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недеља, 14. мај 2017.

Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette - Iconic 3 & Iconic Dreams

Nedavno sam konačno precrtala sa Wish List-e dve palete koje već dugo čekaju da budu kupljene. Iako su vrlo jeftine poštarina im nije mala i zato sam uvek odustajala od kupovine. Međutim, nedavno sam bila u Španiji, pa sam ih kupila u drogeriji i izbegla poštarinu. Reč je o čuvenim Makeup Revolution Redemption paletama. Kupila sam dve - Iconic 3 i Iconic Dreams.

Recently, I finally removed two pallets from my Wish List, that have long been waiting to be purchased. Although they are very cheap, their postage is not, so I never bought them. However, I visited Spain recently, and I bought them at the drugstore, avoiding paying postage. These are famous Makeup Revolution Redemption pallets. I bought two - Iconic 3 and Iconic Dreams.

Ove palete platila sam po 4.95 EUR (na sajtu su 4.99 EUR) i imaju po 14g. Ova serija paleta sadrži čak 7 različitih. U pakovnaju ne postoji ogledalo, ali imaju dugački sunđerasti dvostrani aplikator, koji ja doduše ne koristim. Sadrže po 12 senki od kojih su neke mat, neke satenske, a neke šimeraste. Senke se ne krune, čak su i šimeraste vrlo kompaktne. Lako se kupe četkicom i nanose, a pigmentacija im je dobra. Kvalitet šimerastih senki je bolji od recimo Sleek paleta (koje su preko 1000 RSD skuplje), kod kojih su ovakve senke krupnije mlevene pa se teže kupe i nanose. Blendanje i postojanost su takođe odlični, a uz bazu za senke izdrže na očima ceo dan.

I have paid 4.95 EUR (on the website they are 4.99 EUR) for each palette, and  they contain 14g. This series has a range of 7 different palettes. In the packaging there is no mirror, but it does have a long two-sided sponge applicator, which I admittedly don't use. They feature 12 eye shadows of which some are matte, some satin and some shimmery. Eye shadows don't crumble, even the shimmery ones are very compact. Easy to pick up and apply by a brush, and their pigmentation is great. Quality of shimmery eye shadows is better than say in Sleek palettes (which are over 1000 RSD more expensive), in which these shadows are more coarsely ground so they are harder to pick up and apply. Blending and durability are also excellent, and with some eye shadow base they will last all day.

Iconic 3 paleta ima kombinaciju neutralnih senki koje vuku na braon i roze i naravno najviše podseća na Naked 3 paletu koja je čak 9 puta skuplja! Sadrži 3 mat senke, 5 satenskih i 4 šimeraste. Najbolji deo je to da sva tri tipa završnice imaju i svetle i srednje i tamnije senke, pa je zato ova paleta potpuno zaokružena i može se koristiti samostalno, što je po meni prilično retko. Kombinacija boja je pretežno neutralna, ka hladnijem podtonu.

Iconic 3 palette features a combination of neutral eye shadows pulling on brown and pink and mostly resembles the Naked 3 palette that is up to 9 times more expensive! It contains 3 matte eye shadows, 5 satin and 4 shimmery eye shadows. The best part is that all three finishes are represented in light, medium and darker shades, which is why this palette is fully rounded and can be used by it self. This is pretty rare in my opinion. The combination of colours has mostly neutral toward cooler undertones.

Iconic Dreams je s druge strane paleta koja po meni ide od neutralnih ka toplim podtonovima. Njene senke vuku na braonkaste i zelene zemljane tonove. Sadrži 4 mat, 5 satenskih i 3 šimeraste senke. Kao i kod prve palete i ovde je odabir boja u odnosu na završnice dobar. Mat senke na primer postoje i u vrlo svetlim nijansama, za nanošenje ispod obrva, ali i u srednjim nijansama za naglašavanje dela iznad kapka.

Iconic Dreams is on the other side palette that I think has neutral to warm undertones. Its eye shadows pull to brown and green, earthy tones. It contains 4 matte, 5 satin and 3 shimmery eye shadows. As with the first palette, this one also has a good choice of shades and finished. Matte eye shadows, for example, exist in very bright shades, for application under the eyebrows, but also in medium shades to emphasize the crease.

Na gornjoj slici su swatch-evi Iconic 3 palete, dok su na donjoj senke iz Iconic Dreams palete. Sve senke su nanete bez baze za senke.

