Image via Wikipedia Melinda Henneberger: When at least four possible presidential contenders – Govs. Haley Barbour , Bobby Jindal , Tim Pawlenty and Mitch Daniels -- shared a stage at the Republican Governors Association conference Thursday morning, along with Bob McDonnell and Chris Christie , who do you think was the standout? Yes, Barbour's every word is quotable, Daniels has sewn up the David Brooks primary, and no one can say that Pawlenty doesn't present well. But if you read Politics Daily 's Jill Lawrence, you might not be surprised to learn that it was Christie who got the most applause and laughs from the crowd. What new governors can't understand, he said, is that "I don't care if you had a Democrat or a Republican before you,'' you will still be up against the same "it's never been done that way'' mindset. He told governors-elect that their own political advisers will tell them, "Let's not kick anybody yo...