Friday morning we went up the
Clyde Mountain and into Canberra
The weather was wet......cold......bleak
even some melted snow I spotted
but that didn't deter this group of girls from catching up!
This bunch of schoolfriend gals have been friends since we were under 10 years old
And a couple of us since babies......Hi Kerrie!!!!!!
In the pice above is and Kathryn
And what did we do
We ate......talked......laughed
The next day we did it all over again
Started off with Breakfast
Of course I stopped when I saw this sign P A R I S
You Son had offered me a trip to New Zealand next year for my B I G birthday
and then also gave me the choice of ~P A R I S~
Holey Dooley!!!!!!!!!!!!
Where to start????????
First up the obvious.......yes of course, let's pack!!!!!
Then the reality......what to do with JoJo
There is no centre based respite here
Perhaps she can go to DS and be helped by his Partner's Mum
but they have full time jobs...
So much to think about
It may not even happen at this stage due to the logistics of it all
but then again I can keep dreaming......can't I?
If you look at my side bar the
essay by
Emily Percy Kingsley (a Mum of a child with a disability) describes it all beautifully!!!
Emily Perl Kingsley is a writer who joined the Sesame Street team in 1970 and has been writing for the show ever since.
Her son Jason Kingsley was born with Down Syndrome in 1974. Her experiences with Jason inspired her to include people with disabilities into the Sesame Street cast, including an actress who uses a wheelchair, Tarah Schaeffer, and even Jason himself. Jason's story was the topic of an hour-long NBC television special in 1977, titled "This Is My Son," and with co-author Mitchell Levitz, Jason wrote the book "Count Us In: Growing Up With Down Syndrome."
source ~Wikipedia~
Back to Provincial
a white dresser for crockery
the same in black
and then timber
We went back to our room and sipped some bubbly with strawberries
Went out again
and ate some more
Sunday saw us off to the fabulous
Kingston Markets where I had a Hot Spiced Apple Cider
Yep, that's right......more eating......Breakfast
lots of wool on sale
Mr Armchair and JoJo came to pick me up
and of course trust JoJo to find the musician playing at the Markets
Thanks so much Gavin for your time and we love your CD!!!!!
Now back to the real world for me
A one where people our age are contemplating retiring/kicking back/travelling
we are still doing bedtime and bathtime
Having said that we wouldn't have it any other way as JoJo teaches us so much and continues to do so
And like Emily says in her
There are also beautiful things in Our World!