
Showing posts with the label Muslim Brotherhood

The jihadies want a Biden Presidency

 Eileen Toplansky: It should be of grave concern that America's avowed enemies are cheering on the possibility of a Biden presidency.  Thus, " Iraq's pro-Tehran factions  have welcomed Joe Biden's election as US president[.]"  That such politicians who have called the U.S. "evil" and shout the phrase "death to America" would be pleased by a possible Biden win speaks volumes.  Vijeta Uniyal  explains: The Iranian regime is equally upbeat in its  statements  about a possible Biden-Harris administration, hoping to revive the Obama-era appeasement policies.  If the mainstream media and the Biden-Harris camp have their way, the Tehran and pro-Iran terrorist groups may have a good reason to rejoice.  A Democrat-led administration will likely undo President Donald Trump's legacy on Iran, lifting economic sanctions and ending the campaign of maximum pressure against the world's biggest sponsor of terrorism and its Islamist pr...

The Muslim Brotherhoods goals is to make the US as miserable a place as all countries dominated by the group

The words come from their own mouth in this video.  Why the left defends these subversive forces is strange since they would be targeted for elimination once the Brotherhood came to power.  I think the left does it because they don't like American leadership of either party.  The Muslim Brotherhood's agenda everywhere is to impose its evil ideology on everyone.

Trump agrees with Arab leaders on designation of Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist

NY Times: Trump Pushes to Designate Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group In a private White House meeting this month, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt urged President Trump to deem his opposition terrorists, officials said. The Egyptian leader is not the only Arab leader that holds that view.  The Saudis and other Gulf States have also taken action against the organization.  The Muslim Brotherhood is an Islamist supremacy organization that is hostile to any other religion.

Khashoggi and the US media narrative

Ben Weingarten: Why has the media and much of the political establishment made the presumed murder of an Islamist Saudi dissident on Turkish soil a defining issue in American foreign policy? Jamal Khashoggi is not a U.S. citizen, despite his past residence in Virginia, nor is he a lover of liberty, despite his criticism of Saudi Arabia’s despotic regime. He previously served that regime as a mouthpiece for, and adviser to, the alleged al-Qaeda-tied Saudi intelligence leader Turki bin Faisal. Khashoggi mourned the death of Osama bin Laden, whom Khashoggi had been granted unusual levels of access for numerous interviews. Khashoggi was also an ardent proponent of political Islam and the Muslim Brotherhood. Needless to say, one wonders why Khashoggi was permitted to enter the United States and handed a column at The Washington Post given this background, particularly at a time our media claims acute sensitivity to foreign influence. One also wonders why so many in the media are quick t...

Muslim Brotherhood tied to terror attack on Temple Mount

PJ Media: According to a Shin Bet statement, last month's terror attack on Jerusalem's Temple Mount that killed two Israeli Druze police officers was directly aided by a mosque official tied to the banned "Islamic Movement" — the Muslim Brotherhood affiliate in Israel. Security measures imposed by Israel after the attack sparked weeks of riots and protests, and a Jewish family preparing their Sabbath meal was murdered in their West Bank home. ... There is much more. The refusal of the US State Department to list the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist group makes no sense.

Why is US supporting Muslim brotherhood?

PJ Media: As the CIA continues to defend their investment in the Muslim Brotherhood to bring "moderate Islamist democracy" to the Middle East, much of the Middle East and our European allies are moving against the group. I noted here at PJ Media last month that many of America's Arab allies (Egypt, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia), as well as Israel, had moved well ahead of the U.S. in addressing the group's toxic influence.... ... Back in February, I reported that the CIA and the National Intelligence Council (NIC) provided the funds to support Nixon Center researchers Robert Leiken and Steven Brooke to create the "moderate Muslim Brotherhood" narrative during the Bush administration. That became the basis for their Foreign Affairs article of that same title.... ... Yet across Europe, intelligence agencies are warning about the group's operations in their respective countries -- and some are taking action. ... There is much more. I tend t...

Documents reveal Qatar ties to Muslim Brotherhood and Turkish despot Secret Documents Reveal A Grand Conspiracy Behind Qatar And Turkey For A Muslim Brotherhood Takeover What I do not understand is why the US State Department is insistent on supporting this Islamist organization even against the allegations of other Muslims.  The claim that labeling them a terrorist organization will alienate Muslims seems to be belied by the fact that so many Muslims reject the group.

