Приказивање постова са ознаком Oriflame. Прикажи све постове
Приказивање постова са ознаком Oriflame. Прикажи све постове

недеља, 8. јун 2014.

Veliki letnji New In

Stvarno se nakupilo dosta proizvoda od kojih su mnogi namenjeni zaštiti od sunca ili za sprečavanje prosijavanja kože. Neke sam već krenula da koristim te uskoro očekujte recenzije, a svakako mi napišite šta vas najviše zanima da o tome prišem prvo.

I really accumulated a lot of products which are designed for protection from the sun or for the prevention of sebum accumulation. I have already started using some of them so expect some reviews soon, and also tell me what do you find interesting the most, so I can write about those products first.

Za početak tu su Multiactiv proizvodi za zaštitu od sunca i negu posle izlaganja suncu. Njih sam dobila prilikom posete njihovom proizvodnom pogonu o kom sam pisala u ovom postu. Dakle tu su:
- Multiactiv Sun zaštitna krema za lice SPF 30,
- Multiactiv Sun hladni gel posle sunčanja,
- Multiactiv ulje za sunčanje SPF24.

For starters here are Multiactiv products for sun protection and after sun exposure. I got them when visiting their production facility which I've written about in this post. So these are: 
- Multiactiv Protecting Face Cream SPF 30, 
- Sun Multiactiv After Sun Cooling Gel, 
- Multiactiv Sun Oil Mix SPF24.

Malo Avon i Oriflame noviteta kojima nisam odolela:
- Oriflame četka za telo koja između vlakana četke ima i male masažere,
- Avon Aero Volume maskara Brown Black,
- Avon Ultra Color u novoj nijansi koja se pojavila Cashmere,
- Avon Planet Spa Rhassoul Clay maska za lice.

Few Avon and Oriflame novelties which I could not resist: 
- Oriflame body brush that has small massagers between brush fiber, 
- Avon Aero Volume Mascara Brown Black, 
- Avon Ultra Colour in new shades Cashmere, 
- Avon Planet Spa Rhassoul Clay Face Mask.

Prelazim na deo proizvoda koje sam mahom dobila prilikom jednog divnog druženja u Luna/TBWA firmi:
- La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL novi Ultra-light Fluid za lice sa SPF 50+,
-  La Roche-Posay termalna voda.

Moving on to a part of the products that I mostly got during a beautiful hangout time in Luna/TBWA company: 
- La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Ultra-Light Fluid with SPF 50+, 
- La Roche-Posay thermal water.

Takođe dobila sam i mnogo divnih Vichy proizvoda i svi do jednog u pitanju su proizvodi koje sam baš želela da probam:
- Vichy Aqualia Thermal dnevna krema za normalnu i mešovitu kožu, 
- Vichy Normaderm Night Detox noćna krema,
- Vichy Capital Soleil BB krema sa SPF 50,
- Vichy Normaderm Total Mat dnevna krema,
- Vichy Idealia Eyes okoloočna krema,
- Vichy Teint Ideal kameni puder.

I to bi bio ovaj New In. Dobila sam baš mnogo fenomenalnih proizvoda od kojih neke već isprobavam, pa možete uskoro očekivati i recenzije. Da li ste vi probali neki od ovih proizvoda i kakvi su vaši utisci?

You got a lot of wonderful Vichy products and all of them are products that I really wanted to try: 
- Vichy Aqualia Thermal day cream for normal and mixed skin, 
- Vichy Normaderm Night Detox Night Cream, 
- Vichy Capital Soleil BB Cream with SPF 50, 
- Vichy Normaderm Total Mat Day Cream,
- Vichy Idealia Eyes cream, 
- Vichy Teint Ideal pressed powder. 

That would be this New In. I got so many phenomenal products, some of which I'm already trying out, so you can expect reviews, soon. Have you tried any of these products and what were your impressions?

петак, 23. август 2013.

