za vidljive efekte potrebno koristiti ovo ulje oko 3 meseca, što sam ja i učinila. Nanosi se dva puta dnevno, kružnim pokretima i masira se dok se ne upije, što je prilično brzo. Trebalo bi da pomogne u pobolšanju izgleda ožiljaka, i starih strija, kao i da spreči pojavu novih, na primer u trudnoći. Takođe, hidrira kožu i izjednačava ten i flekice nastale zbog sunca ili bubuljica.

The manufacturer claims that this oil should be used for about 3 months for visible effects, which I did. It is applied twice a day and massaged in a circular motion until it is absorbed, which is pretty fast. It should improve the appearance of scars and old stretch marks, and prevent the emergence of new ones, for example during pregnancy. It also hydrates the skin and evens out the complexion and dark spots caused by the sun or pimples.

Ja sam ulje koristila na starim strijama kao i na jednom potpuno novom ožiljku. Nisam trudna tako da ne mogu da posvedočim da li je ulje dobro za spečavanje pojave novih strija. Što se tiče starih strija, poboljšanje očekivano nije veliko i strije su i dalje vidljive koliko i ranije. Što se tiče novog ožiljka, ulje je pomoglo da se koža brzo obnovi, bude meka i ujednačene boje kao i ostatak kože. Zapravo sam vrlo zadovoljna efektom. Ulje nisam nanosila na lice, pošto sam primetila da je vrlo komedogeno, u mom slučaju. Zato ne mogu da posvedočim previše ni o efektu ujednačavanja tena, mada sam ga mazala na flekice od bubuljica koje nisu na licu, i čini mi se da im se boja malo izjednačila sa ostatkom kože.

I have used this oil on old stretch marks as well as on an entirely new scar. I'm not pregnant, so I cannot attest to whether the oil is good for preventing the appearance of new stretch marks. As for the old stretch marks, improvement is, as I expected, not great and the stretch marks are still visible as before. As for the new scar, oil helped it to quickly heal, to be soft and uniform in colour, the same as the rest of the skin. I was actually very pleased with the effect. I didn't apply this oil to the face, because I noticed that it is very comedogenic, in my case. So, I cannot testify about the effects of equalizing the tan, although I applied it on old dark spots form pimples which are not on the face, and it seems to me that they are a bit lighter now and more like the rest of the skin.

Deo mene ima osećaj da je opšta pomama za ovim uljem donekle neopravdana, i da ovo ulje nije drastično bolje od sličnih kvalitetnijih proizvoda. Ipak, deo mene mnogo voli ovo ulje. Možda je to zbog mirisa ili zbog osećaja hidratacije. Ulje nije jeftino, ali mislim da mu treba dati šansu. Posebno ako ste trudni i želite da vam koža bude dobro hidrirana, kako biste sprečili pojavu strija. Ili ako imate neki nov ožiljak na telu. Ako samo želite da uklonite stare strije, ne nadajte se previše rezultatima.

Informacije i ocene
Cena1417 RSD
Gde kupitiLilly
Da li bih ga ponovo kupilaMožda
Neujednačen ten4/5
Ožiljci i strije3/5
Ukupna ocena4/5
- Miris
- Hidrira
- Blago ujednači ten
- Pomaže brže zarastanje ožiljaka
- Novi ožiljci bolje izgledaju
- Nije potpuno prirodan sastav
- Ne umanjuje vidljivost starih strija

Part of me feels that the huge love for this oil is somewhat unjustified, and that this oil is not dramatically better than similar better quality products. Still, part of me really loves this oil. Maybe it's the smell or the sense of hydration. Oil is not cheap, but I think he should be given a chance. Especially if you are pregnant and you want your skin to be well hydrated to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. Or if you have some new scars on the body. If you only want to remove old stretch marks, do not hold your breath for the results.

Information and scores
Price1417 RSD
Where to buyLilly
Would I buy it againMaybe
Uneven skin4/5
Stretch marks and scars3/5
Total Score4/5
- Scent
- Hydration
- Helps a bit with uneven complexion
- Helps scars heal faster
- New scars look better
- Not all natural ingredients
- Doesn't help with old stretch marks

уторак, 3. јануар 2017.

Prvi New In u 2017. godini

Došla je još jedna nova kalendarska godina, koja će nadam se svima biti barem malo bolja od prethodne. Rešila sam da prvi post u ovoj godini bude namenjen lepim novim stvarima koje tek čekaju da ih isprobam. Ovaj New In post je moram priznati jedan od meni omiljenih do sada, pošto u njemu ima baš mnogo proizvoda koje prosto jedva čekam da probam.

Another new year is here, and I hope it will all be at least a little better than the last one. I decided that the first post for this year should be about beautiful new things that are waiting to be tried out. This New In post is, I have to admit, one of my favorite so far, since it has so many products that I simply cannot wait to try out.

Tu je nekoliko Nivea proizvoda pošto sa njima sarađujem, kao i naravno Labello:
- Labello Lip Butter Coconut,
- Nivea Cellular Perfect Skin - Skin-Perfecting Fluid SPF15,
- Nivea Smooth Sensation Body Souffle.

There are a few Nivea products, since I collaborate with them, and of course, Labello:
- Labello Lip Butter Coconut,
- Nivea Cellular Perfect Skin - Skin-Perfecting Fluid SPF15,
- Nivea Smooth Sensation Body Souffle.

Dalje imamo proizvode za lice koje ne mogu da dočekam da isprobam:
- Lilly VZK Hyaluron Serum,
- Daiso maska za uklanjanje mitisera (japanski brend),
- Freeman Blackberry Gel Facial Cleanser.

Next, we have a few face products, which I cannot wait to try:
- Lilly VZK Hyaluron Serum,
- Daiso mask for blackheads (Japanese brand),
- Freeman Blackberry Gel Facial Cleanser.

Takođe umirem od želje da probam i:
- Bio-Oil (čuveno ulje za ožiljke i strije),
- Catrice Camouflage Cream.
A tu su i:
- L'Oreal Elseve Huile Extraordinarie krema za kosu,
- Balea Intensive Fuss Creme.

Also, I'm dying to try 
- Bio-Oil (the famous oil for scars and stretch marks)
- Catrice Camouflage Cream.
And there are also:
- L'Oreal Elseve Huile Extraordinarie hair cream,
- Balea Intensive Fuss Creme.

Pišite ako ste neki od proizvoda već isprobali. Takođe kao i uvek, napomenite ako želite da požurim sa nekom od recenzija ovde pomenutih proizvoda. I naravno za kraj želim svima srećnu i uspešnu novu godinu!

Write if you have already tried some of the products. Also, as always, tell me if you want me to hurry up with some of the reviews. And of course I wish you all happy and successful new year!