
Showing posts with the label FCC

FCC abuse

  ALEX @ajtourville · 21h FCC revokes a Starlink grant for 642,925 rural families FCC fast-tracks acquisition of 200+ radio stations by Soros Who does the @FCC work for? I use Starlink and it is vastly superior to other available carriers.  I highly recommend it. I can see no rational reason for the FCC's action.  It looks like a political hit by the Biden-Harris administration for Musk's support of Trump. See also: Clarice Feldman Favorites    ·  o e p d t o S s r n i u m 2 i u 4 i u f i 1 a h 0 9 c 2 1 f u h a 7 2 4 l i 3 u g 6 3 3 2 4 0 t 6 8 u 0 i 1 g c t 9 0 a    ·  30 STARLINKS have just arrived by plane in Western North Carolina! This is HUGE! And NC State Highway Patrol is now giving us a POLICE ESCORT to deliver ten of them to rural towns outside of Asheville and reconnect them! THANK YOU @ryanhallyall , @TheShawnHendrix , and @YALLITSCHAN for making this happen! WE’RE RECONNECTING W NC!!! All reactions: 158 You, Charles Waldie,...

Biden administration targets Musk, hits rural America

 David Strom: Elon Musk’s business prospects changed on May 18, 2022. On that day he Tweeted this: In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party. But they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican. Now, watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold … 🍿 — Elon Musk (@elonmusk)  May 18, 2022 Of course, Musk had already dented his reputation with Democrats and created the conditions under which the Democrats would decide to destroy him earlier, especially when he made his bid to buy Twitter the previous month. By declaring war on the censorship complex Musk put a huge target on his back. As predicted, the dirty tricks campaign did indeed begin almost immediately. Federal agencies demonstrated a newfound…diligence…in their mission to regulate Musk’s companies. One could almost say that the government was weaponized against him, although suggesting anything so crude would be called a c...

Biden nominates censor to FCC

 Washington Examiner: A left-wing Federal Communications Commission nominee who would be poised to implement President Joe Biden's telecommunications and technology agenda faced intense criticism from Republicans during a Senate hearing Wednesday. Senate Republicans strongly oppose Democrat Gigi Sohn’s confirmation, criticizing her as a left-wing ideologue who would favor heavy-handed regulation, as a threat to  censor  conservative speech, and for her alleged conflicts of interest. Sohn would be the third Democrat on the commission, a five-member agency in charge of regulating the TV, radio, and telecommunications industries, along with ensuring broadband internet access. “Gigi Sohn is not fit to serve at the FCC,” Republican Sen. John Thune of South Dakota said Wednesday. “She has deceived senators about business conflicts, recused herself from certain FCC matters, and called conservative outlets ‘state-sponsored propaganda.'” Republicans have called into question Sohn'...

Biden picks someone hostile to conservative speech for FCC

 Washington Free Beacon: Republicans on Wednesday slammed President Joe Biden's latest nominee to the Federal Communications Commission for her history of attacking right-wing speech. Members of the Senate Commerce Committee tore into Gigi Sohn for what Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) called "a history of antipathy toward conservative views." Sohn has called for the shuttering of right-wing networks repeatedly throughout her career and advocated for increased federal oversight of right-wing broadcasters. Sen. Dan Sullivan (R., Alaska) said these views "completely disqualify" Sohn from public office. Sohn, who Biden tapped to serve on the FCC last month, has gained unlikely allies in her nomination fight. Conservative stations Newsmax and One America News Network have both endorsed Sohn, who they believe will give them a competitive advantage over Fox News. Sohn has a history of opposing Fox, which she has called a danger to democracy. Sohn twice called attention to t...