Durbin the DACA killer

Washington Times:
President Trump on Monday slammed Senate Minority Whip Richard J. Durbin for sabotaging the DACA deal and causing a possible government shutdown this week.

“Senator Dicky Durbin totally misrepresented what was said at the DACA meeting. Deals can’t get made when there is no trust! Durbin blew DACA and is hurting our Military,” the president wrote on Twitter.
Durbin also said that using the term "chain migration" was offensive to blacks, but here is his using it on the Senate floor.

John Steele Gordon says the blame lies with Durbin and teh Democrats for killing the deal.
So where does the blame fall in this tempest in a teapot? President Trump, if he used the word, should have known that Senator Durbin might exploit it politically by violating the president’s privacy, as he has done often before. Durbin could rely on the Democrats-with-bylines in the media to carry the ball from there. Unfortunately, no one can accuse President Trump of ever choosing his words carefully. But the president is guilty, if guilty at all, of a slip of the tongue.

The blame, therefore, lies almost entirely with Senator Durbin. If President Trump didn’t use the word, then Senator Durbin is a liar. If he did use it, then Durbin violated Trump’s reasonable expectation of privacy. And, for purely partisan political purposes, cavalierly injured the United States, damaging its foreign relations, despite having sworn to bear true faith and allegiance to the United States.
Durbin is an example of a guy who puts party ahead of country.

BTW, Durbin has been accused of colluding with CNN on the slander.


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