Conservative cleaning up trash in liberal cities

 Fox News:

Conservative activist Scott Presler is traveling the nation to urge Americans who are sick of "failed Democrat policies" and rising gas prices to register to vote as Republicans while cleaning up the streets of trash-infested cities along the way.

"A major reason why I’m conservative and why this issue is so important to me is… our government is taking care of foreign nationals over the American people and my heart is with 50,000 homeless veterans. My heart is with 500,000 homeless Americans," Presler told Fox News Digital.

He began his journey in the summer of 2019 when then-President Trump famously criticized Baltimore as a "disgusting, rat and rodent-infested mess" that "no human being" would choose to live in. The remarks hit home with Presler, the son of a retired Navy captain, who first decided to get involved with Republican activism when he became upset while watching Barack Obama get reelected in 2012.

"They inspired me to take action because everyone was tweeting, they were posting content about the trash in Baltimore, but nobody was doing anything and I thought to myself, ‘OK, if not me then who?’ So I tweeted out to my followers and said, ‘I’m going to Baltimore,’" Presler said. "The tweet went viral."

The Northern Virginia-based Presler was initially concerned that he committed to more than he could handle, but fellow conservatives quickly stepped up and offered to help. He didn’t know a thing about organizing a major cleanup effort, but figured it out along the way, ordering dumpsters, browsing Home Depot for inspiration and even renting a Porta Potty.

"Within six days we organized 200 volunteers, on a Monday, a workday, and we picked up 12 tons of trash in 12 hours on the most dangerous streets of America in West Baltimore," he said.

The 6-foot-5 inch Presler, known for his signature Fabio-like locks, then decided he could achieve similar success in other cities despite being a private citizen with limited resources who doesn’t have the backing of the government.

"We went to Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, Dukane, Detroit, Houston, Kenosha, Los Angeles, Miami, Milwaukee, Portland, Pittsburgh, Philly, and I was even protested for picking up trash in San Francisco, California," Presler said.

When I was going through Marine Corps OCS the candidates were required to clean up the base areas to the point that some of us rewrote the Marine Slogan at the time, The "Marine Corps Builds Men"  to the "Marine Corps Builds Janitors."  But it taught us the lesson of the importance of taking care of our area and our bodies.  It is something that is lost in many liberal cities.


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