Obama AWOL on debt reduction
National Journal: Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels attacked President Obama on Sunday, characterizing his first term as a “failed presidency” and saying the president was “AWOL” on debt reduction. The election will be “a choice between [Obama] and a future of certain decline and indebtedness, and the Republican Party," Daniels said on CNN's State of the Union . Daniels, a former head of the Office of Management and Budget who was tapped to deliver the Republican response to Obama's State of the Union address this year, called the current economic climate "the worse recovery ever from a serious recession." "History says the deeper the down, the sharper the up," he said. "It should've been a very vigorous" recovery. Daniels went on to squarely blame Obama, saying the president has not gone far enough on issues like debt reduction. “The president went totally AWOL on this largest of subjects,” Daniels said. ... He also raised other i...