
Showing posts with the label Sen. Manchin

He might as well their policies are a mismatch

 American Action News: Joe Manchin Says He Is “Thinking Seriously” About Leaving Democratic Party It is hard to sell the Democrat brand in West Virginia. 

GOP Senate candidate has 22 point lead over Manchin in West Virginia

 Breitbart: West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice (R-WV) is leading Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) by double-digits in a head-to-head primary matchup in the Mountain State, a recent ECU survey found. Justice, who jumped into the Senate race in April after stating that it is “time for the Republicans to take control of the Senate,” is leading the incumbent by 22 points among registered voters. A majority, 54 percent, support Justice, compared to 32 percent who support Manchin. Another 13 percent remain undecided, and one percent said “some other candidate.” ... Republicans have become the dominant party in West Virginia. 

Manchin blasts Biden border bungle

 DC Examiner: ... “We are one day from the end of Title 42 and still the Biden Administration has no viable solution to prevent an unmanageable surge of migrants at our southern border," Manchin said in a statement, as previously reported by the Washington Examiner . "There are multiple commonsense solutions to this crisis, including my bipartisan bill that would give the Administration a two-year temporary expulsion authority for migrants attempting to illegally enter the U.S. without inspection or proper documentation," Manchin said. "While I do not support every provision, Republicans in the House of Representatives are at least working on a border security bill to fill the leadership vacuum created by this Administration. Our country cannot maintain our superpower status if we cannot control our own border.” ...  Biden's border policy has been a mistake since day one of his administration and he never developed a rational plan for protecting the border. Only...

Manchin apparently fell for Biden BS on deficit reduction

 Ed Morrissey: Come on, man.  You bought Joe Biden’s effluvium on deficit reduction after more than a year of his fronting the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan and the $5.5 trillion-plus Build Back Better proposal. You stood by while Biden signed an EO imposing onerous costs and regulatory red tape on energy exploration and production. Now you want us to believe that you’re shocked,  shocked  that Joe Biden didn’t take deficit reduction and domestic energy?  And  that Biden isn’t anything more than partisan demagogue?   Apparently so : When President Biden and I spoke before Congress passed the Inflation Reduction Act last summer, we agreed that the bill was designed to pay down our national debt and shore up America’s energy security. It was designed to generate $738 billion in new revenue, with more than $238 billion dedicated to debt reduction, the first serious piece of legislation in more than two decades that the Congressional Budget Offic...

Biden's radical ESG agenda

 Fox Business: Senator Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., put the Biden administration on blast Monday after President Biden carried through with his promise to veto bipartisan legislation that would have killed a regulation that encourages private retirement plan fiduciaries to consider environment, social and governance (ESG) factors when making investment decisions for over 150 million Americans. Manchin, who was one of two Senate Democrats to vote with Republicans to nullify the proposed Department of Labor (DOL) rule, issued a heated statement Monday condemning the Biden administration for, in his view, prioritizing politics over securing the best financial returns for Americans. The other was Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont. "This Administration continues to prioritize their radical policy agenda over the economic, energy and national security needs of our country, and it is absolutely infuriating," Manchin said. "West Virginians are under increasing stress as we continue to recover ...

Manchin tells Dems it time to be reasonable on debt ceiling

 Washington Examiner: S en.  Joe Manchin  (D-WV) called on his Democratic colleagues on Thursday  to negotiate  with Republicans on spending cuts ahead of the country’s summer deadline to raise the  debt ceiling . The West Virginia senator, a centrist Democrat, argued that the United States needs to put itself on a fiscally sustainable path, a call that comes as Republicans push to roll back spending as part of any debt ceiling agreement. Democratic lawmakers have resisted the call for concessions, largely insisting on a clean increase and arguing that risking default would be devastating for the economy. Manchin, for his part, said today's spending levels are “absolutely crippling." “If you love your children, if you love this country, you'll stop the madness and start acting reasonably and responsibly to get our government's financial house in order. It's long past due. The partisan politics can wait,” he said in a floor speech. “There's always times to h...

Manchin's mistake

 Katie Pavlich: After selling out West Virginia energy workers by voting for President Joe Biden's $800 billion "Inflation Reduction Act" in August, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin has seen his approval rating plummet. A new poll out this week shows things haven't improved as time has passed, calling into question Manchin's re-election chances in 2024. West Virginia poll by Morning Consult Governor Jim Justice (R) Job Approval: Approve: 64% Disapprove: 31% Net: +33% Senator Joe Manchin (D) Job Approval: Approve: 40% Disapprove: 53% Net: -13% October 1 - December 31 — InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) January 17, 2023 According to Forbes the Inflation Reduction Act, which actually makes inflation worse and balloons the deficit, is the largest handout to climate change interest groups in U.S. history. ... Manchin made the mistake of listening to Democrat leadership instead of West Virginia voters.  It was a costly m...

Could Dems lose Manchin too?

 Just the News: All eyes on Manchin's future as a Democrat after Sinema's departure from the party Democratic leaders' promise to Manchin to deliver on permitting reform and a pipeline project in exchange for his Inflation Reduction Act support hasn't materialized. They made promises they couldn't deliver on to get his vote for a bill that has tanked his approval rating in West Virginia.

Manchin loses his magic in West Virginia

 Washington Examiner: Manchin popularity drops double digits in West Virginia Selling out to liberalism is a mistake in a conservative state. 