Omiljeni proizvodi ovog leta

Rešila sam da pišem postove sa omiljenim proizvodima za svako godišnje doba. Mislim da mi je previše da pišem za svaki mesec, pošto niti koristim niti menjam toliki broj proizvoda. Pa da krenemo sa proizvodima koje sam najviše koristila i volela u toku ovog leta, kojem se na moju veliku žalost, polako bliži kraj.

I decided to write posts with my favorite products for each season. I think it would be too much to write this for each month, as neither I use nor change so many products. Let's start with the products that I have used and loved the most during this summer, which to my great regret, is slowly coming to an end.

Od preparative nije mi mnogo privuklo pažnju, ali evo nekoliko proizvoda koji su mi baš prijali:
- Afrodita Oil Control serum za matiranje - prilično je dobar i produžava vreme prosijavanja.
- La Roche-Posay Anthelios ekstremni obojeni fluid SPF 50+ - odlično štiti, mada mi nije baš skroz po mom ukusu.
- Sun Dance SPF 50 balzam za usne - super je, lepo neguje i štiti.
- Crystal Derma Panthenol - odlična emulzija za umirivanje kože, ali i hidrataciju i negu.
- Crabtree & Evelyne Jojoba Oil Body Lotion - blagog mirisa, nije mastan, lepo hidrira i brzo se upija.

From skincare products not many caught my attention, but here are some products that were good for me during this summer:
- Afrodita Oil Control T-Zone Mattifying Serum - it is quite good and makes my skin matte for a longer time.
- La Roche-Posay Anthelios Extreme Tinted Fluid SPF 50 + - excellent protection, although it was not entirely to my taste.
- Sun Dance SPF 50 lip balm - it's great, nourishes well and protects from the sun.
- Crystal Derma Panthenol - excellent emulsion to soothe the skin, but also for moisturizing and care.
- Crabtree & Evelyn Jojoba Oil Body Lotion - mild scent, not greasy, moisturizes well and is absorbed quickly.

Dekorativa je već mnogo obilnija, a evo i šta je ušlo u najuži izbor:
- Artdeco senke 452, 466, 285, 247 - dobra pigmentacia, trajne, prosto volim njihove senke.
- Essence Floral Grunge rumenilo - dobro pigmentovano i trajno, divna drečava nijansa odlična za leto.
- Sleek Face Form - fenomenalan proizvod koji sadrži mat bronzer, hajlajter i rumenilo. Svako treba ovo da ima.

Makeup is much more abundant, and here's what's on the shortlist:
- Artdeco eyeshadows 452, 466, 285, 247 - good pigmentation, duration, I just like their eyeshadows.
- Essence Floral Grunge blush - well pigmented and lasting, beautiful neon shade perfect for summer.
- Sleek Face Form - a phenomenal product containing matte bronzer, highlighter and blush. Everyone should have this.

- Essence Stays No Matter What vodootporna maskara - u imenu uopšte nisu lagali. Traje zauvek, nema lepljenja, mrvljenja, grudvica. Odlična maskara.
- Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Body Oil Spray - moj omiljeni letnji miris ikada, i ovo leto bio je glavni.

- Essence Stays No Matter What waterproof mascara - the name is completely true. It lasts forever, no sticking, crumbling, peaces falling off. A great mascara.
- Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Body Oil Spray - my favorite summer scent ever, and this summer it was my favorite, too.

- Oriflame Power Shine Colour Breeze ruž u nijansi Sunkissed Rose - fenomenalan sjaj i još miriše na breskvice, moram da vam pokažem kakav je na usnama, slike su na suncu i u hladu. A dobila sam ga uz časopis tako da je koštao oko 100 dinara. :)

- Oriflame Power Shine Colour Breeze lipstick in shade Sunkissed Rose - phenomenal shine and also smells like peaches, I got to show you how it looks on the lips, the images are in the sun and in the shade. And I got it with the magazine so I paid for it only about 100 RSD. :)

- Maybelline Color Whisper ruževi 120 i 430 - volim osećaj kad ih namažem, lepi kremasti i ne treba vam ogledalo da bi ih namazali.

