
Showing posts with the label Jack Lew

Treasury Secretary evasive when it comes to Hillary Clinton's email

This is interesting just to see him try to avoid answering a straight forward quention.

Treasury Secretary dodges the question

He has trouble answering the questions.

There are more important defects in the resume of the nominee to run Treasury

NY Times: Lew’s Cayman Islands Fund a Likely Issue at Confirmation Hearings As recently as 2010, Jack Lew, President Obama ‘s nominee to be the next secretary of the Treasury, had $56,000 invested in a CitiGroup venture capital fund based in the Cayman Islands’ notorious Ugland House, a building whose mailboxes are home to nearly 19,000 corporate entities, many of them tax shelters.   The investment has been in public documents for years and drew no attention when Mr. Lew was confirmed to be deputy secretary of state in 2009 and director of the White House Office of Management and Budget in 2010. ... Lew's most serious defects are caused by his poor interpersonal skills.  He maybe one of the few people in Washington who is a worse negotiator than Obama.  Neither know how to get to yes but seem to be affronted when they keep offering deals to the GOP that are easy to refuse. The reason the Ugland House exist is because we...

Why Obama wants an unqualified Treasury Secretary

Larry Kudlow: The worst part of the Jack Lew nomination for treasury secretary is not simply that he has no qualifications, standing or experience in the financial world or international sphere (think G20 and European debt crisis). Nor is it simply that he doesn't have any seasoned currency opinions (under Obama, the greenback has dropped 10 percent, while gold has doubled). Yes, these are big disqualifiers. But the real problem is that Lew is a left-liberal Obama spear-carrier, whose very appointment signals a sharp confrontation with the Republican House over key issues such as the debt ceiling, the spending sequester, next year's budgets and taxes. From all the way back when Lew was staff advisor to Tip O'Neill, he has been a man of the left. So as treasury secretary, I expect the former Obama budget director to push for trillions of dollars in new tax hikes, absolutely minimal spending restraint and no serious entitlement reform. Instead of being a fresh face who can ...

Incompetence has its rewards in the Obama administration

IBD: Only in Washington can someone who is singularly identified with failure not only be commended for it, but also actually win promotion to even greater responsibility. America, meet Jack Lew, your next Treasury secretary. Taking over from outgoing Tim Geithner is a big job, with debt-ceiling talks looming and the start of some $2.3 trillion in sequestration cuts set to kick in. Is Lew the right person for it? Well, over the past three years, while he was OMB director and Obama's chief of staff, the U.S. has run deficits of over a trillion dollars a year, with no shrinkage in sight. Our national debt has exploded by a third, to just over $16.4 trillion. ... Lew is one of those guys who tries to deny the obvious.  He is like the man caught on the couch with his mistress telling his wife, "Are you going to believe me are your lying eyes?"  He steadfastly denied the obvious on the deficit when questioned by Sen. Sessions who as a result has said ...

Sen. Sessions will block Lew as Treasury Secretary

Washington Times: The top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee will lead a charge to try to block White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew ’s prospective nomination to become Treasury secretary. Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions said Mr. Lew blatantly misled Congress about administration plans to reduce the national debt and “must never be secretary of Treasury.” Two years ago, while serving as Mr. Obama’s budget director, Mr. Lew told Congress that the president’s budget, which he had crafted, would not add to the national debt. “Our budget will get us, over the next several years, to the point where we can look the American people in the eye and say we’re not adding to the debt anymore; we’re spending money that we have each year, and then we can work on bringing down our national debt,” Mr. Lew said in 2011. To Mr. Sessions, the claim is so “outrageous and false” that it alone should disqualify Mr. Lew from the key Cabinet post. ... If Lew made those statements he was clearly ei...