Dems renege on agreement to produce more oil and gas

 Daily Wire: The “side deal” Senate Democrats cut with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is beginning to fall apart, as dozens of Democrats announced their opposition to it. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) struck a deal with Manchin in order to secure his critical vote to pass their $740 billion tax and climate law, the so-called “ Inflation Reduction Act .” In exchange for Manchin’s vote, Schumer agreed to include reforms to the oil and gas permitting process in a stopgap government funding bill. But dozens of House Democrats signed a letter to Democratic Leadership Friday opposing the permitting reforms. ... The bill has been costly for Manchin back home in West Virginia and now he is even losing the fig leaf for agreeing to vote for the bill.  See, also: Democrats stiff Joe Manchin of the goodies they promised him for voting for their 'Inflation Reduction Act'

Manchin rarely votes against Democrat legislation

 Fox News: Sen. Joe Manchin has often frustrated Senate Democrats on key issues this Congress, and has a longstanding reputation as a moderate — but his overall voting record is closer to the party line than many other Senate centrists. Manchin, D-W.Va., voted with Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., 88% of the time this Congress, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., 91% of the time, according to a ProPublica database. Significantly, he also agreed with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on 91% of votes, according to ProPublica. That number is lower than most other Democrats, including fellow moderate Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., who voted with Schumer on 96% of roll calls since 2021. The bulk of other Senate Democrats vote with Schumer 98% of the time, according to ProPublica. Manchin, however, toes the party line on votes much more often than some GOP moderates. ... "The bottom line is he portrays himself as a moderate but at the end of the day he always ends up where Chuck ...

Who is bankrolling Manchin's campaigns?

 Fox News: Manchin bankrolled by out-of-state donors, just 1% of individual campaign donations are from West Virginians Sen. Manchin backs the Inflation Reduction Act, which would raise taxes slightly and bolster IRS enforcement I would think West Virginia voters would be interested to know where this money is coming from. 

Manchin tax increase bill not a done deal

 Red States: While Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) caved, coming to a deal with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) which they have falsely named the “Inflation Reduction Act,” they haven’t gotten across the line quite yet. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) isn’t on board yet. Manchin has been talking to her, trying to work her, but so far she’s not talking. She said she wanted to read the text and was waiting on the parliamentarian. Let’s hope that she holds out. But she’s not the only possible objection. There are other possibilities, particularly as more information comes out on how it  doesn’t reduce inflation  and that  it will raise taxes  on people across all income strata, including the middle class, according to the Joint Commission on Taxation. This is on top of the economy officially going into a recession last week. Manchin had previously said he would never raise taxes during a recession, but here we are. Manchin  told  Fox’s Harris Faulkner that...

Manchin bill will raise the price of energy, manufacturing through taxation

 Washington Examiner: Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-WV) "Inflation Reduction Act" may not lower inflation , but it is a much better name for the bill than what the legislation actually does: raise taxes on energy producers and manufacturers. A more accurate name for the bill would have been "The Joe Manchin Tax on Energy and Manufacturing." Manchin claims his legislation doesn’t raise taxes on energy producers or manufacturers at all. In fact, Manchin went so far as to claim, "There’s nothing on taxes at all" in the bill. "There’s not one penny in change on taxes," Manchin told reporters Monday. This is an odd claim to make, considering the Joint Committee on Taxation says the bill’s 15% Alternative Minimum Tax on Large Corporations will raise taxes by $314 billion over the next 10 years. What is the point of creating a minimum tax if it isn’t going to raise revenue? $314 billion is an awful lot of pennies. Worse for Manchin, and for everyone if this l...

Democrats out of touch with West Virginia voters

  Fox News: Progressives eager to primary Manchin for sidelining Biden's agenda Democratic operatives and activists say there's little to lose by challenging Manchin Manchin is probably the only Democrat who could win in West Virginia and one of the reasons he wins is because he votes against the Dems' far-left agenda. If he voted with the Dems on their radical policies he would lose.

Manchin saving Democrats from themselves

 Red States: After Joe Biden came in, it seemed like the last grip on reality that he or other Democrats had went flying off into the sunset, never to be seen again. In its place, many of the Democrats have gone into wild hysterics, pitching all kinds of crazy to demonize their opponents and/or any of the policies that they don’t like. We’ve seen that regarding so many issues. We saw it again in their reaction to Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) killing any hopes for a revival of Biden’s spending package, if it contains climate change or tax increases in light of where we are with the economy. Manchin is saving the country from further crushing inflation, but the other Democrats don’t see that. Or, if they do, they don’t let it stop their spending ambitions. It would be much worse at this point if Manchin had not stopped Biden and the other Democrats from passing Build Back Better. Manchin is also ultimately saving the Democrats from themselves on the filibuster as well. If the Republicans ...


  Mary Katharine Ham @mkhammer This is the one that’s gonna take out everyone not killed by Net Neutrality expiration. Quote Tweet Sahil Kapur @sahilkapur · 15h New —> Democrats vent their fury as Joe Manchin shelves action on climate change "We’re all going to die." "I don’t want to spend one more minute thinking about what Joe Manchin will or won’t do." "...he doesn’t know how to close a deal..." https:// ess/democrats-vent-fury-joe-manchin-shelves-action-climate-change-rcna38472 … Show this thread 4:02 PM · Jul 15, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 117 Retweets 4 Quote Tweets 544 Likes The climate kooks are unhappy, but energy workers still have their jobs.