- Maybelline Color Whisper lipsticks 120 and 430 - I love the feeling when I use them, very creamy and you don't need a mirror when you apply them.

- Bourjois Rouge Edition 11 - divna rozikasto koralna nijansa, veoma kremasta i maziva.

- Bourjois Rouge Edition 11 - a beautiful pinkish coral shade, very creamy and great to apply.

- Flormar olovka za usne u nijansi 220 - divna fuksijasta nijansa, nije tvrda, lepo se nanosi i može i sama da se nosi.
- Rimmel Apocalips tečni ruž u nijansi 303 Apocaliptic - još jedna fuksijasta nijansa, izuzetno pigmentovana i trajna.

- Flormar lipliner in shade 220 ​​- a lovely fuchsia shade, not hard, it's nice to apply and can be used alone.
- Rimmel Apocalips liquid lipstick in shade 303 Apocaliptic - another fuchsia shade, highly pigmented and lasting.

I na kraju lakovi za nokte na koje sam potpuno zaboravila:

- China Glaze Texture Itty, Bitty & Gritty 81282 - odličan lak koji obožavam. Dobar izbor za ljubitelje šmirglavih lakova.
- China Glaze Turned Up Turquoise 70345 - divan tirkizan lak sa mat završnicom. Brzo se suši i ima odličnu formulu.
- Flormar Nail Enamel 421 - narandžasta je moja omiljena boja tako da nije ni čudo da volim ovaj lak.
- She lakovi u nijansama 160 i 291 - formula She lakova me je oduševila. Ako se pažljivo mažu i samo jedan sloj je dovoljan. Postojani su i prelepih boja, a izbor nijansi je ogroman.

And finally nail polishes, that I have completely forgotten about at first:
- China Glaze Texture Itty, Bitty &Gritty  81282 - excellent nail polish that I just love. Good choice for fans of texture nail polishes.
- China Glaze Turned Up Turquoise 70345 - stunning turquoise lacquer with matte finish. It dries quickly and has a great formula.
- Flormar Nail Enamel 421 - orange is my favorite color so it's no wonder that I love this nail polish.
- She nail polishes in shades 160 and 291 - the formula of She nail polishes is perfect. If you apply it carefully one coat is sufficient. They are durable and have beautiful colours. Also the choice of colours is huge.

Šta vam se sviđa? Imamo li neke zajedničke letnje favorite? :) Svi proizvodi o kojima sam već pisala recenzije imaju linkove u nazivu, pa koga zanima nek pogleda. Ako nema linka pitajte šta vas zanima.

What do you like? Do we have some summer favorites in common? :) All the products that I have already written reviews for, have links in their name, so who is interested can read more about them. If the link isn't there ask me what ever you want to know.

петак, 5. јул 2013.

Kanta Vol. 2

Kako sam odlučila da pišem postove sa kantom za smeće svaki put kada se nakupi deset potrošenih proizvoda, došao je red i na sledeću turu kandidata za bacanje. Pređimo odmah na stvar:

Since I decided to write posts about garbage every time I collect ten spent items, the time has come for me to write my second garbage post. Let's get right to it:

- Body Drench piling za telo od malina - divno je mirisao i izgledao kao džem. Bio je dobar i kupiću ga nekada opet. Sadrži 170g i košta 550 dinara. Ocena 4/5.

- Lush Mask of Magnaminty - predobra, tugujem što je Lush otišao iz Srbije. Ima 125 g a cena je 765 dinara . Ocena 5/5.

- Bioderma Sebium micelarna - predobra, najbolja d svih koje sam probala, samo u Srbiji i preskupa. Ova od 250ml koštala je 1523 dinara. Ocena 4/5 samo zbog cene.

- Balea okoloočnak krema - nije loša, fino hidrira kožu, ali ako imate zahtevniju i suvu kožu te regije, možda će vam biti potrebno nešto jače. Ima 15ml i košta 339 dinara . Ocena 3/5.

