Vreme je za još jedno bacanje potrošenog u smeće. Evo i mojih poslednjih utisaka.
It's time for another throwing away of the consumed products. Here are my final opinions.
- Batiste Šampon za suvo pranje kose - obožavam Batiste. I ovaj kao i rozi koji sam ranije probala su odlični i super odmaste kosu bez belog traga. Cena ovog pakovanja od 200ml je 600 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Balea mango mleko za kosu - detaljnije u ovom postu. Mnogo mi se svidelo, omekša kosu bez mašćenja. Pakovanje od 200 ml košta samo 255 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment - odlično ulje koje dodajem u masku ili balzam za dodatnu negu i mekoću kose. Detaljnije ovde. Ova mala bočica od 10ml košta 340 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Avon Advance Techniques Moroccan Argan Oil Leave-In Treatment - odlicna stvar za obnovu i negu krajeva. Mnogo mi se svidelo a detaljnije sam pisala u ovom postu. Pakovanje od 30ml košta 680 dinara ali je često snižena cena. Ocena 5/5.
- Batiste dry shampoo - I love Batiste. I like this one as much as I loved the pink one that I had previously. They are great and they degrease hair without white traces. The price of this packaging of 200ml is 600 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Balea mango hair milk - details in this post. I really liked it. It softens hair without making it greasy. Packaging of 200ml costs only 255 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment - excellent oil which I add to the mask or conditioner for extra care and softness of hair. Details here. This little bottle of 10ml costs 340 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Avon Advance Techniques Moroccan Argan Oil Leave-In Treatment - an excellent thing for the repair and nourishing hair ends. I really liked it and details can be found in this post. Packaging of 30ml costs 680 RSD but it often has a reduced price. Score 5/5.
- Freeman piling za telo od nara - mnogo lep piling savršenog mirisa. Detaljnije u ovom postu. Pakovanje od 150ml košta 593.25 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Mains krema za ruke - jedna užasna krema koja ama baš ništa ne radi za kožu osim što stvara masni film na rukama. Ni malo mi se nije svidela. Pakovanje od 50ml košta oko 800 dinara. Ocena 1/5.
- Garnier NEO Invisible Dry Cream - mnogo mi se svideo. Lepo štiti od znojenja i neprijatnih mirisa. A lepo i hidrira i omekša kožu. Jedan od omiljeni antiperspirant proizvoda koje sam probala. Ne ostavlja bele tragove na odeći. Detaljnije ovde. Pakovanje od 40ml košta 369 dinara. Ocena 4/5.
- Avon Foot Works Silicon Sock Cream krema za stopala - prosečna krema koja lepo hidrira, ali nije me oduševila. Pakovanje od 75ml košta 470 dinara. Ocena 3/5.
- Economic parfem 21 imitacija parfema Opium - na prvi miris vrlo sličan, no naravno na koži razvija se drugačije. Ipak ovaj parfem sam obožavala i odmah sam kupila novu bočicu. Dugo se zadržava na koži. Pakovanje od 20ml košta oko 200 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Freeman body scrub pomegranate - nice body scrub with perfect scent. More details in this post. Packaging of 150ml cost 593.25 RSD. Score 4/5.
- La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Mains Hand Cream - a dreadful cream that does absolutely nothing except creating a greasy film on your hands. I did not like it one bit. Packaging of 50ml costs around 800 RSD. Score 1/5.
- Garnier NEO Invisible Dry Cream - I liked it a lot. Nicely protects against perspiration and odor. Also nicely moisturizes and softens the skin. One of the favorite antiperspirant products I've tried. Leaves no white marks on clothing. Details here. Packaging of 40ml costs 369 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Avon Foot Works Silicon Sock Cream Foot Cream - the average cream that moisturizes nicely, but I was not impressed. Packaging of 75ml costs 470 RSD. Score 3/5.
- Economic perfume 21, imitation of perfume Opium - at first fragrances are very similar, but of course it develops differently on the skin. Yet I liked this perfume and now I bought a new bottle. It stays on the skin a long time. Packaging of 20ml costs around 200 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Freeman body scrub pomegranate - nice body scrub with perfect scent. More details in this post. Packaging of 150ml cost 593.25 RSD. Score 4/5.
- La Roche-Posay Cicaplast Mains Hand Cream - a dreadful cream that does absolutely nothing except creating a greasy film on your hands. I did not like it one bit. Packaging of 50ml costs around 800 RSD. Score 1/5.
- Garnier NEO Invisible Dry Cream - I liked it a lot. Nicely protects against perspiration and odor. Also nicely moisturizes and softens the skin. One of the favorite antiperspirant products I've tried. Leaves no white marks on clothing. Details here. Packaging of 40ml costs 369 RSD. Score 4/5.
- Avon Foot Works Silicon Sock Cream Foot Cream - the average cream that moisturizes nicely, but I was not impressed. Packaging of 75ml costs 470 RSD. Score 3/5.
- Economic perfume 21, imitation of perfume Opium - at first fragrances are very similar, but of course it develops differently on the skin. Yet I liked this perfume and now I bought a new bottle. It stays on the skin a long time. Packaging of 20ml costs around 200 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Eveline Celebrities braon ajlajner - obožavam ovaj ajlajner. Savršeno lako iscrtava i najtanje linije samo jednim potezom. Braon nijansa mi se posebno sviđa. Detaljnije ovde. Pakovanje ima 4ml i košta 349 dinara. Ocena 5/5.
- Golden Rose City Style maskara - malo suvlja maskara ali daje predivne rasčešljane prirodne trepavice. Jako sam je volela. Pakovanje ima 9ml i košta samo 200 dinra. Detaljnije u ovom postu. Ocena 5/5.
- Avon Solutions Truly Radiant gel za okoloočno područje - nikako mi se nije svideo jer mi je izazivao suze i peckanje, što mi se do sad nikada nije desilo. Odustala sam od korišćenja. Tuba sadrži 15ml i košta 729 dinara. Ocena 2/5.
I to je to! Da li ste probali neki od ovih proizvoda i kakvi su bili vaši utisci?
- Eveline Celebrities brown eyeliner - I love this eyeliner. It makes it perfectly easy to draw even the thinnest lines with a single stroke. I particularly like this brown shade. More details here. Packaging of 4 ml costs 349 RSD. Score 5/5.
- Golden Rose City Style Mascara - a little drier mascara but it makes beautiful natural looking lashes that are not stuck together. I loved it. Packaging has 9ml and costs only 200 RSD. More details in this post. Score 5/5.
- Avon Solutions Truly Radiant Body okoloočno area - I didn't like it because it was causing tears and burning sensation, which has never happened to me before. I dropped from using it. Tube contains 15ml and costs 729 RSD. Score 2/5.
And that's it! Have you tried any of these products and what were your impressions?