
Showing posts with the label Refugees

Biden's border blunder in Poland

  Daily Mail: Biden bizarrely compares Poland taking in two million Ukrainian refugees fleeing the Russian invasion to the crisis at America's southern border during meeting with Polish President The people coming to Poland are fleeing for their lives, not looking for a job or handouts. 

Trump's refugee policy increases access to Christians fleeing Muslim persecution

Washington Times: President Trump , in just eight months in office, has succeeded in upending U.S. refugee policy, cutting by more than half the 110,000-refugee target that the Obama administration had bequeathed him and dramatically shifting the demographics of who is accepted. Gone is President Obama’s overwhelming focus on Muslims, and particularly on Syrians fleeing a civil war that his administration facilitated. Under Mr. Trump , the rate of Syrian refugees has been cut by more than 80 percent, and Christians have overtaken Muslims in total refugees resettled. “It’s impossible to escape the clear message that there’s a new sheriff in town,” said Matthew O'Brien , research director at the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which advocates for stricter refugee controls. ... As of Tuesday afternoon, with four days left in the fiscal year, the government had admitted slightly more than 53,000 refugees — less than half of Mr. Obama’s goal but slightly more than M...

Radical leftist and radical Islamist conspire to create European refugee crisis

American Spectator: ... A new book by Christopher Deliso, Migration, Terrorism, and the Future of a Divided Europe (Praeger, 2017), piles fact upon fact to show the massive movement of Middle Eastern and African people into Europe was no cataclysmic wartime event. It was a deliberate and avoidable phenomenon facilitated by the Turkish government, globalists — including, prominently, George Soros and European Union (EU) leadership — and criminals. The result is a perilous ongoing security threat to the West. Turkish president Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan was “generous” toward refugees from a crisis he helped foment: Some three million Syrians displaced by the Islamic State’s violence found sanctuary in Turkey, living in camps managed by the United Nations or on their own around the country. But Erdogan banned refugees from taking permanent residence or working (until last year), which created economic pressure as the Syrian war dragged on. A study in 2015 co-sponsored by the International Fe...

The Obama administration just made it harder to vet Syrian refugees

Washington Examiner: Expert: Administration tips Syrian 'refugees' to scrub Facebook to get into U.S. ... But the testimony from the administration before Congress is being mocked and criticized by experts who said that by announcing the new program, the government is basically warning terrorists and criminals eager to enter the U.S. to scrub their social media. ... This will be made easier for the Syrian refugees passing through Europe which ahs imposed a "right to be forgotten" on Google and others making it easier for them to scrub their background.  The privacy wackos are the terrorists' best friend.

Socialism makes country militarily weaker

Alert 5: Swedish Air Force has no money to send Gripens to fight against ISIL: leaked documents They must be spending a lot on taking care of refugees who are raping Swedish women.

Why does it take so long to do the obvious?

NY Times: NATO to Deploy Ships to Intercept Migrant Smugglers The move to send warships to the Aegean Sea is an attempt to stop smugglers moving migrants from Turkey to Greece, the military alliance’s secretary general said on Thursday. It appears that the alliance lacks decisive leadership.  This should have been done before there were a million regugess invading Europe.  Europe is still slow to deal with the invasion from a failed culture of mostly Muslims.  Gangs of Muslim migrants have made life hell for many Europeans, and the leaders of the countries are so wrapped up in political correctness that they seem incapable of defending their own people.

Human rights wackos force Brits to take in more refugees

Telegraph: Human rights court ruling could force UK to admit 90,000 refugees Landmark judgment threatens chaos in British asylum system as court decides that four Syrian migrants should be brought to the UK from 'The Jungle' because of their right to family life These are the same courts that from time to time refuse to allow deportation of terrorist suspects and force the government to give them welfare and luxury housing.  It is one reason why it would make sense for the UK to abandon the EU.

Democrats do not want to require administration to certify that Syrian, Iraqi refugees aren't terrorists

Washington Times: Brushing aside new fears over terrorists exploiting the refugee program, Senate Democrats on Wednesday successfully defended President Obama’s call to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees this year, saying the U.S. has an obligation to help the weak and needy. Republicans had hoped to impose new security checks on the program by requiring Mr. Obama’s FBI, Homeland Security and intelligence chiefs to certify every refugee, saying those security officials needed to be on record if the country was going to expand its program. But Democrats filibustered the plan, leaving Republicans five votes shy of the 60 needed to move forward, and leaving Mr. Obama a free hand to run the program as he wants. ... The Senate defeat was a stunning reversal for the bill, which cleared the House with overwhelming bipartisan support late last year. The House vote was even enough to override an Obama veto. ... If any terrorist who gets in through this program and kills Americans their vic...

Terrorist using stolen passports in Europe

Independent: Germany manhunt for 12 people who entered country on same stolen passports as Paris attackers At least two of the men who are believed to have carried out the attack on the French capital remain on the run This is more evidence that the vetting process on Syrian refugees is a serious problem that should be addressed before more are allowed in.