Trump keeps the pressure on Qatar over terrorist financing

NY Times: Trump Assails Qatar, Despite Tillerson’s Call for ‘Calm’ The president accused the Persian Gulf nation of being a “funder of terror at a very high level,” undercutting efforts to mediate a dispute between Qatar and its neighbors. Ignoring the problem has not worked nor has diplomatic attempts to deal with it.  Qatar still supports the Hamas death cult which is building terror tunnels under UN schools in the Gaza strip.  It is also accused of supporting other terrorist organizations.  The Qataris seem immune to diplomatic persuasion on the issue so it makes sense to put financial pressure on them as well as isolate them. I think Trump is on the right track to side with US allies like Saudi Arabia and Egypt to also put pressure on Qatar to stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.  It is an organization made up of Islamic religious bigots who helped create groups like al Qaeda.

Muslim Brotherhood at the heart of move against Qatar

Fox News: As Gulf states cut ties with Qatar, Trump team debates Muslim Brotherhood terror designation Qatar has invested millions in Washington think tanks and Brookings, for instance, has argued that the Muslim Brotherhood should not be designated a terrorist organization despite the fact that many such organizations are offshoots of the Brotherhood such as al Qaeda. When the US recently looked at putting the Brotherhood on the terror list it was argued that such a move would cause problems with Muslims.  The recent moves suggest that argument was oversold and that there are millions of Muslims who see the Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. I would put them on the list.  They are full-throated religious bigots who also engage in ethnic hatred of Jews and Christians.  They are a group with not apparent redeeming qualities. They wound up in Qatar after they were chased from the government in Egypt and Syria became too hot for them.

Why hasn't the US designated Muslim Brotherhood terrorists?

BBC: Saudi Arabia declares Muslim Brotherhood 'terrorist group' Obviously, the claim that the US would alienate Muslims if it declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization is not true.  And, the Saudis are not the only Muslim nation who has mad ethe same finding. While some have claimed that al Qaeda's roots are Whabbism, in fact, their roots go back to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and one of the co-founders of al Qaeda is also Egyptian.  The Egyptian government has also outlawed them so why hasn't the US?

Christians under assault in Egypt

NY Times: Blasts Kill at Least 31 at Egyptian Churches There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the blasts, but the bombings come weeks before Pope Francis is to visit Egypt. This looks like another mass murder for Allah attack by radical Islamists.  It has been an ongoing problem since the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and its followers in Egypt.

NY Times falls for Muslim Brotherhood misdirection attempt

Breitbart: The New York Times this week continued its month-long campaign against designating the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization amid reports the Trump administration is debating the possibility of issuing an executive order making such a designation. Declaring the Brotherhood a terrorist organization would add the U.S. to the growing list of nations to do so, including Muslim countries like Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE. The Times’ crusade culminated in the newspaper’s publication on Wednesday of an oped written from Egyptian prison by Gehad el-Haddad, the official spokesman for the Muslim Brotherhood. The oped was splashed on the cover of Thursday’s international edition of the newspaper. In the piece, Haddad whitewashed the Brotherhood as inspired by an “understanding of Islam that emphasizes the values of social justice, equality and the rule of law.” “We remain committed to our ideals of community development, social justice and nonviolence,” wrote Haddad....

Media overlooks that many Arab countries have already designated Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist

NY Times: Talk of Criminalizing Muslim Brotherhood Alarms Arab Allies Experts say a sweeping indictment could have serious implications for domestic politics, American diplomacy and the broader fight against Islamist extremism. The Muslim Brotherhood is one of the original Islamist supremacy organizations.  Its charter appears to support genocide against Israeli Jews.  It has already been designated as a terrorist organization in Egypt where it was born as well as several other Arab states. The opposition to naming them as a terrorist organization appears to be based on the notion that they don't mean what they say about their own goals. If they become more overtly terrorist after the designation, they only confirm the original analysis of those who wanted them designated as terrorists.

The NY Times seems out of touch with reality in the Middle East

Daily Caller: The New York Times editorial board thinks President Trump shouldn’t designate the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization because it could make Trump the enemy of all Muslims. The liberal paper published Thursday an editorial Thursday titled “All of Islam Isn’t the Enemy” arguing against the move, which the Trump administration is reportedly considering as a possible option. CIA Director Mike Pompeo has said he supports designating the group, which is open about its goal of creating a state ruled by Islamic law, as a terrorist organization. “Is President Trump trying to make enemies of the entire Muslim world? That could well happen if he follows up his primitive ban on refugees and visa holders from seven Muslim nations with an order designating the Muslim Brotherhood — perhaps the most influential Islamist group in the Middle East — as a terrorist organization,” the editors charged. ... The fact is that many of the US allies in the region have already design...