The figure above shows the swatches of Iconic 3 palette, while the bottom one shows Iconic Dreams palette. All eye shadows are applied without eye shadow base.

A evo i nekoliko kombinacija koje ja nosim svaki dan na posao ili kada nemam vremena ni volje da se šminkam koristeći neke upečatljivije boje.

And here a few combinations that I wear every day to work, or when I don't have time or will to wear makeup with a more striking colours.

I jedna vrlo blaga rozikasta kombinacija dobijena korišćenjem samo Iconic 3 palete, a uz malu pomoć Noreva Exfoliac BB kreme za problematičnu kožu i tečnog ruža Glossip No Trasfer Liquid Liptint u nijansi 07 Grapes.

And a very light pink look made using only Iconic 3 palette, and with a little help of Noreva Exfoliac BB cream for problematic skin and Glossip No Trasfer Liquid Liptint in shade 07 Grapes.

Ovo su zaista odlične palete, kako zbog cene tako i zbog kombinacija boja i finiša senki. Zaista retko dobro zaokružene palete, sa kvalitetnim senkama. Imaju moje velike preporuke! Da li ste ih probale, i kakvi su vaši utisci?

Informacije i ocene
Cena4.95 EUR
Gde kupitiInostranstvo, websajt
Da li bih ih ponovo kupilaDa!
Izgled na licu5/5
Ukupna ocena5/5
- cena
- odličan izbor boja i finiša
- pigmentovane
- ne krune se
- trajnost
- blendanje
- nisu dostupne kod nas  

These are really great palettes, because of their price and because of the combination of shades and finishes. Indeed, these are really well-rounded palettes, with quality eye shadows. I gladly recommend them! Have you tried them, and what are your impressions?

Information and scores
4.95 EUR
Where to buyabroad, website
Would I buy them againYes!
Look on the face5/5
Overall Score5/5
- price
- great choice of shades
  and finishes
- pigmentation
- no crumbling

- durability
- blending
- not available here     

субота, 15. април 2017.

New In sa odmora

Uzela sam dve nedelje slobodno od svakodnevnog života i malo sam putovala. Naravno, to znači da sam kupila neke stvari kojih kod nas u zemlji nema. Usput se nabavilo još po nešto novo, pa ću vam to sada i pokazati. Ako vas nešto zanima pišite.

I took two weeks off from everyday life and I traveled. Of course, that means I bought some things that aren't available in our country. Along the way, I got some more new thing, so I will now show you all of them. If you are interested in something, please feel free to comment.

Konačno sam nabavila da probam dve maske poznatog korejskog brenda Tony Moly:
- I'm Real Tomato Mask Sheet Radiance,
- I'm Real Seaweeds Mask Sheet Skin Purifying.

I finally got to try two masks from famous Korean brand Tony Moly:
- I'm real Tomato Mask Sheet Radiance ,
- I'm Real Seaweeds Mask Sheet Skin Purifying.

Dobila sam i dva Noreva proizvoda za problematičnu kožu:
- Noreva Exfoliac Light Tinted Anti-Imperfections Care,
- Noreva Exfoliac Daily Purifying Foaming Gel.
Kupila sam i kremu za regiju oka:
- Nivea Moisturizing Anti-Wrinkle Eye Care.

I got two Noreva products for problematic skin:
- Noreva Exfoliac Light Tinted Anti-Imperfections Care,
- Noreva Exfoliac Daily Purifying Foaming Gel.
I also bought an eye cream:
- Nivea Moisturizing Anti-Wrinkle Eye Care.

Posebno sam radosta što sam nabavila dve Makeup Revolution palete koje sam dugo želela:
- Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic Dreams,
- Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 3.

But, most of all I'm happy that I got two Makeup Revolution palettes that I have long wanted:
- Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic Dreams,
- Makeup Revolution Redemption Palette Iconic 3.

I na kraju jedna anticelulit krema, ali i još jedna mnogo zanimljiva menstrualna čašica koju jedva čekam da isprobam:
- Bioten Cellufight! Crio-Sculpt Gel,
- Lily Cup Compact.

To bi bilo sve! Da li želite da o nečemu pišem ranije? Šta vas najviše zanima?

And last but not least, one anti-cellulite cream, and one very interesting menstrual cup I cannot wait to try:
- Bioten Cellufight! Crio-Sculpt Gel,
- Lily Cup Compact.

That's all! Do you want me to write about something soon? What are you mostly interested in?