
Showing posts with the label Coronavirus

New surge in virus cases expected this fall along with new vaccines

 TownHall: During his Sunday morning appearance on ABC's " This Week ," Dr. Ashish Jha, the dean of the Brown University School of Public Health and the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator, spoke of an expected surge of Wuhan coronavirus cases for the coming fall and winter. In other words, the surge is expected to come right before the November midterms. When asked by host Martha Raddatz about the expected surge, Dr. Jha explained they are indeed "planning for a variety of scenarios including a wave of infection this fall and winter," which he used as an opportunity to push "making that sure we have a new generation of vaccines that are being worked on right now, that we have availability of treatments and testing, and we have the resources." Like President Joe Biden has done, Dr. Jha also made a push for Congress to pass funding against the virus. "By the way, one of the reasons I’ve been talking a lot about the need for Congress to ste...

Students in lockdown blue states fell behind

 ADN America: Study: Florida, Texas students excelled while students in Democratic lock-down states lost academic ground “We found that districts that spent more weeks in remote instruction lost more ground than districts that returned to in-person instruction sooner,” said Harvard professor Thomas Kane The students in Texas and Florida also did not experience a massive spread of the virus. 

Biden's short-term memory problem

  Washington Examiner: White House falsely claims there was no vaccine when Biden took office Actually, millions had been vaccinated by the time Biden took office including Biden.  See, also: White House Tells Such a Despicable Blatant Lie Even CNN and WaPo Bust Them

Study find masks were overrated in stopping virus

  Legal Insurrection: New Study Shows Face Mask Usage Did Not Correlate With Better Outcomes   Data from 35 countries and 602 million people using face masks “failed to show a benefit” and “may have harmful unintended consequences.” They appear to be overrated. 

Yep! I had two such events

 Epoch Times: Study Links Increase in Emergency Heart Events With COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout Mine involved elevated blood pressure in one case reaching 199, as well as chest pains.  It has also limited the time I can do physical heavy work.

GOP states led the economic recovery from pandemic

 Breitbart: Job Creators Network President and CEO Alfredo Ortiz said Wednesday on Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Company” that Republican-led states that embraced free-market policies during the pandemic were the force behind the current economic recovery. ... "...  Looking back in hindsight, we see Republican governors really did an amazing job of balancing the health of citizens and the health of its economy. Those Republican states really lead this recovery that we are currently seeing.  So we do hope, and we do believe people are interested in this conversation. It’s coming through the perspective and views and the mouths of small business owners in those states, highlighting the great work their governors did to create an environment of opportunity for them to get out of the pandemic that everybody that was in.” The lockdown policies of the left were a disaster for the blue states.  While th...

The DC super spreaders

  Guardian: Psaki, Garland, Pelosi: Covid-19 spreads among leading Democrats and Biden officials Several dozen tested positive after a dinner hosted by the Gridiron Club, where proof of vaccine was required The results of the event look like a challenge to the alleged efficacy of the vaccine in stopping the spread although it could still limit the impact of the disease. 

Blue State response to Covid was least effective

  Fox News: California, New York handled COVID-19 lockdowns the worst, Florida among the best, a new study shows   Some liberal states 'had high age-adjusted death rates and high unemployment' ... "Shutting down their economies and schools was by far the biggest mistake governors and state officials made during COVID, particularly in blue states," Steve Moore, co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, told Fox News Digital. "We hope the results of this study will persuade governors not to close schools and businesses the next time we have a new virus variant." New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois were among the worst in dealing with the coronavirus, performing "poorly on every measure," the report said. GOVERNMENT-MANDATED COVID LOCKDOWNS SPARKED SEVERE HEALTH CRISIS AMONG TEENS AS TEACHERS' UNIONS PUSHED POLICY These states "had high age-adjusted death rates; they had high unemployment and significant GDP losses, and ...

Chicom lockdown worse than the disease?

  Epoch Times: ‘We are Starving to Death’: Shanghai Residents Under Lockdown Shout at Visiting Vice Premier The Chicoms are not letting people out of their homes to buy food, nor are they providing adequate amounts to them evidently. 

Vaccine rate not an indicator of success in fighting Covid

 Epoch Times: Counties with the highest rates of vaccination against COVID-19 are currently experiencing more cases than those with the lowest vaccination rates, according to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The 500 counties where 62–95 percent of the population has been vaccinated detected more than 75 cases per 100,000 residents on average in the past week. The 500 counties where 11–40 percent of the population has been vaccinated detected about 58 cases per 100,000 residents on average in the past week. The data is skewed by the fact that the CDC suppresses figures for counties with very low numbers of detected cases (1–9) for privacy purposes. The Epoch Times calculated the average case rates by assuming the counties with the suppressed numbers had 5 cases each on average. The least vaccinated counties tended to be much smaller, averaging less than 20,000 in population. The most vaccinated counties had an average population of over 330,0...

CDC sued over mask mandates

  The Hill: More than 20 states filed a lawsuit on Tuesday against the federal mask mandate on transportation, which has been extended until April 18, saying it violated the Constitution and violated the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). The 21 states claim that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had not allowed for public comment for more than a year since the federal transportation mask mandate was first issued. They also claimed that they were negatively impacted by the mask mandate because it required states to “expend resources to enforce the mandate” and harmed states’ “sovereign interests” because many states “have laws or policies prohibiting or discouraging mask requirements in contexts where the mask mandate applies,”  according to court filings . ... There is also growing evidence of the lack of efficacy of the masks, to begin with.  There is some evidence that there is no material difference in the spread of the virus where there are mask r...

