Masažeri za čišćenje i anti-age tretman lica postaju sve popularniji, i sada ih već možete naći u raznim oblicima, bojama i cenovnom rangu. I ja sam uletela u te vode, te već neko vreme koristim Perla Pure masažer, koji je od skoro dostupan na našem tržištu. Više o njemu možete saznati na
PerlaPure Facebook strani, i
web sajtu. Inače, ovaj masažer košta 5500 dinara, a dostava je besplatna.
Massagers for cleansing and anti-age facial treatments are becoming more and more popular, and at the moment you can find them in various shapes, colours and price ranges. I have also started using one - Perla Pure Massager, which has recently become available in our country. You can find out more about it on the Perla Pure Facebook page, and on their web site. This massager costs 5500 RSD, and the delivery is free.
Masažer dolazi u vrlo lepom tvrdom kartonskom pakovanju, sa USB kablom za punjenje i knjižicom sa uputsvom za korišćenje. Sa donje strane aparata nalazi se otvor sa priključkom za punjenje, koji je zatvoren gumenim poklopcem, koji vrlo dobro zatvara rupu, pa nema bojazni da će voda ući unutra prilikom umivanja. Masažer koristim svako jutro i veče već više od mesec dana i za sada nisam imala potrebu da aparat napunim, tako da ćete ovo vrlo retko morati da činite.
The massager comes in a very nice hard cardboard box, with a USB charging cable and a booklet with instructions. On the bottom side of the massager is an opening with a charging plug, which is closed with a tight rubber lid, so there is no fear that the water will enter inside while you are washing your face. I have been using the massager every morning and evening for more than a month and for now I did not have the need to charge it, so you will rarely have to do this.

Perla Pure masažer napravljen je od silikona, vrlo prijatnog na dodir, koji onemogućava razvoj bakterija na aparatu. Namenjen je umivanju uz vaš omiljeni gel za umivanje (ali pod uslovom da u gelu nema dodatnih čestica koje vrše piling, kako ne biste dodatno iziritirali kožu zbog vibracija aparata), kao i masaži lica. Za razliku od nekih sličnih masažera Perla Pure ima 1400 nežnih tankih zubaca sa jedne strane, koji se koriste prilikom umivanja, kao i 600 malo krupnijih zubaca sa druge strane kojima se može masirati lice, radi dodatne prokrvljenosti, osvežavanja kože i anti-age tretmana.
Perla Pure massager is made from silicone, very pleasant to the touch, which prevents the development of bacteria on the device. It is intended for washing with your favorite cleansing gel (but gel cannot have any extra scrubbing particles, because you can additionally irritate the skin due to the vibration of the device), as well as facial massage. Unlike some similar massagers, Perla Pure has 1400 delicate thin teeth on one side, which are used for washing, as well as 600 more larger teeth on the other side that can be used for massaging, in order to get additional blood running through the skin and anti-age treatment.

Prilikom umivanja na lice nanesem gel za umivanje i podesim jačinu vibracija. Vibracije često držim na srednjoj jačini, a postoji čak 13 nivoa jačine (poslednji su po meni zaista nepotrebno jaki za lice). Zatim blagim pritiskom očistim celo lice. U uputstvu se navodi da se masažer pomera niz čeljusnu kost i obraze prema ušima, zatim po čelu horizontalnim pokretima i na kraju duž strana nosa. Ja često koristim samo kružne pokrete i jednako sam zadovoljna učinkom. Nemojte ići aparatom preko kapaka, kako vam ne bi ispucali kapilari, pošto je koža ovde previše nežna. Ovako se umivam svako jutro i veče, a u toku dana s vremena na vreme ubacim i masažu lica sa krupnijim zupcima. Postupak masaže je takođe lepo opisan u uputstvu, koje dolaz uz aparat.
When I wash my face, I apply a wash gel and adjust the vibration level. I often keep vibrations at medium intensity, and there are as many as 13 levels of strength (the last ones are really unnecessarily strong for the face). Then, with a slight pressure, I clean the whole face. The instructions state that the massager should be moved from the chin down the jaw bone and cheeks towards the ears, then on the forehead using horizontal movements and at the end along the side of the nose. I often just use circular motions and I am equally pleased with the effects. Do not use the device over the eyelids, so that your capillaries do not burst, because the skin is so gentle in this area. This is how I wash my face every morning and evening, and during the day, from time to time, I add a massage with bigger teeth. The massage procedure is also well described in the instructions that come with the appliance.

A sada ono najbitnije - utisci. Kao prvo, koža mi zaista deluje mnogo temeljnije očišćena. I pored micelarne i temeljnog uklanjanja šminke, vidim da je pena nakon umivanja i ispiranja sa aparata prljava (večernje umivanje). Koža je beskrajno meka i zategnuta, od kada koristim ovaj aparat. Zbog vibracija koža se osveži i prokrvi, a mekani zupci vrže piling i uklanjaju mrtve ćelije kože, bez osećaja grebanja i iritacije, koja se javlja kod pilinga gelovima sa oštrim česticama koje grebu kožu. Zaista sam se oduševila mekoćom sopstvene kože. Temeljno čišćenje ima još jedan bitan efekat, a to je smanjeno izbijanje bubuljica u toku ciklusa. Bubuljice koje se i pojave mnogo brže nestaju i upala se brže stišava.
And now the most important thing - the impressions. First of all, the skin really works much more thoroughly cleaned. Despite the micellar water and thorough makeup removal, I see that the foam after washing and rinsing from the appliance is dirty (evening wash). The skin is infinitely soft and tight, since I started using this device. Because of the vibration, the skin is refreshed and has better circulation. The soft teeth scrub and remove dead skin cells, without the feeling of scratching and irritation, which occurs in scrubbing with gels full of rough particles that scratching the skin. I was really thrilled with the softness of my own skin. Great cleansing has another important effect - reduction of pimples during the menstrual cycle. Pimples that do appear disappear quicker and the inflammation shrinks faster.

Od kada imam Perla Pure masažer, imam osećaj kao da sam uz njega dobila i novu kožu. Moja nova koža je mekša, lepša i mnogo manje problematična. Upoznajem je i radujem joj se svakog dana. Zaista od srca svima preporučujem ovaj masažer. Čak i osobama sa osetljivom ili problematičnom kožom. Svi tipovi kože će imati koristi od temeljnog čišćenja i masaže, koju ovaj aparat pruža.
Since I got my Perla Pure Massager, I have the feeling that I also got new skin. My new skin is softer, prettier and much less problematic. I'm getting to know my new skin and it makes me happy every day. I really recommend this massager to everyone. Even people with sensitive or problematic skin. All skin types will benefit from the great cleansing and massage that this device provides.
Informacije i ocene |
Cena | 5500 RSD |
Gde kupiti | Perla Pure web sajt, FB strana |
Vrste | 1 |
Da li bih ga ponovo kupila | Da! |
Pakovanje | 5/5 |
Cena | 4/5 |
Čišćenje i masaža | 5/5 |
Izgled kože | 5/5 |
Ukupna ocena | 5/5 |
Za | Protiv |
- odlično čisti - prijatno masira - vrši blag piling - koža je vrlo meka - koža je elastična - manje bubuljica |
Information and scores |
Price | 5500 RSD |
Where to buy | Perla Pure web page, FB page |
Types | 1 |
Would I buy it again | Yes! |
Packaging | 5/5 |
Price | 4/5 |
Cleansing and massage | 5/5 |
Skin Appearance | 5/5 |
Total Score | 5/5 |
Pros | Cons |
- cleanses amazingly - pleasantly massages - mild scrubbing - skin is very soft - skin is elastic - less pimples |