Islamist groups response to Trump restrictions on immigration nonsensical

Daily Mail: The executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) said Wednesday that refusing to accept Muslim refugees is the moral equivalent of slavery. CAIR held a press conference in anticipation of executive orders from President Donald Trump to limit refugee entry from several Muslim-majority countries, block federal funds from sanctuary cities and start construction of a wall on America’s southern border. Nihad Awad, CAIR’s national executive director, called the proposed border wall a “multi-billion dollar monument to racism.” Awad went on to say that President Trump’s proposal has nothing to do with national security and is strictly an “Islamophobic” proposal. A rabbi at the press conference, Joseph Berman, was on the verge of tears and said that the proposal to bar the entry of refugees from several terrorist hotbeds such as Syria and Somalia is an “affront to God.” ... There is no right to refugee status, and there is a huge difference bet...

Besides building a border wall, Trump takes steps to keep Gitmo open, targets Muslim Brotherhood

NY Times: Trump Plans Mexican Wall and Sets Sights on Immigration President Trump on Wednesday will sign an executive order to direct funds to the building of a border wall, a signature issue of his campaign. He is also considering resuming a once-secret detention program, keeping the Guantánamo Bay prison open and designating the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group. It is time to recognize that Obama's policy of releasing terrorist did absolutely nothing to reduce terrorism.  It was always a bogus proposition.  He and some in the Pentagon made the mistake of listening to the wrong people on the issue.  Islamic terrorism is not caused by resisting it.  It is caused by Islamic religious bigotry that has zero to do with Gitmo.  The facility and the interrogation of detainees actually helped to uncover plots and thwart them, and terrorism actually increased under Obama's policies. It is also hard to understand the reluctance in naming the ...

Islamic religious bigotry getting worse in Egypt

Washington Post: Muslim attacks on Christians are rising in Egypt A “disturbing wave of radicalism” has deepened sectarian tensions, as community leaders and human rights activists say the smallest disagreements are setting off violence. This has been happening ever since the fall of Mubarak and the rise of the Muslim brotherhood.  It is an Islamist supremacy organization that is totally intolerant toward anyone who will not submit to the Islamist vision of Islam. The Obama administration and Hillary Clinton have ignored the obvious intolerance as practiced by the Muslim Brotherhood and seem to accept the group in the US with its affiliates like CAIR which promotes the phony disease of Islamaphobia.

The desperation of the Progs

Guardian: Resistance and anger: progressives urge Democratic party to stand up and fight Keith Ellison emerges as a top contender to lead the DNC in the fight against Trump, while Howard Dean and Martin O’Malley say they are considering bids Ellison is a controversial figure who has been accused of having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and has spoken at functions put together by organizations with Muslim Brotherhood ties.  I think the chances are remote that he can bring disaffected Democrats back into the fold. It appears to me that liberals are making the same mistake that the Islamist make.  When things do not go their way the Islamist ratchet up the Islam and alienate even more people and that appears to be what liberals are doing by ratcheting up the more radical members of their party rather than trying to appeal to a broader group of voters.

Muslim Brotherhood official arrested in Cairo previous worked for Clinton Foundation

World News Politics: A senior Muslim Brotherhood official was reportedly arrested in Cairo on Tuesday and charged with inciting violence, according to The Washington Times. Gehad el-Haddad, a top communications official for the Muslim Brotherhood, was seized by Egyptian security forces over his loyalty to former President Mohamed Morsi. However, it’s his previous job that has Americans concerned. Prior to his stint as a senior Brotherhood official and adviser to Morsi, el-Haddad reportedly served for five years as a top official at the Clinton Foundation, a nonprofit group founded by former President Bill Clinton. El-Haddad was the face of the Muslim Brotherhood and became well-known for supporting the organization’s crackdown on civil liberties in Egypt as part of their Islamist agenda. He achieved this role soon after he left his position with the Clinton Foundation, but much of his official work with the Brotherhood took place while he was still claiming to be employed by ...

Those supporting mass murder by Muslims say that putting them on watch list is discriminatory?

BizPac Review: Placing Muslim jihadists on a ‘terror watch list’ is now apparently discriminatory, according to the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). In two federal lawsuits this week, CAIR alleges that the U.S. government’s terror watch list is unconstitutional because it violates the rights of individuals on the list, according to a report by Courthouse News Service. “Defendants have utilized the watch list, not as a tool to enhance aviation and border security, but as a bludgeon to coerce American Muslims into becoming informants or forgoing the exercise of their rights, such as the right to have an attorney present during law enforcement questioning,” the lawsuits claim. Executive Director of CAIR Dawud Walid said that if the federal government was going to track Islamic extremism, it should also surveillance Donald Trump supporters. ... CAIR has a practice of playing the victim.  It has been tied to the Holy Land Foundation which w...