- Kräuterhof anticelulit gel - nije loš, jedan od boljih koje sam do sad koristila. Ima 250ml a cena mu je 753 dinara. Ocena 4/5.

- Caudalie Beauty Elixir - nista specijalno, još me i peče ponekad kad ga nanesem. Zaobilazim ga u buduće. Ima 30ml, brzo se troši, a košta 1371 dinar. Ocena 3/5.

- Body Drench Body Scrub raspberry - it smelled wonderful and looked like jam. It was good and I will buy it once again. Contains 170g and costs 550 dinars. Score 4/5.

- Lush Mask of Magnaminty - phenomenal, I mourn the fact that Lush went from Serbia. There are 125g inside and the price is 765 dinars. Awarded 5/5.

- Bioderma Sebium micellar solution - phenomenal, the best from all I've tasted, but very expensive in Serbia. It contains 250ml and cost 1523 dinars. Score 4/5 only because of the price.

- Bale eye cream - not bad, hydrates the skin nicely, but if you have more demanding, dry skin of that region, you may need something stronger. There is 15ml in it and the price is 339 dinars. Score 3/5.

- Kräuterhof anticellulite gel - not bad, one of the better ones I've ever used. Contains 250ml and its price is 753 dinars. Score 4/5.

- Caudalie Beauty Elixir - nothing special, it burns sometimes when you apply it. I'll avoid it in the future. Contains 30ml, quickly consumed, and costs 1371 dinars. Score 3/5.

- Avon Skin So Soft mleko za telo sa arganovim uljem - nije lose, malo je gušće ali se brzo upija i lepo hrani. Miriše nekako parfemski. Ima 250ml i košta 610 dinara. Ocena 4/5.

- Garnier Intensive Care krema za ruke sa alantoinom - odlična. Kupila sam je zimi i mazala svaki dan od tad, a tek sam je sad potrošila. Suve ruke sređuje u dva mazanja. Najbolja koju sam do sad probala. Ima 100ml a košta oko 250 dinara. Ocena 5/5.

- Caudalie gel za tuširanje bez sapuna - dobila sam ovaj tester od 75ml i prilično sam se razočarala. Miris je previše blag. Takođe peni baš slabo pa mora tona da se stavi. Ocena 2/5.

- Oriflame Carbon Black ajlajner u stiku - dobar ali ako se jače pritisne hoće da se odlomi. Imam ga sto godina i nije se potrošio. Bacam jer mu je prošao rok. Ima 25g, a cene se ne sećam.

Toliko od mene za danas. :)

- Avon Skin So Soft Body Milk with Argan Oil - not bad, a little thicker but it is quickly absorbed and nourishes well. It smells kind of perfumy. Contains 250ml and costs 610 dinars . Score 4/5.

- Garnier Intensive Care hand cream with allantoin - excellent. I bought it in the winter and applied it every day since then and it lasted until now. Dry hand fixes in two applications. The best I've tested so far. It has 100ml and costs around 250 dinars. Score 5/5.

- Caudalie Shower Gel Soap-free - I got this tester with 75ml and I was pretty disappointed. The smell is too bland. It makes foam very hard so you have to use a lot of it. Score 2/5.

- Oriflame Carbon Black eyeliner stick - good but if you want press firmly it will break off. I got it such a long time ago and I didn't spend it whole. I tosing it because it is overdue. There are 25g in it, and the prices I cannot remember.

Enough from me for today. :)

среда, 19. јун 2013.

