
Showing posts with the label Connecticut shooting

Back when Harry Reid was all for carrying guns

Funny how he was all for guns for his personal protection.  Will he extend the same rights to the rest of us after the Connecticut shooting?

Unions want to keep teachers defenseless

Washington Times: The debate continues over whether teachers and other school personnel should have access to guns in an emergency, but the nation’s two biggest teachers unions warned Thursday that would be a disastrous idea that sends the wrong message to children. ...  So the Unions message to kids is "be a good little victim."

Perry position on concealed carry warmly received--in Texas

                                    WFAA has more on his remarks.  In Connecticut  some politicians reacted angrily to the Texas approach to school safety.  The opponents to the Texas approach are getting shrill and insulting which suggest they are having trouble forming a logical argument to support their failed approach to school safety.

Lengthy process for getting shooter committed gave him time for atrocities

Fox News: The gunman who slaughtered 20 children and six adults at a Connecticut elementary school may have snapped because his mother was planning to commit him to a psychiatric facility, according to a lifelong resident of the area who was familiar with the killer’s family and several of the victims’ families. Adam Lanza, 20, targeted Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown after killing his mother early Friday because he believed she loved the school “more than she loved him,” said Joshua Flashman, 25, who grew up not far from where the shooting took place. Flashman, a U.S. Marine, is the son of a pastor at an area church where many of the victims' families worship. “From what I've been told, Adam was aware of her petitioning the court for conservatorship and (her) plans to have him committed," Flashman told "Adam was apparently very upset about this. He thought she just wanted to send him away. From what I understand, he was really, really angry. I ...