Vreme je i za moj prvi post o potrošenim proizvodima. Preći ću odmah na stvar. Evo šta sam u poslednje vreme potrošila:
It's time for my first post about spent products. I'm going to go right to it. Here's what I spent recently:
Pa da krenemo detaljnije... :)Let's start with more details now... :)
- Rubella DeBa BioVital šampon - Kupljen u Bugarskoj, a cena mu je bila kao i kod ostalih drogerijskih šamponi, ali zato ima 400ml. Ne sarži parabene i silione. Šampon je dobar, ali je ređi i malo manje peni od običnih. Zato ga ne bih ponovo kupila, mada iako se uvoze u Srbiju nemam pojma ni gde može da se kupi. Ocena 3/5.
- Swarzkopf Gliss Hair Repair - Ovaj je za jako obnavljanje i oštećenu kosu. Obožavam ih. Probala sam ih nekoliko i svi su mi bili super. Ne otežavaju kosu i omogućavaju mi rasčešljavanje bez čupanja. Kupujem opet. Ocena 5/5.
- Swarzkopf Gliss Ultimate Repair Conditioner - Kupila sam ga jer ga hvale po blogovima...ne znam šta vide u ovoj gluposti. Miriše užasno, ne obnavlja ni malo, i kad se nanese kosa nije skoro ni malo meka niti se lakše rasčešljava. A moja kosa je ravna i nemam neki veliki problem da je rasčešljam. Ovaj balzam može samo stopala da poljubi najboljem balzamu ikada Garnier Ultra Doux od avokada, posle kog je kosa mekana skoro identično kao sa maskom za kosu. Ne kupujem ga opet NIKADA! Ocena 2/5.
- Rubella DeBa BioVital shampoo - Bought it in Bulgaria, and the price was like other drugstore shampoos, but it has 400ml. No parabens nor silione. The shampoo is good, but is thiner and makes less foam. That's why I wouldn't buy it again. Even though they are imported in Serbia I have no idea where to buy it. Score 3/5.
- Swarzkopf Gliss Hair Repair - This one is for repair and volume. I love them. I tried a few of them and they were all great. It doesn't weigh down my hair and allows me combing without pulling my hare out. I will buy it again. Score 5/5.
- Swarzkopf Gliss Ultimate Repair Conditioner - I bought it because it was praised on blogs ... I do not know what they see in this nonsense. It smells horrible, doesn't repair your hair at all, and when applied the hair is almost no softer and it isn't even slightly easier to untangle it. And my hair is straight and I don't have a big problem to untangle it. This conditioner can just kiss the feet of the best ever Garnier Ultra Doux avocado conditioner, after which the hair is soft almost the same as after hair mask. I won't buy it again, EVER! Grade 2/5.
- Titania krema za stopala - Ova je za smanjenje zadebljanja i sadrži salicilnu kiselinu. Dobro radi, ali miliše UŽASNO. Pošto kremu mažem pre nego što legnem u krevet (da ne moram da ustajem iz kreveta sa masnim nogama) nisam mogla da je mažem rukama da mi ne bi smrdele pa sam se mučila da stopalima sama razmažem. Srećna sam što sam je konačno potrošila i neći je ponovo kupovati. Ocena 3/5.
- Fresh & Clean sapun za intimnu negu - Moj omiljeni. Predivno miriše i najjeftiniji je. Ima ga u tri mirisa i svi su divni. Kupujem opet. Ocena 5/5.
- Balea dezodorans - kao i svi ženski dezodoransi na meni miris traje tri ipo sekunde. Ničemu mi ne služi, mada ostalim devojkama će biti super. Definitivno prelazim na muške dezodoranse. Ne kupujem opet. Ocena 3/5.
- Avon Skin So Soft Mineral Gems piling za telo - Dobila sam ga i odličan je. Ima puno sitnih zrnaca, kao pesak. Ti su mi najbolji. Kupila bih ga opet. Ocena 4/5.
- Titania Foot Cream - This one is for reducing the thick parts and contains salicylic acid. It works well, but smells TERRIBLE. As I apply the cream before I go to bed (so I don't have to get out of bed with greasy legs) I couldn't apply it with my hands since they would stink, so I struggled to apply it just by rubbing my feet together. I am happy that I finally spent it and I won't buy it again. Score 3/5.
