
Showing posts with the label deviancy

Insuring EVs becoming a problem?

 The Telegraph: It seems like Rishi Sunak isn’t the only one getting cold feet over net zero . Car insurers are the latest sector to back away from electric vehicles (EVs), after the industry decided that underwriters don’t have the knowledge to insure the new models, often fitted with expensive upgrades. Meanwhile, the cost and availability of parts is also affecting insurance premiums, causing some annual costs to rocket to £5,000 and some insurers to withdraw from the EV market entirely. Insurers are reviewing underwriting criteria but the colossal expense of getting your already-costly EV on the road isn’t necessarily helping the electric car revolution take hold. Nor, to that point, has the Prime Minister’s new net zero plans, announced last month to a mixed reaction from the car industry. Amid some pseudo U-turns on measures that were never government policies – such as plans for households to juggle seven recycling bins, a meat tax and compulsory carpooling – Mr Sunak announ...

Biden appointed judge allows grooming of underaged children

 Federalist: Biden-Appointed Judge Rules Religious Parents Can’t Opt Kids Out Of Pro-LGBT School Lessons Muslim, Catholic, and Orthodox parents argue that the school board’s ‘no-opt-out’ policy violates their constitutional rights. The attempt to normalize deviancy should not be part of the education of young people.  Parents should have control over this "education."

Gender dysphoria on the decline?

 American Action News: In a refreshing return to common sense, the latest poll from the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) reveals an increasing majority of Americans — a resounding 65% — affirm the long-standing belief in the gender binary: male and female. This is a marked rise from 2021’s 59%, proving that traditional perspectives on gender aren’t going extinct. This resurgence of support isn’t isolated to one party, with both Republicans and Democrats moving towards favoring the binary view. A tremendous 90% of Republicans now stand firm on the binary, with a surprising 44% of Democrats joining them, up from 38% just two years ago. Independents are also on board, with 66% nodding to the two-gender view. Among generations, Gen Z stands out with a significant turnaround from a 43% endorsement of the binary to a 57% endorsement within two years. On the education front, a telling 34% of Americans oppose teaching same-sex relationships in schools, signifying that the push for...

California grooming preschoolers

 Fox News: The California Department of Education’s recommended reading list promotes books for kindergartners about students transitioning, and for high schoolers about students kneeling during the national anthem. The recommended reading list is housed in the "curriculum and instruction resources" section of the California Department of Education's website , suggesting dozens of books for each age group. "Call me Max," a book listed as being appropriate for grades K-2, is about a student who "lets his teacher know that he wants to be called by a boy’s name." In the book, narrated by Max, he raises his hand when his teacher called his name on the first day of school. "I wondered if she thought my name didn't make sense for me. I felt that way too," the book reads. It also describes Max deciding which bathroom to use. "When I went to the store with my dad, I went to the bathroom with him. When I went to the store with my mom, I we...