New In :)

Dosta sam pokupovala u poslednje vreme. Svašta sam potrošila, pa su mi trebale nove kremice. :) Naravno u kupovinu je upalo i dosta stvari koje mi ne trebaju ali sam morala da ih kupim :) Evo šta sam kupila:

- Crabtree & Evelyne Jojoba Oil losion za telo 500ml, 1325 din zbog kupona sa 50% popusta,
- Eveline 3D Slim anticelulit serum, 245ml, 675 din,
- Ziaja krema za ruke sa kokosom, 80ml, 235 din,
- Iglot senka 477 i ruževi 37 i 50, svi po 378 din zbog sniženja jer je ostalo jako malo okruglih dopuna,

I bought a lot lately. I spent a lot of stuff, so I need new creams. :) Of course, I bought a lot of things I don't need, too. :) Here's what I bought:

- Crabtree & Evelyn Jojoba Oil body lotion 500ml,  1325 dinars  with coupon for 50% discount,
- Eveline 3D Slim anti-cellulite serum, 245ml, 675 dinars,
- Ziaja hand cream with coconut, 80ml, 235 dinars,
- Iglot eyeshadow 477 and lipsticks 37 and 50, each for 378 dinars because they have very little round one left,

- Sephora set za obrve, 1640 din,
- China Glaze, Turner up Turquoise 70345, 387 din,
- Flormar lipliner 220, 309 din,
- Oriflame Power Shine ruž za usne, Sunkissen Rose,  100 din (kupila Gloria časopis samo zbog njega),
- Ebelin četkica za senku, 269 din,
- Ebelin četkica za puder/korektor, 569 din.

- Sephora eyebrow set, 1640 dinars,
- China Glaze, Turner Up Turquoise 70345, 387 din,
- Flormar lipliner 220, 309 dinars,
- Oriflame Power Shine Lipstick, Sunkissen Rose, 100 dinars (I bought Gloria magazine just to get it),
- Ebelin eyeshadow brush, 269 dinars,
- Ebelin powder /concealer brush, 569 dinars.

Uskoro pišem o ovim proizvodima. Šta vam je zapalo za oko? :)

Soon I'll write about these products. What has caught your eye? :)

понедељак, 20. мај 2013.

New In :)

Vreme je da i ja napišem šta sam kupovala u poslednje vreme. Ovo mi je prvi pravi post ovog tipa, a kako jako volim da čitam ovakve postove i postove sa potrošenim proizvodima, morala sam naravno i ja da ga napišem.

It is time that I write a little about what I bought recently, too. This is my first real post of this kind, and since I love to read these posts and posts with spent products, I had to write one myself, of course.
- Batiste Florar & Flirty Blush šampon sa suvo pranje kose - Oduševljena sam ovim šamponom. Potpuno mi pokupi masnoću i kosa mi izgleda posle nekoliko sekundi skoro potpuno isto kao da sam je oprala. Pošto treniram skoro svaki dan, a ne želim da perem kosu tako često ovo me baaaaaš spašava.

- Garnier Essentials Intensive Hydration dvenda krema - Za sada mi se jako sviđa, lepo miriše, brzo se upija, lagana je i odlična za mene sa masnom T zonom.

- Dahlia Hydra Perfect Eye Cream - Super okoloočna krema. Tek sam krenula da je koristim, ali za sad mi se čini da jako lepo hidrira. Brzo se upije, nije lepljiva, ne iritira mi oči, a ja se baš ne trudim uvek da pazim da ne mažem blizu oka. :)

- Oriflame Tender Care mazalica za usne sa mirisom kokosa - Miriše savršeno, divno hidrira i neguje usne. Osećaj na usnama je nekako superiorniji od svih mazalca koje sam imala do sad. Tako je divno kremasta i maziva!

- Batiste Floral & Flirty Blush Dry Shampoo - I am delighted with this shampoo. It removes grease and my hair looks great after a few seconds, almost exactly the same as if I have washed it for real. Since I train almost every day, and don't want to wash my hair so often it helps me a lot.

- Garnier Essentials Intensive Hydration Day Cream - so far I really like it, it smells nice, absorbs quickly, it is light and is perfect for my oily T zone.

