This blog is all about me......I come here for respite in between caring for JoJo (our Daughter who has Special Needs)......I am addicted to starting new projects......I am becoming a fabric-a-holic... I love to try out recipes... take a beach walk and breathe in that salty blue to have coffee...sip a glass of a book......I am Queen of the Armchair and am inspired by all the wonderful blogs out there!!!
Showing posts with label Wool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wool. Show all posts

Saturday, August 1, 2015

~OPAM...One Project A Month, July 2015

Two small items for OPAM this month
One is a headband from Patons Jet Yarn
saw this yarn a year or so ago and just had to have it due to the lovely soft smoky colours

Two nights and it's all knitted up

Must be headband month
This one is a fat quarter from French General fabric
Gotta love my  headbands!!!

Thank you so much Sweet Peg and Kris for hosting OPAM this month
So love participating in this!!!

And a special Get Well to Sweet Peg!!!

Happy Sewing

Love Dzintra xo

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

~Braidwood Maker's Market~

Lots of twine from Michelle at material drawer

Yarn from Helen at Waratah Fibres

 Margaret spinning......
all at Braidwood Maker's Market hosted by the gorgeous Jen from Little Finch at Braidwood

I met a delightful French lady........Isabelle from La Source
Isabelle had on display her new 'Braidwood' cards

 a tea towel I had to have......

Tags from material drawer

and OMG this made me   *S T O P*
A Hogwarts sign by Anna at swallowtail

Aren't these signs just fabulous!!!

Headbands for the little misses

 Hair accessories

the most beautiful music

and here's my beautiful sign at home
the first package I opened
all set to join my Harry Potter collection......

A great Market Jen.......just fabulous quality hand made items
Looking forward to the next one

See you then......Dzintra xo

Monday, March 4, 2013

~ Vale - Inesa ~

It is with great sadness that I write this post...
My Friend from Orange, Inesa, has passed away...
Even though I haven't seen her for a few years I did think of her often

I first met her at The Owl's House.......a lovely little Sewing Shop in Bathurst back in the 1990's when I heard her say her name to the shopowner and of course it caught my ear as it was a Latvian name......
We started chatting there and then and I regularly saw her while we lived in Bathurst at that time...

Inesa was a very talented Craftslady and I remember when she bought her knitting machine and made me some woolen track pants......
Above is a pic of one of the trackies with her Nifty Label on it....

and here are both pairs......

For my 40th birthday she bought me these pottery items above
How treasured all these things are to me now as I don't have a photo of Inesa handy
I think I have one in a box somewhere
If I ever do come across one I will post it up

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind always be at your back

May the sun shine warm upon your face
And rains fall soft upon your fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of His hand

Inesa leaves behind her Husband Paddy, Amanda, Kevin and Aimee

Rest In Peace dear Inesa......I will miss you
Love Ingrid  xoxoxoxoxoxox
 (as she knew me before I started to use my Latvian name)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

~Some Stitching...Wool...a Carnival and a Book~

I haven't really done much stitching at all this January but I thought I would try out the addictive thread catchers that a lot of people are doing throughout blogland....I made 2 and they are certainly contagious!!!  I've cut out another 4....

Even tried out a fancy stitch on the top of one...

During the month I washed some homespun wool my Son and partner bought back from Argentina for me...

Mr Armchair took JoJo to a local carnival for a ferris wheel ride and they saw a Fairground Organ there...

Here she is on the top of the wheel

Looking at north over Corrigans Beach

I received this book and I'm soooooo looking forward to starting it and seeing Mr Lincoln the film when it starts...

On the knee front I've had accupuncture and am amazed at the result
My friend had some too and she's amazed
Can we be lucky a 3rd Son goes today

Now I better get my act together and do those threadcatchers for OPAM (One Project A Month) which I have joined again this year
OPAM is hosted by Peg and Kris and there is still space to join...

Happy Stitching......can it be February already?!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

~Girls Days/Nights Out~or It's All About The Food and ~P A R I S~

Friday morning we went up the Clyde Mountain and into Canberra
The weather was wet......cold......bleak

even some melted snow I spotted

but that didn't deter this group of girls from catching up!
This bunch of schoolfriend gals have been friends since we were under 10 years old
And a couple of us since babies......Hi Kerrie!!!!!!
In the pice above is and Kathryn

And what did we do
We ate......talked......laughed

The next day we did it all over again 

Started off with Breakfast

Went shopping at Canberra DFO (Direct Factory Outlets) and I happened upon Provincial 

Of course I stopped when I saw this sign P A R I S
You Son had offered me a trip to New Zealand next year for my B I G birthday
and then also gave me the choice of  ~P A R I S~
Holey Dooley!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where to start????????
First up the obvious.......yes of course, let's pack!!!!!
Then the reality......what to do with JoJo

There is no centre based respite here
Perhaps she can go to DS and be helped by his Partner's Mum
but they have full time jobs...
So much to think about
It may not even happen at this stage due to the logistics of it all
but then again I can keep dreaming......can't I?

If you look at my side bar the essay by Emily Percy Kingsley (a Mum of a child with a disability) describes it all beautifully!!!

Emily Perl Kingsley is a writer who joined the Sesame Street team in 1970 and has been writing for the show ever since.

Her son Jason Kingsley was born with Down Syndrome in 1974.  Her experiences with Jason inspired her to include people with disabilities into the Sesame Street cast, including an actress who uses a wheelchair, Tarah Schaeffer, and even Jason himself. Jason's story was the topic of an hour-long NBC television special in 1977, titled "This Is My Son," and with co-author Mitchell Levitz, Jason wrote the book "Count Us In: Growing Up With Down Syndrome."

source ~Wikipedia~

Back to Provincial
a white dresser for crockery

the same in black

and then timber

We went back to our room and sipped some bubbly with strawberries

Went out again

and ate some more

Sunday saw us off to the fabulous Kingston Markets where I had a Hot Spiced Apple Cider

Check out the size of the Cinnamon Bark for the Hot Mulled Wine

Yep, that's right......more eating......Breakfast

lots of wool on sale

Got talking to the lady of this gorgeous stall Provencal Chic

Check out these gluten-free Florentines made by Divine & Delicious

Mr Armchair and JoJo came to pick me up  
and of course trust JoJo to find the musician playing at the Markets
Jazz Latin Guitarist Gavin Rene Libotte from Urban Gypsies
Thanks so much Gavin for your time and we love your CD!!!!!

Now back to the real world for me
A one where people our age are contemplating retiring/kicking back/travelling
we are still doing bedtime and bathtime
 Having said that we wouldn't have it any other way as JoJo teaches us so much and continues to do so

And like Emily says in her essay
There are also beautiful things in Our World!

Welcome To My World

Hello, my name is Dzintra Ingrid ... have been known as Ingrid and since our Sea Change I have started to use Dzintra ... pronounced without the D ... (but still known as Ingrid, I know, it's confusing ...)

Welcome to my world ... a journal of our Sea Change ... Mum to three wonderful children ... bringing up a daughter with a disability and seeing life through her eyes ... being a new Nanna ... photos ... inspiring quotes ... taking on a cookery course ... the odd recipe ... and trying to get some stitching done amongst all this ...