Biden bowed to the Teachers' union thugs to keep kids out of school

  DailyWire: Biden Administration Gave Teachers Union ‘Unprecedented Access’ To Shape National COVID-19 Guidelines, Report Says ... “AFT staff asked CDC Director Rochelle Walensky to install a ‘trigger’ in the guidance that would cause schools to close automatically if COVID-19 positivity rates reached a certain threshold. The CDC obliged, and thousands of schools across the country remained closed throughout the 2020-2021 school year,” the report states. In a February interview with the committee, Walke told lawmakers that the level of coordination between the teachers’ union and CDC was “uncommon.” ... “The facts are clear: Biden’s CDC overrode routine practice to allow a radical teachers union that donated millions of dollars to Democrat campaigns to bypass scientific norms and rewrite official agency guidance,” the statement says. “The damaging edits by union bosses effectively kept thousands of schools shuttered across the country, locking millions of children out of their c...

CDC and the missing data on Covid

 Fox News: Biden admin operated with missing data as CDC issued pandemic guidance, emails show   Dr. Anthony Fauci sent CDC Director Rochelle Walensky an article scientifically tearing down the 6-feet rule, emails show ... "These emails show the CDC forged ahead and crafted pandemic policy based on poor data – even after they've been warned old and out-of-date research was being used to support their guidelines," Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of Americans for Public Trust, told Fox News. "First, the CDC allowed teachers' unions to write the guidance on school reopenings, and now we just learned the CDC isn't publishing large portions of the COVID data it collects." CDC officials recently acknowledged in unrelated internal emails that the agency must clean up its data-gathering process, which hindered the pandemic response, Politico reported. ... This is more evidence of the half-assed approach to management of the Biden administration. 

Supreme Court allows DOD to block deployment of unvaccinated SEALs.

 The Hill: The Supreme Court on Friday granted an emergency request from the Defense Department to restore its authority over the deployment of unvaccinated Navy SEALs and other special warfare service members amid a pending legal challenge to the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate. The court’s move temporarily blocked a January ruling by a federal judge in Texas. That judge halted the department from considering vaccination status in deployment decisions affecting Navy special forces operators who have refused to comply with the military’s mandate on religious grounds. Justice Clarence Thomas indicated that he would have denied the Pentagon’s request, and fellow conservatives Justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch wrote in dissent. “In this case, the District Court, while no doubt well-intentioned, in effect inserted itself into the Navy’s chain of command, overriding military commanders’ professional military judgments,” conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote, concurring...

Babies and toddlers have better anti-body response to virus

 Epoch Times: ... According to the study, antibodies to a key site on the CCP virus’s outer spike protein—known as the receptor-binding domain (RBD)—were more than 13 times higher in children aged 4 and younger when compared to adults. For children between 5 and 17 years, it was nine times higher than in adults. The team also noted that levels of neutralizing antibodies, which is a major indicator of whether a person has developed lifelong immunity to a virus after having recovered from infection, were nearly twice as high in children aged 4 and younger than in adults. ... These raises questions about the need mask choildren these ages.  It probably also explains why few of them conracted the disease. 

Mask maniac in New York abuses kids?

  Daily Mail: New woke NYC health commissioner sparks fury as he orders under-fives to be masked FOREVER and says his four-year-old isn't 'safe' without one: Furious parents slam the defund the police supporting mental health expert for 'torturing' kids This guy is way too paranoid to be a health commissioner.  He is trying to blame his actions on science, but there is little basis for such action on kids of that age.  The total number of cases of kids of that age during the height of the pandemic was small.

Non-lockdown schools had better results

 Breitbart  finds that students at schools that did not lockdown thrived compared to those that did lockdown.

Reports question the efficacy and safety of Covid vaccines

 PJ Media: Ever since the COVID-19 vaccines were first made available, open and honest discussion about them, their efficacy, and their potential side effects has been subject to big-tech censorship—particularly regarding the mRNA vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna. But maybe now we can finally have open discourse because a new peer-reviewed study from the CDC found significant instances of death and severe side effects from the mRNA vaccines. While data shows that “most reported adverse events were mild and short in duration,” according to the study, which  was published in the UK-based medical journal  The Lancet , 6.6% of all side effects were categorized as “serious,” and resulted in “inpatient hospitalisation, prolongation of hospitalisation, permanent disability, life-threatening illness, congenital anomaly or birth defect.” Deaths represented a stunning 1.3% of side effects reports. Many, however, argue that data from the federal government’s Vaccine Adverse Event...

Students in schools that remained open during pandemic did much better

  Ed Morrissey: WaPo: Guess whose students did better in the pandemic? ...   As Jonathan Chait put it two months ago , school closures were a “catastrophic error,” one for which teachers unions, school boards, and their progressive supporters will have to answer. They rejected evidence and science, Chait emphasized, and sold fear instead.... ... There is much more. I think the teachers' unions were largely responsible for demanding the closures and they were dead wrong.  I recently noted that the death of just one teacher in Chicago was used as an excuse for closing schools and it turns out that she died from alcoholism and not Covid.

Biden using little effort to reclaim billions stolen in Covid aid package

 DailyWire: The Biden administration should focus more on investigating and remedying billions of dollars worth of COVID-19 aid fraud before pumping out more of such spending, Bloomberg’s editorial board wrote on Monday. In an op-ed published Monday morning, Bloomberg pointed out that the Secret Service estimates that $100 billion in COVID-19 relief funds may have been doled out in fraudulent claims, corrupt deals, or to dead people. The article suggests that Secret Service estimates may be too conservative, however. The editors write: Even that may be understating the problem. As little as 23% of the $800 billion doled out by the Paycheck Protection Program actually found its way into workers’ pockets. A Department of Labor study estimated that more than $87 billion in emergency unemployment benefits were improperly paid. The Small Business Administration has (among other blunders) disbursed more than $6.2 billion to loan applicants it now suspects of identity theft. Somehow, the ...