- Dahlia Hydra Perfect Eye Cream - great eye cream. I just started using it but for now it seems that it hydrates very nicely . It is quickly absorbed, it is not sticky, does not irritate my eyes, and I'm not always very careful not to apply it to close to my eyes. :)

- Oriflame Tender Care Protecting Balm with coconut scent - it smells perfectly, hydrates wonderfully and nourishes lips. The feeling on the lips is somehow superior to all other lip balms I've had so far. It is so nice and creamy!

- Vichy Normaderm Hyaluspot - Kao što ga i svi hvale i ja ću. I kod mene dobro uklanja bubuljice. Mada moram priznati da kod mene to ne ide baš za dva dana, posebno ako je neki veći problem u pitanju. Takođe ne razumem zašto devojke pišu da je ok da se stavi ispod šminke da zaštiti bubuljicu od spoljne prljavštine. Gel kada se osuši stvara film koji se lako rukom sastruže i ako bih šminku stavljala preko odmah bih ljuspice sasušenog gela sasrugala.

- Eucerin 3u1 micelarna - Nisam je još probala jer mi je Biodermina pred kraj. Ova je duplo jeftinija od Biodermine i jako me zanima hoće li mi biti podjednako dobra.

- She paletica sa četiri senke - Ovo mi je prvi She proizvod i morala sam da je kupim zbog divnih boja. Senkice su baš divno pigmentovane tako da ću od sad itekako da obilazim She štandove! Uskoro ću vam je detaljno pokazati.

- La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL obojeni ekstremni fluid sa 50+ SPFom - Kupila sam ovo za lice kada je sunčano. Kupila sam ovu tečnu varijantu jer mi je koža masna. Odličan je za zaštitu od sunca, brzo se upija i onda nije uopšte masan. Međutim iako je obojen na koži baš i ne ostavlja neku boju pa sam s te strane prilično razočarana. Sledeće što kupim će ipak biti u formi kreme.

- Artdeco Camouflage Cream 5 - Konačno sam kupila svoj prvi Artdeco korektor! Divan je kao što i svi kažu!

- Essence Lipliner 10 Femme Fatale - Odlična jeftina olovka za usne. Jako je kremasta i pigmentovana i slobodno može da se nosi i umesto crvenog ruža. Zaista odlična.

Sve ovo slikano je na torbi/cegeru koji mi je sestra donela sa putovanja. Obožavam kuce :)
Toliko od mene za danas. Da li vas nešto zanima da pišem detaljnije? Šta ste vi koristili od ovih proizvoda i kakvi su vam utisci?

- Vichy Normaderm Hyaluspot - Everyone praises this product and how it removes pimples. It does that nicely for me, too. Although I must admit that for me it doesn't happen in just two days, especially if it is a bigger problem. I also do not understand why girls say that it is ok to put it under the makeup to to protect the pimple from external dirt. When dried it forms a film that is easily hand-scraped, and if I put makeup over it I would immediately scrape it off.

- Eucerin Micellar Solution 3in1 - I have not tried it yet because I still have some of Biodermas micellar left. This one is half price of Biodermas and I'm very interested if it will be just as good.

- She palette with four eye shadows  - this is my first She product  and I had to buy it because of the beautiful colors. Eye shadows are just pigmented great, so from now on I will stop next to She stands, too! I will show you this palette in detail soon.

- La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL Tinted Extreme Fluid with 50 +  SPF - I bought this for my face when it is sunny. I bought this liquid version because my skin is oily. It's great for protection from the sun, is absorbed quickly and it is not at all greasy. However, although it is tinted it doesn't leave almost any color on the skin so I'm pretty disappointed with that. The next thing I buy will still be in the form of cream.

- Artdeco Camouflage Cream 5 - I finally bought my first Artdeco concealer! It is wonderful as you all say!

- Essence Lipliner 10 Femme Fatale - Great cheap lipliner. It is very creamy and pigmented and can easily be worn instead of red lipsticks. Really great.

All this was photographed on the bag that my sister bought me from her trip. I love dogs. :)

Enough from me for today. Do you want me to write more about some of the products? Did you use any of these products and what are your impressions?