- Fresh & Clean soap for intimate care - my favorite. Smells wonderful and is the cheapest. It is available in three fragrances and they are all wonderful. Will buy it again. Score 5/5.
- Balea Deodorant - like all women's deodorants the scent stays on me for three and a half seconds. It does nothing for me, but for other girls it will be great. I'm definitely moving onto men's deodorants. I won't buy it again. Score 3/5.
- Avon Skin So Soft Mineral Gems Body Scrub - I got it and is great. There are lots of tiny grains, like sand. These are the best for me. I'd buy it again. Score 4/5.
- Nivea Mattifying Day Care krema - Pokazala se baš dobro. Brzo se upija, ne masti kožu i lepo neguje. Kupila bih je opet. Ocena 4/5.
- Neutrogena Visibly Clear On-The-Spot Gel - Pokazao mi se prilično dobro. Podseća me na Neutrogeninu varijantu Vichy Normaderm Hyaluspot-a, ali ne ostavlja osušeni film na koži. Radi malo gore od Vichy-ja. Kupila bih ga možda opet. Ocena 3/5.
- Garnier Pure Active gel za umivanje - za masniju i problematičnu kožu. Najbolji ikada. Obožavam ga. Lepo miriše. Ne isušuje mnogo. Pomaže sa lučenjem masnoće i pomogao mi je da sredim lice. Kupujem opet. Ocena 5/5.
- Nivea Mattifying Day Care Cream - Very good. It is quickly absorbed, non-greasy, nourishes the skin nicely. I'd buy it again. Score 4/5.
- Neutrogena Visibly Clear On-The-Spot Gel - Worked quite well for me. It reminds me of a
Neutrogenas variation to Vichy Normaderm Hyaluspot, but it doesn't leave a dried film on the skin. Works a bit worse than Vichy. I'd buy it again, maybe. Score 3/5.
- Garnier Pure Active Purifying Gel - for oily and problematic skin. The best ever. I love it. It smells great. Doesn't dry out much. It helps with the production of oil and helped me to fix my face. Will buy again. Score 5/5.
I na kraju šminka:
- Maybelline Fit Me korektor - Odličaaaaan! Pisala sam o njemu ovde. Nisam ga potrošila baš do kraja ali se malo osušio i sad hoće da se nakuplja po malo u borice i više mi nije tako dobar, pa sam rešila da ga bacim i kupim novi. Kupujem opet. Ocena 5/5.
- Rimmel Volumeflash Scandaleyes maskara - Odlična. Ima ogromnu četkicu pa treba da se na nju navikne. Ne slepljuje, a daje zaista veliki volumen trepavicama. Kupila bih je opet. Ocena 4/5.
- Max Factor Creme Puff - Dobar je i volela sam ga dok nisam našla bolje. Sada vidim da ostavlja blago brašnjav izgled lica, tj. kao da je malo krupnije mleven. Možda bih ga kupila opet. Ocena 3/5.
- Aura bronzer - Odroman je i jeftin. Odlično obavlja posao. Bacam ga jer mu je prošao rok, a tek sam mu površinu zagrebala. Možda bih ga kupila opet. Ocena 4/5.
I to bi bilo to! Jeste li vi nešto od ovoga probali? Kakvi su vam utisci? Zanima li vas još neki detalj?
And finally, make-up:
- Maybelline Fit Me Concealer - Greaaaat! I wrote about it here. I haven't spent it whole, but it got a little dry and now it tends to get into little fine lines and it isn't that great any more, so I decided to throw it away and buy a new one. Will buy again. Score 5/5.
- Rimmel Volumeflash Scandaleyes
- Excellent. It has a huge brush so it takes some time get used to it. Doesn't stick lashes together, and provides a really great volume. I'd buy it again. Score 4/5.
- Max Factor Creme Puff - Its good and I loved it until I found a better one. Now I see that it leaves slightly cakey appearance of the face, like it is a coarsely grounded. Maybe I'll buy it again at some point. Score 3/5.
- Aura Bronzer - Huge and inexpensive. Does an excellent job. I'm throwing it away, because it is overdue, but I've just scratched the surface of it. Maybe I'll buy it again. Score 4/5.
And that's it! Have you tried any of these? What are your impressions? Are you interested in some more details?